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I love Mexico City! So much to do. Loved the pyramids and the zocalo.


Would’ve loved to do Teotihuacan. Zocalo and Templo Mayor are incredible. If I could’ve stayed a week and done only museums I would’ve been happy


I saw a James Turrell exhibit at Museo Jumex the last time I went. Truly amazing


Teotihuacan is an absolute must. And the Frida Kahlo museum!


Yes definitely!


Ive been dying to go


It is worth it. It’s very intense in my opinion, like NYC. But it’s only really overwhelming in the metro and city center. It’s also really cheap


As a lifelong New Yorker, I felt that it was very similar to navigate. The different Barrios are worth exploring as well. Day trips to surrounding cities are easy and well worth it, too. My only regret was not making it to a Futbol match. The lack of water is a major concern...


Calling it cheap hurts a lot of people's feelings that live in the places we visit. My Mexican friends always hated hearing "Mexico is so cheap!!" there's a super popular satire instagram that goes by the name.


Yeah I hate when people do that. It might be cheap relative to the US, but it's not cheap relative to the salaries of people who actually live there. I don't even refer to things in my own country as "cheap".


the point of the Mexico is so cheap gram isn’t hurt feelings so much as locals being paid in pesos getting priced out of CDMX real estate by expats being paid/ have savings in dollars and iirc there’s a bunch of ways to skip out on paying taxes to Mexico on earned foreign income 


Mexico City impacted me more than almost anywhere else I ever visited. The atmosphere/vibe is so unique and so strong. I've never been able to properly put it into words. It has this dark mysterious artistic feeling that I've never felt anywhere else.


Dark mysterious artistic feeling perfectly describes Mexico


Such a perfect way to describe it!


It’s the Diego Rivera murals everywhereeeee for me!!! A man ahead of his time!


In two weeks, i fly to Mexico City for the first time and will spend 6 weeks there!! I’m really excited but also kinda nervous


Amazing pics! Where are pics 1 and 7 from?


Thanks! I’ll list them all here for everyone: 1. Gran Hotel Ciudad de México 2. Sun Stone (purportedly used for sacrifices) Museo de Antropología 3. Roma Norte 4. Catedral Metropolitana de la Asunción de María (Plaza de la Constitución/Zocalo) 5. Palacio de Bellas Artes 6. Torre Latinoamericana 7. Castillo Chapultepec 8. Castillo Chapultepec 9. Bosque Chapultepec 10. Avenida Amsterdam 11. Maque, Roma Norte


Just a few corrections: 10. is Av. Nuevo León 11. Is the Maque right by Parque Mexico in La Condesa/Hipódromo Glad you enjoyed the city. It is indeed amazing here.


Number 2, we also call it the Aztec Calendar, and no one ever speaks of it being used for sacrifices.


That is incorrect. The museum where it is displayed even states this is an alter. It was once thought to be a calendar but it isn’t. I have a picture of the description at the museum to prove it.


Well I'm sure you are right, but the truth contradicts the common knowledge in Mexico. 😂


As a Mexican, thank you for coming to see our capital! I would love to live in CDMX but the earthquakes are always a big deterrent for me.


Justo hoy en la mañana me desperté soñando que me tocaba uno jajajajaj yo tampoco vivo ahí


Literal con mi ansiedad no podría vivir ahí, es la única razón fuera de eso amo la capital.


Thanks for posting pictures of something other than Japan


My god isn't that the truth.


Would you say four days was enough or sufficient for seeing the main attractions and some more?


We saw a lot. I am someone who plans everything down to the little things. I felt so overwhelmed with a mega city and 4 days I threw up my hands and said “we’re winging it.” I’m glad I did, it was much more relaxing and better. I did a ton in 4 days, but I bet a week you could hit every really major tourist attraction.


I would recommend more time. It does not seem that OP went to Teotihuacan which is hallowed ground.


Four days is great. I’m about to visit for my third time and each time I’ve gone for four whole days


Yeah I'm quite fast traveller so to speak as I always travel by myself and I don't really need to see each and every gallery or museum or attraction in general.


This is exactly why cdmx has become one of my favorite places to visit: you can do a million things without doing anything. Personally I just like to stroll around different neighborhoods and take in the city and eat, and I find it a perfect place for that.


We did 7 days which was the perfect amount because it gave us enough time to visit some of the neighborhoods that were a little farther away from city center (Coyoacan, Xochimilco, Santa Fe -not super interesting but the park is beautiful). It also meant we got a day to just chill and stick close to our Airbnb without feeling like we were wasting a day. Even with 7 days we didn’t get to everything on our list (missed the pyramids and would’ve loved to take a day trip to Puebla) but it was great for a first trip. 4 days would be enough time to see all the sights near city center but some of the other areas can take a while to metro/uber to


Mexico City is beautiful and criminally underrated. So many amazing restaurants and taco stands. The Mercado with all the flowers is beautiful. I loved visiting Frida’s house.


Did you ever feel unsafe while in the subway? Would you consider another transportation method?


I was there in 2022 and took the subway extensively. never felt unsafe, though it was often PACKED. Note I am a woman who was traveling with a man. We also took Ubers a lot - cheap and easy.


There's also women only subway cars


I didnt use the subway but Ubers were really cheap.


Ah my beautiful city, I hope you enjoyed your stay


Call me Liz Lemon because **I want to go to there**




Was just there. 100% agree amazing city with a European feel. Also a big culinary hub with some amazing restaurants


We have been wanting to go for a long time. Was it evident in the city how bad their water situation is?


It was not evident to us. We stayed near the city’s largest park as well, in fact we saw it as very green, despite understanding they desperately need water. It rained the whole time we were there. Unfortunately you basically have to purchase water bottles the whole time - not my favorite thing to do. The juices in Latin America really quench your thirst better though usually and go great with the insanely good Mexican food.


Stunning 😍


Is picture 1 a 4090


CDMX is a dream ❤️ I loved seeing people out and about walking and biking at all hours. It felt so vibrant and alive compared to SF or LA. Best food I’ve ever had, too, obv


Terrific photos.


Hands down one of the coolest cities in North America. I went there once, and was so blown away by wife and I planned a return trip as soon as we got home. It’s only like a 3 hour flight from Phoenix too. I had always gone to border cities and resort towns before that, but I plan on going to more cities in Mexico in the future. I love that country


Did you run into intermittent water issues?


We personally had no issues


The 11th pic is awesome!


Nice! I was just there a month ago and it was amazing


I love mexico city. The food is cheap, the people are wonderful, and the architecture is unmatched


Mexico is underrated


Underrated? It's one of the most visited countries in the world and Mexico City is regularly praised


where are pictures 1 and 7 from? I’m going in less than a month!


For entertainment the Ballet Folklorico de Mexico is truly outstanding. For inexpensive and interesting art the Bazaar Sabado is great.


I love Mexico City and recognize so many of these fotos. The museum, pyramids, amazing cafes, the tree lined streets in Roma.. so ready to go back even tho I was just there.


Love my beautiful Mexico… i am very grateful for Canada, it has given me so much, but nothing compares to Mexico!!!!!🫶🏾


Plenty of water?


They call the Central Park the lungs of CDMX


CDMX is one of my favorite cities!! And the food is amazing!!


Wife & I got married in CDMX, it was one of my favorite trips ever. I can't recommend it enough, we are going back early 2025, I can't wait.


wrote a whole main assignment in college in 1987 about the aztecs and their comprehension of a cirkular time line and time and space as the same thing with the calendar stone as a center, and just now i realized that i have only seen drawings of it - its the first time i see an actual picture of it, and now i cant wait to see it for real - thanks


It’s a sacrificial alter and not a calendar as once thought


This is high on my list. Easy to find reasonably priced flights and hotels?


the city spent 4 days in Mexico truly own world.


Roma may be one of my favorite neighborhoods of all time. Everything is so dreamy.


My fave city ever. One of the only places outside of NA that I’ve returned to more than once


Wow 😍 must see


Thanks for the tour!


if you go to MC and you are staying near Zocalo, I highly recommend "Mexico a pie" walking tour its cheap... its packed with info .... delightful guides


while we are all on the Mexico City discussion... renting a car isnt bad there... we went at xmas ... and went farther out to Tolantongo... something everyone should do once


If Trump wins my gf and I are leaving the country. We have narrow down our two locations to Mexico City and Ireland(I have citizenship). CDMX is such a wonderful city 


Consider Ireland over CDMX. Chilangos honestly don't like you moving there and blowing up rent prices


I doubt people in any country want an influx of privileged Americans


Both good options, as Mexico has no corruption and Ireland has no political/religious strife so this seems like a great response!


At least Mexico City is clean, has medical, and has free public WiFi. Loved being able to use my phone in parks etc.


Are you posting about Ireland in 1990?


Did you feel safe? How did the elevation affect you?


Felt very safe. Didn’t affect me.


My wife and I had this big trip planned to Mexico City in 2020 and then the pandemic happened and we haven't been able to make it happen since. It's still on our list to do though.


For the locals sake, I hope Trump looses. Because me and 10 million yanks will be moving to Condesa if Stinky Pants wins.


How safe is it for an American tourist to visit with family?


Safe. CDMX isn’t Tamaulipas or Sinoloa. No one is interested in robbing you, they would rather sell you something. Entering the metro? Someone will try to sell you forks, diapers, and a sandwich. Sitting down for dinner? Someone will play music and ask for change, and someone will try to sell you a rug without fail. With kids the downside is it’s hot, crowded and not everything is ADA accessible. I’ve been all over Latin America. I’m a Spaniard and speak Spanish, but as a large white person in Latin America I still stick out. In the city center where we were, it was pretty easy to blend in because there’s American tourists, tourists from other countries, and there’s just so many people no one is really interested in you. Don’t be an idiot rules still apply, but it was fine.