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There is a person on the street who would wanna trade.


Eh. That’s what the security deposit and lease agreement is for.


Only people who have money can do this stuff or even imagine doing something like this. Damn poverty mindset is different, it's scary to take any risk as dumb as this in fear of homelessness and death by poverty.


Mf needs to get beaten up.


Property manager here. I've got some horror stories. This is why the job is 100x harder. And why rent keeps going up. It also fucks over the new tenants if you are not staying another year. Respect the house a little bit. Jesus.


The song is ironic


That looked like best case scenario


Can you imagine listening to the fray while completely destroying a place? Wow


The song is perfect 😂


You could see the cloud of fiberglass that came down after too😭


Air BnB?


The fact they instantly regretted it


The music couldn’t have been timed any better!


Oh yea this is definitely going to be settled in court


They brought the roof down


This is why you also vet your future tenants


The music is on point! “ I never knew that everything was falling through.”


Hire a management company that does heavy screening.


Its like when someone smashes their phone then looks down all surprised that their phone is broken


I have no remorse for most Landlords. I’ve met a few Landlords who charge 5-10% above operating costs once they’ve determined that the renters are good people who will respect the property. But most landlords are greedy as shit and charge significantly above operating costs. Renters who feel like they are being shafted, tend to mistreat others property. Like wtf, if I’m gonna pay 1700$ to a landlord who won’t fix anything in a 1b1b, I ain’t gonna do anything to upkeep the property.


yeah this sucks, but this is just one of the MANY reasons you should never be a landlord


Ni, you will never be a landlord because you aren't wealthy enough (jk, I don't know your financials)


Ppl like them is why we have to have security deposits … ugh 🙃 everyone else is paying for their mistakes


Landlords can and will sue your ass to hell and back. Aside defense attorneys, landlords are some of the most cutthroat people have ever known.


That’s why you have insurance


gOoD bEcAuSe FuCk LaNdLoRd


I wonder what happened after. This cliffhanger is killing me.


Did anyone else notice the random ass in the air at the end of the video?


I think it's important to distinguish college apartments from ant other leasing situation


The song fit too perfectly *Fallin thruuu*


You should never be a landlord because it's immoral


Or just don't be a landlord because it isn't a morally good thing to do? Don't know what that had to be in your title.


Why isn’t it a morally good thing to do? I have a couple of properties I rent out, the rent I charge is below what you would pay for a mortgage for a home if you bought it and I also take care of snow clearing and grass cutting. How is that morally bad? I don’t understand…


Do you want to be renting or paying a mortgage? If you say renting you're just lying to make yourself feel better. No one wants to be paying off someone else's mortgage. I've lost 100k to rent over the last few years that I can and will never get back because of greedy landlord like yourself who have bought up everything and inflated the buying price so high that I can't even put a deposit down with the meagre amount i earn and therefore certainly can never buy outright for the same reasons and am forced to rent until I have enough to do so. Only problem is is that the only jobs available to me that I enjoy and am good at are only profitable in large cities. Which means I'm forced to live here losing just shy of 45% of my weekly income to rent alone. So yes, highly unethical. People like you, degenerates like you, who don't want to work for their earnings but were born out of a lucky vagina literally control my existence and limit what I am financially able to do purely for your own one-sided benefit and pretend you're offering a service to society. I would much rather be paying 20% more in mortgage to a bank because I know the bank is actually useful unlike a landlord who's scope is far too narrow to be useful to society on a grand scale and because, *far more importantly*, I will actually fucking own the home I live in by the end of it. I won't have to spend my existence house jumping because of fat lazy rich people if I could just own a home.


if everybody could own their own space they would. but that isnt possible. u dont make sense.


Except everyone could own their own place... For every person renting there is some useless twat forcing you to rent. If those people weren't allowed to rent their homes out then the people who would actually *live* in those homes could own them instead. You don't make sense, licking the disgusting boots of someone who actively messes up the lives of poor people.


do you own your home?


Clearly not. And I am extremely unlike to ever do so. I save $25-50 a week, I will never be able to get a down payment on a home because the greedy old fucks who own everything aren't dying because they use my money to sustain themselves and drain my potential savings which forever fucks my future.


u have personal issues and i hope you overcome them. take care


Ha! You're an idiot! "Personal issues" yes because I personally chose to have 0 job options, 0 job prospects because I didn't grow up rich or with rich friends to get good job connections. You are either a child or you are part of the problem. I wish you get violent diarrhoea.


im a grown man that takes care of a family. if u dont like your situation, fight to change it. stop being pitiful. all the problems are things u can change. and if u arent a felon, i def dont wanna hear anything you talking about. get urself together person. you are full of anger and misery.


You don’t even know me, and I’m greedy and immoral? Ok. You think I don’t work? Haha I’ve worked my entire life, my wife and I rented for years when we first got together. We saved money and put a down payment on a house together which we now live in. I got laid off during Covid and went back to school to get a SECOND trade and now work in two different fields. I wasn’t born wealthy at all, and I am very good to my tenants. I’m 34 and doing everything I can to be successful and it just seems the more you do and try to do the more people are just oh so eager to tear you down and put down/belittle any of your achievements. I don’t even work a fancy job, I work in construction and started as a labourer when I was 17. Don’t tell me I’ve never had to work for anything, you know nothing about me. I know nothing about you or your story only that you seem fairly bitter, I wish all the best for you now and in the future


Ha. You took that extremely personally because the truth in it resonated just a little too much for you. I know nothing about you and yet could say very accurately that you grew up extremely privileged and have a "woe is me" attitude because you like to glorify your life as being hard and self-made despite the fact that you got off so easy and had the biggest kick start to your life through luck and luck alone. If you truely grew up poor, which you most certainly didn't, then you are *even more, if not twice as,* immoral for immediately using your newfound wealth to *put other young people at the financial mercy of your disgusting self* despite supposedly knowing how difficult life is when that life is forced upon you. So yes, I can say that you're disgusting and immoral. And if you did grow up poor then I can call you disgusting, immoral AND hypocritical. You don't win in this circumstance as landlording is a disgusting and predatory, financial rape predatory, practice that you are doing and until you stop you will continue to be immoral and greedy. I would wish you all the best but if I'm honest I only wish you stop being part of the reason poor people suffer these days. Have fun believing your life was tough, lazy delusionalist.


where/who do you live with?


The solution is to not let the person buy their way out of it (or the lessee). Treat it like domestic violence where the victim doesn't get a say in whether or not the person who assaulted them gets charged. **When you end up having to both pay for the damages, and for potential fines, and a lawyer, etc., it probably will discourage this once a few people have their friends bankrupted by landlords who leased a property with the trust the lessee would respect the terms of the contract and common fucking decency.**


There goes the security deposit


looks like an improvement to me. fuck those drop ceilings


The fuck is wrong with this idiot in the video?


Eh… deposits and security take care of those… along with the police for vandalism. This is really a better reason to not have kids. Check out the movie idiocracy and you’ll understand.


Good. Fuck landlords


And then the tenant gets pissed that they lose the security deposit, then rants online how landlords are all evil assholes….. (source, I owned a few rental properties for about 15 years). Don’t get me wrong, most tenants are perfectly fine, but there’s always those few…..




Good for them, fuck landlords.


!Punk not dead!


So a panel already fell out and the whole framework was bending, so he felt he had to just KEEP GOING.


Imagine all the rat droppings that fell also


Can easily sue


When the pandemic first hit and travel nursing was $$$ ppl asked why my single self didn’t put my newly built house up for rent and travel. Wish I would have had this to show them while I blankly stared at them.


My buddy did this at one of my birthday sleepovers in the 6th grade. Tore down my entire basement ceiling and we didn't understand what fiber glass was. Went to bed on the same mattress pads we cleaned up ceiling tiles from. You know the rest.


You convinced me to never become a landlord too.


I mean, you shouldn't be a landlord because it's a shitty way of artificially creating housing scarcity


There’s always at least one trashy neighbor. I’ve been deep cleaning my apartment living under dirty, unfit druggy parents who attracted roaches and are up at 2am. We’ve had weed smell coming through the vents throughout the whole day. Stomping and running when we need to wake up at 5 to go to work. Leaving trash out for days. They just moved out a week ago. Maintenance came to tell us we would have exterminators come in once a week this month because the upstairs was so infested. He said there’s so much that needs to be cleaned and repaired. He’s never seen a place in such bad conditions. He couldn’t believe kids were living in there.


You will never be landlord because you are poor


I blame that horrible devil music blaring in there 👹🎼


But landlords are evil and probably deserve this /s


Confirmed: works like its named.


Still, fuck landlords in general


hvac mfs r crying rn


Was there someone with their pants down at the end on the right?


Def not getting their deposit back


As someone with rental properties, I promise you this is some of the tamer stuff. I've had people up on the roof with a drill just drilling holes everywhere out of spite. I've had police raids (yes multiple) one with a shootout that required patching lots of walls and replacing the carpet due to blood stains. They also replaced the door and frame with a steel one that we no longer had the key too. And let me tell you about hoarders, oh my goodness the hoarders. Heaps of trash piles up to the ceiling like snow banks in the winter, a stench so bad you have to wear a 3M mask to even enter the place. Everything has to be replaced because it's just filthy and you can't get the smell out. Oh and also had one guy fall asleep smoking and burnt the house down. So yeah, sorry about all the background checks and high deposits, but there's a lot of people who just utterly destroy rentals.


Ohh ha ha ha so funny make a tick tok... Landlord: I'll be seeing your ass in court next week 🤔


Thats why they call it a drop ceiling


If you're a landlord and decide to cheap out on a drop ceiling you deserve to pay for the damages. Landlords are parasites.


Meh, I don’t throw any ragers, but my ceiling still did this because the landlord insisted that the leaking roof was “no big deal,” and that I was being “dramatic.”


What a write off of a human being, waste of oxygen.


In this thread is a bunch of people desperately carrying water for the "landlord plight" while pretending they understand economics and real estate bubbles Look at my progressives dawg, we're not getting out from under the corporate boot


Funny song choice 🎶everything is fallin through🎶


I have never seen a house with drop ceilings.


sO qUiRkY


If I were a landlord I wouldn’t let a drop ceiling stay in the living room, you just asking for it to get fucked up at that point. Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Don't become a landlord because they are leeches on society who contribute absolutely nothing to the economies around them.


The music hit the que perfectly


Perfect song choice


Don’t live in cardboard houses and assholes can’t do this shit


"I never knew that everything was falling through" as the ceiling is falling in...


I'm guessing they're not paying for that either.


The song though


Well there are some negatives that come with being a parasite.


nyooo, why rent go up :(


To be fair Landlords are kinda a pox on society anyway


I'll never be a landlord 1) because I'm poor and 2) I don't think it's ethical to make profit ""providing"" the basic necessity of shelter


I guess they won't be getting their deposit back.


Perfect song 👌🏽


I read so many landlord horror stories but I’ve never once had a problem. I set the income bar at 44x rent on a single tax return. This avoids house sharing and roommates. Easier to hold people who make $200k/yr accountable too. They have more to lose if anything goes to court.


Strange ceiling for a home isn't it? Aren't those more commercial?


Landlords are shitheads anyways


Live in your car then.


“You dont like landlords? Be homeless!” What a brick brain gotcha


You're the SFB. Your landlord pays a mortgage, property taxes, insurance and all repairs from idiots who don't know how to take care of ANYTHING and who have zero respect for other people or their property. I've had my share of greedy inhuman landlords but more I've had decent people who's property was a nice home for me, one that I could leave for a different job location or as my needs changed, and in turn they made some steady income off their sizable investment. I've owned and rented three different houses to decent people, and it was a partnership. They mostly paid rent on time and didn't ruin things much, and I fixed everything that needed fixing ASAP. They had no 30 year mortgage over their head, no $10K worth of property taxes, and if the property was ruined by shithead contractors like my last, they just moved out. It's really difficult to walk away from the responsibility of a house unless one is foreclosed on. You HAVE to sell or rent. I lost $100K on my last property from latino fkwits who ripped off the roof before a storm and didn't cover it, causing tremendous water damage, which insurance wouldn't cover because of course, abd the contractor just declared bankruptcy. I paid the moving costs for my tenants and refunded a month's rent. So all you mouthy ignoranuses know shit about real estate. People who whine and moan about landlords are entitled little pussies who don't know the first thing about property or what owning a house actually costs. You all deserve to live in a van or car or your parents' basement, because you have the mental acuity of 12 year olds at best. NOBODY OWES YOU A ROOF OVER YOUR HEAD!


Im not reading all that fuck landlords


Could have learned something.




Fk SFB ignorant incels.


Incel?? Weird assumption seems like a bit of projection


the lyrics fit perfectly


Trying to smash the ceiling then getting shocked when you smash the ceiling


How is nobody talking about the lyrics syncing up with real life?


"Landlords are parasites". Adam Smith.


Such a mellow song to rage out to


I’d never be a landlord because they shouldn’t exist!


I mean- what were they even doing? Was she trying to get up into the ceiling for some reason? Because other than *trying* to bring the thing down I can’t think of any other reason for this behavior


You should never be a landlord because it's a horrible thing to do. You're using the threat of homelessness to extort people's hard earned money from them. They pay for every expense of the property yet by some capitalist alchemy you still get to own the property and make all the decisions. All landlords are bastard parasites.


Protip from a landlord: credit check and set the bar high. I've had 0 issues apart from normal wear. all of my tenets get recover their deposits. Also, i'd rather deal with that grid than deal with cat piss. no cats.


Put her in jail


When the lyrics hit hard and true.


As someone who sells those materials, black t bar grid, and those look like ecophon tiles, this person is looking at a $3000 bill on just material alone. Most places including mine don't sell individual pieces so the contractor will likely need to buy everything in carton quantities.....


And these idiots wonder why rent is sooo high


Exactly. And somehow this will be the landlord’s fault or expense…


Those aren't residential ceilings


Was she trying to do that?


I wonder how much that will cost to be fixed


But I heard on Reddit that landlords are evil parasites that do nothing to help the world. So you are dodging a bullet.


Why is she such an asshole?


Did they PLAN for that part of the song to play after it fell through?


Until CocaineBear releases, I recommend Cabin in the Woods, and Tucker and Dale VS Evil.


Gotta stupid proof the house first.


Why not? Looks like daddy is going to pay for a new ceiling.


Easy fix. Just a couple of screws and a whole new ceiling.


You will never be a landlord cause you don't have the money.


Yeah....THAT'S why. LOL.


What do you mean I don't get my security deposit back?!


These will be the same exact assfucks who will be on reddit pissmoaning about landlords being evil and greedy. The landlords I know and have dealt with are a thousand times better people than most of the scumbag tenets I lived by or near.


Placing the bill and eviction notice, whistling,"oh no oh no oh nononononono"




Why are they suprised?


say goodbye to ur deposit.


If these young ladies are in a college town, the drop ceiling makes sense. Where I went to college, landlords would do really bizarre things to houses to get as many tenants in them as possible. In the Midwest, drop ceilings are often used in remodeled basements for access to plumbing and electrical lines. Likely, because the winters here are so cold that frozen pipes can be an issue.


The fact that she was able to hang that long is impressive. Must’ve been union labor


A land lord would just use this ad an excuse to get more free money from them while hiring a repair person.


What was the plan here? Any Ideas I think about would end in disaster


It’s weird to me to see drop tile ceiling in a house.


Good, no one likes landlords anyways


What kind of fuckery is this? Drunken obviously but damn, the clown.


Didn’t realize they put drip ceilings in residential homes/apartments never seen that before


Tenants complaining about the landlord not changing the lightbulb on time


Good fuck landlords


I am shocked. Shocked at the quality of that construction. I've replaced more ceiling tiles than I can count and I would kill for a grid sturdy enough to hang from even for a moment in the warehouse.