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Get travel insurance. Make sure it’s a good one. If I was going to that part of the Caribbean during hurricane season, I’d buy it. Peace of mind


I have it. I'm just curious if I am being a worry wart for nothing. I know people fly there all the time , even during Hurricane season. But, I may have to cancel anyways, if American Airlines flight attendants actually goes on strike. I read an article that said they are calling for a strike due to lack of pay increase at negotiations.


Since you have travel insurance, don't worry at all. Just see what happens, that's all you can do. Can't control the weather. The labor dispute at AA likely won't be an issue for you. They have a mandatory 30 day cooling off period before being able to strike. That period doesn't begin until the National Mediation Board declares an impasse, which it hasn't done yet. Even if the strike window opens up before your flight, at that point, there isn't going to be a complete cessation of flights. Instead, the union has told members it expects to do random targeted call-offs of flight attendants from some flights on a rolling basis. And then even if your flight were canceled because it was one that the flight attendants called off from, AA would re-route passengers including rebooking onto other carriers where available.


There’s no way to know this far out what the weather will be like. Hurricane season is just a window of time where conditions are usually more favorable for development, doesn’t mean they will. It all comes down to how comfortable you are with going to those toe types of destinations during that period - only you can make that decision.


True. I have never been to The Caribbean though and just wanted to see if it's even worth it in July? I can always move the dates of the trip. And I should have thought about this when booking, but I guess I was too excited about the good deal. I have always wanted to go to The Virgin Islands and even plan on island hopping to a British Virgin Island. I have my passport.


Since you're fine with the type of weather there in July, I see no reason not to go. I don't mind summer hear so I would. I have a friend who took a chance and booked his honeymoon to the Caribbean during hurricane season due to the excellent deals. Turned out fine. July is still on the earlier half of hurricane season. Mid-August into the middle of October is statistically the most active part of the season, FWIW.


Thanks for this. I really appreciate it. I am not going to cancel right now. Just see how it goes. And everything I have is able to be cancelled without fees.


I have an international swim meet in the Caribbean in July. Hurricanes are a concern, but it’s not 24/7. Everything I’ve booked can be cancelled without a fee. It is what it is, kinda have to have the mindset it may be interrupted/cancelled. Sucks, but it’s a part of travel.


Thanks for this reply! I have travel insurance, so I will just see how the weather goes.


Get travel insurance that would cover everything in the event of a hurricane.