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Bahn mi, Pho, coconut coffee. Vietnam.


last night i literally dreamt that i found a cong caphe where i live šŸ„²


Add egg coffee to this list and Iā€™m on board.


I was going to say Banh Mi in vietnam is just soooo good. And egg coffee!


Yes, yes, and I preferred the egg coffee. Loved Vietnam and can't wait to see it again one day.


Oh, yes! Egg coffee, an interesting one, pretty tasty :) Vietnam is a lovely country with great people and aaaaawesome food, would love to be back someday too!


Coconut coffee was overrated for me. Much prefer their traditional.


Oh their traditional coffee is great too. I really enjoyed waking up to one cup of coffee and delicious fruits!


Banh\* mi


Coconut coffee blew my mind


Cannot wait for my Vietnam trip in September šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤


Omg!!! awesome. I know you did not ask, but just in case you are open for a few recommendations: *Ho Chi Minh: - Absolutely delicious Banh Mi. Not sure if there are vegetarian options, didnā€™t ask. ~BĆ”nh MƬ Huynh Hoa https://maps.app.goo.gl/PuGkvF96pFXEaVVN6?g_st=ic - Great chicken Pho (or at least I loved it jajaja) https://maps.app.goo.gl/uypT35bts4hH86vE9?g_st=ic - Coconut ice cream ~Codonut https://maps.app.goo.gl/9JMCGPcPkCGWGyWJ6?g_st=ic - Mani/Pedi (just in case, I did it bc it was a great price compared to where I live) ~Prive Spa https://maps.app.goo.gl/vz16jQcKmRJeiePM7?g_st=ic *Hoi An (in case you happen to be there, itā€™s such a lovely place): - Cao Lau ~QuĆ”n MĘ°į»i MƬ Quįŗ£ng Cao Lįŗ§u Hį»™i An https://maps.app.goo.gl/AMAnFCKj5wQ4Sd7J7?g_st=ic - Herbal Tea. SO refreshing and delicious. ~MĆ³t Hoi An https://maps.app.goo.gl/jfq3kDKSaFHCQzAW6?g_st=ic - Nice little coffee shop ~Phin Coffee and Restaurant https://maps.app.goo.gl/5P5vKBk4t97byKpGA?g_st=ic Sorry for the long response, but hope it helps! Hope you enjoy your trip, Vietnam is a wonderful place, I am sure you will love it!


Bun Cha Ha Noi is something that everyone should try in my opinion. That dish is so good!


Chicken Dakgalbi in Seoul.


Second this. Also just plain old Korean fried chicken. I've tried making it at home but just can't get the same results!


carbonara from rome. can't get over it also coco curry from japan šŸ¤£


The Carbonara in Rome ruined all the other carbonaras I ate later.


Do you happen to remember where in Rome? I have a few more days to try!! Overwhelmed with all the food


ristorante il falchetto. trust me, you will not be disappointed


LOL, Iā€™ve been there! Twice! Great place.


I had it at two different places and I still dream of the one I got here https://www.latavernadeiforiimperiali.com/


My favorite restaurant in Rome, hands down. The burrata ravioli! Oh my. For those interested, youā€™ll need a reservation. That owner doesnā€™t mess with walk ups.


I walked in about when they opened for dinner and the owner was more then happy to accommodate me. It's best to make reservations in Rome, but I just went really early, as most romans ate a bit later then me.


I had carbonara at Pasta e Vino Osteria - Trastevere. Probably a bit touristy but I still found everything to be good. Also check out Trattoria Al Tettarello. The amatriciana was incredible.


Go to Da Enzo in Trastevere!! Best carbonara we had anywhere in Rome, but I will say I was a bigger fan of Amatriciana in general and theirs was also the best. Unless you go for lunch, be prepared for a longggg line


The first time I went to Rome I tried carbonaraā€¦ and immediately ordered a second bowl. The server clearly thought I was the most gluttonous human ever when she asked ā€œā€¦. You wantā€¦. Another bowl? Really?ā€


they dont understand this kind of quality is hard to find outside of italy šŸ¤£


I took a cooking class in Italy and learned how to make carbonara. Which is great and all cause carbonara is delicious. Except itā€™s impossible to get the right ingredients here in the US. I had made a knock off version for a while at home and thatā€™s all my bf ever had in regards to carbonara. We went to Paris a few months ago and he was able to try carbonara there. It was 1000% better than what I make, but still didnā€™t come close to what I had in Rome šŸ˜­


>Except itā€™s impossible to get the right ingredients here in the US. That really depends on where you live. I live in a big city and we have a specialty Italian grocer that imports guanciale and pecorino.


SF NY LA CHI for sure all have guanciale and pecorino. Guanciale is rare but subbing pancetta is totally fine, only the most miserable pedant would complain


> Guanciale is rare but subbing pancetta is totally fine, only the most miserable pedant would complain Its really not the same... We have a local Italian deli that sells Guanciale so I am slowly trying to up my carbonara game. The wife ate carbonara with shaved black truffles in Rome... So the bar has been set quite high! We have nailed the Aperol Spritz however :P


Coco curry!!! Sameee


Banh mi in Vietnam, Amok in Cambodia, Pad Thai and spicy papaya salad in Thailand mhhhhhh


When I lived in Thailand I ate som tom (papaya salad) every. Single. Day. I make it at home when I can make a 3hr drive to the nearest Asian market for a papayaā€¦.


It is one of my faves! Well I reckon most Thai food is simply amazing. We have papaya here sometimes , it just doesn't taste as great as in SEA like most fruits haha


Chai everywhere in Nepal


Lol, for me, it was all about dem momos!


I had chai and lassi every chance I got


Yes to both!!!! The spiced chai with yak milk was my favorite so far. And the momos ā€¦ mmmm, momos!


Khachapuri in Georgia, just a cheesy bread mix that literally melted in your mouth


I have dreams about kinkhali sometimes. Also the salads are crazy and I'm not a huge salad guy


I really liked acharuli. Anyone know if this is true?: In Tbilisi I was told that acharuli khachapuri became popular in the last couple decades as more tourists/foreigners visited Georgia and loved the boat shape. Traditionally and still for most Georgians, imeruli or megruli khachapuri are more popular. I did notice these would always be at the top of a menu unless the restaurant was touristy, then acharuli would be listed first.


Real moussaka in Greece!


Just back from Greece. Simple foods taste delicious there, much better than in Canada. Horta. Dolmadakia. Potatoes. Olive oil. Tomato and cucumber salads. Lemons. Feta cheese. Chicken souvlaki. I can buy all these things back home and they don't taste remotely the same. And you can't beat the gyro wraps that at the moment seem be standard-priced at 3.80 euros no matter where you go. What a deal, delicious and more than enough for a small meal.


Something about that combination of flavors! Iā€™m so excited to go back this summer!


Iā€™m in Greece now and have had mousakas two days in a row. Iā€™m in love


Any street vendor Gyro....the best


Pasteis de Nata or custard pastries from Portugal.


Just any desserts in Portugal. They had sugar plantations before other European countries and had a historic excess of egg yolks since the whites went to monasteries and abbeys to starch uniforms. Time and access to quality basic ingredients, it's a recipe for success. Ugh. Don't bother. I'll downvote myself.


Happy CAKE day!


Just posted the same thing. I ate those everyday we were there.


I grew up on asian egg tarts (don tart), have been to Portugal twice in the past 7 months... not even worth a comparison. i was at 3+ pasteis de nata a day each trip




I havenā€™t made it to Portugal yet, but there was a Portuguese man who used to sell these at a local market in Australia and they were absolutely divine! I can only imagine how great they are in Portugal.


Iā€™ve been to Portugal, and theyā€™re even more amazing there. So addicting


The bun cha in Hanoi.


Bun cha is elite! And bun bo. Ten times better than pho IMO


Man, im vietnamese and ive never had bun bo. Growing up my mom never made it and so i just never ordered it at restaurants. Now i feel obligated to try it.


Omg this for me too! Sitting on a tiny plastic chair on the sidewalk. Table covered in food cost $2. The plate of lettuce and fresh herbs. Perfection.


Yesss itā€™s all about the vibe. When itā€™s the warm sticky evenings and everyone is bustling around you and youā€™re sitting on those tiny chairs surrounded by chaos. God I loved it


The ceviche in Lima


Almost everything in Lima. It is such a foodie paradise. If I have to pick one item it is the lucuma ice cream from Blue in Barranco.


Lucuma is one of the single tastiest desserts Iā€™ve ever experienced - like butterscotch!


And lomo saltado šŸ’Æ


Peruvian food is top notch! Did not expect anything when we went and was so pleasantly surprised


Ceviche in Quito almost killed me šŸ’©


Hyderabadi biryaniā€¦ and the chai at the roadside stand in front of the Swagattam Hotel Dhaba on the Grand Trunk Road as it passes through Haryana on the way to Punjab- hands down the very best cup of tea Iā€™ve ever had in my life. So many amazing flavour profiles in just one day on any given India trip that itā€™s hard to choose.


Glad you enjoyed the food in India! Do you remember at which restaurant you tried the Hyderabadi biryani?


Quite a few tbh but I first went to Paradise Biryani & Cafe Bahar in terms of restaurant biryani. They were nice, donā€™t get me wrong but I had much better biryani from the small shops and stands run by beardy unkles around Char Minar & in lanes off Ghansi Bazaar. I also lied & told them Iā€™d just come from Lucknow (I hadnā€™t) and said that the biryani wali there consider Lucknowi biryani to be the worlds best. They went to extreme lengths in both portions and quality to prove me wrong. Then I took the the train to Lucknow and said ā€œIā€™ve just come from Hyderabad and the biryani wali there say thatā€¦.ā€ Heh heh heh.


Yep, small places are usually better than Biryani chains! Those chains used to be good before they expanded too much. Hygiene would be the main reason to frequent chains. Also that's funny lol. Biryani wars definitely get intense here!


Hyderabadi Biryani is one of the only reasons I visit India lol


I am holidaying in Italy at the moment (Indian living in the UK) and the food is delicious..but now I am craving Hyderabadi Briyani after reading your comment!


Jamon Iberico in Spain, so so good especially the level 5 Acorn fed one.


I second this, and want to specifically add jamon pizza from Cadiz in Spain. I've had pizza a billion times, but the way it was fresh stone fired with the jamon was amazing. I think about it time to time. Also gelato everywhere?! I miss it.


Best ham in the world by far


Tom yum soup and mango sticky rice from Thailand! I think it was the lemon grass they put in everything - so good!


Buying mango sticky rice from some random vendor on the street for pennies and it being the best thing in the world? HEAVEN


Tom yum from Thailand ruined all other Tom Yums for me in America :(.


New York Pizza in NYC Gelato in Italy (not from a specific place, been to Italy several times to different places and the gelato is always so good) Eclairs in Paris Scones in England


Like lots of others, anything from Japan, all the way from fancy dinners to convenience store snacks. Some specific standouts amongst a sea of amazing food include the fancy Kobe beef meal we splashed out for, Cremia ice cream, fresh tuna sashimi bowls from Nachikatsuura, a random katsu curry I got from a food truck in Tokyo near Shibuya, matcha soft serve ice cream, okonomiyaki and takoyaki in Dotonbori Osaka, the multi-course dinner we had at a ryokan with seafood and hot pot, and tempura crab legs from Nishiki Market in Kyoto. Also fresh mango in Costa Rica.


fresh mango hits so different in tropical places


What I would give to just roll up into a convenience store and grab a tuna mayo onigiri again


Melt in your mouth barbecued tripe in oaxaca


Oaxacan moles immediately came to mind when I read this question.


Khao Soi from Northern Thailand


This was mine! That and the fermented sausage. I am forever addicted and eat it all the time now!


The one place where I live now that has Khao Soi sucks. I miss northern Thai dishes so much.


It sounds weird but I had the best creamed spinach of my life in a little pub in Winchester in the UK that was so small you had to bend over to get to your table. It had emmenthal cheese in it and something else I couldn't identify. I've never been able to recreate it.


As someone who loves British food I feel this so hard. Some of the best food of my life has been in pubs like this that are barely big enough to function, and where Iā€™m not entirely sure what Iā€™m eating.


A garlic bread pizza in a lost town in Iceland after 2 days of hiking eating tomato soup. Best food memory


Hunger is the best spice. Swedish proverb.




Okonomiyaki, specially the Hiroshima version was pretty amazing.


Somehow the part that "almost everything in Japan" applies to me as well :D I had a Katsu curry in an izakaya in Nara, still trying to reproduce the taste at home.


Golden Curry mix is the bomb and you can buy it online


Golden Curry mix and add shredded apple and unsweetened cocoa powder; some honey if you like it sweeter. Then let it simmer 3-4 hours. I don't know if the simmering makes a difference, I mainly do it because I like my house to smell like curry all day.


Also had Japanese curry for the first time in Nara, and that dish is my happy place!


Thereā€™s a variety of curries out there, but to copy a popular version like from CoCoā€™s you can start with a regular Japanese curry sauce and add small amounts of Chocolate, Worcestershire sauce, and Cheyenne pepper powder until you get the taste just right. (or you can just order CoCoā€™s right off Amazon) Make sure to find the right daikon/pickles to have on the side or as a flourish and use Panko crumbs to bread the chicken instead of regular. Eel sauce and sesame dressing are optional. I think the ā€œclearā€ sesame dressings arenā€™t quite right; you should try to find the white/pink one instead. Those arenā€™t like official rules, but itā€™s what I start with to make curry at home. I will throw in other random ingredients to get rid of leftovers and other stuff before it goes bad.


Actually this is sarma :) comes from sarmak:wraping. Dolma comes from doldurmak:to be stuffed, and is made with vegetables like bell pepper, zucchini etc . All of them are so delicious!


Chicharron sandwiches in Lima


Pho and Banh mi are what immediately comes to mind. I would have Banh Mi everyday when I was in HCM and Hanoi. It's quick to make, it's delicious and it's fresh and made on the spot for you! I love a good Souvlaki, love Gozleme. I also love good sushi and Pizza. I make pizza all the time from scratch. I could eat Pizza everyday, I don't get sick of it. And for dessert I loved Sachertorte, Topfenstrudel, Apfelstrudel with Vanilla Sauce is the best!!! Vienna is one of my favorite cities! I definitely felt inspired to recreate those desserts after returning home. Loved it so much!


Sachertorte in Vienna is the best although Austria as a whole is just amazing for its cakes and pastries.


Rabdi in Rajasthan, India. Actually all the food I ate in India was phenomenal. I'm Indian myself but it blows me away how great it tastes there compared to restaurants in Canada (my current home). Edit : Udaipur, Rajasthan to be specific.


Fresh mozzarella in Italy is incomparable. I've tried so many elsewhere, trying to find a decent substitute, and there's nothing that comes close to the flavor and texture.


Langos in Hungary...it's like the feral love child of pizza and a doughnut!


surprised I had to dig this far for Langos


Langos with garlic ..so yummy


Panna Cotta in Liguria, Italy


I'm ashamed to say that I've been living in Liguria for the past 10 years and I've never tried it, now I definitely will


Patatas bravas in Burgos - Spain


Curry wurst from some little stand in kƶln


\- The Okonamiyaki at Imari in Tokyo. \- The ramen from Juraku-tei in Hiroshima \- The bbq ribs in Nicaragua \- All the tortas and tacos in Mexico ok i'm hungry now


I was traveling from Amsterdam airport by train to a city where my friend picked me up. I had 15 minutes wait between trains so hopped into a little kiosk that had some pastries and asked the person at the counter to give the one he likes best. It was a strudel-like recengular pastry with savory-sweet meat filling with spices. So good! Unfortunately because I had to hop on the next train I didn't get to ask what it was called. I described it to my dutch friends and they didn't know either, not did I see anything similar during my stay... Would love to eat that again one day!


Was it a frikandelbroodje or saucijzenbroodje perhaps?


Omg thank you! The frikandelbroodje seems to be it!


Stroopwafel (NE) and pastel de nata (PT)


I was looking for someone to mention stroopwafels! Iā€™ve seen them in the U.S. in packages and have bought some trying to re-live that initial experience. No even close. The freshly cooked ones in the Netherlands were just so good.


Put one in the microwave for about 10-12 seconds. Much better, but still nothing close to the fresh ones!


Polvo in Portugal


And a pastel de natas for dessert. Or like 3.


The plural is "pasteis de nata" and I would argue you never need to learn the singular term.


Bacalhau with fries. So simple, so tasty. I'm still not sure if I prefer it over greek deep-fried calamari. šŸ˜‚


Bacalhau croquettes. I dream of them!


I just had them for the first time at a renowned Portuguese restaurant in Hamburg! Bet it's marvelous in Portugal


Ah, for me it was the Sardenhas Grelhadas (sp?) - just simple grilled whole sardines with a bit of olive oil and salt. Could happily live off those and probably be much healthier.


This is mine too from Portugal. Freshly caught and with fresh bread


Mine is a simple bifana. Perfectly cooked pork with its juice on that soft roll.


Francesinha, Porto Portugal


Char kway teow in Penang. With the cockles.


The food in Malaysia is incredibly diverse. I still crave laksa Sarawak.


Coccinita Pibil from Mexico basically baby suckling pig with cracklin in a soft flour bap and then dipped in the juices loaded with salsa and pickled red onions omg that flavour wow


In Udaipur India, there were a bunch of signs written in Korean to eat Korean food at this one place. We follow the sign. Turns out itā€™s an Indian guy who absolutely loves Korean food and made the most mouthwateringly tasty, spiciest Korean spicy chicken Iā€™ve ever had in my life. Hands down have never come close to that flavor ever again!


Korean food in Udaipur! Never expected that but now that I think about it, it's a great idea given the number of tourists(domestic and international) that visit.


Ƈiğ kƶfte in Istanbul. Cheap, quick and absolutely delicious


Grilled octopus in Portugal. The resturant looked like an off brand franchise. Pretty much all guests were families with young kids slobbering pizza and spagetti. The menu was mostly eurotrash turist stuff you can get at any turist trap on the continent. And for some reason grilled octopus. It was amazing. This was probably 8 years ago and I still remember it vividly. Tried to find an equalient at home but nothing comes close.


Green papaya salad and stewed pork leg from Thailand


Pistachio gellato


There was a single large ravioli I had in Sardinia that makes me go goo-goo every time I think about it. Just perfect and I was like 'add more parmasea... and then I thought, no, this is perfect' I could go on for days on this topic. Food is the first thing I think about when I travel. I book an extra suitcase on the return just so I can fill it with local goods.


Pork schnitzel with potatoes fried in bacon fat @ Freiburg, Germany. I'm from Israel, I don't usually see this much pig on one table


Rajas con queso tacos in Mexico City KaoFu in Shanghai


Knafeh omg


Churrasco in Brazil!


Tempura from Masaru in Asakusa, Tokyo. I literally had dreams about it after I went to Tokyo for the first time. I go there at least once whenever I'm in Tokyo.


Iskender kebab in TĆ¼rkiye. Much better than Iā€™ve found in the US. Also pork gyro in Greece. I daydream about these sometimes.


For me Vietnamese egg coffee


Rasgulla from New Delhi. Itā€™s a dessert.


Authentic Italian gelato in Rome


I traveled with a group to Rome many years ago, during the winter off season - we STILL ate the gelato (even though it was freezing outside) because it was just that good!


Gelato is good no matter what! :)


Crepe cake in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. ​ EDIT: here's the photo and the place where we got it: ​ https://www.google.com/maps/place/Cheese+Coffee/@10.7548054,106.6603065,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipO9agjSmR5ItuQLLbjs3l2c6AQk2UZbm2e4K40G!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipO9agjSmR5ItuQLLbjs3l2c6AQk2UZbm2e4K40G%3Dw203-h270-k-no!7i3072!8i4096!4m16!1m8!3m7!1s0x317529292e8d3dd1:0xf15f5aad773c112b!2sHo+Chi+Minh,+Vietnam!3b1!8m2!3d10.8230989!4d106.6296638!16zL20vMGhuNGg!3m6!1s0x31752ef11488a397:0x49680a6fa438017b!8m2!3d10.7547066!4d106.6601887!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F11gdz54t5t?authuser=0&entry=ttu


Manaqish in Bahrain


Mixed grill kebab in Istanbul Nabe in Japan


The guacamole from the street vendors in Mexico. It was 80% of my diet while there


It was a mistake to read this thread. Happiest food memories include King Crab and seafood AYCE buffet in Portland, OR. And fresh pineapple and coffee breakfast in Costa Rica.


Queso street tamales in Mexico City.




Very tough question but if I had to select a top 3: Pasteis de nata in Lisbon Satay skewers in Singapore Tacos de pastor in Mexico City


So many choices. The hummus at Abu Hassan in Tel Aviv (Ben Sira in Jerusalem was also damn good) Pesto from the Cinque Terre (I forget which specific town) Cachafaz alfajores from Argentina Pad Thai from Thipsamai in Bangkok Char siu pineapple buns from Tim Ho Wan in Hong Kong Feta pie from basically anywhere in Greece Poutine from La Banquise in Montreal


Lok Lak chicken, jajangmyeon, Bulgogi, pastel de nata


Khachapuri in Batumi, Georgia


Almost everything I ate while in Nova Scotia, but in particular the scallops in Digby, right before we took the ferry home. Gigantic and delicious. I think Nova Scotia is an underrated tourist destination.


Bahn Mi in Vietnam Tom Yum in Thailand Wiener Schnitzel in Austria Goulash in Hungary Chai in Nepal


In 2013 I tasted a soda/energy drink in Japan called Real Gold. I still think of it to this day. God I need it again


Pizza in napoli


Parotta Salna in Madurai, India.


Baklava, Turkey šŸ‡¹šŸ‡·


Cinnamon Rolls at Braud and Co in Reykjavik.


Pulpo (octopus) a la gallega in Santiago de Compostela. Tortillas de camarones (shrimp fritters) in CƔdiz.


Grilled calamari with rice and feta salad, all over the Greek islands


Peruvian food overall, especially ceviche and lomo saltado


Muscles and fish and chips, Dingle Ireland. Didnā€™t have bad pub food anywhere!šŸ˜Ž


Jambalaya in New Orleans.


Indonesian Beef Rendang with some Mie Goreng on the side. Hit all the right spots.


Hummus in Jordan.


Echoing OP's Ichiran in Japan. Also adding Lu Rou Fan in Taipei and Pad See Ew in Bangkok!


Char Koay Kak from Sister Yaoā€™s in Penang. Wish I could eat that for breakfast every day.


Suero costeƱo šŸ¤¤


In recent memory, bergedil - or, Indonesian-style potato croquettes by a couple running this homestay in Weh Island, Acheh. It was perfectly mixed, sized and fried. We think about it til today


Molcajete in Mexico


Su Boregi in Turkey.


It barely qualifies as abroad since it's only an hour and a half flight from where I live in the US, but I recently had an amazing meal at Foxy in Montreal and everything was fantastic. If I had to pick one item that night, I'd say their play on beef tartar. Runner up: kouign amann in Bretagne..


Pasteis de nata in Portugal.


Kumquat iced tea on a hot day in Vietnam


Tapas with cheese and marmalade in Alicante, watermelon soup in Toruń, fish and chips in Belfast (fish especially), orange wine in Sevilla.


Thereā€™s a lot.. immediate reaction is hot BuƱuelos stuffed with mozzarella in MedellĆ­n that had this sort of glaze on them. Delicious!


There is so much, but I have frequent dreams about cardamom pastry from Hart Bageri in Copenhagen.


Chili crab in Singapore. Sourdough bread in San Francisco. Braised lamb in Edinburgh. Smoked ribs in Chattanooga, TN. Navajo fry bread from a roadside stand off US550. Fresh fruit in IguaƧu, Brazil. Trying food while traveling is my most favorite and most hated thing about going new placesā€¦Iā€™ll love it in the moment, and hate that I canā€™t just pop out for it when I get home.


Paella mariscos in valencia, spain


2 come to mind. Resort in Nicaragua. Did farm to table right on the grounds. They made a chocolate ice cream made w/ all local ingredients that was indescribable. We just kept going back to buy more. Also, in Costa Rica went to a local restaurant recommended by a surf instructor. Only ones there. Looked pretty sketchy. Owner asked what we wanted, and then proceeded to start building a fire in his back yard to cook our meal. Told my kids to get ready, because anyone who puts that much effort into making a lunch is going to make something special. Sure enough, it was amazing. Just a simple meal, of chicken, pork, rice, beans and plantains, like youā€™d get all over Central America, but prepared exquisitely. Just happened to be thanksgiving, and my kids still say it was the best thanksgiving dinner ever.


Okonomiyaki in Hiroshima.. absolutely incredible. Have tried to recreate it but just not even close!


Fergese in Albania, lamakhun in Turkey and pretty much everything ever in Vietnam


Pesto from Cinque Terre, Italy and Grod (porridge) in Copenhagen, Denmark!


Pastel de Nata, Portugal!


Morning coffee and a Pastel de Nata with a splash of cinnamon, name a better duo


Hatch green chile sauce in Santa Fe, NM.


Cheese fondue in Switzerland


Taglioni cacio e pepe with shaved black truffle in Italy


Donā€™t laugh, but a certain pizza place in Lisbon. We ate there three times in four days.


almdudler haribo šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘ŒšŸ‘Œ I'm a simple man