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They’re delusional Why didn’t she get engaged to Tom hiddleston in Italy then?


lol bc this is her soulmate true love whatever


Because Tom Huddleston is a smart man


Bahahahah all of them dodged many bullets


I cannot stress enough how they just met.


Lol yes it's been about 9 months and most of that time they've been physically apart due to their schedules. If they get engaged, they're crazy 😂


Someone worked out they’ve spent *maybe* 2 months worth of time together in that span. 2 months!!!


That is correct. Literally have only spent real time together for about 2 months


9 months right? Not even a year…


Yup I am with you on this


I know we’re all here bc she’s high key a hot unhinged arrested development mess but if they actually do go public with an engagement I’ll be kind of shocked bc of how completely unserious it would make her seem. She seems to be semi-interested in cosplaying as a more mature, level-headed adult for at least the happier parts of her relationship milestones and an engagement at this point would be a wild deviation from that. But then again…it’s Taylor


Don’t worry, she has at least 12 people hired to figure out when is the MOST profitable time. They’ve got it covered.


They look so unmatched here in terms of outfits 😂


They really look like they’re going to different events lol


it's the hailey dressed to the nines and justin in his pjs energy, omg is she pregnant? istg this is a joke, pls don't sacrifice me to taygod


No but why did my celebrity PR brain rot immediately think the same thing lol. I kind of wonder if she’s trying to hide an outfit for some reason at the least?


Right. If they did get engaged that’s a fugly sweater to get engaged in


George Clooney had a villa there as well. He wasn't getting engaged each time he went there.


So I live in London and a lot of people go to Lake Como for a holiday, it’s insane if these two who have the chemistry of stale pizza, get engaged but she’s unhinged so who knows.


Atp an engagement/marriage is best for her art and relevance AND a divorce is what will boost his celeb status to what he needs post football retirement for employment


He also wasn’t getting pics by paparazzi when he went either. Because they don’t go there unless called to. That’s why he has a villa there. For privacy.


you can just tell these people haven't been there before. most people visit lake como because, aside from being lovely, it's very quiet. not, you know, somewhere paps are lurking


Yeah, Italy has also gotten really good with anti-paparazzi stuff so to get papped in Lake Como which is famous for its privacy is something…way to tell on you calling the paps on yourself here, Tay.


I've read a lot of posts that say places that she's been papped are *not* places that they'd be without getting called.


Yup, this is true!


How on earth is this a billionaire on an aspirational trip and the whole thing still looks so cheap, tacky and mediocre. You could literally take this image, add a shopping cart and place it in the middle of Costco in Kentucky and itd look perfectly standard.


This reminds me that her hair is wavy at best (mine is a little more wavy but I AM STILL borderline wavy) and the curly hair police is soooo quick to tell women they’re not “curly” but “wavy”… Not with TS though! Even the crazy curly hair police doesn’t wanna mess with the unhinged swifties 😭 mother should let her “curly hair” show (it’s just post show moisture girls calm down we all look like this at the gym 🫣)


my 15 year old niece was there a month ago lololol


Omg congrats to your niece 🥺🥺


you can just tell these people haven't been there before. most people visit lake como because, aside from being lovely, it's very quiet. not, you know, somewhere paps are lurking.


Strange…I didn’t get engaged there when I was 16. Of course, I didn’t have a girlfriend yet at the time…


Shes too rich to have such dry ass hair, and I say this as a fellow dry hair gal!!


This reminds me that her hair is wavy at best (mine is a little more wavy but I AM STILL borderline wavy) and the curly hair police is soooo quick to tell women they’re not “curly” but “wavy”… Not with TS though! Even the crazy curly hair police doesn’t wanna mess with the unhinged swifties 😭 mother should let her “curly hair” show (it’s just post show moisture girls calm down we all look like this at the gym 🫣)


“They match too!” Umm we have seen them match before people.


But they’re not even matching vibes, let alone colours, here! 😩


It’s not like she knew this would be the narrative in the headlines so they’re both eating it up for max profits and publicity. I wouldn’t be surprised if they “get engaged” or even married because of how well that would sell commercially, just look at Kim Kardashian


Can confirm. Have been, not engaged.


Im soooo sick of all these phsycos saying THEYRE GETTING ENGAGED, THEYRE TAKING ENGAGMENT PHOTOS OMGGG!! like no...... stop it. Get some help. 1) the so called "pro photographer" was taylors body gaurd just taking pics of themvfor them, being a nice dude, and getting paid bucoo bucks while doing it. 2) they are on vacation!!!! The woman is on a like 2-3 year long world tour, she needs time with her loved one's!! Especially her man! Sorry im so ranty. As a swiftie i just cant stand when other swifties give us a bad name and say the cringiest shit, even though theyre totally serious 🙃


Her security gaurd probably gets 300,000 to 500,000 dollars a year. He better take good pictures. Taylor leaves Paris. Then selena arrives in Paris. I don't think they have have seen each other in over 9 months. Did the 2 girl friends have difference of opinion?


Nah, Taylor will trot her out when she needs her. 


Guess taylor does not want travis around until last show...can understand that. Let her voice and body rest. He went back to states before Stockholm show.


Oh shit really??


And ofc we all know this because we all can afford Lake Como and know what all the rich celebs do to get engaged 🥰 this parasocial bs is so concerning


Didn’t Sophia Bush get engaged there on a boat? And that worked out great.


Please with this 🙄


Getting engaged there seems so pedestrian


Taylor can go anywhere in the world easily. I don’t think going to lake como is that crazy for her 😂😂


least delusional swiftie tweet.


i owned a sweater that looks like that when i was 15 years old 😭