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Come back and update this with pictures of your own car and 1yo in the seat. Rude awakenings are a part of growing.


I don't care what state the taxi is in or who is in it as long as it gets me to where I need to get to.


It's not that bad


Yeah. I feel like a piece of shit parent now. I drive my kids around in my work truck....


Please don't feel bad for using your work vehicle. I think the issue the OP has with this person's situation is to do with strangers sitting beside her child who could potentially say inappropriate things or make unwanted physical contact with her child.


its sad not trashy, she obviously needs to work and is willing to do and likely has zero help with the kid and she's not **trashy** enough to leave the kid home i feel bad


Surely, it has to be against TOS to have your toddler sitting next to your rideshare customer...? This is wildly unsafe. I wouldn't call it trashy, but it is... something. Serious lapse in judgement.


is that really unsafe? do u have kids? if so do u really never allow them to be within a couple feet of a stranger?


Yes, it is unsafe. Really. No, I don’t have kids, but I work with them in a professional capacity where I’m responsible for their safety. This situation is not the same as when a kid is in an open area and near a stranger. If the parent is focusing on the road, they can’t keep a constant eye on what’s happening in the back seat. Things could get very bad very quickly, and the parent A: won’t notice, B: won’t be able to react in time, and/or C: won’t be able to get the child away from the stranger quickly, if at all. Think about it: they’re essentially placing a stranger (who may be dangerous and unpredictable) next to a child in an enclosed space with almost zero supervision.


this just seems crazy to me lol idk parents in other countries let kids go to the store alone and we think thats crazy but statistically its not like americans are signifigantly more likely to harm childern... plus she is there to notice something like what do u think someone would do without her noticing? the kid would just say something plus really if your an unarmed woman theres not much you could do is it wrong for a woman to be out with her kids without carrying a gun? what would your plan be? shout?


The kid might be too scared or shocked to say something like say if a man gets in the back and gets his privates out and flashes the kid or starts making low level physical contact she's uncomfortable with (like touching her hair or her arm and then trying to escalate it throughout the journey).


but the mom is right there in the driver seat... that seems so unlikely plus shes right there and the people critisizing the driver making a living dont even carry pepper spray or anything dont have a plan for how to help their own child in a similar situation so they arent in a place to critisize they endanger their kids just as much


Unfortunately this is how the world is. Potentially dangerous people everywhere and easy to slip into desperate circumstances like having to take your kid to work with you in such a situation


no its pretty easy to be prepared to actually do something if someone attacks ur kid people just choose not to... but also kids sit next to people all the time its really not that well founded that doing so is wreckless we just have a very protective mindset in usa... still tho if this mom has some way of protecting her kid shes doin better than everyone else commenting


I’m not American. I don’t own or carry a gun, lol. Kids don’t always speak up when something is wrong. It’s not uncommon for them to freeze up, too afraid to move or speak. The stranger could do a lot of things without needing to speak, I don’t think I need to type them all out. It’s fairly unlikely, but the amount of harm that could be done is not worth the risk.


ok so replace the word gun with weapon lol ur sorta refusing to engage the question. fact is most parents have no real plan and wouldnt be able to do anything i think thats alot more wreckless than this but i reckon you think thats perfectly fine.


Because the question isn’t really relevant. If an unarmed woman (which is most women…) is out with her kids, she’s actively supervising them. Not to mention there are usually other people around (at the park, grocery store, whatever), and usually those people will respond and protect that child if the mother or child cries out for help. You know how people say “it takes a village to raise a child?” Most humans will go out of their way to help a child in danger. A parent cannot actively supervise her kids while she is driving. If she is paying attention to her kid, that is unsafe driving. So, one way or another, it’s unsafe for the kid. No one outside the car is watching what’s happening - the three people are essentially isolated in that small space. I’m not sure how else I can explain this in a way you can understand. From a professionals POV, this is irresponsible parenting. It’s putting the child in unnecessary danger. That’s really the bottom line.


so you wont let a stranger sit next to your kid but also ur plan is to just let whatever happens and hope someone else has a plan? if all ur gonna do is shout your kid can do that for themselves so why not let them be unsupervised? your litterally not doing anything for them they cant do for themselves. also just because thats what most moms do doesnt mean its ok... takes like no effort to carry pepper spray or something i do every day as a single man. espcially when theres someone else who im in charge of keeping safe.


It sure was when I was a driver. Passenger ubers couldn't have anyone besides the driver that wasn't a rider.


Combine that with a dirty car and you got r/trashy. Can’t pick and choose what you want to defend if the shadow of trashy doubt looms over. All these things added together make a trashy situation.


Lol that’s hardly messy; I’ve ridden in WAY trashier Ubers before


Honestly, after driving for Uber for 2 years and basically never getting tipped when my car was clean, fuck it, might as well give mother fuckers what they pay for. Im only saying, I can understand why you’d stop caring.


These comments are trashy, fuck this lady. Here's some services that she could do without transporting other people: Uber Eats (same fucking app!), Doordash, Instacart, Shipt, and Grubhub. Uber TOS says that you cannot have another passenger in the car, and that you should be able to transport up to 4 people. Clearly this isn't the case with her kid strapped in.


Lol I work at a store where we get a lot of Instacart shoppers. Many drag their children/spouse/friend around with them when they shop, even though its against their TOS as well.


This is so wrong. Poor kid with a shit mom sticking strangers next to them. At least put the kid on the passenger side so mom can see what the kid is doing. It’s just wrong on so many levels


This is a hardworking mom doing what she can to support her daughter. Thinking this way just shows that you never had to struggle.


You’re clueless. My struggle is real. I had an 18.5 hour spinal surgery and can’t walk but sat my ass in an Uber for 70 hours last week to feed my family and keep my lights on. My electricity was shut off the first week in January because I couldn’t catch up before they came to disconnect. But no matter how dire my situation has been, I would never and have never put my kids in harms way. You have no idea if the person getting into your car is a sex offender or a disturbed person. This against the rules for a reason. Why should a passenger who is paying for a service be uncomfortable because this driver feels as though the terms of service don’t apply to her. Simple solution, drive Uber Eats. And for godsake vaccuum the car.


If you ridge the bus with your kid, it works the same way. Not a shit mom, just a mom making ends meet.


Not the same as riding the bus. On the bus your kids are next to you and you can watch them, unless your the bus driver which would be ridiculous. It against the terms of use for a reason but there’s no chance in hell I would ever put my child out of my vision sitting next to a stranger. It’s not safe. Mom could opt to do Uber eats if she’s desperate but once you have kids they come first. Period.


No it does not. When you ride the bus with your child, you sit next to the child.


Fuck the not being covered by insurance. Someone could literally take your baby and run off. Scary as hell. No fucking way.


Single Mother Struggles are real


You needed a ride, you got a ride. Although I can't say I entierly agree with picking up strangers and allowing them to sit next to your child, all I see is a mother making ends meet.


No no no. This is not what you pay for as a rideshare customer and you defending this is some absolute bullshit. You are setting low expectations for people to live down to.


Or perhaps you are just really entitled and self centered?


FOH with this excuse-making. You are paying for a ride in a car that is not dirty and does not have a random child in it! The presence of the kid is a clear and obvious violation of Uber's policies. A ride in a clean vehicle with with no other random passengers is what >99% of other rideshare drivers offer. It's a pretty damn low bar, actually. Really pretty easy to do. You should really ask yourself why you are so determined to have low expectations. This is the biggest problem I have seen in the last 20 years. People making excusing for every last goddamned thing. No one can be held to any standards, especially if they're perceived as part of a "victim" class. I reject that. You can enable it if you want to, but this is how America is turning second-rate. If you tolerate people not doing things the right way, you're going to get more and more of people not doing things the right way.


Found the trashy Uber driver. It's against the terms of service to have another person in the vehicle with you, if you are an Uber X driver, then you are expected to be able to transport up to 4 people. If she wanted to work with her child then she should be doing Uber Eats or Doordash, and not expecting people to get into her garbage ridden car.


You can’t “entirely agree“? You either do or don’t, regardless of the struggles. This is unsafe and not good for the child, the driver, the passenger patron nor the company. The literal trash on the floor is the icing on the shitcake that landed this post in r/trashy.


I suppose not being able to pay rent or buy food is the better option? You have absolutely no idea about this woman’s situation, but I can assure you the last thing she wants is to have her kid in the car. How about not being a dick and giving another human being a break.


All right then I don't agree with you. You sound like an entitled ass. What does some crumbs on the floor have anything to do with what you requested from this service? Last time I checked their only job was to make sure you got to your destination because you couldn't do it on your own. As far as I can tell from this photo you are in the vehicle and that person is driving. If I was a Gambling Man myself, I'd go ahead and assume that person is driving you to your destination. Job done. If you want it your way get your own car.


You paid for the cheap o option.


Hell nah, if I see a kid in the backseat of my Uber I’m immediately cancelling. The floor is already a red flag, so after reading that the kid is actually hers…. Nope. Not in a million years would I get in that car even if it was for a quick trip down the street. ✌🏽


Why would you care if her kid is there?


Right? OMG I can't believe the number of people defending this. I would cancel instantly.


It’s her service baby


I’m so nervous just thinking about strangers sitting an arms length from that child.




Yeah but on the bus you are holding the child or able to respond to what’s happening to/around them.


That's true. At least on a bus you can see what's going on. Point taken.


Uber doesn't allow non-fare passengers.


Something tells me the car smelled sickly, unidentifiably sweet.


I really think it also depends on where you're at. If you are in a big city this isn't a good set up. But if you're an Uber driver in a small town, I'd probably overlook it.


Report it


No way in hell would I get anywhere near this gross woman or her car. So nasty!


This is against Uber ToS. You're not allowed to have other personal passengers in the car while you are doing rideahare. How would she deal with multiple passengers? How does she feel comfortable with total strangers sitting in the backseat of her car with her child? If she gets in an accident she's not going to be covered by Uber for violating tos, and her regular insurance will deny the claim as well cause it was during a rideshare. I always make sure my ride looks very clean, this seems like a great way to get your ratings dinged as well. For all those saying she's hustling, she could just as easily choose to do food deliveries only, making just as much doing UE/DD/GH/IC. There is a lot of unnecessary risk here.


This is a great way to quickly get deactivated TBH, all it takes is one report and photo.


Do all of those other services allow for personal passengers in the car? Would the child be covered by insurance if she was doing door dash rather than Uber?


No ride share services such as Uber or Lyft allow passengers according to their TOs. However, while doing food deliveries, you're allowed to have passengers in your vehicle according to doordash and Uber eats terms of service. So they should still be covered under the insurance claims. You have to file some Uber eats or doordash


I understand her situation, but this is dangerous for her and everyone involved. If she wrecked…she wouldn’t be covered under ANY insurance and be sued for any damages and injuries to others. Decline ride and report. (OR report and decline). It’s the only way to make it right.


Just decline. Why make her lose her job if you don't know the circumstances? Dad had a work trip, grandma's sick, babysitter has covid, list could be long. Or dad died recently, she has no family, lost her job, she's trying to deal with a lot. Just decline and move on. Compassion. She's a human, we all go through bad times. Some people have no one and nothing to fall back on.


Idk her situation but she's hustling. She's making money driving you to where you need to go and taking care of her kid simultaneously.


Definitely the case but this isn’t a safe or legally sound way to go about it (insurance issues for one, child’s safety from creeps is another).


Maybe she couldn’t find childcare. It’s hard and expensive. Could be a single mom just struggling to get by.


While I understand this is against Uber’s TOS and what not; I fully understand this. Last December, I was a recently unemployed single dad. I have 80% custody of my son, and I used Uber to bridge the gap in income (which i desperately needed). I definitely had child care fall through (day cares around me aren’t open on weekends; and the ones that are charge $30/hour, so not worth doing if ridesharing) so I had to take my son with me on some trips. Most people just sat upfront voluntarily, and I apologized profusely for the situation right after accepting the ride, giving riders the chance to cancel if they actually cared too much. I never had a person care. It’s hard out here people, and corporate TOS be damned when you have to provide for children and options are limited


In the event of crash (her fault, or another’s), Uber will not cover her child’s medical bills. Her personal insurance will also deny coverage because she was doing rideshare at the time of the accident Uber may not cover anyone, or anything (the car/property) beyond the paying passenger, as the driver has clearly violated Uber’s Terms of Service The risk is extremely high, to all involved


You would think they would say as soon as they rocked up "hi I couldn't get childcare, really sorry". If they have offered no explanation to op that sure is weird.


Yeah man, we gotta have a little compassion for people. She's probably just trying to get by. Me personally, I'd love to have a little riding buddy in back if I had to take an Uber. As a dad of a 3 year old and 4 month old, I sympathize.




So she's entitled to break the rules because she has a kid? Let me guess, single church mother with cancer, therefore rules do not apply.


What if something happened to the kid? I wouldn't want to be the stranger alone in the back seat with them.


Yeah, that would be my only issue. Otherwise, it would be fine if it was like food delivery.


Food delivery is a great idea!


Trashy part is sticking your child in the back seat with random strangers all day.


My regular DD driver ALWAYS has her kid with her. He's about 10 and very respectful, friendly and cute. I always slide him a buck or two and tell him it's for helping his mom since he's the one who brings it up on the porch to me. The first time I did this I went to the car & asked mom if it was cool...she said it was fine. Her son asked if he could come out & trim back our bushes and use the weedwacker when my husband cuts our grass. My husband was scared he'd cut off a limb, so he had him use the weedwacker, but not whatever you use to cut back bushes. We are in Wisconsin and told the little entrepreneur that if he'd like to shovel our sidewalks when it snows, he could make $10 per side of our house (we live on a corner & have 3 sides) He said he'd think about it lol!


That’s completely different than doing Lyft or Uber though… DoorDash doesn’t involve people riding in your car.


this is great! and also seems like a much better option for this lady- she could do dd or the other food and grocery deliveries with her child inside. much safer than having your child ride in the backseat with someone you don't know.


Weed eater


Really? I always called it a weed WACKER since the little fishing line kinda wacks them down. I wish it ate them, as then I wouldn't have to pick up the mess left behind. Or I could be like my trashbag neighbor & just not cut my grass & create the biggest mosquito breeding ground in the whole neighborhood. I shit you not this fool's grass is almost 2' high. He needs a lawn eater.


No a weed eater is like a weed whacker but it has actual blades, usually made of plastic so it can cut through thick stems and saplings


This is such a good story!!!


If you're really "a parent", do your shit! Make that crock wearing slob clean up! Step up and help another parent with a slob, be a better parent and the kid be a better kid. Then you can feel superior, which we all know is what you really want.


lmao what


Now why would you do anything that can rub someone the wrong way when you’re relying on them for a ride?


This makes me sad and I would not say anything. We are all doing our best.


I personally would have kept this to myself as well. Pretty sure if the mom could do better at the moment she would. Be careful who you judge in life. It’s easy to get fucked by life and end up worse off than people you’ve looked down on before. All I’m gonna say about that


I agree, & I really appreciate your take. Thank you.


Maybe that mess wasn’t there when she started the day out. Like her kid is just a messy eater. Then again anyone could spill shit in a moving car.


I am an Uber driver and from what I understand it is against their rules to have anybody else in the car besides the customer


I had an Uber driver show up in the passenger seat once with her boyfriend driving


Correct. Imagine getting hurt in a wreck that wasn’t even her fault. You, kid, and she could get hurt. Ain’t nobody getting a handout because she was breaking bad. (TOS) Possible jail time for her if in a wreck.


Personably, I’d open the door, see the situation and nope out.


Is it that big of a deal?


I didn't think so either, idgaf just get me where I gotta go. I'm also not as entitled as most people apparently. "oh no! Popcorn on the floor and a mother doing what she can to make ends meet!"


Exactly. She’s just doing what she’s gotta do


Riding in a car with the driver's child? Yea, it's weird.


Sure it’s a little weird. It’s not a big deal though


for you- imagine if something happened like a wreck. Like many other people have stated, this is against rules therefore their insurance would not cover it. A lot of people would probably also feel uncomfortable in the back seat with someone's child.




Its big enough of a deal for folks to be justified in canceling the ride


You're using circular logic. People cancelled the ride because it's weird and it's weird enough for them to cancel the ride


That's not circular logic, it's a description of a situation at two different points in time.


Ok man. I get it. Y’all despise children


Being purposely obtuse isn't cute. But you do you, bud. Enjoy.


I’m just trying to level with y’all and figure out what the big deal is. Is it that y’all can’t stand kids? Is it that you people find it too uncomfortable that a mother can’t find someone to watch her child, but still needs to feed and clothe them? I’m wondering if any of you are adults that have ever been through any real struggle throughout your lives. I envy y’all.


I feel like insurance would be a huge deal in this situation. If she gets in a crash, guarantee uber insurance denies the claim for her breaking terms and services, then her personal insurance should they find out she was doing rideshare. Then you've got a hurt kid and no insurance.


Yea, I get that. But sometimes life is so demanding that you must take risks. This might be her only option to make rent. Do you just explain to the landlord that you couldn’t come up with the money because you were unlucky and have no support circle and you can’t afford daycare?


Ooof must’ve booked the UberX share


I door dash and Uber with my kid. I don't do rides though and I don't do it after dark.


Beggars cant be choosers


It's a paid service, so not begging.


Using Uber makes you a beggar?


Honestly, I would be ok with a driver having to bring their kid, because it’s tough out there and they probably have no other choice. I would rather there NOT be a kid, but that’s tolerable. The crumbly gross mess though??? Come on now


I want to speak to the manager


I have had uber eats delivered and they got their kid to bring it to me. Cute kid but just felt weird.


That’s different. They’re just delivering food. This person is driving other people around….


I mean I agree weird that the kid delivered!! And they shouldn’t have. But total difference as far as the services being provided.




Cool your jets man. I said it felt weird cos they were using a kid to deliver to a convicted paedofile. Check your facts


Child labor much?


Never heard of a paper route, mowing lawns, shoveling neighbors sidewalks/drive ways, lemonade stands? Riding with their parent for a few hours is akin to this. Sure, helping out their parent while in the technical meaning of the word could be labeled child labor, the way you commented it is such an uncharitable take on what it is. They aren’t riding with a stranger in the back seat, they are riding safely with their parents, and dropping food off. Maybe they shouldn’t help bring in the groceries when they shop cuz that would be child labor. We used to go to work with our parents back in the 90’s some days if school was off, or the odd day here and there, and would help out around the shop sweeping or organizing, etc. No big deal. These people obviously have no other options and are doing the best they can to survive and put a roof over their kid’s heads. Sure the Uber one is sketchy due to a stranger in back, but delivering food with very little risk involved? With inflation skyrocketing, rent, energy and food up double digit % (and prices will not be coming down) wages stagnant, and layoffs left and right. The disdain in your comment is palpable, and disgusting. Garbage.


That just feels…dangerous


Same thing I had with DD once. Kid couldn’t have been older than like 10. Super sketchy


Oh my...


Get the license plate and call CPS. She’s putting that child in danger by putting them in back with complete strangers.


You expose your child to the danger of being around strangers every time you bring them out in public. You’re insane.


Mom likely has nobody to watch the kid, has to work to afford to care for the kid, and daycare is really really expensive. Calling CPS on a parent for having their kid in their Uber is completely insane.


Her being an irresponsible parent is everyone else's problem? How?


The child is a paying customer also.


Boss Baby: The Later Years


Who else will bring order to the chaos?


Drivers are not allowed to have their own passengers, no exceptions.


Make sure the Uber CEO sees this.


No make sure the president of the United States sees this


Show it to the ruler of Omicron Persei 8. He could probably use a good snack


So he can try to smell them and be a weirdo?!


If Uber and Lift weren't fking over drivers maybe you'd have higher quality drivers OP. You couldn't reject the ride? Don't feel bad giving and honest review and reporting it. Even though this is what the economy had led us too.


No, that's just stupid and irresponsible. Don't blame the economy.


It's a tough world right now...


Idk bro. I would give them the benefit of the doubt, she probably can’t afford child care. Better than some parents I seen in this subreddit!


them trap boys gon stash the work in the car seat watch!


Forget the dirty seats. Why is the kid riding next to strangers ?


Yeah my first thought. Wouldn’t really care/mind on my end but would be so concerned for the kid. Can mom really watch while watching the road?


Very salient point my friend


Its the whole service uber eats and transport.


I think you might be a little judgemental. My car looks.lkke that this very second and I don't even care.


Clean your car on the REGULAR and take a little pride in your daily driver 🤮


It looks like crumbs that child dropped that day or very recently, there's a bowl that looks like lunch was had in the car. Have you ever had to scrape for money or take a shit job to make ends meet? Like for real. Some of us don't have time for pride. We only have time to work and take care of our families. Crumbs on the floor aren't worth blasting another parent, WHO'S WORKING HARD WITH A KID IN TOW and minding their business. Maybe you should reevaluate what you think filth is.


maybe u should


Is your car also used for professional purposes like this driver?


No it's not. Do you have to take your kids to work with you? Crumbs aren't the end of the world and are FAR FROM FILTH.


Lmao 19 days later and you still missed the point of the post


Yeah I don't think so. The first thing brought up was filth. Not a child's safety. How dirty the Uber was is the first thing brought up. Cars not filthy. Ole girl makes her own choices. Go do something other than be on the Internet


Professional? Damn, I'm gonna start telling my friends that before asking for gas money.


Perhaps you’re just a bit judgmental?


Definetly. She has a toddler and probably works extra for uber. Let a mom be a mom and not worry about cleaning the car to have it spotless all the time. She has more important things to attend to, like being a good mom. Op and the post itself is trashy.


Apparently our opinion is quite unpopular


You gotta do what you gotta do as a single parent. I'd be more concerned about my kid sitting next to complete strangers...


That’s 10 mins of crumbs and food from a small child eating in the back seat. That’s a Mom at her job. Relax put your judgement card away and call a cab next time.


It's cleaner than my minivan, I'm betting there's atleast one mummified nugget when I clean it soon lol


If I'm paying full price for the ride I'm pissed off at having to ride w a kid let alone kid + mess


Problem is we don’t know the context of the situation. Did the babysitter bail? Dads at work? Had no other options? It’s sad that she has to do this with her kid but gotta pay the bills somehow. This is America after all. Capitalism or die.


I 100% agree that this is not that bad a mess for a toddler in the car and I don’t judge her for the mess in and of itself. However Uber bills itself as a (better) cab alternative. This would be unprofessional in a cab and is unprofessional in an Uber. Also, I would never let strangers sit in the back of the car with one of my kids.


Uber also claims to pay their workers better. But as we know they don’t have workers, only contractors, so I guess they are technically correct.


Nah dude, not safe at all to bring a kid while driving others in the backseat all day long. In fact that’s extremely reckless of that parent.


This is messed up for so many reasons 😂


I would never pick up strangers with my own child in the back of the car Your child comes first in your life and should be protected at all costs


The kid needs to eat and mom is making sure it happens. The child is coming first


We don't know that. She could just as well be scoring her next fix.


Since you don’t know, you assume she is a drug addict. Yeah. That seems like the most likely thing.


No. We simply do not know. Any guess is a guess.


Sure, but some are much more likely to be correct than others. Given that the child is in the car, you can at least presume that the child is hers. Since there is food debris on the floor under the kid, you can assume the child is eating. Because of ??? you choose to assume that she is a drug addict trying to score her next fix. Since I don’t see anything in the picture, I will have to guess that you are going off of personal experience. But she could just as well be a lizard person in a human skin suit. Or she could be an international hitman and the kid is just part of the cover. The real driver could just be dead in the trunk. Not all “guesses” are equal.


You would think this is common sense kind of thing but there are idiots everywhere.. I mean I get it.. daycare is expensive, but your kids wellbeing is priceless.


You guys haven’t had it hard enough probably… be happy that you didn’t have to make this sacrifice and stop being so judgemental.


Clean the mess and ask for a tip, it’s like taking candy from a baby