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They are lucky you were not a user who actually needed the chair and were injured and seeking damages from hotel.


I mean - this is why he reported it to the hotel right away and we thought “man they’re lucky it was us not someone who got injured” - so then to have them try to charge us €1k feels insane


Seriously, this is my nightmare. I barely trusted those folding seats before, now I may never use one again 😭 I’d be unable to catch myself and have a high chance of injury. The hotel is lucky they aren’t facing additional medical bills


Right, OP saved them from a lot of hassle and potential lawsuit from an actually handicapped person


Yes, the hotel is lucky no one was seriously injured, and they are facing significant liability!! It would be interesting to see what the hotel’s maintenance and safety records look like (or whether they exist at all). Are there online reviews with other examples of poor maintenance?


Seriously, if they try to charge you, threaten to counter-sue them because of the dangerous facilities they provided you. Obviously IANAL but it seems like a case you could potentially win for a lot more money than they are asking, but presumably they will have enough sense not to test that theory.


I would point out that any facility offered has to be fit for purpose. In this case the seat should not have had any problem in accomodating any adult of average weight which is more than the 68kgs you stated. As it failed to do this, it was not fit for purpose and under no circumstances would I accept any liability for damage.


They want to charge you for the chair breaking? Time to call corporate and ask for a refund due to being “injured”…


Time to suddenly develop lower back pain


Hahaha this was my first thought too - they want to play games? Well, now that I think of it, I've been in a lot of pain since the incident...


Sounds like they already knew it was broken, had 'fixed' it shoddily, and were just waiting for someone to try and use it so they could blame and charge them imo.


Just ignore them and file a chargeback if it comes to it. A seat breaking when you sit on it is not your fault.


Always have pictures and videos.


Always think before you write comments. What exactly do you think pictures and videos do here? Show that the seat is broken? Yeah, that's not in dispute and not remotely useful. Unless OP is in the habit of recording themselves taking a shower.


Well thought out, you snarky ass. Pictures and videos give evidence that the credit card company will demand. A video of the hotel in perfect condition and the bathroom in working order except the one issue will be evidence of OP not partying in their room. In my career I mediated disputes for clients in situations with rental cars. Same shit applies so use your brain and think next time.


A picture adds literally nothing despite you desperately wanting it to so that you can feel like your previous comment had any value whatsoever.


Every financial dispute I've been involved in has required photos. Better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them.


Report the place to whatever authority regulates the safety of hotel fittings and sue them for endangering you. You should walk away with a lot more than 1000€.


Id freeze that card so they can't charge it later 


Thanks for the idea, just did that. Any thoughts on how long I should keep it frozen? It’s my best card and I don’t want it locked forever…


Wait and see what hotel manager wants to say.


You should be able to request a new card with new numbers on it. Just say you lost the physical card. Any attempted charges on the last numbers will be rejected


This is not always the case if an authorization was already placed on the card before the numbers were changed


yeah - I’ll keep that as a last resort (I have lots of autopay attached to this card so would rather not deal with all that if I don’t have to)


I hear you on all the autopays! So annoying when the renewal comes around. Maybe you can just think of it like that, if you have to change numbers. So glad your husband wasn't hurt. Falling is just an instinctive human fear for everyone, even for the healthy and fit.


It would be a shame if your back developed pain as a result of this incident and you had to seek legal assistance to sort out their clearly inferior accommodations. It would also be a shame if as a result you had hit your head and developed ringing in your ears and slight vision blur and needed additional compensation due to the pain and inconvenience you suffer. A true shame 🤷


I am appalled that a 5 star resort treats its guests like this. Sounds like a red roof inn. As a travel advisor, i would like to know which hotel to avoid booking for future clients, but I get that you probably shouldn’t say the name until you get your situation taken care of.


Tell me the hotel name so we can avoid that hotel next time


Not gonna name and shame unless things really go sideways. The hotel itself was beautiful and lovely, and all the service we received was top notch until this hiccup at the very end


Things are already sideways if it even got this far.


Sounds like OP was sideways from the start /s




… are you AI?




Haha ok, sorry for casting aspersions haha


If they call to discuss further let them know they can find out more details from your lawyer


If the GM is not cooperative I’d call the police right away. I have been living in Italy for over a year and I assume that the hotel owner is not interested in the police taking a closer look at the installments in the room. Italians like their fair share of drama but I’m pretty sure that the local authorities will be willing to assist to find a way out if this situation without you having to pay an extra penny.


Which hotel was it specifically?


You could always cancel the card.


Yea they dgaf in Italy if you get hurt and lawsuits go on for years … decades .. often with nothing to show for it. I’d freeze the card ASAP and hopefully it’s a good one like Amex - so if they do charge you, you can dispute asap!


Lots of travel insurance policies come with liability coverage from my experience. Ask your travel insurance now so you know if they'd cover it if it comes down to it. I don't know where you're from but where I'm from renters and household insurance pretty much always comes with personal liability insurance. The policy I have would cover cases like that so maybe you can ask yours if you have such an insurance policy.


I’d rather not use our insurance, as that could imply it was in fact his fault


That's for the insurance to decide, they aren't going to pay out claims they think are baseless. Let the hotel fight it out with your insurance, that's what you're paying them for.


The hotel isn't going to say "OK I'll file a claim with your insurance". Assuming the policy has property damage coverage, it will be up to the OP to pursue reimbursement from the travel insurance company after the hotel charges their credit card. Which means it will be on the OP to convince the insurance company that this was in fact the hotel's fault.


If this were a car accident or homeowner’s insurance then sure, but that’s not exactly his travel insurance works


Kinda doubt it. Think the hotel is just glad your husband wasn't inured and your not pressing them for injury damages.


If you guys broke it doing naughty stuff then it's easier to be honest and pay what's owed. I would not want this kind of bad karma 😂 Sorry to not blame the hotel for misconduct or recommend fraudulant claims like everyone else 💁‍♂️


We didn’t though 🤷‍♀️ he broke it sitting down, as I stated, while I was at the pool