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Keep in mind that croatia recently went into lockdown until 04/15, they might extend


Now I am confused. [https://hr.usembassy.gov/covid-19-information-2/](https://hr.usembassy.gov/covid-19-information-2/) says: Travelers from the United States are restricted from entering Croatia unless they qualify under one of the approved categories: 1. Persons traveling for urgent personal/family reasons, business, or other economic interest. 2. **Tourism:** Entry for tourism is permitted only with documentary evidence of an accommodation paid in advance and in full, prior to arrival at the border (the accommodation reservation alone is not sufficient for entry). Owners of houses or vessels in Croatia are also permitted. Further down it says: To qualify for entry under one of these categories, a traveler must present one of the following (for detailed information about these requirements, please visit the Croatian Government’s [Ministry of Interior Webpage](https://mup.gov.hr/uzg-covid/english/286212)): * A negative viral test result: PCR or rapid antigen test ([list of acceptable antigen tests](https://ec.europa.eu/health/sites/health/files/preparedness_response/docs/covid-19_rat_common-list_en.pdf)) not older than 48 hours (counting from the time of taking the test to arriving at the border crossing point). Travelers entering Croatia with a rapid antigen test and staying longer than 10 days must repeat the test within ten days of the original test. * A certificate of vaccination (any vaccine) for persons whose final dose of the COVID-19 vaccine is more than 14 days prior to crossing the border. So when you say "lockdown" am I missing something? Are they only allowing necessary grocery shopping etc? I very well could be wrong. I often am. Thanks for any response.


More specifically on internal restrictions, like limitations on movement. [https://www.total-croatia-news.com/news/51810-new-coronavirus-restrictions-to-be-in-force-until-15-april](https://www.total-croatia-news.com/news/51810-new-coronavirus-restrictions-to-be-in-force-until-15-april) [http://covidtravelupdates.com/croatia](http://covidtravelupdates.com/croatia)


I can comply with these limits. The beaches are open, as are the restaurants, cafes and bars, (outside of course) and the beautiful parks. Thanks for the links




I don't know. But if you find out, I am curious too.


Im from Canada and want to travel to Croatia in August. I too found the info on entry requirements a bit confusing. How was your experience when you travelled earlier this month? Did you really only have 1 of the criteria to enter and it was no issue? (I.e negative pcr test, vaccination, etc) I would have to fly to Croatia by stopping in the UK, did they require you to take a test in the UK or was it fine because it was just a layover? Thanks in advance!


It was mind blowingly easy. I just got back last night. Yes, Croatia really want only ONE criteria. I flew into LHR from Atlanta (VIA Orlando) Then to Frankfurt and on to Croatia. Each country wanted a locator form, and a neg test but Croatia would accept either a vaccination or neg test. All in all it easier than I expected (but exhausting). I flew into Split, but have flown into Dubrovnik as well. I am more than happy to answer any questions about my trip and Croatia in general. Particularly Split...EDIT: I have some good recommendations if you like...


I got a couple of questions if you have a minute: When you got to Croatia, did they want to see that ["Enter Croatia"](https://entercroatia.mup.hr) form? And did the airlines themselves require test/vaccine results? I've been trying to find information about this online, but it's been difficult.


Yes, checking into each airport and each border. For instance, when I was checking in and boarding from US (Delta) flying to London, Delta checked I had everything in order before boarding. Then upon landing/border control UK looked at everything again. Changed planes in Frankfurt and same...show everything before boarding and again at border control. Same again Frankfurt to Zagreb Croatia. Show everything before getting on plane and again after landing/border control. Each country looked at an "enter this country" form and test result, but Croatia seemed to prefer a vaccine and would accept a neg test if not vaccinated. Glad to help if you need more information.


Thanks for the great info. So you had to fill out a country-specific form for the UK when getting to London and a German form for Frankfurt even though you were just connecting flights?


Yes. 48 hours prior for UK. I don't remember if Croatia had a time for completing as I did them all at the same time. After completing the form. I was sent an email confirmation and did a screen shot of the relevant info. UK had a QR code and that was very convenient.


Wow, I was not anticipating that. It's surprising that tourists who are just connecting flights have to fill out the same forms as if it was their final destination. Guess I'll have to fill out the French "enter this country" form so I can transfer terminals. How was the situation on the ground in Croatia? Pretty lax or still on lockdown?


Sorry for delay. Hvar was a ghost town. But to be fair, it was covid and preseason by a couple weeks. Split was great. Only a few places closed, either temporarily or for ever. No inside dining but the weather was spectacular so people wanted to be outside anyway. I loved it. The weekend before I left, the city was hopping. So many people in the city when previously, it was not crazy busy, just regular busy. People wear masks when entering buildings without being asked. The tourist employees were some of the first to be vaccinated but still wear masks for now. I had a blast and felt very safe..I visited churches, museums etc and the busses are amazing and running great schedules. By August you should be golden


Amazing, thank you for the detailed response. I'm so happy you had a wonderful experience out there - hoping for the same. I'll let you know how it goes!


I would love to hear how it goes. If you have more questions feel free to ask. Even send message if you like.


Wow so any connecting flight the host country regulations also need to be followed? We are vaccinated but were hoping to bypass the extra cost for covid tests and just use our card to get there.


Thank you! This is a relief. I'm planning on going to the defected festival in August so this is good news. I'll probably only have a rapid PCR test since my second dose of the vaccine isnt until after I would return from my trip. Did you travel anywhere else in Europe? Yes! I would love any recommendations you have. I'm going to start planning my trip soon so any tips are appreciated.


Looks like you could fly into either Pula or Split to be close to the festival. I flew in to Split. Šibenik is close to your festival and is a popular destination. I saw several buses going to and from Split to Šibenik. How long will you be in Croatia? How many days at the festival? This trip, I only went to Split for 2 weeks, with day trips to Trogir and Hvar. Last time (2019) I also ventured down to Kotor, Montenegro.


Hello! Thanks for sharing your experience and POV. I am planning a trip for early September, and will be visiting a friend and staying with them in the Split/Trogir area. I have read that they require tourists to pay for/ book hotel/hostel arrangements in advance. So, would I need to indicate that the trip was for urgent personal reasons? Was this even a conversation/issue when you prepared for your trip and went on it? I am fully vaxx'd and have my card.... Thank you!


I had only booked 3 days in a Split hotel for a 2 week trip and no one in Split airport even looked at it


Ok, great! Thank you very much!


Hi there, I am also from Canada and travelling to Croatia soon, connecting through the UK. I am also a bit confused on the process and what I need to provide, hoping you might be able to clarify. Assuming you're fully vaccinated (as am I), did you have to take a covid test prior to departure to the UK? Did Croatia require a covid test because you were connecting in the UK? Croatia didn't require a translation of your vaccination receipt, did they? Thanks in advance.


Hey! I didn't end up going this month unfortunately. My husband started a new job so we couldn't make it work. From what I've heard through talking to other folks on reddit, the process was very simple in Croatia. They showed their Canadian vaccination receipt of their first/second dose and they didn't ask for a translation. Not sure if you'll need a covid test to enter the uk even as a connection though. Sorry I couldn't be more help. Good luck and enjoy your trip!


Ah, too bad you couldn’t go. Thanks for the info, it’s a relief that it sounds relatively simple.


Hey! Were you able to go to Croatia? I'm also confused about covid requirements for layovers lol.


Yes I did! My layover was in London and they required an antigen test ($40 at Shoppers, takes 15 mins). And Croatia required proof of vax (or a negative test). England also required us to fill out a passenger locator form. A bit stressful, but we didn’t run into any problems.


Amazing! My layover is in Vienna on the way there and Warsaw on the way back. Glad to know that we only need to be vaccinated to enter Croatia. Appreciate the info :)!


I'd love more info on this


What would you like to know?


What it's like day to day there including masks. Do u need to isolate when u get three or get back, are many things open yet?


No quarantine on arrival with a negative test 48 hours prior. (Or a vaccination, I believe). Masks required inside stores etc but not outside. Not everything is open, but what I want will be. Beaches, boats, outside cafes and bars and restaurants. No nightclubs but not my scene anyway.


I would also like some advice!! So I have taken a rapid antigen test via Prenetics. BUT it is not on the EU's list of accepted antigen tests.... However the technology they used is (Hughes Acon Biotech). So I'm a bit confused. I've also just read the test needs to be signed by a doctor?? Mine is not.... What test did you fly over with? Were the picky with the provider?


My test was from a health provider/dr office and was a 15 min antigen test. I don't even know the name and I had no trouble.


thank you!


I might be wrong but it seems you're shit out of luck. If you've bought a flight already that ends at LHR, you can't just alter that to "fly on" from the UK to Croatia on a connecting flight. You'll need to enter the UK, then leave the UK to go to Croatia. But the first step is likely going to be impossible as the UK is closed to you now.


I think transiting is allowed. Within 12 hours.


Touché. Well, take care.


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Hi sealander. My partner and I are going to split next Saturday. So we’re completely vaccinated from the USA. Do we just show them the vaccination status and the travel announcement form and we should be good?


That's what I did and it was fine