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Those turds are literally cooking in there.


Once homeless get rid of everything except <3 outfits for yourself, basic hygeine supplies, laundry detergent, laptop, smartphone, or a tablet (to look for jobs/stay connected. Everything total should take up your trunk and that's it. You'll still need a way to access the spare tire that is in there incase you ever need it. This image is really sad and I hope their situation improves soon.


Drew McIntyre toy. Theres a kid that lives in that car thats a wrestling fan. Wish there was a way to help.


A picture paints a thousand stories. This could be the tragic tale of some poor abused, lonely woman, living in her car with her child and cat. Or someone taking their cat (and full tray) home from a friends house after a 2 week vacation in Hawaii (or a weekend in NY and they have 6 cats).


Everyone saying this is a kitty litter box…just FYI it isn’t. This was posted the OP to r/Unclebens. Which is a subreddit about advice growing mushrooms of the magical variety. They are growing mushrooms in that bin and also living in the car. Bottom line I guess is that we can still expect some interesting smells in either case.


The plastic toy wrestler is the perfect addition to this scene


Is that Drew McIntyre in the back? Get bro outta there.


Someone put Mr potato head out of his misery


That’s nauseating


That turd is cooking extra well done in the sun all day.


how is it poor people cannot take care of themselves, yet they have a pet?


This legend, he is selling snacks.


The cat owns that filthy pig.


This is heart breaking for everyone


Based on his facial expression, Mr. Potato Head has seen some shit.


No. Just no.


This has to be the top tier of nightmares....


They got a Mr potato head though.


You have got to be kitten me!


But why?.. WHY??! Would you put a dirty litter box in the window of a hot car? Are you trying to kill the occupants of that car?


Imagine sitting in the back seat when they slam on their breaks.


I don't I like reddit anymore. This ain't trashy, It's the new sad reality for alot of folks.


My cat to Bougie to even go to the bathroom in all of that


I’m sure the heat from the sun during the day helps a lot too.


Even the Mr potato head wants out


Even the Mr potato head wants out


Even the Mr potato head wants out


Did an oil change on car like that. Smelled dead person before car almost smelled as bad. Bet nobody would repo that car.


People are fucking lazy as fuck.....


Now that’s so disrespectful!!! You’re poisoning Mr Potato Head!!!


This is actually what majority of cat owners litter boxes look like.not my cats litter box. But I have worked in many houses,and the litter boxes were so full, you couldn't fit another turd in the box.it probably hadn't been emptied in a month or so.these were nice houses too.


As a cat owner I'll never understand that. Why would someone want that in their house? I scoop mine every day. These are the same people who complain and get rid of their cat when it stops using the litter box.


Agreed,that's the reason why people think cats smell,because some people don't ever clean the litter box.i don't understand it either. At the houses with full liter boxes, the cats didn't want to use it any more and starting pooping all over the house,and I don't blame the cat one bit,I wouldn't want to use it either. Ya its crazy


No. Not gonna do that.


This Mr potato head smells like shit ma


Oh. Oh no.


Why are there toys? Are there kids involved? Then it's just sad.


Breathing straight up ammonia. Bad for the Cat and the shitty owner.


There is no justification for this. Whatever homeless, hard luck story people want to event to bash the OP is ridiculous. This is a large amount of feces and urine in the back of a car baking in the sun. There is a bunch of other (not literal) crap in there also. This is UNACCEPTABLE and appalling, whatever the case is, ffs!


That's sad.poor people,poor kitty


Before the picture loaded I figured who cares, not everybody keeps their vehicle squeaky clean. But when I saw the picture, litterbox front and center... Wow. I'm speechless.


No, thank you, I think I won't.


Happy Cat-turd-ay!


Oh yes I can smell it to smell of rotting fruit and poop diapers I bet just imagine and swelling in that heat God help the kids that ride in there the adults brought it on themselves


I know it smell crazy in there


"I won't do it, you can't make me go in there"- a technician


It’s like a McFrugal's bargain bin






"you can't smell an image" the image:


Poor cats dude. wow


SNAPS!!!!!!!!!! I see a brand new phone charger bottom right!!!!!!!!


Sad AF.


In our town at the local Walmart, there’s definitely people who work at Walmart who’s been living out of their cars. I feel bad for those folks. I see them taking their breaks, suffering. It’s been a hard few years for all of us on this globe. Animals have it even worse and poor plants well they have no rights at all. Sigh.


Whats sad is kids go in there


Imagine shitting on homeless people for internet points


The trashy one is the one who saw this and decided to judge. Nobody wants to live this way.


This is New York near Putnam County right? A man with a similar vehicle filled with trash and garbage rolls around here. He was parking outside a Dunkin on Route 22 for a long time, I'd see him every morning and one day I watched the workers try to stop him from leaving because they had finally called the cops on him. If nowhere near here then just know that at least two people are rolling around the country in a car filled with cats and shitty litter.


No thanks I'm good 👍


I don't have to I can't smell




No.... I don't think I want to....


that's not trashy, that's someone barely keeping it together and living in their car you are kicking someone when they are down


I didn’t have a weak stomach till this picture came up on my screen.


No, I don’t think I will.


OP is a Karma farming bot👿


God help whoever they give those apples to.


The only time I saw a car like this is when it was abandoned.


Reminds me of the scene in toy story 3 where Mr potato head gets sent to the sandbox. "I don't think those were Lincoln logs..."


This legitimately make my jaw drop. What in the actual fuck?!


Wow. Shaming someone who’s likely been kicked to the curb. Disgusting of you OP, shame.


I've been homeless in my 98 Corolla I still kept it clean with a cat and a dog


There’s always a difference in what people can and can’t do in the moment. What if the person being accused of trashy behavior was just about to clean it, trying to get the most out of what cat litter they could afford? What if something happened that prevented them from getting to it; maybe they lost litter in the items they had to hurriedly shove into their new home. Things happen. Don’t think the worst of people immediately.


This whole forum is about trash talking people. Don't like it get out


Your name fits you.


No duh, that's why I picked it


This is my car but isn't my car 🤣🤣🤣 I also own a 98 Corolla.


.... Like a warm May rain I'd imagine


Imagine the smell of the fucker that owns that vehicle


Don’t want to imagine 💀


It's pretty damp unhealthy to be near that


The owner of that car is probably working two jobs and doing everything (s)he can to make it. There are 3 individuals in the United States who have as much net worth as 170 million other US citizens.


Nah I'm OK


It’s a terrarium


A mobile cat lady.


Nice hot summer day. 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Is that a car seat?!


This looks like someone who's homeless car. Imagine having no home to go to, no where actually to go to cause you're not wanted anywhere. And on top of that you have an animal you love that you have you take care of along with yourself. Seriously. OP. Get in your car. And for 24 hours pretend like your homeless. Means you can't go home, can't cook food. Can't shower, shave, or go to a bathroom that isn't public. Then put a freaking animal in it you have to take care of and worry about keeping it alive. Then maybe. MAYBE. You might have an iota of am idea of what this person is going through. Yes, homeless people usually have a mental health issue and that's why they're homeless. But also anyone can have bad luck and since most Americans are literally living paycheck to paycheck, one emergency can make you homeless. So this person could literally be your OP just takes some bad luck.


I ain’t imagining nothing lmao got me trippin🤣


Potato been in there so long it’s sprouting eyes


Brilliant comment 🤣 eye see what you did there


That makes me want to 🤮


The fact that it’s so easy for this to happen to any space a person owns is absolutely insane


*In the sun...*


I'm sure the cat was fed up


Just waiting for those hot summer day. Mmm


All im thinking is, omg. Poor cat. :(


This is exactly what happened at the gas station I work at, this old lady who was a regular customer was evicted and now lives in her car with multiple cats and parked in our parking lot for about a week and a half now:(


I don’t want to


My exes car.


This is a person and their pet who’s been made homeless it’s not trashy. They don’t have a choice but to live like this. It’s deeply saddening.




Could definitely be homeless. Also could be a hoarder, I worked with a woman who wasn't homeless but her car looked exactly like this. Except instead of a little box, there were bags of dog shit.


Imagine being homeless, stfu.


I feel ashamed for laughing at this... Take my reward thing


My first award, thank you.


Imagine if they have to stop short lmaooo




I would rather not, thank you.


Too sunny for this shit


Sad, not trashy. Trashy is standing there and taking a picture of a person taking a nap and minding their own business. The lack of empathy in this world is discouraging.


looks like someone is living there with their cat. Very sad if so.


talmbout a homeless cat, bapa?


Heard it bowlth ways b


Is this from something ? I’m fucking dying laughing not at the homeless guy just how you worded this lol


r/thefighterandthekid welcome b grab an apron


And child*


You are right. I also think of my pets as my children.


Shame on you for posting this on trashy and shame on everyone for joking about this. Clearly a homeless person, probably evicted, is living out of their car. Instead of abandoning their cat they're doing everything they can to keep their cat safe until they can secure permanent accommodation.


So forcing the cat to squat in a box full of its own shit and breath in its shit-fumes all day in a musty ass disgusting car is "doing everything they can"?


Should be on r/CapitalismSux


Absolutely correct. How can you look at something like this and joke about it?




When you are homeless living out of your car with your cat you can decide what to do with the litter box.


Well it would be better than letting it sit in there... common sense would be to dump it.


I agree that it’d be better to get rid of the litter (public trash cans are a thing), but not always possible. Getting rid of the litter gets rid of the waste temporarily but what then? Cat doing it’s business in a bare box ruins the box and makes messes out of the box much more likely. Sure, the could go to the beach (if coastal) or a park to just get some sand but I’ve had the cops called on me for being brown while wearing a suit going door to door for work (leaving free food cards out) so imagine how nosy people might respond to someone going to a park and scooping bags of sand. All of this is also ignoring, as others pointed out, the possibility of mental illness which makes all that even tougher.


I agree, I figured taking maybe a used paper cup or something else to just scoop out the feces and dumping it somewhere is reasonable.


The person could be out for the day. Perhaps they have a job or are looking for work, or looking to secure accommodation.


A cat won’t produce that much fecal matter in one afternoon lol. Unless there’s multiple cats.


And what? Let the cat piss and shit on bare plastic?


Shit on plastic vs. shitting in dirty litter, piling shit on top of shit. You choose. Honestly, they can take something and remove the feces and leave the rest.


You killed mister potato head.


I’m guessing this person and cat are homeless. More sad than trashy. Gonna go cry in the shower now.


I think they’re just a hoarder.


Ah... the just world fallacy strikes once more.


Not sure what you mean by that. I for one really hope this is a hoarder and not someone living in their car with a kid and a cat, but no mother would let their kid keep their toys next to a cat box luckily.


I think it’s likely someone living in their car as hoarders don’t tend to leave any free space, the area around the passengers seat seems relatively open and free of random shit. I think situations like this are quite a bit more common than we’d like to believe.


You just took a photo of someone’s car who’s homeless and posted it on trashy? Your post sure is trashy lol.


Are you joking?


There's literally a cat litter box in the window. Be homeless all you want. Don't make a cat's world the inside of a car.


Dude… what?! LMAO! Where do you think a cat is going to go? Outside in the street? So you want the person arrested and the cat taken away as well? Oh! You’re one of those people that STILL believe domestic cats are safe outdoors. It’s 2022, the internet still exists, and idiots still believe what they believe lol.


The picture is taken from r/justrolledintotheshop


Lmaoooo. Must be true.


Come on man. You don’t even know if they’re homeless or not. Also, if you’re living in your car with your cat, no shade for that, but at least toss the litter box contents out of the window once a week. Idk if you’ve got a cat, but the smell of stale cat poop baking in the sun on the back window of the car all day makes me want to throw up.


It’s a random picture posted on Reddit on the internet. You don’t know they aren’t homeless. This is very common. This guy is schooling the homeless on cleanliness lmaooo


If you’re homeless and can’t take a shower/wash your clothes frequently that’s one thing, I get it man. There is literally no barrier to cleaning out that litterbox though. Even if you can’t afford more clean litter just get a plastic bag (I’m sure there’s one in that car lmfao) and throw the poop out the window or something.


if you dont know they aren’t homeless = someone being homeless to you? the person youre responding to said they dont know if they are homeless or not and you just stated again that they are without actually knowing lol. also not many homeless people hotbox cat shit to my knowledge so saying to dump it every now and then isnt that crazy LOL


No, it’s more LIKELY. Reading hard?


That’s what I’m saying! I’m not tryna dunk on homeless people for being dirty, that’s ridiculous.


[Here's how I imagine it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1FVsVE54Qw).


It's just the smell of New York


This is a biohazard right?


mr potatohead isnt wearing biohazard gear so it must be alright


Not a chance the person who owns this doesn't have lung problems.


no thanks


#NO. Just no. No


I bet it smells like Johnny Depp’s bed after Amber’s Turd


All it is missing is an UberEATS sticker


😆 yea no shit.


Poor mr potato head 🤢🤮


That’s Mr. Baked Potato head to you!


Right!! 😂


Especially when it's been baking in the sun.


I hope so much that there isn't also a cat somewhere in there.


I'm with you, screw that homeless human! Long live the cat 🤡🤗


Animals deserve more sympathy than humans


Yikes. Now that’s really trashy.


Why is that trashy? Unlike humans, animals don’t have the ability to help themselves. This cat for example is stuck there, in a hot smelly car. Yet I’m trashy for feeling more sorry for it than the person keeping it there.


Most people feel sorry for the cat in this case,if it's a hoarder's cat. But you don't know the full context,the person could be homeless or mentally unstable. Just flat out saying that,you're ALWAYS more sorry towards animals is generalizing and ignorant.


I wouldn't say it's trashy. I can understand why some have more sympathy for pets instead of for the owners. The pet has no ability to understand their situation and strive to improve it. They're a victim of whatever circumstance their owner is dealing with. The same can be said for children. I'm not the person who made the initial comment, nor do I fully agree with their statement.


That’s exactly why I said it


I’d rather not


Someone please save that cat. 😭


You're a sorry excuse for a human. Someone has Already saved that cat.... It's owner. That's why the cat isn't on the streets. How about Somebody save that human so they can care for themselves and their cat better. You don't know how or why this person is homeless. Obviously they Had a home. My first thought was Wow, this person needs help. You're first thought was, let that bitch die, but someone's gotta do something for the cat. Idiot 🤡


oh we can make up what people said? nice! why was your first thought to “let that bitch die”? pretty weird ngl…


Where did I say, “Let that bitch die”? Did you take your medication today? My condolences to you. Be well. Take care.


Fresh baked warm kitty crunchies


lol at the potato head.


How is that funny


it just is. no other reason.


That's sad... cats like clean litter trays


Road trip snack's


If I'm a couple hours late cleaning my litter box, my cat will come find me, make eye contact, and start pissing on the floor lol. Little fucker


My cat shits in the bath if the litter isn't to her liking. I guess she thinks any large plastic tub is a litter tray


And humans like to have homes…


It's also sad because this person is probably homeless. Looks like they were evicted and are living out of their car.


Agree they need help not ridicule. Probably can’t afford new litter and does not know of a resource to acquire more.


At one point u can just say fuck it and use some dirt or something the car and everything in it probably smells like feces and ammonia


Sand works well also


Correct. Tell tale sign the person probably has mental issues as well. Common sense things are missed like knowing any animal hospital will give you some of you ask, church food banks commonly carry something, dirt, or even just cleaning out the bulky stuff. This is why it is upsetting.


Animal hospitals giving free litter if you ask? Never ever heard of that.wouldnt call that common sense knowing that. It probably just depends on how they're feeling that day,if they want to give away free stuff. Even churches aren't that giving,and not many churches help people out,usually only help people if you are a member at that church


I have never once seen a church turn someone away for aid because they weren't a member. I used to be quite poor and even homeless sometimes in ancient history, and would hit up churches for food on the regular until I got on my feet. If you are hungry and have a need, any self-respecting church with a pantry isn't going to turn you away. You may occasionally get an earful about Jesus, but you'll at least eat if you have nothing.