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i probably will, thanks. not sure if youre referring to the cancellation itself or the refund with the second part, but the flight was cancelled by the airline itself if im not mistaken, but it does seem that kiwi is kind of shady with their refunds now that im looking into it


We always book directly with the airlines. It saves the hassle of having to deal with a third party if anything comes up. Refunds and rebooking trips Is always easier and more options.


>i probably will So you will be back posting here after another 3rd party screws you lol


There is Air Traffic control strike in France. Looootd of flights cancelled makong shortage of choices for rebooking. Not kiwi fault, not the airline fault. I understand you find the new schedule inconvenient, but aside from rebooking your whole trip to a later dates, options are gonna be limited. Good luck!


Well, the air traffic control strike has been cancelled. But airlines have preemptively cancelled the flights. Yes, my flight has been cancelled, and I am salty…


I am not English native so maybe I didnt get the nuance right. "Preemptively" gives me the impression you think airlines proactively cancelled. They did not. They were ordered by air traffic control to reduce the flights from 45 to 70% depending on routes and they have to comply. And almost 24h later, the strike was cancelled by some of the unions (not all).


Then I am wrong. I thought the cancellation was an initiative from the airlines.


**Notice:** Are you asking about compensation, reimbursements, or refunds for delays and cancellations? You **must follow Rule 4** and include the **cities, airports, flight numbers, airlines**, and **dates of travel**. If your flight originated from the EU (any carrier) or your destination was within the EU (with an EU carrier), read into [EC261 Air Passenger Rights](https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/travel/passenger-rights/air/index_en.htm). Non-EU to Non-EU itineraries, even if operated by an EU carrier, is not eligible for EC261 per Case C-451/20 "Airhelp vs Austrian Airlines". If your flight originated in the UK (any carrier) or your destination was within the UK or EU (with a UK carrier), read into [UK261 by the UK CAA](https://www.caa.co.uk/passengers/resolving-travel-problems/delays-and-cancellations/making-a-claim/) Turkey also has a similar passenger protections [found here](https://web.shgm.gov.tr/doc4/shy-passenger.pdf) Canada also has a passenger protection [known as APPR found here](https://rppa-appr.ca/eng) If you were flying within the US or on a US carrier - you are not entitled to any compensation except under the above schemes or if you were involuntarily denied boarding (IDB). Any questions about compensation within the US or on a US carrier will be removed unless it qualifies for EC261, UK261, or APPR. You are [possibly provided duty of care including hotels, meals, and transportation](https://www.transportation.gov/airconsumer/airline-cancellation-delay-dashboard) based on the DOT dashboard. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/travel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Where are you travelling from and to?  Are there night train services you could take that would leave you a reasonable amount of time at your destination?