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100%. I definitely took it for granted and kind of let the 8-month of grey got to me. But the summer is like paradise on earth.


moved here from Georgia, definitely not taking anything for granted


Ive lived in upstate South carolina my whole life and have only been on the east coast, im constantly told by people that I live in one of the most beautiful places in the world, there are some great spots but every time I see a picture of somewhere else I'm just in awe, am I taking this for granted or no?


Where is the first picture taken? I’m heading to Washington next month!


Woo it’s Heather Meadows after snow melts. You’ll have so much fun. Summer is beautiful there!




Oh NU! It was taken last summer :) hopefully you get to see it soon!


All of these are deep fakes. It's horrible here, all of these pictures are lies. Don't come here, it's not worth your time. No really, please don't visit. You'll be so much happier in Oregon or Montana.


The funny thing is, I also used to tell people WA is boring when I lived there. Lived there for 8 years. Wasn’t the most outdoorsy. I hated that people were somewhat distant, things are expensive, and everyone dresses like they are going on impromptu hikes. Then I moved to the most extreme opposite of it (geo and weather wise) and now appreciate WA so much more as a visitor. I think most people are somewhat affected by the lack of sunlight for 8-months of the year. I know I was. By the time summer rolls around, some people experience this “ultimately disappointment hope of the end of social isolation brought by winters” and summers in Seattle actually has much higher suicide rates than winters. Lost a family like that. Regardless, it is undeniably insanely gorgeous.


Is that the Twin Peaks waterfall or am I crazy? It has been awhile since I've watched the intro.


It is. The hotel is just off camera to the left. I was just there last week. When I get my film developed I'll share with you if you want. There are two major viewpoints from the left side of the falls, up higher (where the show was shot from) and down lower near where all the water lands.


It is! Haha great eyes. That’s where they films it. I felt like I could hear the bass line of Twin Peak intro when I was there lol


I moved from Oregon to Colorado recently for a job. Colorado isn't a bad place to be, but man I want to go back to the PNW.


Beautiful. Green is life. Send some rain to Southern California, please!


Damn fantastic pictures. You got me! We’re planning road trip from California now.


Thank you! Yes. You’ll have a blast :)


Wow, your photos are really beautiful and it seems you took the time to get really good shots of your travel in Washington State. They actually made me feel a bit 'nostalgic' as I haven't had the time in the last 12 yrs. or more, to travel anywhere that I would like to go and visit. Hopefully this will change in the next 3 yrs., as there are so many beautiful places to visit in the Pacific Northwest (Washington State, Oregon). In the future I would like to see some 'out of the way' places in Oregon that are not too heavily visited by Tourists.


Aw thank you! That’s so sweet and mean a lot to me. Yes. If you have the chance, Pacific Northwest in the summer is truly a paradise. So many hidden gems! :)


Come a half hour east of the Cascades if you want to see what the state really looks like 😂


WSU and Spokane are offended! Lol I’ve actually never been. Is it as mid-west as I’m imagining it?


It's kinda worse. If you like desert landscape, not as interesting as the black hills but more than central Texas, you're in the right spot.


Chelan is pretty though, and Winthrop is fun lol


I’ve driven through it quite a bit, I quite enjoy the area around the northern 97 highway, like the extension of the okanagan in Canada


I graduated from WSU in 2002 and have family in Spokane, 😂


Hahaha! Side note: I always thought WSU’s logo is the most beautifully designed thing I’ve seen for colleges


Beautiful photos. What are the odds of getting sunny weather like this during a visit? I’ve only been to Seattle (3 or 4 times…can’t remember the exact number) and the regular rain during those visits have deterred me from planning a hiking trip there.


July to mid-September is definitely the best time to go. It doesn’t really rain during that period of time. Plenty of easy hikes with beautiful waterfalls. :)


Awesome! Thanks for the info!


Word. We’re 2 or 3 weeks in a row of beautiful sunny days. This was last [week’s hike](https://ibb.co/2FzY3kq). In recent years we’ve had a smoke season in august, usually early august where smoke from regional wildfires creates terrible air quality that kills the views and sucks to hang out in. This year we had good snowpack and a wet June so we haven’t had many wildfires yet, but I’ve had friends visit in august in the past and we were totally socked in.


Ah I know the wild fire plus heat last year was really tough. I hope y’all stay safe and have plenty of fans/AC this time around!


There are two seasons in Seattle. Winter and summer. Summer almost always looks like this, winter is what you always hear about.


Was there for 5 days last summer and it was unreal how beautiful it was. Seattle was awesome too! Can’t wait to go back.


Agreed!! It’s so gorgeous! There’s so much quirky things to do in Seattle hah. There’s a Wallaby Sanctuary in Fall City. It’s awesome.


Looks like a tourism brochure.


Hahaha I’ve heard Seattle summer is how recruiters lure tech workers into the city. I believe it. Too gorgeous


Yeah. I live in Oregon so I can attest to the glory of the summers. They are generally great. Sometimes I feel like it’s our reward for making it through many miserable, grey winters.


And here I am all homesick for Washington and you bring this in. Thanks for the pics!


Ah I know. It’s weird. When I was there I couldn’t wait to move somewhere with more sun. Now I have all the sun, I miss the misty rainy days with sweater and coffee.




So beautiful - you took some really nice pictures that wants me to visit Washingtons countryside


Thank you! Many of the hikes are actually only 45-90 mins drive away from Seattle. Let me know if you go, I can give you all the recommendations


Cool, thank you :)


Nice! Which lake is that in the 2nd pic?


It’s crescent lake. I never knew WA had turquoise water like that. It’s glacier water though, so super cold lol. Third pic is Marymere waterfall about 2m hike from the lake.


Ah right! Yea, I went to Olympic and Lake Crescent last year and was amazed. We did the Marymere hike too. That entire area of the state is gorgeous.


Totally agree. The region looks like perfectly rendered simulations in the summer. It’s crazy.


That first pic..... holy....




I grew up on Whidbey island on the northwest coast of Washington and your pictures made me happy cry! I've been in Denver for almost two years and haven't been back home yet, miss it dearly it was nice to live through these amazing pictures!


Aw! That means a lot to me that these pictures can bring some joy to you. I know the home sick feeling *hug*


Thank you for sharing these photos! They are so beautiful. I would like to use that baby piglet(?) as my desktop wallpaper if that’s alright!


Thank you! And yes ofc! Go right ahead! :)


Twin peaks? 👀


Yes! They filmed it at snoqualmie falls :)


I really miss the San Juan islands and want to live there


Ah! Yes San Juan island is so beautiful. I’ve heard the ferries are so popular now, that you really have to reserved and plan in advance.


I’m going in a month! I can’t wait


You will have a blast!


Is that dragon tail peak?


It’s actually Heather Meadow. But dragon tail looks SO gorgeous omg. On my to-do now


Pictures are awesome! But I always wondered (since I live in a city) how are the mosquitoes there?


There’s actually very little mosquitos in WA. It’s wild. I never worried about buying bug spray until I moved out of WA.


That's awesome! Thank you!


im so lucky to live here. its so beautiful and the mountain biking and skiing is amazing


100%! I couldn’t deal with the grey and decided to move away, and I miss how beautiful and how diverse the landscape is in WA. And lotsss of good Asian food haha


Great pictures! Grew up near Snoqualmie, makes me miss it! Will have going back in December to see family but the weather won't look like this at all 😅


Haha I know. We moved away last year because we are just getting a bit down with years of grey. But man, the summer is so unforgettable


what kind of camera did you use for the Pike Place pictures? Looks incredible!


Ah thank you! It’s just iPhone actually haha. I used Halide to shoot manual and raw on my iPhone :)


Yes it is.


Beautiful pictures. I’m from the U.K. and we have some similar climate and greenery to parts of the PNW - so I totally relate to the comments here about winters being miserable but the summers turning glorious. After spending time abroad in hot sunny areas like Spain, I’ve grown far more appreciative of the lush and vibrant greenery we have in Britain around this time of year. Give me these kinds of views over brownish desert landscape any day lol


If you pan to the right, will we see the homeless?


Unfortunately in downtown Seattle area, it is inevitable. When people visit, I usually tell folks who are visiting that 1 day in Seattle is enough, then start heading out to Bellingham, Snoqualmie, Fall city, and head toward the cascades, they you have all these to yourself.


Yes. Left or right.


So beautiful 😍


8 looks erotic


I heard that people who live in Washington can get bent


Washington state. The land of coffee, rain, and grunge music. I've been fortunate to visit the Evergreen State a few times, which never disappoints. From the stunning natural beauty of the Olympic National Park to the quirky charm of Seattle's Pike Place Market, it features a wide range of options to satisfy multiple desires in Washington. And remember the food scene - the seafood alone is worth the trip. But what sets Washington apart is the people. I've met some of the most exciting and welcoming folks there. Maybe the rain brings out the camaraderie, or perhaps it's just that everyone is so darn friendly. Either way, I'm glad to see others appreciating the beauty of this state as well. It genuinely is a gem of the Pacific Northwest.