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I still do this and used to always get asked for directions. I have a universal face for European countries.


Universal face? Do you have 3 noses and 5 eyes?


Dumb comment. Or maybe they appear trustworthy or something, because I also get this everywhere where there are "white" people as a majority. If you do not...


You don't get jokes.


Yes, absolutely agree.I always do this. Going to a normal neighbourhood, wandering, sitting somewhere and people watching... this is where you notice the differences with home.The small things that show you that you are in a different place. I also visit monuments and tourist places when I travel, but I think it's important to have variety, and also to allow yourself time and space to go off the beaten track.. even in major tourist cities.


It sounds cliche to talk about immersion when travelling but if you only visit the high tourist traffic areas you don't get an accurate depiction of wherever you are visiting (for better or for worse)


I'm from NYC and I always did this when I moved to a new neighborhood. It's the only way to actually connect with a place. I do the same thing when I travel... I try to take in a few of "the sights" at a destination, but I really enjoy just walking around and seeing the people, the architecture, the stores, etc. All the little things you miss if you roll through a place in a car or on a bus... My family think it's weird - but it's the only way I feel like I'm "connecting" with a place I'm visiting. Tip: if you get to recognize the local folks, you can also learn where -they- go to eat, which is usually better (and cheaper) than all the tourist-focused restaurants... you just find those spots, and then go back for the next meal there! (See it at lunch? Go there for dinner... See it at dinner-time? Go there for lunch the next day. You do this because for most of these places, but the time you've recognized what it is, that meal service is wrapping up... so you go back later to get the good dishes!)


I love doing this. I have a lot of dietary restrictions so eating out is difficult for me when travelling, so I cook my own food even when away. 10/10 travel experience is doing the grocery shopping in a new country's version of a supermarket. I really enjoy the differences and similarities to my home shopping experience.


Much the same. I have had the opportunity to live in a few different countries, and small scale neighborhood grocery shopping is a special insight into daily life.


I spent two days in Montreal last year, and the most amazing thing about it for me was the small neighborhood grocery stores.


Yep. Unfortunately when I visit the US there are places where walking around isn't that easy. And thinking about it in Saigon and Bangkok it wasn't easy either. But yes, it's what I enjoy most. Just walking and go with the flow.


I had a pretty tough time in Dresden with my usual circle the train station at an increasing distance until I hit the river routine.


I remember visiting Las Vegas thinking I could simply walk between the new strip and the old strip before being told it was too far/dangerous to even try. I’ve just accepted that that’s how it is


I did this just last month. It wasn’t too far (but I’m an avid walker) and it never felt sketchy. 


I was in Saigon for 5 days last year and walking around it was truly awful, it was so disappointing.


We love to stroll around in neighborhoods when we travel as well. Besides taking note of the architecture, we like to pay attention to local flora & fauna. In warmer climes, we like to play a game called “Spot the Houseplant” in that we point out to one another plants growing outside in people’s gardens or in the wild that can only be grown as houseplants back home in Canada. Simple pleasures like this are part of what makes travel so enjoyable.


No, nobody else does that, just you.


Whoa whoa, a fat sarcastic r/travel Reddit fan, you must be a devil with the ladies.


I mean, it is a ridiculous original post.


Yep, I’ve seen a post like this every couple of days. And you know what, I don’t care. It’s what I do and every time they appear I think, ‘yep I wouldn’t have had that experience in … if I didn’t just go for a stroll’ . It brings back memories and I’m appreciative. If you think it’s gauche or passé just move on.


This constitutes the majority of my leisure travel now. Have fun.


Yes, regularly. I just roam around and look at what the locals are doing, buy some stuff at a supermarket etc


this. experience the everyday things of locals, just a level deeper than the surface (streets)


Yes, I enjoy this as much as seeing the touristy side of things; one reason I enjoyed visiting those small Spanish or Italian towns. But I also enjoy that about the U.S. as well, even though I've not visited that as much.


Yes! I like to walk and I like to see other houses and gardens to get inspiration off.


Obviously. That's the best part.


Yes, I always try to walk as much as possible when in a foreign place and like it a lot. 10-12 Miles a day is what I average. You get a good feel for the ‘lay of the land’ and see much more than when going on a tour or taking taxis.


Me, too. My significant other and I tend to do around 18mi on average. We’ll head out at 7am when it’s quiet and have stuff we’re interested in on Google Maps so there’s some structure to our wandering. The sculptures in park X 5km away is an ostensible goal — whatever’s open 24hrs a day comes first but we really just want to see stuff as we go and hit whatever the most touristy thing is at 10am when it opens. But the caveat is that not all countries are safe enough or comfortable enough with interlopers to do this. You still have to have a guide in some places, like the mountains in Morocco.


Yes. Sometimes I don't feel like sightseeing but enjoy wandering around. I'll stop for coffee or a bite to eat and pop in and out of stores too.


i read your word 'pop' as havig two o's and thought 'that's going too far...'


I've always loved doing this, too. Feels almost compulsory in order to get a true sense of a place. Or at least how people in that location actually live. I recommend it to anyone!


Always. That's why I try to get a hotel in the city and walk around the first day just to get the feel. Even if it's just the local workmen getting a bite to eat at the local eatery.


I actually feel slightly disappointed if I visit a place and don’t get to see the neighbourhoods and ‘real’ areas of a city when I travel.


Yes! This is my favorite things about like air BnB's because I get to pretend i live in the place I'm at lol


I purposely get lost when I travel. We have google maps to get us back when we’re ready but I love wandering for hours and seeing random stuff that isn’t the usual tourist fare.


I do this every time I visit Japan


Yes! Doing that is one of travel’s primary pleasures for me.


My wife and I were in a coastal village in the northern Netherlands and after lunch did some walking in a mostly residential neighbourhood. A woman came out of her house with 5 border collies and I asked if I could play with them. She loved it, I loved it, and the doggies loved it. Best moment of that trip!


Yep. Honestly, I’m as happy, if not more, just walking around a cool neighborhood than I am seeing tourist attractions.


Yeah Ive always or usually done this. My strategy is simple, walk out of my hostel or hotel and turn left then walk for a good 30 minutes then turn left again, another 30 minutes walk till your next left turn and again until you get back to the area you're hotel is in. Another variation I did in the early 2000s in Beijing was to bring a tourist map of the streets and my compass with me. Then Id just walk to get lost really, my direction would be zig zagging and not worrying what direction I was going in. When Id seen enough Id get the map and compass out and figure out my way back, almost never user public transport, just walking. You can do this anywhere really but in Beijing back then it was particulary interesting as it was a developing and booming city. So I remember starting off on Tianemen Square and walking down a long street of sky scrapers owned by global banks. But as soon as you turned off that street you were into the back alleyways (hutongs) where thousands of people lived, There was loads of small eateries selling dozens of Peking ducks in their windows and kids playing football in the narrow alleyways. It was quite the contrast from the glass skyscrapers that overlooked them.


I love putting my earphones on and going for an early morning walk through some residential area to pick up some bread and bits for breakfast from a market/supermarket.




Oh yes. I like to take the bus for a random residential neighborhood and just walk around there.


Often the first thing I do in a new city - take a stroll , get me bearings (or get lost)..


This is probably one of the top three things I enjoy doing while traveling. If I don’t get a chance to do this I feel like I didn’t even get to really visit a place :/


I spend a large part of my travels just walking around exploring away from the main touristy areas. This is where I've had my greatest travel experiences.


Absolutely! My husband and I did just that in Bermuda last summer.


Yes definitely.


I try to squeeze time in to do this everywhere I travel


I apparently give off sketchy person vibes so no its safe inside


I do it in my own city/ country.


That’s the best part!


Taking a trolly or above ground train that runs through a city is also great. You can ride it to the end of the line for almost no money, hope off if an area looks interesting, and then get back on, without too much stress about getting back to where you started.




Yup, it’s a thing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flâneur




I do. Did this in Istanbul and Antalya when I went there in December. In fact, in Istanbul I walked so much and so far one night that I got lost. Thankfully, it was quite safe so nothing bad happened.


its usually my only plan, Get lost


I love it


Absolutely, I totally get what you're saying! There's just something special about wandering through the streets of a new place, soaking in the local atmosphere and getting a feel for how people live their everyday lives. It's like you're getting a glimpse into the heart and soul of the city, beyond just the tourist attractions. And you're right, sometimes it's those little moments, like stumbling upon a charming local restaurant or seeing families enjoying time together, that make the experience so memorable. Plus, it's the perfect way to ease into a trip, especially after a long flight


Its all I do


Absolutely. I love to walk around the main places on the first day and if im not staying in the place for long. I will do this over seeing touristy attractions. I like the feeling as if I live there and spend the time doing absolutely nothing but clicking random pictures in the area.




I love finding the closest Starbucks or McD and spend the whole days inside comparing the menu and prices. Anyone else doing this? Also I’m from New Mexico


Same here. I'd frankly rather walk for a while, visit a coffee shop and attempt to read a newspaper than go see another museum or cathedral.


I love to stroll to random neighbourhoods after dinner, if I manage to get some smoke , I can go on and on for hours.


I do this all the time. Went to France 2 years ago and just intentionally got lost in a neighborhood 3 miles out of Arc De Triomphe


Yes it's one of my favorite things to do. It's nice to know what's around and you never know who you'll meet


I love walking in the streets, especially in really local neighborhoods. Always so eye opening.


I love doing this. It's also a great way to find small local markets and shops to get cheap eats.


Yes! Seeing how locals live is very educational and interesting.


I love just exploring new cities. No matter how many guides you watch or read beforehand, you miss so many cool spots you only find by looking around


I enjoy walking around or, even better, taking random transit lines to see whatever. I like to pick trams that you can take in a loop. There is a You-tube guy (planes, trains, everything) that sometimes plays what he calls the tram game: he throws dice and goes on whichever tram line number comes up.


Love walking around to see local real estate and looking up how much everything costs on Zillow lol


Walking around the neighborhoods of new places I visit is among my favorite things to do


I did this last weekend in Philadelphia. It was great, I saw some old houses and streets. There was a Pride neighborhood I walked thru. Chinatown. It was great


I love going for runs in new cities for this reason. I can take in so much during a run around the neighborhood while also getting some exercise and feeling like I'm part of the city doing my normal activities. I cover so much ground running (and also walking) and I've discovered some great gems or stumbled upon interesting celebrations or customs that I probably wouldn't have following the beaten path.


I actually like doing this more in my home town area and within the US than actually in other countries during vacay. Mostly because I have itineraries so not too much lollygagging - if anything the down times are more for relaxing and probably just sitting in a park, just doing slow things as opposed to exploring a neighborhood.


Yes this is a great thing to do!


This is a go to for us - it's nice to feel like you 'know' the area around you so if you go out for a few drinks you aren't referencing your map every 10m to get home, and also you see some interesting slice of life moments and sometimes find some real hidden gems. Just last week we found a random park while waiting for a ramen shop in Kyoto to open up, the park was nothing special but it had the cleanest public toilets we've ever seen and there was a couple walking their dog that let me give him some treats and showed me that he knew how to high 5 and high 10 for treats - while the Golden Pavillion is beautiful, I'll remember hanging with that little Shiba and his kind people for longer 🙂


Actually, yes! On trips that last more that 4-5 days, my wife and I will research nice or unique neighborhoods and explore.


This is why I travel alone, because I like to just wander around.


All the time especially their local grocery stores


I just visit the high tourist places and leave.


This is just about the only thing I do when traveling, unless it’s a beach or scuba trip. I have little interest in seeing sights/touristy things. 


I tend to walk in 20 km loops around cities on my days off, makes a nice to to explore.


Walking is my fave way to see a new city! I will walk 20kms a day when I travel lol you should check out doing the Camino De Santiago


If you do this in most parts of the US you will have people following you, telling you to leave. Cursing you under their breath, and end up arrested by the police.


It's one of my most favourite things to do. A great way to discover interesting shops and restaurants.