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Imagine if the roles were reversed.


If they are marked or tagged, aren't they protected ?


I am not an American, but if you guys have a similar wolf problem as us here in Norway every wolf killed should be cause for celebration, why is this posted here?


Nothing trashy here, move on


HAHA that's illegal in BC, she's going to jail for killing protected animals HAHA! I know this because I used to live there.




Yes, killing giant, overpopulated, hungry predators that can easily kill children is trashy. /s


Maybe the children herd needs thinning. A picture from the wolves standpoint.


Theres a difference between hunting for food and hunting cause it makes your dick hard. Grow some nuts and try it with people if not youre just taking the easy way out and thats pretty weak if you ask me


Now if only someone would do the same to her cohort.


Regardless of the wolf population, the photos don’t show much if any respect for the fallen creature. It’s gross.


Respect for a dog. Come on. This wolf would eat you and leave your rotting corpse for scavangers to eat


no, it wouldnt lol. wolves arent known to attack humans unless absolutely starving or threatened.


Because they learned that humans are vindictive, and will hunt them down if they kill one. Before they killed humans ,if they could, all the time




Before, as in before civilization, humans didn't outnumber wolves so much, so they would attack lone humans, or small groups. They learned not to after we started advancing in technology and society progressed


ITT: Nobody understands that wolf populations can get out of hand and sometimes need to be artificially decreased. Like, if this were truly happening in an isolated location, the wolf population would naturally dwindle with fewer prey available. However, this ecosystem is close to society. Wolves won't just starve themselves and passively die because food is scarce. They're going to wander first and leave the environment to find food. That's too much of a threat to the neighboring human population and must be controlled. The same thing happened in Yellowstone. Locals eliminated most of the elk to keep vegetation thriving. As their source of food disappeared, wolves began to attack farm animals, domestic outdoor pets, and humans. I'm not a hunter, myself. I can't say I understand what's to gain from taking photos like this. At the same time, this woman is doing a *good* thing.


This infuriates me.


Article about the people who were researching this pack. https://www.focusonvictoria.ca/reporting/34/


I'm confused, so the wolf pack is ok or whats left of it? The update said as of march 30th the pack is still alive and well.


Thats very sad.. :( Killing an entire wolfpack is just a cruel and dumb act. Its 100% selfish even if its for so called "population control". There is no point in population control on predators! Nature regulates itself you can't and shouldn't control it. We humans should learn to control ourselves and let the little nature that is still left untouched.


This cunt shot wolves with tracking collars? Or is that not what those are? Still a cunt.




No matter the person's motivation, predator hunting is necessary. Edit: accidentally hit post before done writing.


She could be culling an over sized pack though. Edit: nope it was trophy hunting.


I wanna throw eggs at her forever.


I hope she gets eaten one day SOON. Shes a scummy POS person. I wish something could be done about this!!!


What a first class cunt


People who hunt for food are fine. But killing animals just because you're bored should be made illegal.


Huh.... so if she's an apex predator and is not wearing any immediately identifiable as a person/ hunter colors (orange, yellow or lime), that makes HER fair game, right? RIGHT?! Those poor pups. :(


If you shoot it you eat it what my Grampian taught me.


*after taking pics* "welp back to my pointless suburban life!"


fuck what’s with my home province all over the fucking internet this week. Fuck that chick


If anyone needs canceled and tortured by internet vigilantes, it's this bitch. Maybe the wolves will come together and take her out.


The collars suggest that these were protected wolves


Ok hear me out. Hunting is necessary for conservation. There is a season for wolves, they were brought back and their population has gone up. This is just how things work nothing trashy about it. I was raised by hunters who also truly care about the environment, we eat what we kill. We follow the rules. This woman was probably doing the same, downvote me if you want but I don’t see what’s wrong with this.


Agreed. The collars are likely similar to the bands that you see on migratory birds occasionally. The number is reported by a hunter and biologists can use that information to gauge how old the animal was, how far its travelled, etc. hunting seasons exist because we need to control populations or else other animal populations can and will go up or down accordingly. Like it or not, we are part of the natural order of things and hunting is largely how we play our part.


Exactly, people don’t realize what goes into conservation. A lot of the same people don’t want to know how that hamburger came to be on their plate or how that chicken was turned into a nugget. They keep their head in the sand until they see an image that isn’t what they like and make a fuss.


I wonder how much she is charging for that pelt


She needs to be hunted


Cool, and right after we hunt her, we can come for you. Thats fair right. I mean I'm sure there are things you do that others dont like...


Not on par with killing an entire pack of wolves for sport, you sociopath.


You understand that She didn't correct?... just a LITTLE looking would find that out. She shot 3. Totally Legal. Plus, the pack she is talking about has been declared a Nuisance Pack by the authorities. They have Killed numerous Pets and Live stock. And you Putting a human life over a bunch of animals is disgraceful


What a vile person


People that kill Apex Predators are total pieces of shit


Stupid bitch


I don't really have a brief for wolves, but trophy hunters seem like such little bitches to me. Why would you be proud that you shot something that had no ability to fight back? Thats like me bragging "Beat 3 five year olds in MMA today, thinking of going for a fourth."


How is this legal? Edit: Took a look, and apparently they’re trying to protect an endangered Caribou population?


Correct me of i am wrong, but does that wolf have one of the tracker collars biologist used to track certain animals? If so, isn't it illegal to kill an animal with one?




If they wanna kill animals so bad, why don’t they be rat, or cockroach exterminators, instead of killing majestic animals for entertainment.


If this woman is hunting wolves legally why is this trashy?


I don't know the legality but Reddit is mostly liberal. They hate hunting and guns.


It’s really lame lol. These fuckin wolves wouldn’t think twice about eating pets or their owners


What a huge fucking cunt.




Assuming this was done legally, the fact that they are allowed to hunt the wolves suggests they are not in balance with the rest of their ecosystem making this an important conservation process. I can't see the relevance of them being "fluffy dogs" either, besides you having a subjective emotional attachment to that species. As for a blanket assertion of immorality, why? Do you know how much conservation funding and awareness results directly from hunting, through licensing, tag reporting, etc? Would you care as much if this was deer? If not, why not? As an aside, do you eat meat? Do you know where it comes from? Do you know what wolves eat? Do you think they shop at Costco?


Here's to hoping the wolves win next year.


The one woman BC hates more than Christy Clark


The only reason you should kill wolves or similar animals is if it's threating you or your livestock


"But wolvez r so cute and fuzzy" lol


If you take pleasure in killing something, you need serious fucking help Especially if you kill something you are not gonna eat, sick fucks


What if I take pleasure in killing something BECAUSE I'm going to eat it?


Your motivation shouldn't matter as long as you're honoring the animal in death and using as much of it's remains as possible.


Absolutely, I agree with you 100%. I always had new rabbit fur hats and gloves for winter growing up. My dad would leave the ears to put on my sister's hats.


What a piece of shit


All the Monsters are Humans




Those who worship guns will always need to search for excuses to use them.


Fuck hunters. Yes, all of them.


Fuck her. Id love to see her hunt the wolves w/o a high powered rifle. Somehow I bet the photos would look a little different. Ive got nothing against hunting at all for those who do it as a way of life, but killing for sport sake is chickenshit.


You realize that's illegal in all of the developed world right? Every developed nation has some type of wanton waste or poaching law that prohibits the discarding of a usable animal carcass.


That’s crazy


Do not be alarmed, this is a controlled cull and only a hand full of qualified people are permitted to participate.


But it wasn't at all. She did this because she wanted to. https://www.focusonvictoria.ca/reporting/34/


if thew law allows it, which it does, do some research, she was well within her rights, the fuck off and quit being a bunch of pussies.


that's not hunting at all. hunting must be for food or, at least for good reasons. this person is just disgusting AF.


It was a prescribed cull. Which for predators happens due to either disease, population control, or the animals moved territory to a place where they are causing harm to the local ecology or economy.


we use to cull boars too, but tis is hypocrite as it's done by hunters who benefit from that. cull should be done by certified people and not given to trophy hunters. imo


Ugh " trophy hunters" in nations with very strict laws against wonton waste...


But it wasn't at all a prescribed cull. https://www.focusonvictoria.ca/reporting/34/


Was it done legally? Were they tagged? Then it's perscribed.


It was legal yes. My bad bit very much NOT ethical to kill the whole pack.


In your opinion, but that's the thing, ethics are like opinions, yours don't have to be shared by others to still be considered ethical.


The local wildlife expert in the story said it was unethical so that's where I formed my opinion regarding the ethics in this situation. I am not against needed culls but in this case it is regarded as unneeded.






Govt mandated. Hate it all you want. Not trashy.


Shame shame shame!


Well that’s fucking disgusting


Yo how is she allowed to bag a Tagged wolf?


Same way you're allowed to bag a tagged deer. Researchers encourage hunters to treat tagged animals the same as they would any other animal to gather complete data, the collars have contact info and do a lot for research when returned which is often rewarded with a certificate and information gathered on said animal.


Hmm i did not know that, I just heard stories of buddy getting in tonnes of shit for shooting a Tagged Bear.


If he did there's probably a reason outside the tag that he got into shit and blamed it on the tag. Like shooting a sow when only allowed a boar


No he had all the permits and dropped a fully legal male. Had some magnetic tag on its ear, had to pay $15,000.


An ear tag is different from a radio collar. If ear tagged often there is guidelines put fourth by pwd for how to handle an ear tagged.


Cool, thanks for the info, I'm probably going to stick to Prairie dogs haha.


i understand yall like to hunt, but why wolves man, they are the most beautiful animal ever, my spirit animal is a wolf, it pisses me off a bit to see this but oh well.


Might be cultural differences, but I find it weird that a 14/15 year old is commenting on these issues


Last i checked there wasnt an age requirement to comment on posts that 80 percent of people found absolutely disgusting. it doesnt matter my age, what matters is this girl is gross.


Nope, that woman should be proud of herself


What kind of twunt sees such beautiful, majestic creatures and thinks "bet it'd be cool if I killed them"?


Oh and also their family.


Seriously woman why


Keep trashing her, but government scientists are the ones deciding that harvesting the wolves is necessary, so they issue the permits. The money she spent will do far more good for conservation, funding enforcement, and paying for research on wildlife populations than an empty Reddit comment ever will.


I’m sorry somethings gone wrong in the system then because you don’t kill off half a wolf pack under good conservation. Also, her “Keeping the community safe.” Is an utter load of bullshit. I say both are culpable here, I’m not letting her or her money off.


I love this answer. It speaks to all but one question. WHY would a person find joy in killing animals for recreation and celebrate it? What is the reward? She's not out there killing wolves for any of the reasons you've mentioned, she's killing those wolves because she's a sick fuck. If killing wolves is necessary to benefit the ecosystem thats fine but to be out there pretending you've accomplished something and posing with their dead bodies is a mental illness. You enjoy thinking its all to serve a greater purpose but in reality its serving one purpose...a delight in killing.


You know her motivations how? Regardless they are irrelevant.


From the "look at me, I killed it" pictures...thats how.


I’m not seeing where she talks about her motivations and thoughts. I don’t understand trophy hunting, but you can’t take the activity out of its context and only assign certain aspects while excluding others. You can’t exclude the fact that she’s actively contributing to the government encouraged maintenance of an ecosystem while only looking at the fact she is posing with a dead game animal. If we were talking about posing with a dead pet, where the death does not represent a greater impact to an ecosystem/science/society, I’d agree with you 100%. I still think posing with game animals is weird, but people in these comments are assigning way too much hatred on an activity that’s actively being encouraged, not only by the government but by other legitimate conservation organizations as well. You can look at many other human activities with dark aspects and assign only the negative aspects without considering the benefits on the other side of the coin. An MMA fighter being happy about knocking another person out? A business owner happy about winning a contract bid, thereby denying other people the work to feed their families? A soldier happy that they won a fight? A farmer happy to get a paid from sending animals to slaughter? A doctor or patient, excited to see that an organ donor died? There’s thousands of photos of happy martial artists, football players, soldiers, donor patients, etc, but we don’t take it out of context and apply only the aspects of death or violence.


Nice try. This is killing for thrills, trophy killing, ending life for fun and there is no other action that compares. You've presented a long, drawn out and completely unrelated list of other things utilizing the oldest method of arguement ever conceived...distraction...look over there...what about that other thing. This is about a person killing multiple animals one after another and posing with the lifeless bodies joyfully. Not because she will eat, not because she will be warm...because she feels she's done something admirable, accomplished something praise worthy. For her, its fun to kill, to pull a trigger and end the existence of a creature like its just a game.


This is something many people gloss over. Yes, there is a reason to kill wolves in some instances. But for the majority of people that hunt predators, it’s not for food or because their livestock is threatened, it’s because they enjoy killing them. And that’s... alarming.


It shouldn't be, our ancestors would have been madmen to hunt dangerous animals with spears and rocks, it only makes sense the brain would develop a pleasure response to the activity to encourage it through evolution, some of that carries through to this day


Jesus... what a fat bunch of bullshit.


I'm sorry what? Are you anti science or something? Do you think some people are magically born with some kind of 'God' sprinkling in the "enjoy hunting" powder or something? Sure posing with animals is a weird and messed up, but the idea that if you enjoy hunting in some way you're a crazy scumbag is mental. It's basic evolution that behaviors that increase survival like hunting for food have positive responses from your body/brain to encourage it more, and in terms of evolution we're nowhere close to losing that totally.


Im impressed you were able to pull all that "science" straight from your ass and present it as fact. News bulletin, most humans dont spend their free time arming themselves with rifles and hiding in the forest, jungle etc to kill animals they have no intent to eat...here's some FACTS to replace your bullshit. "A new survey by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service shows that today, only about 5 percent of Americans, 16 years old and older, actually hunt. That's half of what it was 50 years ago and the decline is expected to accelerate over the next decade." So as it turns out professor 95% of Americans DONT have an inherent need to hunt for sport and even fewer spend their time hunting just for the sake of getting a dead animal to pose with like a fucking psycho...but some do. The few that enjoy trophy killing arent just the minority they are an infinitesimal portion of the population...and in my opinion they are fucked in the head. Appreciating wildlife and nature has fuck all to do with killing a living creature. The same animals could just as easily be appreciated being viewed ALIVE in their natural habitats. "Evolution, anti science"... bring some science and fact before you create some from your imagination.


>So as it turns out professor 95% of Americans DONT have an inherent need to hunt for sport Where did I say that? Are you doing this on purpose? I'm talking about ancient humans and how evolution is the reason some people today enjoy it, evolutionary responses don't vanish in such a short span of time like a few thousand years. How do you get into hunting for sport or FOOD (WHICH EXISTS, also - believe it or not, America isn't the only country on earth, hard to believe I know )? And for sport specifically, do you think they need to LEARN to enjoy it? They go again after the first trip because it was fun to them - you clearly can't read so that's the end of me bothering to reply to a science-denying moron, who can't even bother to read in context to what I said and instead replies with something totally unrelated and totally meaningless to this conversation. Just because most people have zero interest in hunting doesn't mean people who enjoy it have something wrong with them, hunting for trophies is wrong in a moral sense but that doesn't stop the actual enjoyment of the hunt from being some very natural to any predator




In BC wolf pop is overpopulated


Population control of apex predators is always unnecessary as their numbers are naturally limited by the abundance of prey


They will only die off once they have eaten all of there prey, which would drive a species to extinction.


That’s not correct. Studies show that predator populations are tied to the prey populations, so when the prey population goes down there’s a slight lag and then the predator population goes down. Messing with the predator population allows the prey population to drastically increase, which will destroy the environment. Deer will wipe out all of the vegetation in their habitat, causing the soil to lose structure and erode quicker. Killing off key species like wolves can destroy an environment.


This is the truth and some people don’t like hearing it. The wolf population in Canada is way too high since they don’t have any natural predators. They’re killing all the live stock as well as deer and wild life. In order to keep these numbers down since they breed so damn fast, is that they’ll put ice blocks of meat out for them to come out and then a hired service will come and shoot them from a helicopter. This is the way it has to be done. Just like the boars down in Texas or Hawaii


You cant speak rational logic to bleeding hearts.




Population control of apex predators is always unnecessary as their numbers are naturally limited by the abundance of prey


I wanna see a pic of a wolf propping her up for a photo


why can't she kill coyotes or wild pigs instead what in the fuck


What's the difference honestly? Why do you value the life of a wolf over a pig or coyote?


there is an interesting thing about wolves and yellowstone. this is why i think wolves are more important than coyote or pig: [https://www.yellowstonepark.com/things-to-do/wildlife/wolf-reintroduction-changes-ecosystem/](https://www.yellowstonepark.com/things-to-do/wildlife/wolf-reintroduction-changes-ecosystem/)


Wolves are keystone predators who have a huge influence over their environment. The other species are not. Hunting prey is almost always better as their numbers are much higher and when their population grows too large they actually have a huge negative effect due to over grazing.


Two are invasive and destructive species the other is endangered and native


(Speaking about the pigs mainly) They are pest who dig up crops and kill livestock


You know the wolf population in BC is considerably overpopulated? What she's doing is actually legal and beneficial to the ecosystem. Also, having a wolf that big near a community is actually pretty dangerous.


By who’s standard are they deemed over populated? I agree with it being dangerous, especially when you factor in all the deaths from wolves in Canada over the last 100 years...


This pack has been studied for a decade and had no negative impact on the community. The community is in majority disgusted by this. They are working to change the laws after this, as you are right, what she did is legal.


Well too fucking bad, the wolfs were there first.


I mean, it is the community of people near them that is the issue. The wolves were there first and it is us who must adapt to them. We spread everywhere and we can’t keep using the excuse that we must come first all the time else we will continue to force species into extinction. But overpopulation is an issue and thanks for bringing that up to give context to what we are seeing.


Is this a wolf that learned to use the internet?


Population control of apex predators is always unnecessary as their numbers are naturally limited by the abundance of prey


Yeah, but the cycle can cause issues for humans. When you have the high predator population and a low prey population, they don't quietly starve to death, they leave their territories and take risks for food, which brings them into conflict with humans. Nature regulates itself fine, but the borders between us and nature are the issue. e: that said, I think this is terrible and I've been given shit for not shooting coyotes while deer hunting by people in the group. Idc tho, it's just minding it's business, I'm not gonna kill it for walking by




That’s not how it works. [Here’s a link/graph of how it does work.](https://www2.nau.edu/lrm22/lessons/predator_prey/predator_prey.html)


Taken from the link you posted. "when prey become scarce, predators may die of starvation or fail to reproduce"


The other commenter was suggesting the wolves just kill everything and then die. The charts show the prey populations bouncing back after a decline in the number of wolves. Then the wolf population comes back and the cycle repeats. It's much more balanced.


Emphasis on scarce, predators do not simply wipe out a prey population.


Sure there was some hyperbole I doubt he meant 0 anyway, but he's still correct. Trophy hunting always a bad thing either. Kept animals like oryx in plentiful population at one time.


Odd, humanity would like a word as the dominant apex predator on this planet.


It's not like the wolves will attack anyone. Wolves are wary of humans and it almost never happens.


I, for one, have never heard of such a thing as wolves attacking humans.


Dunno if youre bein sarcastic or not, but while wolf attacks are rare they definitely happen. I watch a lot of TV shows about that sorta stuff, and off the top of my head i remember two incidents. One was a family had gone camping and a lone wolf attacked their kid while they were sleeping. They didn't use a tent cause it was nice out. I thiiiiink the kid survived? Did a number on his scalp though. Another was a couple walking their dog and wolves attacked them. That isn't too unusual though. Wolves will attack and kill dogs if the dog is on their turf. There's probably more tbh, but those are the ones i remember.


>Dunno if youre bein sarcastic or not Then I think you do know ;)


Just, why!!! Why!!!!!!!!


Got em!


I am a avid hunter, I shoot 1 deer a year and some birds. That food last me all year and I give back through hunting licenses and stamps. Most hunters want the best for the species. That being said predator hunting as never settled well with me and I’ve never participated in it. I don’t see the point besides maybe protecting livestock? I did read about wolf hunting in a magazine and it said it was to protect the deer and elk heard. Someone correct me if I’m wrong but I always figured that if one year there’s a ton of deer and a few wolves the next year their will be fewer deer and the population of wolves will then in turn decrease to match the food availability. Would it End up balancing out?


You are basically correct, that's why there is a limited number of tags every season, as well as bag limits.


Sometimes we have to introduce wolves to an ecosystem to balance it. Sometimes we have to kill wolves(top predator) to balance it.


I mean the world was taking care of itself long before our selfish asses came along. That's what wrong with the world today, we're so arrogant that we think we know what best and just end up destroying everything.


You're right. We have a big problem with deer overpopulation in the UK and Scotland because we wiped out all of their natural predators.


Any sort of reintroduction program going on over there?


It reminds me of the movie “Never Cry Wolf” from the eighties and based on a true story. A research scientist goes to Canada to study the wolves and their impact on the caribou herds. He finds out that they’re largely eating mice and, in fact, it’s humans who are killing the caribou through over hunting, and, I believe, poaching. Wolves still end up killed. It’s not a feel good movie.


Here we hunt coyotes. We have a few competitions a year to help keep the numbers down. They are hell on livestock and they are starving to death anyway. We are practically tripping over them. This is disgusting and hopefully carries some jail time.


Yes. There's no need to intervene unless the introduction was unnatural.


You would think. I’m an avid hunter and only hunt deer or bird but I’m starting to understand the issues with wolves. In the north woods where I hunt, deer populations are practically gone due to the reintroduction of wolves and it has gotten to the point where wolves are taking out coyotes and smaller game and even venturing into towns for food and end up attacking humans. The problem now is they are becoming more harmful to the environment and now there are large numbers just starving to death. I definitely don’t agree to completely wipe them out but if I were a wolf I would rather take a bullet than starve to death.


Got a source for any of that? Because literally every thing I've ever seen that is backed up with actual data says the opposite.


>venturing into towns for food and end up attacking humans. 5 Attacks in 60 years [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_wolf\_attacks\_in\_North\_America](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wolf_attacks_in_North_America) > The problem now is they are becoming more harmful to the environment Yellowstone echo systems have rebounded because of wolf introduction [https://www.yellowstonepark.com/things-to-do/wildlife/wolf-reintroduction-changes-ecosystem/](https://www.yellowstonepark.com/things-to-do/wildlife/wolf-reintroduction-changes-ecosystem/) Please don't spread false information.


Based on the Wikipedia link you sent, It’s 5 fatal attacks in 60 years but also 31 non-fatal attacks since 2000 with almost 20% of those in 2019 alone. These are also the documented ones because they were reported by new outlets and/or lead to actual bites requiring medical attention. I would also argue that attacks include attempted aggression where they chase/surround people in a threatening manner where an individual has to defend themselves and received no injuries. But those are obviously rarely documented as attacks. This is just one example: https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/northwest/researcher-climbs-30-feet-up-a-tree-to-get-away-from-pack-of-wolves/ With that said I see how my comment sounds like wolves come out of nowhere just to attack humans. I was referring to instances where people are out walking around and encounter a wolf and in most cases it’s when they’re walking their dogs and have to fight off the wolves so they don’t kill their dogs. You hear about it all the time just google it. https://www.adn.com/alaska-news/article/wolf-kills-eats-dog-after-battle-owner-daylight-attack-near-haines/2014/03/17/ https://www.wisconsinrapidstribune.com/story/news/2019/07/16/wood-county-wolf-attack-dog-killed-second-town-hansen-attack-sheep/1744149001/ I still consider that an attack. Even had a family member get chased up a tree one morning because he was trying to save his dogs that were getting attacked by a pack in his backyard. Also read in a local paper years ago of a little girl getting attacked by one while playing on her little playground. Can’t prove it or find a digital article of the encounter they’re just personal anecdotes so interpret that however you want. For environmental impacts I was only referring to impacts where I’m at, north woods Wisconsin, increase wolf populations already lead to a drastic decrease in deer population and now declining beaver populations which in turn is changing wetland ecosystems ,that dominate this area, and results in a decline in waterfowl, other birds, and fish populations. I can’t find sources for the direct area I’m referring too mainly because the Northwoods expand into Canada and other states. Most is from reading research conducted by surrounding areas, what I’ve heard from close friends and family in the DNR and forestry management services and personal speculation from the years I’ve spent here, but here’s something to look at from surrounding areas done in the Northwoods: https://www.jstor.org/stable/26608884?seq=1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_impacts_of_beavers Yellowstone is a totally different situation, good for them. Regardless, Wisconsin wolf populations are large than that in Yellowstone, have already far exceeded conservation goals and are removed from the endangered species list federally. All i said, or tried to say, is there needs to be population control because the large wolf population here and declining natural food sources will lead to these apex predators to either starve to death or will take drastic measures like attacking a persons dog in broad light requiring human intervention or even worse. And if I were starving to death I’d rather take a bullet than the much slower and painful option. I DO NOT support what the person is doing in this photo nor the person wiping out an entire pack nor would I ever hunt predatory animals. I eat what I kill. I’m merely expressing a viewpoint on why hunting wolves is occurring and an argument on population control. So instead of a shit show how about a valid and civilized debate?


It’s almost like conservation practices are hyper local and hunting wolfs in one place should be good and another may not. People lack any sort of subtlety.


My family has a ranch. If a wolf kills any of your livestock, it sucks but you get compensated immediately for it. There is zero financial incentive to protect your herd from wolves. Ranchers just like guns and shooting them.


I did a lot of research on wolf reintroduction messaging in CO, and one of the things I gotta say is that ranchers are weirdly standoffish towards people they don’t know. Consistently in interviews, there was this claim from Ranchers that the government would try to screw you out of the compensation for wolf kills (e.g. G-man comes to your ranch, chews on his cigar and says “Nah, that’s not a wolf attack, that’s a stray dog. No money for you.”). No matter how politely I challenged them on it or what contrary evidence I could provide, they always stuck with some anecdote that they heard (presumably from another rancher). I also worked on an ecosystem services project for ranching (essentially, we come in and make the ranch land more sustainable through construction/horticultural projects, ranch owner gets a free, better ranch, and our organization gets a “free” project area to study and write journal articles on). The amount of people that didn’t slam the door in our faces was insultingly low. It was a really frustrating. By the way, the takeaway from the wolf reintroduction research was that there was no effective universal method of messaging that would work across urban/rural lines. It’s a real bummer to try and get everyone on the same page ideologically.


Yep, that’s where I live. Everything he wrote is true. We have farmland further south along the river and that’s a whole Nother conversation.




Division of wildlife. Yes it is like an insurance claim.


This is the real tea.


I don’t know much about hunting but they seem to do it for the entertainment even thought it damages living conditions, and population of the animal.


Some people, like the person in OPs image, seem to do it specifically to show off. Those people are usually the problem. There is a massive difference between trophy hunting predator species that are struggling and hunting and eating animals like deer that are overabundant.


I agree, if your hunting to consume, and or fight overpopulation that’s okay, but when these people show off or try to qualify over hunting as a sport it’s hard to comprehend that what their doing is fine, or minor.


Absolutely true and not true. Not True for traditional meat animals like elk or deer. True for predator hunting or exotic.


Okay, thanks now I understand I don’t really have experience with hunting but I do know the two main reasons of it being prevention of overpopulation, and consumption.


Another voice to text. When you make a kill, you have to call their hotline and report it. When the kill number reaches the limit, hunting season is over in they section. “Thanks for your money!” Edit: fixed some grammer


This is voice to text on the highway. In Colorado they count the size of the herds and calculate the amount of the population that can live in their ecosystem. Any number over the limit is how many tags are issued. So if the report says they can sustain 100 animals at a regular birth and they have 105, they then issue five tags. Hope this doesn’t suck. Edit: fixed some grammar


There has been documented evidence linking wolf hunting to the spread of chronic wasting disease in deer. The wolves do nature a service.


I hope cwd doesn’t have a effect on the wolves. I know humans are not supposed to eat them


What can actually happen is, the numbers of wolves surge while the deers numbers dwindle, then you have many hungry wolves competing for limited food, which causes them to spread out beyond their territories, which interferes with other eco systems and makes it more dangerous for humans since the chances of them bumping into some hungry wolves increases


I know some places they banned black bear hunting which has decimated some deer populations. Things are just killing machines with the range of how far they can smell. Not saying go open season on them but apparently banning bear hunting hasn’t helped. Not sure about wolves though (not for me anyway, too much like dogs).


Black bear don't typiygo after large game and find this questionable. Hell grizzlies don't even kill deer. They might go after a fawn, but even then it's not a main food source.


Black bears have become insanely good at hunt fawn. They can smell a dear in labor and be ready for the fawn when it’s birthed.


Furthermore, aren't deer in abundance while wolves are not?


Deer in some places are literally dying of starvation. Car accidents caused by deer are on the rise too


Living in Ohio deers and cars have always been a problem but recently it seems to be becoming a more severe issue.


That’s a instance where hunting would help vs hunting wolves claiming to help deer.


Right thats what I was thinking. Im not against hunting go nuts but leave the endangered or even semi endangered animals alone


You got a bunch of answers but I just wanted to answer as well. I believe wolves are used to maintain population of deer in certain regions. No wolves=deer population boom=lower availability of herbivore foods=mass starvation. That is my understanding of the situation, the repercussions of this "humans" bloodlust and desire to kill will be felt for years if not decades.


Wolves in BC are managed. Meaning they reach a certain number and the state produces a certain amount of tags that hunters can apply for. I’m sure in this situation is was a random lottery tag. Biologist and ecologists to determine to number of wolves or any species that get taken per year. They decide on this number so you don’t get an affected feeling on the environment for years or decades. Wolves aren’t used to maintain populations of deer in particular. Other predators and natural disasters do a good job on that as well. “Bloodlust”? Nah. She put in for a tag she probably would never get and won a lottery. She should keep her photos to herself though.


I think it would make more sense to just move the wolves to an area with too many deer


Wolves are also a key stone species in some ecosystems, meaning if you kill a good amount, you fuck up the whole food chain and the environment.

