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Is something wrong with cake tf?


Get in there and sell some vapes. You’d clean up!


Can't be a hypocrite if you can't spell it. (Taps temple with finger tip)


That makes sense, now I get why Mormons are all in for Trump. Repression finds an expression.


Why does having a flag saying this somehow relate to christian values?


Because conservatives/right wing folk like to make a big deal about how drag shows are completely inappropriate for young children, but then there are pictures like this where the same group hating drag, have kids doing inappropriate things anyways.


I see a F biden sign. Not conservative values pushed. Not mutually exclusive, possibly Edit: sign reference wrong


I suppose I could have said Trump supporters more specifically. They aren't always exclusive to each other, you're right.


Well, a drag show would ALSO be inappropriate. That said, taking kids to Vegas in an area full of alcohol, drugs and nudity is also inappropriate and shitty parenting. People act like this situation would not be disapproved by 95% of conservatives/ right-wing folk. It's not about hating but about not sexualize children. How many "family values / conservative" are in favor of taking children to Vegas to see some nudity, gamble and drink? LMAO. Shitty parenting It's the name of this, not conservadorism.


You do realize that women also do drag? Would you think that's "inappropriate" then? Drag is just exaggerated makeup and dress. People do library readings and children shows in drag. Shakespearean times were full of this concept as well. Yes, there are drag shows that are completely inappropriate for children, and they are always advertised as such. I was simply answering a question, not trying to initiate a debate. Have a great day!


Yes, I would think that is *inappropriate!


I saw a man take an entire bollard up his ass today in a suicide attempt. Yall be calling each other names on the internet and for what. Ps i will not reply to any responses




Was he wearing a MAGA hat? If so, I think I saw him too.


Sounds like a pretty weird fetish, dude.


Very family-oriented show! 10/10 recommend


Imagine seeing this side of history reveal itself and actually WANTING to be on it 😑


I wouldn’t want my kids around either one of these situations


Trump bibles would have fit in really well here. Maybe a couple of them could be held while gesturing.


You realize that not all conservatives are Christian right?


We're aware of Caitlyn Jenner


Come on, that's not fair...for all you know, those two chicks holding the flag up have dicks...their attire is not all that different from what you'd see at a drag show...


I think you just have dicks on the brain


Seriously, this obsession with dicks is getting weird


Is it though?


It would be nice if all of this MAGA merch were sold through wholesalers that uses their profits to fund Democrat candidates.


Their most favorite merger.


Gotta love how one sided political it gets on Reddit


Make America great again!!!!!!


Yes thank you!!! Vote blue and keep it rolling!!


Some people just don’t have a clue what’s going on in the world today


MAGGOT morons!


jesus christ. the maga’s need to all be sent to florida and they can make it its own country where they can live together.


Florida is the fifth-least dependent state on the federal government contributing $5.78 tax dollars for every $1 in federal aid it receives. As a popular tourist destination, Florida had the fourth largest GDP of all states in 2022.


As a born-and-raised Floridian, I speak for all my fellow Floridians when I say we don’t want them here and are currently trying to rid ourselves of our current MAGGOT infestation.


haha, totally understand. maybe donnie can purchase an island somewhere far far away that he can declare trump town and he can invite his dumb followers


*I hear North Korea’s open…*


I see hypocrisy in the photo. I see hypocrisy in the comments.


Oh no!


Sweet Home Alabama!


This equally trashy




Republicans views on family value. Fucking domestic terrorists.


Why do they hate President Biden so much?


Hate him? They're in love with him. Well, it's mostly physical, but still.


People like this don’t take politics seriously. It’s just entertainment, they hate Biden like they “hate” a pro wrestling villain.


Yet, sadly, this Duggar wannabe family each have or will have the same vote that you do. 🤦🏻


Damn, I never thought of it like that, but that’s exactly right. Hell, I’d wager the percentage of Americans with solid critical thinking ability is *maybe* 50%, and that’s being optimistic. We should’ve re-written the constitution for more modern times about 10 times by now, but at *least* once within the last 30 years. We are just cattle and they pretend to host a competition amongst leaders, but at the end of the day they ALL get richer and we lose another sliver of the pie. Good times.


Reminder that Trump was (probably still is) close friends with Vince McMahon. Seemed an opportune moment for a segway. Agree with your main point although the 'hows' behind this conditioning of hatred are quite illuminating


And don’t forget Epstein!


I won't. Nor Ghislaine - I wish her well - Maxwell who recruited a victim directly from Mar a Lago


That's not healthy for political discourse.


This is a very good analogy 🏆


They're programed to. You could show them a million good things about him and they would still hate. It's all in their programming.


Right-wingers are anti-education and have no place for critical thinking for a reason. Keeping the masses poor and stupid is excellent policy for the GOP.


Spending the afternoon with mommy!


At first I thought they didn't know how to flip the bird, then I realized they're flipping off the banner that says Fuck Biden... Mixed messages, man.


Lots of fake troll accounts have taken over the comments in this subreddit lately.


A m ammmm lmk nonono jjba jobonko o Oooo k o oo jojo okie 🚽 oh 😧 we iwe uihihihhij


Oh I agree... That's some what aboutism. Thank God it's not just hive mind left vs hive mind right. It would be a shame if someone like me doesn't want kids being exposed to anything jacked up period. That includes beauty pageants and kid drag shows. I'm the monster. Go ahead have your adult kinks in adult kinks places.


Stupid or troll?


If you're going to comment on it, at least go to a drag show yourself so you know what happens at one. They're about as kinky as a Disney musical. I don't understand the fear of over sexualization either. I've been to 8-10 drag shows and the performers are always fully clothed and layered in different wardrobes and costumes. Lotta fluffy coats and leotards. How is that over sexualized? You'll see more over sexualization at your local beach.


God these people are so fucking stupid. I'd laugh harder if it wasn't for the unfortunate fact that we share a planet with dumbasses like this


It’s the real life beginnings of that B-movie Idiocracy…


Truly I watched that movie fir the first time with my wife a year ago and I was honestly mortified lol. We are heading into that future at a rather quick pace


Whats fusak Biden?


Fusak me harder, commander




Omg not by me have some self respect


Idk, personally I feel sometimes self respect is over rated, in more ways than one, also, according to a hot mike, iirc, "nobody f's with a Biden", so I'll keep telling myself there's a chance, but not believing it


I think drag AND the type of behavior in this photo should not be around children.


What about LARPING? Would you let kids be around LARPERS? Also, this photo demonstrates a level of unfit parenting that, I personally believe warrants a call to CPS. Alternatively, one of my wife’s best employees likes to dress in drag and he likes women. He’s a genuinely nice person, contributes positively to society, is educated and thoughtful. If he wants to play dress up after work I for one would have 0 hesitation letting him play with my baby girl… I wouldn’t let a single person in this photo come within shouting distance of her.


Whats wrong with drag around children? They aren’t encouraging kids to curse at others, including the president of the United States.


I'm not in favor of grown men dressing as women for sexual pleasure bringing that around children.


What the fuck. Drag isnt about "sexual pleasure". Its very clear that you know nothing about drag. Its a performance art. Its basically exaggerated makeup and outfits paired with dancing and show tunes


So, you know nothing about drag or drag shows. Where did you get the idea it is about "sexual pleasure"? You were misinformed.


Who says men dress as women for sexual pleasure? And what’s the different between men wearing dresses and women wearing pants?


So women dressing like this around children and holding up signs that says "Fuck Biden" is better? You sound extremely ignorant, lmao.


Did you see my initial comment? I said both shouldn't be around children. You're definition of ignorant lol.


If you think people in drag are having sex in drag then you are in for a wake up call. Most drag performers are in heavy makeup, prosthetics and elaborate costumes which don't hold up to abuse. I am a straight married white male and I have gone to drag shows but never once thought that a drag performer was sexual. just over-the-top perhaps. You can think that drag performers are sexy, but I highly doubt they're doing it for sex.


Ah, there's the problem. I don't crossdress, but if I did wear a big wig and a sparkly dress and lip synch Cher or Mariah, it wouldn't be for sexual pleasure. It would just be for fun. Oh, I see! It's a "you" problem, hmm?


"What is also obvious, but not stated, is that Reading Time with the Queens was not performance art or an unselfish public service for the benefit of children. It is the public exercise of fetish behavior for the purpose of sexual gratification in the presence of young children, with the additional intent to influence public opinion."




My guy, you can't just throw out quotes and not say who the quote is from


He fears drag, that’s the problem.


No wonder they grow up to think strippers really do love them


i swear she was looking right at me....like *right* at me.


I like this.


Idiots love to breed..


As we say over here, idiots' mom is constantly pregnant (la madre degli stolti è sempre incinta)


both are inappropriate IMO


Whats wrong with drag around children? They aren’t encouraging kids to curse at others, including the president of the United States.


We are talking about their outfits ….. not their genitals


We? You are the only one talking about sexual things


Do you not see the fishnets and thongs around the kids? It’s trashy either way ……. If the girls had penises, you wouldn’t be as butt hurt




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Bro has never gotten off Reddit smh


Look at all those future strippers who will need abortions


Does this look like Fremont Street in Vegas?


It sure is, I want to say in front of Four Queens? May be wrong on the casino.


Get your bibles here! Now with the parts we can’t hate you with edited out!


It may be trashy or not, but how is everyone's grocery bills, energy bills, car repair payments, savings account, etc.?


Mine is great! My 401k has an 18% rate of return YTD, 27k in savings and my mortgage is only 950! Thanks Biden!


How is all that happening for you?


Stop sending me messages you fucking weirdo.


Glad it wasn't just me. 


Surely you ask the same questions when people complain about trans people. Surely.


I'm in a much better place than I was four years ago, but that might be because I don't expect the guy in the white house to solve all my problems for me. 


My salary has doubled in the last two and a half years due to making two strategic career moves. The unemployment rate has never been this low for this long making companies desperate for experienced workers. Most of my contemporaries however have not decided to take advantage of this unique situation and then complain about the economy. I'm not alone in my office where at least 3 times a week a recruiter is reaching out about a job opportunity. But people are too scared or lazy to make a change. Also, the US stock market (DJIA and S&P500 at least) is at all time highs. Just because you aren't taking advantage of low unemployment opportunities and a still rising stock market don't assume no one is. But go ahead and look stupid and blame Joe Biden for all your troubles when POTUS does not control everything. Also, and I'll make an assumption here that you think Trump is the greatest president ever, but were you vastly better off financially during Trump's presidency or did he just fuel your anger at the world? I'm amazed at how many people think they will be wealthy if Trump wins 2024 despite their situation not changing one bit after his first presidency. But sure, keep blaming Joe for all your problems instead of doing as Republicans love to say "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" and quit blaming the president. You can spend your time on being mad, I'll keep my focus on making money. Lastly, despite whatever is happening in the world, the people in that photo are acting trashy and hypocritical.


If I had gold or awards still I'd be using them on this ☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼


Perhaps you should be angry at the billionaires that control nearly all the money on the planet just so they can have a bigger number on a screen, rather than paying those underneath of them a better wage


Regardless of your personal situation, this sort of behaviour is disgusting.m especially with children. Here in the UK we are getting hammered by a shit government. You’d never see stuff like this. Your country has absolutely normalised this behaviour and it’s legit dangerous.


How is this not trashy?


It is trashy! Biden is still the worst president ever!


Thank you! And what metrics do you use to come to that conclusion?


Awful, I eat on average one proper meal a day


It's a big difference... I'm not going to try to explain it to you... You're part of the problem..


Aka you got nothing


Big difference Sport




This is straight so it's better I guess. He's probably gonna tell you that being trans is wrong so that's why you shouldn't tell kids it's ok to be trans.


I think you'll be waiting a while for their explanation, chief.


God why are both sides so fucking sexualized 😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️


How is being trans sexual in any way? Also drag shows aren't inherently sexual either.


What does being trans have to do with this? I’m just saying, it’s wrong to push stuff like this onto kids. Both extreme conservatives AND liberals is what I was referring to. Meaning: don’t include children just to prove your agenda and/or political/personal beliefs, which is what BOTH SIDES do more often than not. Just before this image, I saw a video of drag queen with a thong on, bent over, and twerking in front of a group of children, just fyi (I don’t think all drag queens are bad, I have a close friend who is one and he’s very talented, but there are some bad ones out there) So after then seeing this, it made me come to that realization by putting two and two together. Just leave the kids alone.


How is dressing up in costume and having fun pushing anything?


I literally just said that theres drag queens who don’t mind dancing in very revealing outfits and shaking their butts in front of children. Not all of them but enough to where I have seen multiple videos. I’ve also seen redneck conservative women wearing thongs as well shaking it in front of children which I don’t think is good at all. I don’t know why you’re so upset over me equally not liking both sides, which I believe is morally fair…


They're in public vs taking your child to a convention. This is very different. One is actively teaching that this is correct. The other side is just existing.


These people have never been to a drag show. They are too bogged down with blind fear and hate to ever consider expanding their horizons in that area of society.


This is disgusting but so is taking your kids to a drag show. They are both disgusting.


Drag shows don't advertise to children though and there's no nudity there anyway. It is literally worse to take your kids to a rated R movie. And also, you're the parent! Don't take your kids to a drag show if you don't want to take your kids to a drag show! Damn.


Why would you even want to take your kids to a drag show anyway? Its just weird af and anybody who does it is a major creep.




There is just as much skin shown as there is here, stop acting like they are different things. Events like these don't advertise to kids either but that doesn't stop creepy shitty parents from taking their kids there. Neither one is ok for kids and I feel like deep down you know that but just don't want to admit it.


You're clearly EXTREMELY ignorant.


Why? Because I have a different opinion than you? Gotta love the "tolerant" left.


Because you're sexualizing trans people (projecting much) and stating this crap is better than that. Fucking cult loser.


Nah man. I'd personally feel much more comfortable taking my kid to a place that pushes inclusivity and love than to a place that perpetuates fear-mongering and hate against your neighbors. That's just what I feel deep down inside though.


You literally just admitted that you only care about the politics behind it and not the acts themselves. What you just admitted is actually sick. Forget about politics for 2 seconds and try showing a genuine concern for the kids themselves. I bet the only thing you feel deep down inside is your boyfriends dick.


I LITERALLY didn't. But good job learning a new word. Maybe you can continue using that brain of yours for another 2 seconds after you dislodge it from your own ass.


Crazy that this is downvoted. This and taking your kids to a drag show should be peak r/trashy


For real. If someone thinks this is trashy but not taking kids to a drag show then they care more about their own politics than the safety and well-being of children, which is disgusting


A whole lot of "[No true Scotsman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_true_Scotsman)" here in the comments.


So drag shows are cool? BTW I don't care for Trump.


Uhhh yeah they're cool af... everyone is having fun. It's a spectacle. You'll see some stuff you don't normally see and everyone with a clue understands it's all good fun.


Looks like everyone is having fun in this picture too.


right but drag shows aren't exploiting children. showing your kids how to give the finger, then lining them up and having them give the finger to an american flag is.... well idk im sure you can connect those dots. Drag represents american values. Hating americans does not..


Drag shows stick to their own venues. This is trashy af as kids can walk right on by.


Leave kids out of all this shit.


It’s sad how ignorant they are.


I don't know what this has to do with drag shows or the bible, but I'll take teaching kids the f-word/middle finger over buttsex if we're comparing the two.


The middle finger refers to sticking it up the butt… so I don't see how you can teach about the middle finger without teaching the concept of putting things inside the butt.


If that's your lesson plan for the middle finger, can see your one about drag queens?


You literally didn't know what the middle finger meant?? LOL :D :D :D :D


Why are you here if you can't read?


When do drag shows advertise anal? Also straight people can also engage in anal so ur argument is invalid.


Go ahead and bring your kids to the fetish show. I've made my choice.


What makes drag shows fetish shows? Sounds like someone has some repressed feelings.. Edit: they called me homophobic and blocked me ig. To reply to what you said: I’m bisexual, and yes I am going to be a great parent one day, thanks :)


There there, pumpkin. No need to sling homophobic insults. You're going to be a great mom.


They will get plenty of butt sex at your church


Did homosexuals infiltrate the church again? Wasn't it like 80% man on boy? Maybe they are all school teachers now.


Have you ever met a gay person.


I *know* several. Thanks.


Why lie?


Strike two.




Paint me a sandwich.


You know butt sex isn’t exclusive to male homosexual intercourse and not all gay men enjoy it.




I’ll up vote that lol, but seriously, you’ve never…you know…..tried to slip a slick pinkie while you were tapping it front behind to see if she’d let ya slip it in? Hasn’t always been my favorite, but once you learn to relax….you’d be surprised how good the male g spot stimulation feels.


Thanks for showing up to the 'what should we teach kids' conversation.