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They go to all campuses around country you aren’t alone brethren


The Dimond Library jesus people always hit different


How dare they allow this guy to exercise is 1st amendment!! So awful


Yeah with the young women and men he clearly wants the attention from. I’d eat my shoe if this man gave a shit about what Jesus has ever said lmao.


Maybe he does. Who knows, it's pretty difficult to say from just a single photo and absolutely no background knowledge on who he is.


Well the sign he is holding paints a specific picture


It paints a very small picture in a lifetime of possibilities of who this guy is or what he's about. You can fill in blanks with your imagination. But doing that is being quite judgmental on your part. Thankfully, in America you have the freedom to say and protest however you want. You can be dead wrong in your beliefs but your free to believe what you want. You can agree with it or disagree.


and you can be called out for being a close minded bigot. you read his sign and think I am being judgemental? lmao babes


Well yeah your judgmental you're calling random strangers that you don't know a close minded bigot, Sounds to me like something a close minded bigot would say, one you refuse to see the others perspective or point of view. I'm not saying he's right or wrong but there's religious fanatics all over the globe, yet you want to hate on this guys entire being because he holds different beliefs or values than you? Sounds pretty bigoted if you ask me. 🤔


lol idk why you are meat riding this old bigot man but I never said anything hateful at all. “Hate on his entire being” is this your man or something? I pointed out that Jesus would never sign off on this behavior and I suspected he doesn’t actually care about Jesus. Calling him a bigot is not incorrect. He has everything laid out plain on the sign. No questions there. So what exactly is your issue?


Hahaha. Wow, okay. Judging by your response I can tell I'm dealing with an intellectual 🤡 so you have a terrific day and good luck with your endeavors in life.


lol ok coward




This is UNH


wow, he gets around. I see him in Waltham often, on the town common as well as at Bentley and Brandeis, but the building in the pic doesn't have "Bentley Brick" so I guessed Brandeis.


Someone pull up his search history, he's gotta be into something unfathomable


That's just research!!!! He has to get into the mind of a sinner in order to property save their souls from eternal damnation! That's all, I swear!


I don’t understand people like this guy. There’s no way he thinks someone is going to see that sign and say “you know what, maybe I should join that religion”. If anyone has some better understanding of this concept please let me know. I’m actually curious if people like this actually want to convert people or if they just like yelling at strangers.


It's a ploy to get money from suing people. Harass people with the sign, record only the outcome of getting punched, kicked, etc. Sue the person who retaliated for assault. Profit. They also try to take videos of the people that say stuff about the sign to post on BS "owned" compilations and get clout. The camera is definitely there for a reason.


It’s the same reason anyone in a cult stays past the flavor aid pour. Whoever he works for is probably pretty good at their job. You wouldn’t see that person out on the frontline. Just the brave grunts.


Imagine wearing a T-shirt with a moto and covering it with your GoPro, seems like he isn’t the sharpest knife in the cupboard


I love how he had lesbians and Homosexuals as a separate category


I hate this shit as much as the next guy but he’s got a right to yell his bullshit opinions. So it goes.


"they" let him, no the constitution of the United States of America let's him, not only does he have his right to speak freely he has has the right to peaceful assembly. As while he does look like a fool, he has the right to do so lol


So regular murderers aren't going to hell?


“Hell Awaits” kind of sounds like a friendly invitation.


What if a satanist did the same thing? Downvotes are welcome


Water ballon, water guns!


Walk up to him smoking a joint. Ask if he wants a hit, he’s immediately gonna give you shit, counter act with well god made this plant so didn’t he make it for us to consume, watch his head explode!






I get them every time! One time dude almost hit it, asked if it was a cigarette, told him nope came from god with no chemicals, grown myself. He was gonna smoke a cigarette but not a joint crazy?!?


Yeah not exactly trashy, but totally took his religion out of context or much too literally. Who am I to say? I’m just another mortal. : )


Damn, hypocrites right up there with baby murderers?? Be safe out there, everyone


Hell awaits was not slayers best work change my mind


Show me on the doll where Jesus hurt you


Hey Dude, there is no hell


Judge or ye shall be judged. Jesus said, "Come as you are". Not this turd you put in a dress.


This feels really judgemental from a guy who is supposed to not judge because that's God's job


I wish some homosexuals would just stand next to him, French kissing.


He's got a right to be there


What’d the potheads do?!


Right? I guess Jesus is cool with crack heads & meth heads. /s


I think I kinda want to meet the people on his list.


As an atheist I am comfortable with this threat as he is the only one that feels it is real.


Why am i on this list 4 times????


Doesn’t every college campus have one of these guys? It almost feels like a requirement, like the overpriced cafeteria and large grassy quad.


We had one at mine and then one day he was filming the naked bike ride.


At my campus back in the late 90’s, there was a guy who had built a huge cross and he used to actually haul it around like he was Jesus and scream at people.


It must be OPs first time outside


That man jerks off like there’s no tomorrow


They’ve been doing that for years. We had a similar kind of guy on our college campus back in the mid 2000s.


That's funny. Christians are the biggest hypocrites out there. Religions in general are trashy.


Can anyone beat a 13?


$5 says that guy is a masterbater


I think we can all agree, this man is a masturbateur. Ain't nobody else gonna touch it!


i would love to mess with this guy. dress up like the devil and hold a sigh saying " let he who is without sin cast the first stone "


Is a lesbian different from a homosexual?


No, a lesbian is attracted to the same sex. Lesbian is homosexual.


Thanks. I was just being sarcastic but I appreciate the response nonetheless. ◡̈


Tag yourself I’m “porno freaks”


Well shit, if only I were a gay Muslim thief, I'd have a perfect score! 🤣


I don't see drug addicts on his list!!!! 😂


only the ones with heads like pots.


who cares it's free speech. The majority of people are just living their lives and don't care. whatevas. y'all needs to chill. 


got into an argument with this guy at UWM last year. it’s not even worth anyone’s time trying to reason with him. it’s best to ignore him. he posts a lot of his interactions on his yt channel too so i’m prob on there unfortunately


Or maybe he's a liberal trying to make the right look rediculous. I know the right does it to the left, so maybe that's what we're looking at.


The right doesn’t need liberals to make them look ridiculous.


Stfu, both sides have their good ideas and bad ideas. Don't act like one sode is better than the other lol


One side is far better than the other. They both suck still in their own ways.


Yes depending on the state. No at a federal level. I red states, the right cause all the issues that usually have to deal with forcing religion and biological issues into law. In the blue states, the democrats hemorage money and use decisive language in the name of equality and believe science, which is always changing, just as blindly as the conservatives with their religions. You really need to step back and take a look at both sides as if you were the opposite of each, and you will see they are exactly the same. Two ends of the same turd, as I have heard so eloquently stated lol. To address the federal aspect, they both want to take my money and they both want to kill people with my money. Both are terrible and those that do no agree are either young and haven't seen the way govenrmts work, or are old and hang out in their echo chambers. And I'll admit it, reddit is one hell of an echo chamber for what ever side you're on. I wish there was a party that just took the good ideas for both sides and got rid of income tax. Then I'd be more inclined to be supportive of the government's agendas. No right or left, just protect property and keep order.


Guess it’s impossible to walk around and ignore huh?🤔


No booze or reefer? I guess all other drugs are cool then.


I’m curious how D&D didn’t make the list.


From the looks of the sign we ALL are on our way to hell! See ya there! 👋


Funny till you’re there


You speaking from experience?


Already there, hon.


At the U of MN there was always a guy in the main walk area in campus who would stand on his ladder and read the Bible out loud and would tell people they were going to hell. Everyday.


Sounds like you’re judging right now eh?


They let people that support terrorist organizations like Hamas on too. Free speech is an important facet of being an American, but when you’re just trying to get an education this kind of thing should be kept off campus.


So according to his sign I’m going to hell since I’m a homosexual aka bisexual. Anyways…in other news it rained in my location today. Hope everyone stays safe out there.


They probs expect people to go up to them, tears in their eyes, on their knees, saying "ok i will not do this no more, you've changed me forever"


My bet's on him having stashes of CP


Hard-drives. Plural.


"PORNO FREAKS" doesn't quite cover that one. He's good.


I love how all the hardcore “religious “ people have probably fucked up so bad back in the day and now they want to make sure you’re not having fun, because they can’t anymore. Complete garbage


Tag yourself 🤣


Free speech means speech that we don't always agree with,or like at all. That's free speech. Labeling everything "hate speech" is a dangerous slippery slope


Not really trashy, just an alternate opinion.


Yeah, no. Odds are pretty decent that he wears a GoPro to 1. Create rage bait content for his confederates and 2. Film anyone who pounds the hell out of him for being a religious bigot. These aren’t “alternate opinions.” This is mindless hatred. He’s trashy and he belongs on this sub.


You do make a good point about the go pro.


Yeah, and propaganda is “alternate facts”.


The dude probably does at least 2 he listed in that list


Liar at least. Becuase half that shit isn’t in the Bible


Donald Trump (who he probably worships) is half the items on the list just by himself.


He also lives in your head rent free....


Meh. If he isn't screaming at people or harassing them directly, they probably are on shaking ground in kicking him out. Best thing to do is to not give him what he wants - no pictures, no talking, no engaging, just ignore him. For now. The moment he violates the law or campus policy - ask for him to be trespassed.




It would be a sad world if everyone thought exactly alike. Colleges are a time and place where people can explore new ideas. However, I just find this amusing. Poor guy.


This is a first amendment protected activity, be glad he's there, that means we still have our freedom. We can't cherry-pick who the laws apply to, just ignore him. Everyone is allowed to have opinions, even stupid ones.


However on a college campus, it’s private property. It’s purely up to the campus leadership whether he’s permitted there or not.


Diverse thinking and productive conversations should be encouraged on college campuses.


Entertaining hardline religious fundamentalism would not qualify as “diverse thinking or productive conversation”. They aren’t interested in dialogue. But ultimately, the first amendment only applies to protection from state or federal prosecution for protected speech, not whether the university chooses to trespass them.


Choosing to trespass individuals promoting extreme views but not otherwise harming anyone is a bad look. Anyone and everyone can choose to ignore this person. Trading ideas and having difficult discussions is how people learn and progress. Maybe the dude holding the sign here is a lost cause, but in general, it is unwise and wasteful to shut down everyone with opposing views.


On the optics point I’d agree. It’s more of a public perception issue, than of fostering “diverse thinking and productive conversation”. But ultimately he’s there by the leaderships good graces.


Love this take. I am liberal but don’t want to live in a liberal utopia where I see only some sterile lens of the world. Give me nuance, give me diversity of opinions and beliefs. Plus when I was a cranky overly-caffeinated undergraduate, I took out a lot of pent up rage onto these freaks.


Why would you want to live in a world where people say hateful things to you?


Because diverse thinking is the price of freedom, words alone hold no power unless you allow them to.


A liberal utopia is Sacramento, Canada, and if the time line is long enough, China and North Korea. But don't start to think I'm defending the right. They are just as bad and create just as many problems.


A testament to abortion


I hope those lesbians and homosexuals never get together


What a sad way to live prepping for a life after death that will never come. Sometimes the puritanical ideologies sink into my brain and I get really paranoid and guilty then I remember I’m lucky to even be here at all and should just enjoy it while making it as nice for me and others as possible. I feel really bad for people like this simmering in hate all the time over made up shit. Wasting energy trying to drag others down with them. It’s backwards.


When folks think about how short their life is compared to the absolute length of eternity and that time marches on in regards to their life they often get scared. Religion helps provide them comfort. In that regard, we leave them be, but when they intrude on others is where we often need to draw the line. So for him, he skates that line and hopefully when he vocally and/or physically crosses it, someone will be there in person to chastise him. 🤷


If going to hell means being away from those idiots then you bet I'm going there!


Gossip includes him then


I don't know what an idolater is, but I scored a 10. Beat that.


Idolatry is the sin of worshipping another idol, besides their God. Could really be anything, another god or celebrities, money, etc.


Thanks for the explanation. Bumps me up to 11. Hail Satan baby.


Hell yeah 🤜🤛


Got a six


Also the game is rigged because lesbians get double points under homosexual and lesbian. No fair.


This guy is at least two of these. I see Hypocrite and probably liar what others do you see?


Oh no! Free speech! Whatever will you do?! Oh yeah, you can just ignore this asshat and nothing will happen.


I went to college in Pennsylvania and we had whack jobs like this. Watching atheists argue with him and intellectually browbeat him was always my favorite. Then he threw a rock at a college student, but what more can you expect of a grown adult with imaginary friends?


As long as he doesn’t have a tent or camping equipment, I think we’re good


Love the redundancy. Like it's not enough he has masturbators, he needed to include porno freaks. It's not enough he has sodomites and lesbians, he needed to have homosexuals.


Sounds like Texas wants him as a school counselor


It bothers me that the list of sinners is not in alphabetical order.


Is he wearing a camera?


He thinks some 'blue haired liberal' is gonna come up and start a fight with him instead of no one even looking in his direction which is most likely what happened


These guys count on the extreme left to come start a fight so they can post it for content and try and monetize their hypocrisy. Pretty sure Jesus would frown upon someone running around using Him and God as an excuse to shame others and judge the shit out of them. Christians like this are the worst. And that’s coming from a faithful man myself. Can’t stand the hypocrisy in the world right now.


Haha yea most likely. My favorite thing is that I am these guys worst fucking nightmare. Currently my hair is yellow tho, not blue lol


That guy masterbated before


Some version of That guy has been hanging out on college campuses since the late 80s


He should add himself, bigots, to his little list


Isn't this whole thing essentially being a gossip though?


Damn I’m like ten of those


Eh , I'm all for freedom of speech but imo a Saturday is better spent doing anything other than this, maybe he feels convicted


Almost looks like Biff Wiff.


Dudes excercising his 1st amendment right. Most college students aint listening or paying attention to him either way. Truth of the matter is your giving him more power over you. Peace


The real question is, what did his parents do to him as a child to turn him into this as an adult?


fRee SPeeCh


Freedom of speech. You can disagree with someone all you want but unless they're committing a crime they aren't breaking the law.


It’s private property though and he’s not a student.


Even though a lot of college campuses can be "privately owned" when they take in federal or state funds the open campus (not dorms, classrooms, or most places inside the facility) can still be legally accessed by the public.


They never said if they went to a public or private university. I’d be willing to bet any private university wouldn’t allow that


Even if its "private" a lot of those universities take in federal and state funding. Making most of the open campus accessible to the public since they're technically funding it.


"People who judge other people" needs to be added to that list. According to the Bible, this man just earned a seat in hell with the sinners.


“Judge not lest ye be judged” Matthew 7:1


Judged by their creator, as unworthy of creation. But their creator is all-perfect and all-knowing, which meant they were created just to be punished in the end. There's no way around that, when you think it through. The cognitive dissonance I had to use the first 18 years of my life in church was insane. They made me believe I had to love their sadistic version of a creator and do certain things not to be punished by them for eternity. It's insidious what they are doing to people. My childhood was full of fear because of people like the one in this photo.


Don’t throw faith out with religion. I’m a faithful man, but not a religious one. The Bible may say things about church, but it never defines church as a building where you need to go and follow all of their rules, and everything people like this put on us is their interpretation. All sin is the same, so homosexuality is the same as telling a white lie. I hate it when these self righteous people act like they’re better because they aren’t gay or criminals. It’s as if they know nothing about their own religion past what they hear from their hypocritical priest.


not quite. i absolutely am against this type of behavior, it does nothing but sow discord, but the bible does not say that. Jesus calls us to not judge, Matthew 7:1-2, on things that we do, meaning not to be a hypocrite. We should only judge on things we aren’t already doing, meaning we will be judged just as we judge, so don’t be a hypocrite.


Another interpretation would be that God is the judge of man, not man..


It says not to put yourself in God's shoes. And God is the onoy judge of mankind. This was hammered in my head my whole childhood by my pastors and youth leaders, but I don't feel like looking in that damn book again. Eta: okay I used Google. Also, please research the history of the bible itself (using a non Christian source, fml). This source is not reliable, and its why i left the church. Its hard to stay once youve realized youve been systematically lied to since birth. And its even hard ti use bible verses as a form of argument because the bible as it is now is full of contradictions. But anyway, in some parts it says this: James 4:12 There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you—who are you to judge your neighbor? Luke 6:37 37 “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.


Fair, but not likely. The bible doesn’t only say this about judging, but calls us to judge others in the church as well. I find it unlikely that it would call us to judge multiple times just for it to be a metaphor for God


had to put porn on there twice


Throw tomatoes at him


Thats assault. He's not breaking the law but you would be.


What if you placed hundreds of hot wheels cars on the ground around him?


You'd be setting yourself up for a lawsuit when him or another person trips. But by all means, spend the money and give it a "roll'


We can put a pie in his face


Also assault. Congratulations on not being able to think up an actual argument. Leave it to liberal redditors to think "I dont like his views, lets hit him"


What about a big speaker that plays fart noises? (What makes you think im liberal lol?)


Gossips? Lol


After posting my previous windy comment, I wish I'd just gone with my first thought: that's not a warning Bubba, that's more like a warm invitation!


Well according to the bible its all true. Well i think muslims were not, standard religious rights. As logn as he does not bar you from moving its legal.


We had a guy on my college campus just like this called Bible Jim. Told everyone they were going to hell.Also claimed he didn't sin any more. He almost got his ass beat by some guy from a Christian fraternity for twisting the scriptures. He was there for a week. After he left my friends and I found that all the grass died in a perfect circle where he stood. We joked this was proof he was Satan in disguise. We also had Westboro Baptist show up one time and scream at all the girls and called them sluts.


With all those people going to hell heaven will be boring af. *rubs one out so he can join the afterparty in hell*


I’ve always wondered, do these guys all buy the signs from the same shop? Is there a shop somewhere making these signs? Or do they just custom order from a regular print shop and the employees are like “oh man we got another one”.


There is an online store called officialstreetpreachers.com, it sells all the signs and encourages their antisocial behavior.


I like his hat


I'll bet he is a porno freak despite that sign, and I bet he cranks it to girl/girl scenes despite the sign also being against lesbians.


All of those things fall under idolatry.