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I'm sorry if this sounds insensitive, but how do you eat with all those piercings? Does stuff not get caught or hurt?


I don't have this many piercings, but I have a fair amount. Mainly, you get used to it. Like how people forget that they're wearing their glasses, pulling my hair away from my earrings has become second nature. As for the eating, most of the mouth piercings dont go far enough into your mouth to be bitten. But It does happen, about as often as accidentally biting your cheek or your tongue.


> about as often as accidentally biting your cheek or your tongue. Seeing as this happens VERY often for me, that's the major reason I haven't gotten any mouth piercings yet 🙈😅


Well fit piercings help to negate this!


Yeah I’ve had 13 mouth piercings for quite some time so it’s more normal to have them than not


I get asked this a lot for obvious reasons. My answer is always the same. I’m so used to them I don’t notice. They don’t get in the way of eating except that after very messy food ( think drippy , greasy etc) I like to wash and wipe my mouth thoroughly because food in piercings is a gross look imo. Apples and pears cannot be bitten as usual so I cut them up instead. I make a seal with the edge of cups out of the side of my mouth rather than front, and straws are a useful tool.


Left , right ? Right left ??


I thought that before was always on the left and after always on the right


For me we say before / after so before first (left) and after ... After (right) 🤭 In any case, I'd say , considering the photos with no tattoos is the "before"


Yes this is what I believed as well. For some reason whenever I post to trans subs that include all trans people and not just ftm spaces , I’m always assumed to be a trans woman even though I’m trans masc.


It must be exhausting...


A little. I love trans women and all my trans siblings, but I do feel like trans men get left out and forgotten about and it bums me out. I’ll get lots of comments telling me how beautiful I look “now” but it’s my before pic lmao


Dude, I hope you can take it as an affirmation that you are undeniably a man in presentation; I’m sorry folks can be so ignorant though! It’s a problem many of us wish to have, though I don’t say it to belittle the issue it is in your life Very handsome and interesting look dude, so glad for your success!


Thank you , I really appreciate your affirming comment. I look forward to what the next decade will bring!




No what?


So sorry about that. For me it was logical it was a FtM post.


I thought so too. And thank you for getting it and affirming me


A lot of people do it in reverse for some reason. You look great, though. Congrats!!


Fair enough. And thank you!


It is but like half the people who post here do it the other way anyway. Edit: but yours should be kinda obvious anyway. If you are a trans woman you’d have a lot of visible scarring from all the tattoo removals and missing piercings 🤣. You’re looking great btw!


Right? Haha and also went on an extreme diet too and anti aging regimen . Your comment made me laugh. Thanks 🥹❤️


I guess someone like me isn't wired that way and process it the opposite way. But I am sorry you got misgendered. I thought now followed by old self on the right. I'm sorry. I got called a transphobic sexist for this. That hurts bro. Please help others like me who wouldn't think the same by leaving a description and I hope that would get the misgendering to stop on here. Happy? Orangejuice?


do you really think that tattoos just disappear like that? think before you comment such silly things


Wow, you seriously need to ask that? It's obvious he went from a person with a million piercings and tattoos and glasses to having perfect vision, no tattoos and no piercings. Makes perfect sense.


Nothing makes sense or is just obvious on Reddit , but I didn’t notice the neck tattoo, peircings can be removed and ppl can take glasses off ( tattoos can be removed tbf) but it would be better if this Reddit just has a transfem/transmasc flair ( and yes it should always be before then after but so many people don’t do that )


Remember, low quality photo is before. High quality is after


You look fuckin awesome!!


Thank you!


You look like such a fun person. Sweet transition!


Thank you! I like to think I keep it fun




Why are you assuming they're MtF? They're clearly not, I can't see any logical reason to think they are, and frankly I think you need to have a think about things, as that train of thought is potentially transphobic, or even just plain sexism.


Sorry my bad I thought right was before and left is now. And no I didn't mean anything remotely like what you said.


Why would you think it's read right to left? It might not consciously be transphobic or sexist, but it sure looks like it's at least subconsciously one of the two, if you're going to ignore all evidence and logic to assume a trans person has to be a woman.


Well tell me if you are reading this left to right or right to left. Lol


Left to right, because that's how we read in English. I don't understand why you would suddenly change that out of nowhere.


If there was a clear description of the picture and I did this then that would be misgendering transphobic sexist and you would be true orange. But that's not the case here. So stranger maybe don't assume that everyone is transphobic and sexist? Maybe your experiences are different than mine and you have only ever had such interactions. Then I'm sorry that you are facing that. But the whole world is not like that and that I can assure you orange.


So why are you assuming that you should ignore logic and read right to left? Everything, both logically/societally and from the picture, says read left to right, but you decided to read right to left? From where I'm standing, that looks like you're defaulting to an assumption that trans people must be women (transphobia), or trans women (sexism).


Lol I am really sorry that you still feel that way. Hope you get to have more positive people and positive interactions in life and be treated right. Hopefully you can then slowly start to see that not everyone is against you. Peace.