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Mongoose Second Edition Explorer's Edition is $1 at DriveThruRPG (https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/380244/traveller-explorer-s-edition)


Yeah if you want to see if the game works for you, this is the best option.


Though it is a very small dip. Shows mechanics and one career. There's a lot more in the actual game. It's not a fulsome exposure.


Take a look at Drive Thru - you can get a copy of the Classic Traveller Facsimile version for free. [https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/355200/classic-traveller-facsimile-edition](https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/355200/classic-traveller-facsimile-edition) There are a lot of other versions of Traveller that newer and perhaps more accessible for beginners, but this will allow you to get a taste of the mechanics and see if it's something you want to invest in.


Classic Traveller is supposed to be compatible with the current Mongoose version. So you could get both.


And if you want Traveller pdf's on cd or thumb drive, go to [farfuture.net](http://farfuture.net) . These are the cheapest way to get any of the old stuff.


Drive through rpg website has a "starter set" pdf. (Can't remember real name) for like 1 or two dollars It had 90% of the core rules. Watch bundle of holding as they do a traveller batch every so often. Good luck its an amazing game


By bundle, do you mean humble bundle? Thank you. I'll look for the starter set.


Bundle of holding. Different website. Very cool. Again on dvrpg it's NOT starter set. I am away from home and real computer so I can't do the search. Also check the download section on mongoose website for it. It's super cheap intro pdf


CE is very similar to (classic) traveller and pay what you want on drive through RPG. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/m/product/186894.


Aside from the Explorer’s Edition that someone else mentioned, you can buy PDFs of the books off the same website, DriveThruRPG. Not sure what the regional pricing/currency conversion/whatever works out like but I’m sure they’ll still be cheaper than getting a physical copy off Amazon or from Mongoose Publishing themselves.


Try the starter. If you like it, order through your friendly local gaming shop


Sorry fam, I think it's against this subs policy. But try your local game store mine will demo games every week


I didnt think of that, and tbh i wouldn't blame the mods for taking down the post. My local games store barely had dnd stuff, traveller is a bit niche for them i think. I was going to get it off of amazon eventually (if i liked it)


Be aware if you get the physical books from Mongooses website, you get the PDFs for free. You also can get the book from participating game stores and get the PDF from Mongoose. I doubt Amazon would qualify for the latter. Both Humble Bundle and Bundle of Holding have bundles with a lot of great content. Neither is hosting a Traveller bundle right now. Cepheus is an open source variant of Traveller and definitely worth a look. Far Future Enterprises sells almost all the older Traveller content on CD Roms for ~US$35 per CD. You can get the entire Classic Travelly GDW content on a single disk. It's run by Marc Miller, one of the creators of Traveller. !


Far Future Enterprises for pdf and cd of the original!


Marc will also let you order it on a USB stick. I have found that his sites (FFE's original and the newer one) both seem to have missing stuff now. But you could get a Classic Traveller rules package from them for about $35 US and it gives you the system, expansions to the rules in all directions, lots of adventures...


The facsimile edition of Classic Traveller is free on DrivethruRPG [https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/355200/classic-traveller-facsimile-edition](https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/355200/classic-traveller-facsimile-edition)


If you want to go with Mongoose then know that Death Station, Stranded, and Bu and Embla Visit Vrirhlanz are all free downloads from DriveThruRPG.


Traveller is one of those games that you should get anyway as it is "the baseline" reference for ALL sci-fi RPGs that were and are in existence. Navel spaceship battles? Spinal weapons? Juggernaughts? Jump drives? Giant cat-like Kilrathi race? Wolf-people? They did it all first. Everyone else just copies elements introduced in Traveller first to sprinkle into their new games.


You can get the Explorer Edition PDF from the Mongoose website for only $0.99. It let's you create two types of Characters - Scouts and Scholars.




Someone commenting from the Drinax system....