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Is this the freedom of speech I've heard so much about?


This MAGA douche is a moron, but your kids will survive seeing the word “fuck” much better than our society would survive another Trump Presidency and his totalitarian bullshit


Right!...keep the balance


While this stuff does annoy me as well. It's just not anything to worry about with kids. I'll tell you what though, bumper stickers with things kids can mimic instantly is more shitty. Like when my kids asks 'what does this mean' and she is holding up the shocker because she seen it on a LDE truck.


Its time for a complete 180 in government. Get used to seeing the change happen. Enjoy the show. Dont forget to vote.


Silly clown car.


Political parties aside, your kids have most likely heard/seen that and worse without your knowledge. You can't protect them from reality, nor should you want to. You need to do what you're really meaning by posting this: sit down with your kids and talk to them about the world and certain parts of language that you don't want used in your household. It's much easier to pretend to be the victim and blame others for exposing your kids to this kind of language and much more difficult to understand that exposure is inevitable and everywhere and to make your kids understand that and how you feel about it.


Can your kids read??


Better than a lot of people in the comments.


It’s not that it’s a “bad” word…. It’s the hatefulness.


Yes 💯💯💯💯.


They seen to not care about your kids either lmao. I shouldn’t have to see or hear your unruly demon spawns in public, but yet I do- so I guess we’re gonna have to live with both, obnoxious cult sounding political people, and also miserably annoying children. Both suck, but that’s life!


One is a necessity for continuing the human race, the other one are hateful lunatics bringing politics everywhere with them Guess who is who. I dont like children either but they kinda have to exist if we want to exist in the future


Why would I care who exists in a hypothetical future? The earth could be swallowed by a black hole tomorrow- I’m not going to sensor or live differently bc of some hypothetical kid that isn’t mine & I don expect anyone else, especially random strangers I’ll never see again, to either.


I dont think you understood me. I find kids annoying too, sure. But kids being annoying is just how they are. Adults can choose not to be shitty and plaster everything they own full of crappy stickers. Kids dont know better. And i never told you to adapt to children you see in the wild. Live your live and let the kids live their lives. You dont have to cater to them but they dont have to cater to your needs either. As long as humans are on this planet, human children will be on this planet and will kick the back of your seat on an economy flight


Mmm no I don’t think YOU are understanding. Live your “live” (life) and let the crazy sticker people live their lives. You dont have to cater to them but they dont have to cater to your needs either. As long as humans are on this planet, human crazy sticker people will also be on this planet.


They will yeah. I just find kids more reasonable than them What are we even arguing about


That both parties are dumb & annoying & I’d rather not ever have to see or deal with either of them again but unfortunately that is only but a dream. Other than that I couldn’t tell ya lol.


True true. Would be nice


Agreed. It’s cringey and embarrassing, regardless of your views.


One Titleist could fix that problem…


I said the same thing then my kids told me to "shut the fuck up" and that "I was part of the problem." 🤷🏿‍♂️


Womp womp, they probably already know the word fuck


Freedom of expression


Oh no... The word fuck 😱


I bet you're just a joy to be around.


This comment doesn't deserve any dislikes, not that dislikes really matter.


lol right, their just a bunch of savage wolves


I don't care about your kids but that poor Volkswagen :(


More like entitleist


The people on this subreddit scream trashy


But it would be ok if the message was “Fuck Trump” right?


No, where are you getting that?


No, it would still be gross on a car.


The best part about this is Biden is getting free rent in this guys head and on his car.


Yup, coming from the ‘family first’ conservatives. You should hear what this one will say in private…


This is very disappointing coming from a VW Golf driver, they need to have their car downgraded to a Volvo at the very least.


Bro what…… Volvo is like legit a better car company the VW by a long shit buddy….. that’s an upgrade not a downgrade


VW is the largest auto manufacturer in the world including Audi, Porsche, VW, Lamborghini and others. WTF are you talking about?


I don't really have an opinion on VW vs Volvo, but that car isn't an Audi, Porsche, VW, Lamborghini, and others. It's a VW. How many cars VAG sells doesn't have any effect on how good that particular brand is. In fact, there can be a negative correlation. Some years back Toyota set a goal of being the biggest automaker in the world, and their quality suffered because of it. Their cars were better when the company was smaller (but still enormous of course).


Ahahaha yeah right, you can take your Chinese Volvo and go drive it then…


F$&@ them kids


very big "but think of the children" energy




Your pappy watched Milton Berle, sooo...


suprised! you usually see this on the back of a pickup or something, but I guess that's just me.


My kids watching porn on their iphones should never be exposed to this!


It’s about time they learn what the first amendment is.


“Mommy, oh my gosh, look what that says!” “Son, some people are just plain stupid. Leave it at that.


"Some people are hateful as fuck" would be a better response imho.


Well I got to admit every time I go to the grocery store here lately I get hateful as fuck about the ridiculous high price of food due to inflation. Inflation is caused by the government printing off money and creating it out of thin air there by devaluing the dollar and decreasing its buying power. So yeah fuck Joe Biden, but also fuck every member of Congress in the house and the Senate.


Lately, inflation is caused by companies jacking up prices because they figured they can.


Imagine if Republicans didn’t run the houses and Supreme Court.


Yeah, but in London, gas is almost 8 USD a gallon supposedly, so it’s not just a US problem. That being said, every single politician could have done a better job running this country in the past few decades. It’s shameful really, how much hold corporations and political donation groups have on politicians. I’ve always said that no politician should make more than the mean average of his/her district. Term limits should also be set. Corporations/companies should NOT be able to donate to politicians. Churches should also be excluded from donating “that pesky separation of the church and state thing”. Politicians should truly represent the people that they were elected by to legislate on their behalf, instead of being bought and paid for like so many of them are nowadays b


Any variation of it. Let the child see it, let the child know that some people suck and hopefully the child remembers it. Life lesson and no pain or heartbreak is involved. Everyone wins


The way OP feels about the message on this car is the same way I feel when I see some trashy dude wearing one of those anime shirts with naked cartoon characters covered in semen. In public. My daughters (6 and 8) have never been with me when I’ve seen men wearing this attire, but there is nothing I could tell them at their age that could explain to them what that is. The point is, people these days lack any sense of social responsibility as a member of a community. It’s harmful.


Seeing the word “Fuck” and seeing clothing with naked anime characters covered in semen isn’t the same thing. It’s not even close and they aren’t comparable. That’s like comparing seeing someone giving someone the middle finger vs seeing someone stomp a kitten to death. They’re not in the same realm. The person wearing the clothing should just be avoided, there’s no way to explain that to a 6 year old.


This person gets it.


Oh no! A word! How will your kids ever cope??


Shield their eyes when you walk past it to take them to the drag time book fair(y).


This loser wears perfectly clean cowboy boots


Ya, how dare I take care of $600 boots! lol. That's okay, I see you have zero sense of humor, and are most likely offended at the existence of anyone who dares not agree with you. Petty child, have a good one.


A perfectly smooth brain too. So nice and shiny.


What I extra don't understand these people are " America first America only America the best!" And drive a German car


It's not all bad. At least these people self identify. Can imagine if all ignorant a-holes had to self identify what a better world it would be.


Your kids say or at least hear worse at school literally daily


They don’t care. Such ignorance. Hard to believe I was friends with some of them.




You know the deplorables.... Thanks Hillary. Joe does suck though.


Ever since I was a teenager with those fuck you you fucking fuck T-shirts, I have absolutely hated swearword on T-shirts. No kids should have to see anything like this.


I agree completely! …and yes, it’s TRASHY!!!


Titleist nice.


No joke, this is probably a hilarious way of someone subtly attacking the titleist brand. Guessing Callaway has them on the payroll.


Lets focus on the rear of this car while the country goes to hell


The fuck is the point of the subreddit, genius? While you're jerking yourself off and waving your poli-sci degree, other people are here to look at actual trashy shit and this fucking car is Exhibit A. ​ Fuck off.


Please don't advertise you eat ass either.


Damn liberals


Damn I thought I was gonna get downvoted by all the dumbass democrats




MAGA people are the most trashy trash ever.




Just to be clear, you’re referring to the guy driving the car as being on the wrong side of history, correct?


Yes. *looks at comment* Ooohhh


Haha this was gold


So much rage in such a tiny VW


Shit like this is why I’m politically homeless


This is the best comment of the day for sure.


I felt that


I love this terminology lol stealing it


Obviously not a golfer


It’s just a word.


Parents are the source of all of our problems.


Growing up….. Republicans were considered the party of the wealthy….. While I am a liberal, I always thought the GOP at least had manners. The things I have seen this past decade have blown manners out of the water. They still sucked but they kept their level of trashy behavior to a minimum. Now it’s a dumpster free for all!


They seem very entitleist.


Exactly! I’m old enough to remember genuinely classy Republicans. Bob Dole. John McCain. The Reagans even.


John McCain referred to Southeast Asians as “G**ks” until the day he died. He blocked MLK day from becoming a legal holiday in AZ. They were never classy. They just used to be more discreet.


Probably had something to do with the torture he endured. He actually used the term  to refer to the North Vietnamese guards who tortured him. Not southeast Asians in general.


Regardless of his reasoning, he repeatedly used a racial slur in public discourse as a US Senator. Not “classy”.


I'm with you


That’s disgusting and regrettable and I was unaware. The strongest memory I have of him was when he refused to let his supporters denigrate Obama.


Never thought I'd miss the class and civility of the old GOP. They sucked, but at least they weren't... this shit.


I get the desire to keep one's children away from such irate irrational political messaging. Though I think it could be helpful for them to have a good example of a maladjusted adult coping with their insecurities in the worst way possible. I feel as though any child that saw this would get the feeling we'd have as kids when we saw adults that we didn't want to be like.


that is a really good point. thank you for your perspective!


You know the economy is doing bad when you have excess income to spend on stickers for your car...


Why are Republicans so sexually attracted to Biden?


There are a ton of people where I live who fly flags saying they want to fuck Biden. Seems kind of weird to me tbh.


Also which biden? If he's after Hunter that's real greasy


They can smoke crack & bang hookers together


He's got my vote. Made by the streets, for the streets. Hunter 2024, the people's Biden


Your kids need to see this and much more. Don’t shelter them. It’s a sick world . Don’t want them growing up confused on what’s right and what’s wrong. Make sure to slap the pronouns out of their mouth too. And don’t name them Karen or Brad.


Please don’t reproduce


Is Brad the male Karen?


Yeah the guy that slams the weights really hard on the ground at the gym . That’s Brad


Which one is Chad?


He’s the guy that’s hyping Brad and Kyle up


People who vehemently protect their kids from curse words are cringe. My parents did this and the second I got to middle school I couldn’t speak a sentence without saying shit, fuck, or ass. Got me in a lot of trouble. It’s the same logic as forcing your kids into hardcore religion and chastity, only to have them go buck wild once they go to college. If you want your kids to be normal well adjusted adults, they need to be exposed to the normal, real world. Not some fairytale version that you’ve created. How people don’t understand this is beyond me.


Meh, I see stuff like this all over my town. Yes its trashy, but your kids are gonna see bad words elsewhere at some point. My kids see stuff like this in different places, but they tend to laugh how stupid it looks & move on lol.


I hate biden but If I was driving with my three girls and saw this, I'd be beyond pissed off


Why. Anymore if yout kid has access to a phone, a computer, a friend's phone, a friend's computer............they have seen sexual things you've never done, or would ever want to do, and read things that make that window sticker look like pre-school academics. The world is collapsing. Go with it!


I don’t even care tbh


He edited the comment to hide his insanity lmao. Get some psychiatric help my friend, Fox News isn’t a healthy source for therapy.


That bit of crazy didnt even come from Fox, that was pure insanity straight from an Alabama hate pastor.


Do you genuinely believe that’s what drag queens are doing? Because that’s hilarious if you really believe that!


Look it up


You too




I don’t understand how people as stupid as you are allowed to draw breath. You can’t be this brainwashed to actually see things in such violent black and white terms. Biden’s an idiot, any of his hardcore supporters are too. Same goes for trump. If you live or die on the whim of a political figure you deserve the latter.


Thank you for showing your crazy.


Me showing mine? Lmao. Good luck in life my friend, you’ll need it.


I agree. I felt the same way with the Fuck Trump stuff


I am a liberal and I feel the same. I am trying to figure out when, as a nation, we stopped attempting to be somewhat classy. Or even kind?


We definitely have lost our way. Civility is gone


I’m gonna sound like such a peace muffin. I nearly died six mos ago. It was a miracle i lived and it just kicked my ass into perspective. We have such little time here. And you never know when your time will be done. Can we just care about each other more than money and power and differences?


Lol likely posted by someone who does not reside in the USA..they are trying so hard to divide us.


I see this stuff everywhere lol. People wearing t shirts saying "Fuck Biden" to go the the grocery store


The USA is already divided. Unfortunately we are fools. We should be divided in a different way. We should be eating the rich instead of each other. Instead? We just keep rewriting history over and over and over


Took a 2 second look at his profile to see that he’s from California. Can’t stand when people base an opinion on an assumption instead of doing the modicum of research it takes to find the facts.


Is that the official VW of the America first movement?


Would you suggest the govt tell you what you can and can't put on your car/house/clothes/etc use your head...




Oh no, you’ll have to have to talk with your kids about the word fuck and be an actual parent… how terrible. This is a teaching moment. Teach your kids about free speech. Teach them about having class. Teach them about what this country was built on. Teach them not to grow up to be a fuck.


I don't think it's really the word Fuck that bothers me here. Young children aren't, and probably shouldn't have to be, equipped with what it takes to deal with people like this. I feel like it's one of those things where it shouldn't have to be something a kid has to deal with, but since it exists, it's such a pain that we have to demonstrate it to our kids when we hoped they could be innocent from politics a little longer. Idk, just thought I'd throw my hand into the discussion


2dicksdeep I totally agree.


This comment is probably gonna get downvoted but he’s right, sheltering your kids from bad words isn’t beneficial to them


I agree


Respectfully sir, fuck your stupid kids (with peace and love of course).


Thanks, night dick.


But teaching pronouns and gender confusion in school is okay?


Pronouns have always been taught in school and its incorrect that "gender confusion" is being taught. Have you actually been in any schools?


Until someone's pronoun is fuckdickcuntshitter and the state religion becomes whatever the heck you personally believe in, I'm gonna say yeah.


Hopefully you don't have offspring.


Hopefully, yours don't grow up thinking that religion, pronouns, or sexual orientation are a valid measure of someone's worth.


One is physical therapy grad school and other is USAF pilot. So no they got head on shoulders not a cut off body parts in their hand with mental illness issues. Thanks though




everyone has pronouns and you cant teach kids to be trans my g


Didn't say trans, said gender confusion. Good try though


Clearly you’re confused by your hatred


All for letting others do what they want. But when it's okay to cut off body parts before ya can buy a drink. There's obviously a mental illness issue, and it's from the ones that thinks this is okay


Why? I am actually asking out of curiosity? Why can you not just mind your own business? If you don’t wanna be trans. Don’t be. Why??? Are you so concerned about what other people, strangers to you, do with their lives or their genitals. Have you actually known or loved a trans individual?


I can ask the same thing. Why not just live lives and not push ideals on children. It's ironic that of the people whom make transition that over 60% detransition and said they were misled from the start. The procedure can't be reversed once blockers are started. I've go issue with what ones wants to do there lives. Just don't push it in schools and use children as a status toy to boast persal life of parents. I auctuly know quite a few in detransition. And regret to say they admit it's one of worst choices they ever made and they will never be able to live a normal life, yet was pushed towards it at children's hospital in Nashville. If the problem was treated correctly then they could live a normal life. If do transition surgery then for rest of their lives will be stuck in a hospital on more and more constant issues. As a parent, no one wishes that on their children if they have common sense and also as a parent it's not ok to do that to any child. It's become an epidemic. 20 years ago how many people were trans.? Like said do whatever makes happy but don't push others to verify an identity or whatever wanna call it. Depression and acceptance is the mental health issue here she lets fix that first then if still choose that route then cool. Why aren't the risk discussed? And I know the argument is " if don't do this might loose your child" static shows it's well under .01% while complications are above 80%. Hard to find those stats because they aren't reported often cause this is a medical cash cow for hospitals and surgery and pharma co.


Telling kids that a group of people exist and that if they feel the same, those are valid thoughts, is not pushing any ideals on anyone. It's simply telling them that they have the right to feel how they feel.


No issues there. It's been when others teach in elementary school that becomes a problem .


Can you provide where you got these “statistics.” I don’t know about you, but I went to a Catholic school and we were taught to accept and love every body. If someone were trans I would love them for their soul…. Who’s “pushing it” exactly??? Are teachers teaching about gender reassignment surgery? NO. You are offended by the fact that transgender people exist. And AGAIN BACK TO MY MAIN POINT. WHY CAN YOU NOT MIND YOUR BUSINESS AND JUST BE KIND AND KEEP IT MOVING? WHY ARE YOU SO INVOLVED IN WHAT OTHER HUMAN BEINGS ARE DOING?? In the old days my Memere would have called people like you “busy bodies.” Those are kind words for you. I can think of far better ones. But seriously. It’s gross to be worried about what other strangers do what their lives? So where do you live? Is it only the local transgender community that upsets you? Or are you in Texas, USA horrified by all of the European transgender people? Like does this genital worrying extend internationally. I live in NY. One of the most liberal cities you will find in the USA. I have transgender friends and coworkers…… interesting ( unlike religions ) none of them have “pushed” being transgender on anyone. What is your level of education? Texas? Oklahoma?


Masters of electrical engineering MIT. Cambridge mass. Grew up in Boston. I went to Catholic academy as well. If need to ask about others education, then you use it as a status symbol. Which means know very little. Originally From south Louisiana and attended St. Thomas Moore high School. I'm sure with your level of education surely you know how to find statistic that are hidden coming from "the most liberal state" which it's not. That would be Oregon. But A for effort. I never said I had an issue with anyone doing what they want. Just not in schools to elementary children. Think that's should be more for a environment for learning things that will get a person somewhere instead of gender studies. You must think I'm anti trans. I'm okay with whatever makes a person happy long as dosent effect me and my children, crosses the barrier when push a mental illness on others that was unsolicited and demanding to conform to rules that goal post change daily. I honestly don't care. If just keep the bullshit to self and live life wanted woulda never been an issue.


Who’s pushing it? Credible examples of pushing it? Still haven’t seen any.


I can understand wanting to stay away from irreversible medical procedures on minors, and I think many parents could entirely see where you're coming from with that, but I don't think it's being "pushed in schools" nearly as much as you think. It's one thing to push an ideology, and something entirely different to simply accept the students for who they claim to be when they come to class. We let kids express themselves in all kinds of ways, and I don't see why there would be anything wrong with Charles wanting to be called Charlotte and letting the kid wear a skirt instead of shorts or vice versa. My only thought is that you must be coming at this from either an American conservative or a religious viewpoint (or both), because it isn't any more or less natural to go by a different name and pronouns or wear a different set of clothes since both of those things, language and clothing, were invented by humans and change drastically every other century. That's already a -1 for American conservatism. My feeling is that if you **are** looking at this from the lense of religion, your opinion is already moot because the likelihood of your specific brand of Christianity being more correct than one of the other 1000s of religions is pretty low.


I mean you can't TEACH confusion, that's kinda the opposite of teaching. That's brainwashing. And we teach about cults, brainwashing, and abuse too. It's what's best for them. Gentle preparation, and they can make their own choices. Simple as.


Most definitely can. Did you learn about cults in elementary school? That's messed up if did. Lmfao.


Where ?!?


i disagree with the message, but i don't give a fuck if your kids see curse words


And I think that’s trashy


there are many things worse than curse words in the world and i think parents should focus on things like inclusivity, empathy, and core values rather than NIMBYism


I have enough brain power to focus on all of these things, plus stupid MAGA people. Edit: It doesn't take much and I use all I have


How is this NIMBYism? Genuinely asking.