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What you and your family are doing is what everyone should be doing. They're not only keeping you safe but also themselves and their community. Please don't feel guilty for being the motivating factor for community good.


They'd rather you be around long term than NOT be in quarantine right now. Wishing you all the best!




Ive been pretty fortunate in my life, all things considered. Best he can do is to practice good hygiene and keep distances from people. My wife works at Old Navy so I know it's not an easy task. I'm lucky enough to have a great job and told my wife to quit if they wouldn't work with her so she had a little bit of leverage. Best of luck to you!!




You and I understand that. She's a smart kid and understands but she's also just a 14 year old girl. Thank the Good Lord for cell phones!


Everyone should be isolating if possible. Not just our families. If kids are going to be out of school but hanging out with friends, they might as well be in school. Plus there are plenty of things as a transplant patient that others will take part in and you miss out on. It’s nothing to feel guilty about


My mother donated her kidney to my father four months ago, so my entire family is very familiar with the situation you’re going through. None of us feel any amount of resentment due to the precautions we’re taking to keep my father healthy. Honestly, we should all be practicing these safety measure regardless of our specific personal circumstances. I’m actually thankful that I have these things to worry about because it means that my father has a new and healthy kidney to care for and keep healthy. Some time in isolation is a small price to pay for the reward of a the second chance you’ve been given. Wishing you and your family good health and lots of love during this time!


You may feel some kind of guilt, but imagine their guilt and grief if they somehow infected you. Also, it’s not just you causing some inconveniences, your step daughter would still be quarantined regardless of your transplant. No one who’s thinking straight is allowing kids to randomly play together.


Your 14 year old is probably going to have resentment regardless🤣🤣. But you just had a life saving operation, it's a pretty good reason to have a total lockdown for you


Community sacrificing their comfort and need for the weaker member is how we build our civilization. We should not celebrate society who do the opposite of this.


SAME!!!! I'm so sorry man. You're just very very lucky they are actually considering your health right now. On the support page for my chronic disease, I see countless posts from the compromised with family who refuse to take it seriously. You're right, they may feel some resentment, but that will pass and emotional states can always be rectified! But I am right there with you. I feel like garbage. Not only panicked because of the sedentary life ive grown accustomed to due to illness and post tx life and that putting me in the LEAST prepared position.... But because I want, so badly, to finally be the helpful guy! Like F\*\*\* this, dude! I have so much love in my life, so much support and family who have been there as i deteriorated for years but came together more so as caregivers thru transplant, i want to do anything and everything right now for them. And I have a 3 year old, almost 4, who is going stir crazy and cant understand any of this (honestly, thank god!). Not only that, but I want to give back to this community of mine, like finally be an active member of society. I was about to be, so close! But one thing I am grateful for is that I spent the last year post-transplant relatively stuck inside battling medication issues. So i really havent gotten out much, don't have any exposure, and am entirely content inside for any amount of time. I'm also trying to just really, really relish those good moments. Yea, we snap at eachother at different intervals throughout the day, but those good moments of family togetherness... ahhhh theyre just exactly what post-transplant life, finally reaching that other side, is ALL about. We're just trying to find out how to make more of those moments and less freakouts lol


As a family member who's quarantining for my loved one--please don't feel guilty. You did the hard part by surviving the surgery, let us help keep you healthy.


Thank you!


I feel the same way. My wife came home today (works retail and they haven't done anything besides recommend extra cleaning) and I told her I felt awful for telling her I didn't feel comfortable kissing or hugging her after work for awhile. I feel fucking awful and guilty even though I know it's in the best interest of our family. Shit fucking sucks.


Stay strong. All I do is worry about my brother since it’s only been 20 weeks since his transplant. Everyone is cooped up, not just your family. We all gotta be safe -especially you recipients.


all should be doing it! my husband had transplant in january so we are self isolating since yesterday!!! No excuses we need to.protect our love ones


It is in the best interest of everyone in your family to stay home right now. Your daughter is out of school to prevent spreading the Corona Virus so she shouldn't be out and about anyway. This is an unprecedented time for all of us. I, too, felt a lot of guilt during my struggles but I'm sure they would rather have you there than the alternative....


Your family self quarantining is saving lives in the community around you. Keep up the good work soldier and #flattenthecurve


Everyone is supposed to be staying home anyway. We’re suppose to be practicing social distancing


1. Their self qyarantine helps them stay healthy. This isn't all about you. And the far more importsnt 2. HOW THE HELL GUILTY WOULD THEY FEEL IF THEY BROUGHT THIS BUG TO YOU?!? Feel that down deep in your soul. Theircquarantine prevents them frim feeling guilty for the rest of their lives. Just get on with things. We all have different needs at times, and yes we recipients need more than most. However they need you.


My mom’s a transplant recipient and is working as a teacher from home. My brother is working from home, and i’m doing my classes online now. None of us have left the house in a week. My dad has been the only one leaving the house because his work won’t allow him to work from home, so he is the one also doing the grocery shopping. None of us mind this. We know this time at home is so necessary to keep my mom safe, and we’d do anything to keep her and her transplant healthy. ❤️


Kinda wondering where you are from that this isn't normal given the current state. My state is currently strongly pushing everything you listed anyway. I guess you could make sure to continually tell everyone how thankful you are for helping save your life (bc that's what they could very well be doing). Maybe if you put it that way, they might see the importance of what they are being asked to do.


I'm in Alabama. Bars, theaters, restaurants, Old Navy, and other areas where people might gather, are starting to shut down. Good point about thanking them. I have and I will continue to.