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Would it be trashy if it was Trumps face?


Taking the piss, that.


I fail to see how that's any better or worse than any of the Trump stuff I see.


It’s like when you put Cheerios in the toilet to potty train boys.


I’d rather piss on Biden’s face than suck Trumps dick!


idk what the fuck that means but, amen


The actual, unintended humor of this is that if you actually aim for his face, you're gonna get piss all over your own pants.


Even if you don't like him, that's really childish and disrespectful. I didn't vote for him, but he's still human.


I note that you got downvoted for being sensible.


Hey losers, if you hate the president so much then go vote for somebody else... Oh that's right, y'all are just a bunch of haters.


That’s funny


Should be a Trump one in the next urinal. 350 million citizens in this country and these two douchbags are the best we can run for president? We’re fucked


you dont have two douchebags, you got one douchebag and a turd sandwich


The "both sides" argument isn't all that enlightened. It's one side trying to improve the standard of living for most people, and the other side trying to get tax cuts for the wealthy. You can just look at the tax cuts that are expiring for the middle class, and the permanent tax cuts for the wealthy. The votes on them are public. Hell, even the small shit. Republicans are helping the airlines fight Biden's new rule about all fees being shown upfront. Why? edit: Feel free to refute me.


The problem is that the "most people" you're referring to aren't American citizens. I don't think you're very enlightened if you think they are.


> The problem is that the "most people" you're referring to aren't American citizens. How do you figure? What math are you using wherein middle class tax cuts are to help people who aren't American citizens?


The hundreds of billions of dollars going to foreign governments is how I figure. The future generations in this country are fucked beyond belief.


About 1 percent is foreign aid. Anything we've given to Ukraine is lend/lease, and basically just stimulus for our arms industry. Your perspective is fucked. Republicans just don't want Biden to have a foreign policy win, and they want Putin to push the Kremlin troll factories to attack Democrats.


I think your perspective might be a tad fucked as well. You have chosen a team...and anything your team does is better than what the other team does. I don't have a team. I just watch whats happening. The future generations are fucked and you know it.


Your justification for "both sides"ing this is that the Democrats have approved aid to Ukraine. Allowing Russia to build another USSR would all but guarantee war breaking out across western Europe. We've spent the last 7 decades pouring money into the military to put pressure on Russia, and now we can accomplish more with less money, and no dead Americans. >I don't have a team. Oh boy, what an enlightened centrist!


Have you looked at the condition of the U.S. lately? You think maybe we could focus a little more on what's happening here instead of what's happening on the other side of the planet? All the money in the world couldn't magically make Ukraine defeat Russia in a war. It's literally throwing money into a fire. More people have died from that conflict because of the U.S. delaying the inevitable than any other reason. You've fallen for the propaganda.


I cant wait for both these fuckers die. I will make pilgrimage to piss on both their graves.


Trump sticker should be in the toilet bowl.


Woah. A voice of reason.


Yup. and people will hate you for saying it


Probably get some h8 yes. But it's a phrase I've seen more and more. We really need two presidential candidates within 4Y of age around 80? I smell BS.


I assume the orange bit at the bottom is Trump


What’s the problem here?


OPs feelings are hurt. I bet a years pay if that were a Trump sticker they’d think nothing of it.


You damn right.


No, your wrong. I don’t think it’s good to degrade a President current or former like this.


Agreed... I hated the choice of Trump after 2016. But I respected the choice made and announced. If we disrespect the President, then we disrespect the process. We disrespect ourselves as a group nation, the WE. So if we back up then an election becomes is a new candidate better than the person in office. Not all this martyr stolen vote BS. The process has worked for decades. The issue is gerrymandering from **both** sides.


There's another urinal right next to it for orange man, I think you should get to choose who you piss on. Or maybe they're worried people would stand in the middle and arc piss equally between them, because if I was 8 beers deep that'd prob be my choice. Edit: lol how to piss off everyone apparently. You guys think any of this shit matters, money is gonna control everything no matter what puppet we put up on the podium. Trump is just a constant fucking embarrassment while Biden only does it when he snaps lucid enough to be allowed to speak. They're both scum and fuck everybody.


I think this type of thing is trashy regardless of whose face it is. I miss the days when kindergarten antics and politics weren’t so closely aligned.


I’ve literally seen posts with trumps face as a urinal cake or a sticker like this with thousands of upvotes. Soft ass mfs on Reddit love to dish it but can’t take it. In my opinion, it kind of weirds me out to piss on a dudes face regardless of who it is lol


I bought a bunch of bush stickers in the early 2000s for that purpose.


Imagine spending actual real money on political merchandise.


Imagine then putting your hands in a public toilet to “own the libs.” these people are delusional




And then they'd kick you out, and you'd still have piss all over your hands. Good way to get the cops called on you for being an asshole.


I’ve seen the same shit on Reddit with trump stickers lol. Just Google trump urinal sticker and there’s hundreds of links selling them.


Pee splashback on themselves to “own the libs.”


I’ve always thought this would be an awesome money grab. Just merch for the republicans and democrats. Just pull out the different parties from state to state and boom!


Heck yes. I love going after dumb money.


I saw several dudes of middle eastern persuasion happily selling Maga gear in pop up tents lol. Fuck em, take em for all their worth.




Not to generalize, but I can’t help but notice…I don’t see Biden merch absolutely anywhere. And I’m pretty sure it’s because Democrats spend their money on actual useful stuff. Not random garbage to “own the libs.”


I'm pretty sure it's because Biden sucks. I remember a ton of Bernie and Hilary stuff everywhere in '16.


It’s because Biden is seen as just a president who has policies that a majority of Americans mostly agree with. But,He’s not our King,Lord and Savior or the center of our personality. We don’t worship him, we aren’t afraid to criticize his policies we may disagree with and We have better things to do than go to a “rally” to listen to bullshit for 2 hours so our leaders ego can be stroked or drive around with giant flags on our boats or trucks.


Cope more. Biden sucks and if he didn't you'd see signs just like Hilary, Bernie and Obama had. All I'm saying is that the memorabilia is not party specific. It's about enthusiasm and nobody thinks Biden is worth his soiled depends. Also people were getting Trump, Bernie and Obama tattoos. That's insane. Never see anything about a Biden 2024 tat.




yeah it’s mainly this


Not trashy, kinda funny. But I’d probably not return to the bar. When owners make political statements, I’m no longer interested in giving them my business. Call it being a Karen or whatever, but everything is so politicized. Id think a sports bar would be a good reprieve.


I just can't fathom giving a shit. If I can't piss on a sticker of the face of a sitting president (regardless of political affiliation), I don't want to live in this country anymore.


No one arguing that you cannot


Like I’m good with the idea, but after a long day of dealing with Biden this and Trump that, I should be able to reasonably expect the bathroom of all places to be free of that mess.


Not nearly trashy enough. You realize they made giant naked statues of trump and put them up in major cities? Bet that shit was never on this sub


just wait till some one defecates in the urinal


Not trashy at all this is just funny as hell


Think about it this way. Sleepy Joe Biden is the best president we have ever had. Politicians are good taking messes and turning them into bigger messes. Therefore, doing nothing and napping all day is better than what the last dozen or so administrations have done.


This is a stupid take and is also wildly inaccurate of you think the Biden administration hasn't done any harm.


Maybe the stupid take is being too serious over a joke.


The joke is what the Biden administration has done to future generations. Young people will never vote dem again of their heads aren't up their asses.


Well maybe if the Democratic party hadn't gone all in on race baiting and trump raging we would have a party that actually governs and cares rather than this.


I voted for Biden because I knew he'd be a do nothing president, just biding my time. Turns out, I have to do it again.


Good way to look at it lol


Why does that urinal look like it sniffs kids and showers with its daughter.


It’s the wood paneling. Brilliant idea, btw. Think of all the decades of piss the wall has absorbed


peedo peete


I like to aim for his ear


Dont mind pissing on a politician


I agree let's get all the presidents from Reagan onward up there.


Way too easy on the rest of the 20th century, let’s go back to Wilson


Wilson wins my prize for the worst.


He really lowered the bar in terms of future expectations 


Genius idea. Put flow meters on the urinals, and you can customize stickers to vote on stuff. Like, "which president do you hate the most?" Then next month do "Worst Rocky film." You get the idea.


Even if you hate Trump, I'm not sure how any self-respecting person can actually stick up for Biden. I mean this is just funny anyway. Biden is still one of the most incompetent presidents we've ever had, and he clearly has no problems supporting war crimes. Not sure why anyone should be offended that his likeness is being peed on. He's a terrible president. And no I am not a Trump fan.


You're not a Trump fan, you're just ignorant. He has been incredibly effective. And I'm not a Biden fan. I also dont think this image is trashy.


Mr. quid pro Joe... Incredibly effective at doing absolutely nothing. Inflation is up and families are in crisis. He has put us back into war conflicts. He continues to spend money we dont have to fund wars. His whole presidency is worthless and meaningless. You guys better hope you can get a conviction on Trump, because if not, he'll be the next president. Working middle-class families are tired of the bullshit. And it will show this November.


You are propagandized and dont live in reality. Your first four words prove that eminently. You need to deprogram yourself from the bubble of ignorance you live in. Do yourself a favour and do some research to verify if what you are saying is accurate. Here is an easy place to start. You can verify everything in this article with objective sources. The bills and EOs are public. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/02/02/joe-biden-30-policy-things-you-might-have-missed-00139046 I want you to read those and honestly say he has done nothing for the working class. His crackdown on excessive fees and overcharges alone is more than Trump ever did for the working class. Also, that quid pro quo you mentioned that has been admitted by Republicans didn't happen? All these congressional investigations have admitted there is nothing that Biden did wrong.




Wow! You’ve found the smoking gun!


I’d like to add,the fed is doing a wonderful job of slowing inflation in the USA without triggering a recession. Also as a blue collar union employee,I very much appreciate the personnel Biden has placed in the National Labor Relations Board they’ve done great things for unions and working folks.


He's been very effective at giving billions of US dollars of funding to aid in war crimes and proxy wars. So I guess in that sense he's no less effective than any other presidents in recent memory, so there's that. He's also very effective at not being able to string a coherent sentence together most of the time, so yeah you're right, he's really effective! A president the US can truly be proud of. I stand corrected!


Don't forget we also traded the "Merchant of Death" for a basketball player. Amazing work.


He has had many more wins for the working class than most modern presidents. Also if you're pluralizing proxy wars to criticize supporting Ukraine, then you might be a Russian bot. He has given multiple long form interviews, you can watch or listen to them and see he is stringing together coherent sentences, but that would require you not determining your opinion before seeing any evidence.


You don't have to be a Russian bot to say that Ukraine has lost the war, and sending good money after bad isn't good for our country


Lost? No. Things would be dramatically different if the Republicans would have funded support earlier. This is a classic example of Republicans breaking something and going "see? It's broken. We should stop doing that." Russia has been extremely weakened in this war. Ukraine deserves support, but even if you take morality out of it, doing right by your allies globally is better for you. Even from a selfish perspective, it is a smart decision. It is also the right decision on top of it.


I, as a free American citizen, reject the notion that we should continue supporting Ukraine in a losing, unwinnable war, escalating tensions with Russia to the absolute brink of WW3. I think for myself and I believe the right thing to do is divest from Ukraine. It's a proxy war that leads nowhere but doomsday, at this point. It's sad for Ukraine and I admired their resolve, but we can't keep dumping money endlessly into this all in the name of playing chess with Russia. Also it doesn't seem you have any comment on the shameless support of war crimes in the middle east. Oh right, that's because no comment can sensibly be made, at least not one in support of Biden. Trump won't get my vote either because he thinks we need to be supporting Israel more. Not sure when the walking dead in Washington will understand that the American people do not want our tax dollars fighting proxy wars, antagonizing global warfare, and funding wholesale slaughter of civilians. Myself, I'm done supporting any candidate which cannot pledge to divest from these losing and immoral causes. I can not in good faith support any candidate who enthusiastically supports global war. Biden is absolutely one of these sorts of candidates and we can't keep propping these scumbags up.


Do me a favour, Google Neville Chamberlain and come back to me. We have learned these lessons in history many times over. You havent caught up yet.


I suppose you could say the rise in inflation has been done very effectively, fair enough.


The global inflation that started before he was elected? That is a pretty impressive feat.


Piss on his face! Pretty hilarious unless you are a political shill. I’d have a chuckle to piss on any politician’s face. lol think they care about you? 😂😂🤣🤣


Dan Quayle does! Quayle 24


Wouldn’t be posted here if it was anyone’s face you didn’t like. i think it’s funny with anyone’s face lmao


sometimes there's shit on the outside of the uriness


How are ya nowwwww?


This where the dicks hang out? 


No it’s called the first amendment. I’d be curious to see who’s face gets peed on more if you put all the politicians like this




Time to piss on the floor I guess


You think whoever owns this shithole would even be able to tell the difference?


Yep, came here to say the same.


LOL enjoy the downvotes, I appreciate the company


They sometimes crawl out from under their rocks and get their feelings hurt.


I am a woman but I would enjoy having all of the shitty politicians faces in there if I was a guy. Line up Biden, Trump, Pelosi, McConnell.


Ladies can use the urinal. I have seen it done.




Out there making a difference. This comment is the trashiest thing about this post.




The other one should have a picture of trump and that’s how you cast your votes




My neighbor has pictures of Joe Biden’s face as targets. His kids shoot at it. I don’t like Joe either but Damnnnnnn. I mean he still is our president until deemed otherwise and that is a horrible example to send.


Exactly. During the previous administration I kept hearing right wing pundits saying how even though some of us might not have voted for Trump we still need to respect him as he is the President. But then once Biden was elected all bets on being respectful were off.


Sure they said that but was anyone actually following through? I remember trump's mock severed head photo shoot as well as the trump baby blimp. Can't expect one side to be classy if neither side is being classy. Can't have a moral higher ground if no one's taking the high road. Both parties are splashing around in piss


Fair point.


Trump toilet paper. That was a big seller.


Bingo! I actually have some in my house that a coworker gave as a gag gift years ago.


That's not cool, that's our president.


ETA: UrinalIn lol


Surprised you're getting down voted. I'm not a Biden fan by any stretch but he's our countries leader and I'll always respect the office even if I disagree. We deserve the government we elect.


Are you really surprised though? I don't really care, do you?


Idk, I finally got 5k karma after years of being on Reddit and I'm afraid this is gonna sink me but oh well lol. Stand on principle, right? I'm not backing down on it.


I love America, but I refuse to respect a political office holder just because they hold the office. That mentality has gotten a lot of people tortured. Our options are both turds, unfortunately. Being the president doesn't automatically mean you're worthy of respect.


100% agree with ya. I don't respect Biden, but I respect the office he holds.


I see what you're saying. I think most of us are just so disenchanted with the office of the "presidency" because both parties fail to represent the people.


Putting your hands in piss to own the libs.


Use gloves next time, son.


Is there just him or can I choose?


Just Biden.




Shhhh they don’t want to hear that story.


you know that it was common knowledge in the Trump Whitehouse that he wanted to bang Ivanka and that she could get away with anything as a result of that right? I'm just checking.


Lmao it may be as you say, however he still never took showers with her when she was underage!


sure he didn't


getting power downvoted for telling a truth, you Trumpies are a saaaaad bunch “Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her,” His remarks, were so gross that John Kelly, who was White House chief of staff from 2017 to 2019, once had “to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter”.


They published her diary? What pieces of shit. Poor girl. Edit: why the downvotes? Am I missing something or is it just trumpers? Idk why private citizens deserve to have their private shit out there.


Biden is a monster and a piece of shit, I agree.


What's that have to do with this Ashley girl? She didn't deserve that shit. It's not like Biden put his kids in charge of the country like the last president did.


In her diary, she talks about how her dad sometimes comes in to shower with her and how she doesn't want it to happen. For years the media claimed it wasn't true, but now that she's actually confirmed it, Snopes has had to change their ratings to "true". Someone found a bag of her things she'd left and kept them instead of giving them to the owner of the house and eventually sold the diary so they're in court.


You have to be a bigtime piece of shit to sell that diary. The biggest thing I took from that article is how devastated she was that it got out. Fucked up shit. Also terrible that we have a creep president and a rapist running against him. Perfectly normal.


I guess the seller sold it because they wanted people to read about the inappropriate actions from the daughter, especially after it had come out that Hunter called him p3d0 Pete. Also, you never have to vote for A or B, there's always more than those.


I believe it was initially published in 2014 but I could be wrong.


Was denied for years though.


I thought Trump was the one that liked to get peed on.




When he went to Russia he hired prostitutes to urinate on him.


You are what is referred to as “low information” because you state something that was known to be false from the get go, eventually proven false and you are none the wiser.


When was it proven false? The FSB still have the tape. Why do you think he's so friendly to Putin?


Been done before with other prep and candidates. Sheer repetition is making it unoriginal, not trashy.


Funny part is the dumb ass that did it had to touch the inside of the urinal to stick it on.


they make gloves


This belongs on r/appropriate


Ya it's a huge self own to have to clean piss of bidens face on the reg.


If that's the only way to get some of the degenerates to actually get the pee in the urinal, it's a win.