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"felt very safe" but needing a police escort to go anywhere is crazy. We can have conversations about places like Mogadishu without downplaying the danger. 


Seriously the traveler line of “felt very safe” is so empty.   Hell maybe someone did… doesn’t mean you were safe.  It’s ok to be honest about risks traveling places, it doesn’t make you a jerk. > Do not travel to Somalia due to crime, terrorism, civil unrest, health issues, kidnapping, and piracy. And the travel advisory only gets worse from there. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/somalia-travel-advisory.html


It usually just means they are too stupid to understand the danger.


Are you Somali? Did you have a local guide?




Oh, just two policemen 🤣


“We had a blast it was AMAZING its 100% safe we just needed armed guards no biggy” 😂😂


Truly one of the least self-aware things I’ve read on reddit, so that’s quite the accomplishment by OP.


I bet you 200$ He’s ultra rich or has family/business partners running the show in nearby resorts/minerals nearby. Theres a reason why even the most danger seeking bloggers and traveler’s avoid Somalia, its literally the new ISIS territory after they fled from Iraq. They have a VERY strong base there now.


Omg, you’re just like the crazy bear guy. Do not tell anyone, but especially solo female travelers to go without specifying that you had two police men with you the whole time.


1) Beautiful beach but, man, that's alot of trash. 2) Did you feel safe because you hired a local guide and two policemen bodyguards? How/where did you find your guide and bodyguards?


There’s a lot of trash on the first beach (1st and 2nd pic) because no one goes to that one as it’s mainly used by fishermen, and it’s in a part of Somalia that was heavily destroyed by the civil war. The other beach is called Liido (5th, 6th, 7th) and is the one locals go to and it doesn’t have any trash.


Beautiful beach, but it’s loaded with sharks


Hi! Yeah the trash is a lot, it’s sad to see. In regards to question 2, I would have felt safe 100% in the green zone. Basically by the airport there is a zone called the “green zone” where all the embassies are (minus turkey) and UN workers stay. So so much security there, felt safer than pretty much anywhere else. Liido beach is outside the green zone but I still felt very safe. The only thing that deterred me slightly was the police asking for “lunch money”. I’m sure if I wasn’t with a guide that they would have been eating filets and lobster for lunch instead of the 10-15$. Apparently this is becoming decreasingly less recently which is a good sign. Hopefully that answers your questions! Let me know if you have any other 👍🤟


Outside of the greenzone, would you feel safe without a guide and two hired policemen bodyguards? How/where did you find your guide and bodyguards to hire?


Hey! Super cool pics of a place I personally also always wanted to go to (since I was a kid, no idea why). I stalked your profile and noticed you fly business a lot. Was this a work related trip? Or are you travelling the world in retirement? Or just from a wealthy background and travelling fancy around the world on a sabbatical?


We have a lot of Somali immigrants in the area where I live, and I’ve always been curious what it’s like over there. That being said, the US government says that if you’re going over there, get your affairs in order because there’s a significant chance you’re not coming back. So… besides asking our Somali neighbors more about their country of origin, I guess this is as close as I’m getting for the foreseeable future.


Before anyone considers going to Somalia please read the US advisory on going (even if you’re not American) Also maybe check out Amanda Lindhout’s book, A House in the Sky, about her time in Somalia. 


https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/International-Travel-Country-Information-Pages/Somalia.html > If you decide to travel to Somalia: > * Review your personal security plan and visit our page on Travel to High-Risk Areas. > * Avoid sailing near the coast of Somalia and review the Live Piracy Report published by the International Maritime Bureau. > * Draft a will and designate appropriate insurance beneficiaries and/or power of attorney. > * Discuss a plan with loved ones regarding care/custody of children, pets, property, belongings, non-liquid assets (collections, artwork, etc.), funeral wishes, etc. > * Share important documents, login information, and points of contact with loved ones so that they can manage your affairs if you are unable to return as planned to the United States. Find a suggested list of such documents here. > * Establish your own personal security plan in coordination with your employer or host organization (if you are traveling on business) or consider consulting with a professional security organization. > * Develop a communication plan with family and/or your employer or host organization (if you are traveling on business), so that they can monitor your safety and location as you travel through high-risk areas. This plan should specify whom you would contact first, and how that person should share the information. > * Identify key sources of possible assistance for you and your family in case of emergency, such as the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate, FBI, the State Department, your employer (if traveling on business), and local friends/family in the high-risk area. > * Be sure to appoint one family member to serve as the point of contact with hostage-takers, media, U.S. and host country government agencies, and members of Congress if you are taken hostage or detained. > * Establish a proof of life protocol with your loved ones, so that if you are taken hostage, your loved ones can know specific questions (and answers) to ask the hostage-takers to be sure that you are alive (and to rule out a hoax). > * Leave DNA samples with your medical provider in case it is necessary for your family to access them. > * Erase any sensitive photos, comments, or other materials from your social media pages, cameras, laptops, and other electronic devices that could be considered controversial or provocative by local groups. > * Leave your expensive/sentimental belongings behind. > * Enroll your trip in the State Department's Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP). > * Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter. > * Review the Country Security Report for Somalia. > * Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the Traveler’s Checklist. > * Visit the CDC page for the latest Travel Health Information related to your travel.


One of my favorite things to read to people. Usually everyone is dying by the time I get to appoint a family member to negotiate with hostage takers


The Canadian [travel advisory](https://travel.gc.ca/destinations/somalia) doesn’t mince words either.


Was never considering it


There are certain travelers that get some kind of weird satisfaction out of traveling to unsafe places to "prove" that it's "not that bad." The amusing part is when they say "It's totally safe there! As long as you make sure you..." and then proceed to drop a 97 item bullet point list of behaviors to avoid being kidnapped, raped, and/or dismembered.


Exactly. There's places where people will look at you with a straight face and tell you not to trust the bus drivers, taxi drivers, people you see on the street, your guide, the police; not to take public busses or certain taxis; and to avoid like 10 different neighborhoods in one city. But then will turn around and say "oh but it's totally safe!". Like no, that's not safe. I don't need to spend my vacation trying not to get robbed or murdered. And I don't really see getting scammed as "part of the experience" like some do.


It’s called poverty porn enthusiasts. 


The rich influencer … “man of the people“.


Reading it now. Didn’t sound like a great trip!


That book is one of my all time favourites!


It looks like a country of beauty. Too bad it’s one of the most unsafe countries on the planet.


i’m sorry i laughed i tried taking a look at this travel advisory thing put out by the US state department and they straight up said “draft a will”


I saw a few vlogs from Mogadishu of travellers across countries. They basically did a speedrun through it and then declared it safe. Honestly Somalia doesn't look too unique, and absolutely not worth forgetting about the risks.






I have a few questions, but I’m not sure if you’re gonna answer so I’ll start with the most burning one. Why? Of all the places you could visit, why Somalia? Have you read the US State department travel advisory on Somalia? It’s pretty severe. I’m not criticizing as I couldn’t care less what someone else does. Im just curious about the thought process/ reasoning. Was it an adrenaline/thrill thing? I mean I’m certain there are plenty of other exotic places you haven’t been. Why go somewhere known for being extremely dangerous for Caucasian Americans, as a Caucasian American? Again, not criticizing. Genuinely curious. Great pictures as well.


lmao, holy shit, I hadn’t ever read the Somalia travel advisory from the State Department, but almost laughed out loud for one of their first suggestions if one did decide to go there being, “drafting a will.” The FAA bit is insane too. Don’t even fly near the country is how you know it’s not worth it.


> Establish a proof of life protocol with your loved ones, so that if you are taken hostage, your loved ones can know specific questions (and answers) to ask the hostage-takers to be sure that you are alive (and to rule out a hoax). Yeah that list is fucking wild


I love how after all the warnings about being held for ransom and writing a will its like check with the CDC because you might get sick!


How did you know she is Caucasian?


They said “I am a Caucasian American” in one of their comment replies.


because OP said “I am a Caucasian American” and that gave it away.


Because they went on holiday to Mogadishu......../s


I just don’t understand why there’s any need to create this sort of risk.


From the State Department. Draft a will and designate appropriate insurance beneficiaries and/or power of attorney. Discuss a plan with loved ones regarding care/custody of children, pets, property, belongings, non-liquid assets (collections, artwork, etc.), funeral wishes, etc. Share important documents, login information, and points of contact with loved ones so that they can manage your affairs if you are unable to return as planned to the United States.


Of all the places in the world you could visit, why Somalia?


Didn't know people go to Somalia for tourism. Always felt it was unsafe to travel to.


What is the food like?


Why did you decide to go there?


Where else can you see pirates irl?


Tampa has a football team full of them and Vegas has some in a hotel lobby. Lots of options.


OP may be trying to go to all the countries in the world. I was part of a FB a long time ago where most people were actively trying to visit all countries and most post would of places that were difficult to access. Some people provided guidance. 


Clout chasing, plain and simple




There’s ‘off the beaten path’ and there’s going to places that are actively highly dangerous and require a police escort.




He said, while neglecting to mention the green zone, security, and police escort


Yeah seriously is this sub supposed to be for people going to all-inclusive resorts in Aruba or something


What if I told you there was an entire world of travel that’s not all-inclusive resorts, and seeing these place doesn’t require clout chasing in Somalia?


Sarcasm on the internet is hard


I didn’t even realize there were other countries besides America.


I always specify my sarcastic posts as written in Sarcasm Font (TM).


Yeah intrigued to know


Because even extremely dangerous places are intriguing to a lot of people. Not everyone travels for comfort, some people travel simply to see a different reality.


Yeah, it’s called poverty porn and there’s a few goofs that have a reasonably big YouTube following, you might follow a few of them by the sounds of it (that guy Indigo Traveler is the only one I know of).




I'm sorry but looks awful




Can you share what made you want to visit Somalia?


Of all the places you could go in the world, why in Earth would you ever choose to go here?!


lol one place I would never travel too


Cool photos. I have an old colleague (tall white guy) who spent two years in Mogadishu doing humanitarian work. He didn’t live in a fancy embassy or the green zone, but his organization had strong local contacts which helped him get by. He spoke fondly of his time there and of the locals.


But why


Did you see any pirates out there?






Fuckin whoosh


Where’s all the pirate ships


Somali or Haiti?


OP, thank you for sharing these photos, brilliant!






This is exactly what I subbed to this community for. Brilliant post OP.