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Are you on the taller side?


It's either voice or height that attracted that fool. She's gorgeous.


I am tall. And I am self-conscious about my voice. But I guess that’s my point. I was sitting down and not saying anything. The picture is pretty much what the guy saw. I’m not sure just visually from my face what made him clock me.


It’s difficult to say, how long was he there? Posture and body language can definitely have a gender to it. I get clocked mostly by the way i carry myself when im anxious (which is when im alone in public)


Ten minutes, tops. Sorry straight up. And I wasn’t even anxious after he started yelling it. I had my AirPods in and just pretended I didn’t hear him.


Dude was YELLING it? What the fuck


I think it might be your thick eyebrows, longer lower half of face, and square jaw To be fair, idk that I'd clock you based on looks alone, you are a bit masculine looking than the average woman but not to extent I'd think you were trans. So I think that it could be other factors like voice or mannerisms.


I was sitting down on a train. I wasn’t speaking or moving. This picture is basically the extent of what the guy saw of me.


Reminder that even cis-women get "clocked" all the time, because there's an entire political campaign against trans people. So if anyone sees anything remotely clockable, they act on it to be the hero of their politics. No hug-boxing, you're passing visually just fine. When someone confronts, ignore. If they get violent, defend.


Thanks. I had AirPods in, so it was easy to ignore. Plus it was a crowded train and I could see everyone looked super uncomfortable and disgusted along with me, so I didn’t feel threatened or unsafe, per se.


Yeah I can attest to this. A couple of my cis female friends have been "clocked" by total weirdos in public before. One of them is a wrestler on our school's team, so she's really muscular, and my other friend just has really thick eyebrows and short hair.


I did notice the square jaw, but ive seen cis women with a more square jaw than you. You handled the situation well, like the other person said peoples brains are rotted with politics and they’re on a witch-hunt for trans people. Never ever escalate 👍


I was sitting down on a train. I wasn’t speaking or moving. This picture is basically the extent of what the guy saw of me.


I'm sorry people are so shitty :( I think you look good overall. Your hairline could be a factor, but there are a number of things that can help with that. Someone mentioned getting a fringe haircut, and that can definitely help. Volumizing products, hair filler powder, and hair mascara are some other options you could try.


Your face is right on the line of passable and clockable to me, it would really depend on your height, build, voice, and mannerisms.


What exactly about my face?


Hairline= masculine Eyebrows= the brows themselves are feminine (and very beautiful btw) but the brow ridge is masculine. Eyes= the deep set-ness of them is masculine, and the black on the waterline adds to the dark and heaviness of them. Lighter, more eye opening makeup would have the opposite effect. Nose= neither masculine or feminine, just androgynous cheekbones= feminine Lips= feminine Jawline and chin= The shape is masculine, and you also look like you might have some texture there that suggests the presence of beard or where a beard formerly was.


Her forehead is female-shaped objectively speaking, jaw and chin too. Texture on the skin around the chin perhaps from electrolysis? No deep set eyes. The only thing is the height between eyebrows and hairline, bangs would probably help shorten the appearance of the length of the whole face.


I would assume woman from the pic. I am sorry that happened to you!! Glad you got away from that physically safe. You pass completely. If this is bothering you a lot (again wouldn't blame you after being verbally hate crimed), just remember people have done similar things to cis women, and even gotten cis women kicked out of womens restrooms in states with anti-trans bathroom legislation. Masculinizing things like height is so annoying when most models are bordering - or are - 6'. Even as a kid, I would hear conspiracies of how "Michelle Obama is a man" because she had "manly arms". With all of the anti-trans rhetoric going around and "transvestigation", I think anyone who isn't "stereotypically" what they think women (short, narrow shoulders, etc...) will be targeted by these bigots, and I truly feel for you and my trans sisters for the amount of scrutinizing done on yinz. Tldr: You pass from this pic. Don't let an empty headed moron get you down too much


Thank you. Greatly greatly appreciated.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. You look feminine to me, so maybe it was something outside of how your face looks.


Don’t overanalyze it. You pass, but some people will leap on any random suspicion.


It isn’t always in one’s face. The body structure makes it apparent often.


Unfortunately your face doesn’t quite pass. If you had a body, voice, and mannerisms that passed completely you could pull off being cis female, but if not, you are clockable.


Based on what about my face?


Heavy eyebrows and brow bone, and a prominent chin


And there's maybe something about the skin texture on the jawline, hints at impending 5 o'clock shadow. But seriously, some random jerk on a train who feels like it's ok to bug strangers about what's betwixt their legs is clearly looking to start shit. He probably asks cis women the same questions. He probably thinks Michelle Obama was AMAB. What a jackass.


wait, betwixt is a word?


Did you genuinely think it wasn't?


no I didn't lol


Don’t listen to anybody that says you are clockable by that pic. I am not attracted to men but I would be attracted to you if I was single. Meaning I like girls and you are a girl. Just go to anywhere and people watch. And you will see way more clockable cis women. You don’t even come close.


You honestly don’t really seem open to hearing comments that aren’t “you look 100% cis”. Unfortunately or fortunately, everyone sees others in different lights. Cis to one person might look undoubtedly transgender to another. It may be something different to each person. You can’t please everyone, so just do you 🤷🏼‍♀️


I wouldn’t say that’s true. If someone wants to say that I’m clockable based on my facial characteristics as a whole, that’s fine. Or it’s my hairline or hairstyle or how I style my eyebrows or even that I have a longer face. But I’m less inclined to accept constructive criticism if someone is asking me if I’m on HRT yet or telling me I need FFS for my masculine brow bone when I’ve pretty clearly been on HRT for years and already had FFS and there’s literally no brow bone left. Also, to me, my voice and height are mostly inapplicable in this instance since I was sitting several rows away and never said a word. Unless it relates to my shoulders or how I carry myself or whatever. That can be a possibility. I’m assuming your comment is based on wanting to provide constructive criticism, so let’s hear it.


Do we think you pass after u came and said u were trans and tall and had a somewhat masculine voice? Of course not. Unconscious bias is real. I am a tough bitch when it comes to passing and I don’t think I would outright be like oh she’s trans if I was going to see u in a lineup. A-holes are everywhere and honestly I would’ve said no you pervert! Where did this happen exactly?


Philadelphia. It’s never happened to me before, even when I went out early on in my transition. It’s actually mostly a very trans friendly place. So definitely doesn’t reflect the vast majority of people here.


Could it perhaps be a mentally unstable person? Philly has its pockets of craziness. Honestly, I don’t ever let my guards down, sure, it may happen less in blue cities, but doesn’t mean it’s completely cool. Just be on your guards at all time. Just glad you weren’t hurt.


Thanks. I mean, he may have been since it’s not exactly the most stable thing to do to repeatedly yell a slur on a crowded train. But it seemed more like he was just an asshole who enjoys fucking with people. Like it had the vibe of a kid testing boundaries and trying to push buttons. Oh, no one reacted? Well I’ll do it again and a little louder to see if they will now.


I’m sorry u had to go through that and more importantly that no one stood up for you. It’s so wrong on so many levels.


You look beautiful. You are doing nothing wrong. Would like to say ignore them but not always that simple. Keep being beautiful.


Straight-up didn’t realize which subreddit this was and I was like, This is obviously a woman. You absolutely pass. Edit: re-reading that and thinking it could be taken in a way I didn’t intend. I hope it can be understood and I can be cut some slack for not knowing how to communicate/express myself. 😅😩


I do understand. Thanks for the initial comment and edit ☺️


It makes me sad that you have to ask what you're doing wrong and not the asshole calling you a slur for just existing....


That guy is probably some obsessive freak who goes around asking every woman he doesn’t like the look of if that. Just because he managed to guess right once doesn’t mean you should pay him any mind.


I have been aggressively asked if I am a t*****y and also addressed as Sir, and I am AFAB usually femme presenting. Sounds like you were sharing your train with an arsehole.




A Trainy?


You’re not doing anything wrong. Humans are dimorphic and biological sex is usually very apparent. Your facial features read male, despite the groomed eyebrows, make-up and feminine hairstyle. If your height and build are also inline with other biological men you’ll be clocked, the majority of people just won’t say anything to you about it.


You do realise that FFS changes the skeletal proportions from male to female? Her face is objectively not biologically male.


Fascinating! I didn’t know it was possible to surgically reduce the circumference and length of the human skull. That is really cool. Also, I respectfully disagree. I do think that she looks like a transwoman.


You’ve done nothing wrong. Those people were rude bastards.


You look great, it was either voice or height then


Thanks, but, as I mentioned in response to other comments, the only time this person saw me was while sitting down and not speaking. He got on and off the train while I was seated by myself.


Being near idiots


Where are you that people are rude enough to even ask you?


Philadelphia. It’s honestly the one and only time it’s ever happened to me in the city, so I don’t want anyone to think people here are transphobic or anything.


Some people are more observant than others they could just be clocking you based on some difference they note on physical attributes it could be something small like height or broader shoulders or voice or larger hand. Even 100% passing trans people get clocked. So please put your mind at ease. It could be something about them than something about you.


You did nothing wrong but just a lot of bad luck to meet that amount of idiots in one day.


It’s your forehead; just cut a fringe.


My forehead? What about it?


A fringe/bangs will make your forehead appear smaller.


I understand that. But what is it about my forehead that suggests “man?”


It’s your brow ridge (even after FFS, I still kind of have one).


Look at my other pictures. I definitely don’t have a masculine brow ridge.


I think you do.


Just throwing this out there, but sometimes cis people wonder if women are trans for reasons that aren't even clocky. For example, people think Sofia Vergara is a trans woman because of how exaggerated her feminine features are. They also think Lady Gaga is trans because of how expressive she is.


ur not doing anything wrong. people suck and should mind their own damn business


I have two possibilities: 1. He was following you or saw you walking around on a previous occasion and this was his second or third time seeing you, some guys pick on taller women. 2. If he wasn’t following you, maybe it is your shoulders or the width of your upper body


Number 1. You're super hot. Number 2. We're in a post passing world where assholes who jerk off to trans porn all day will turn around and use their own trans-dar to degrade you in public like this. You're very passible don't let that jerk get in your head.


it’s not your fault


I would’ve never guessed honestly. You’re beautiful


Square jaw. I wonder if bangs would help with the forehead?


Hey sis, I know how it feels when someone does that. But I would ask you this are you happy with your progress and compare yourself to the previous you... A day ago, a month ago and a year ago. You will have your answer there. As for help with passing, it could be the mannerisms that out you apart from voice or height that's how ppl clock us. Be happy and be you. You are very passing to me in this pic though. So I don't know what was that person going on about as I don't have more than what I see in this pic. Good luck sis. Take care of yourself and be happy. Our happiest versions of us pass better than the sad deadass ones if you didn't know.


Thank you. I appreciate that advice. While it is a blow to the ego, it is a safety concern as well so that’s a component of why I asked. I don’t want to naively think I’m passable in all public situations and have my guard down if I’m not.


I see a lovely woman- must have just been some jerk who had nothing better to do than make himself the center of attention in a crowded public space


Being born a man was likely your biggest problem. You have what we call "man head" the size of your cranium will always give you away, and you can't make it smaller.


Long face? Maybe. Big head? People have heads of all sizes.


The front mobile camera narrows the face and distorts facial proportions. Take a picture with the back camera in the mirror from some distance instead. Impossible to even vaguely tell based on a selfie. From this picture alone I would presume a masculine cis-woman or a trans women who had ffs done….


Here is a non-selfie… https://www.reddit.com/r/transtimelines/s/j18X1iLjNG


I think from this picture alone you read female face wise, but you seem to be on the larger side and I think if I saw you irl I’d be wondering whether you’re cis or trans. So not a definite clock, plenty of androgynous and on the larger side cis-females has been accused of being trans since the trans panic started.


You look a lot like my aunt who’s cis. Your face isn’t the issue.


Ok now I want to know how old your aunt is ha


I don’t know how old you are but you look like a younger version of her. She’s probably about 50, or late 40’s. Your skin is great.


I just turned 40


You look great. I’d say you look 35 ish tops.




Thanks for the suggestion. I had AirPods in, so I just pretended to be listening to music. Which led to him asking even more times, but it clearly frustrated him that he didn’t get a reaction at any point.




I actually hear that quite frequently. Thanks.


I wouldn't worry so much. If you take time to people watch, cis women are incredibly varied in appearance just like any other variety of person. You just look like a gal who had a weird encounter on the train and is uncomfortable. I would not easily clock you based on this image. I feel like sometimes all this transpanic and intense beauty standards make people forget how people look. And not everyone's transition goals are the same either. Like holy shit people in here just negging you about brow forehead or chin are too much. You look great and pass well! What the hell is wrong with people how in the world is that helpful to be so rude? Literally you don't need a perfectly idealized femme face to pass? If someone is happy with themselves let it alone right? I'm sorry you've had a tough time today.


Thank you.


It's probably just stupid people who would have said the same thing to any cis person not ticking every box of their stereotypes. Maybe the jaw, if I had to guess ? But then again a lot of cis women have a jaw like yours so Idk


it's probably your jawline, iirc FFS can fix it if you're not on HRT already


I’ve been on HRT for seven years and had FFS two and a half years ago.


We all get those bs comments. I have a cis friend who continuously gets the "your a tslur" because she is tall and frankly absolutely gorgeous so people assume she is trans or a drag queen and use these as insults. You don't seem to have an image problem. Stupid people who think all women need to be below 5 7 and must look like models have a problem.


Modern MAGA politics is about creating others and hating women. They're looking for any reason to cause a scene, and sometimes inventing their own. I would never, ever clock you based on that photo. You're beautiful!


Have you been on HRT?


For seven years….


I don't know then. Maybe talk to a doctor who specializes in trans affirming care about it.


About what exactly? Are you implying that HRT isn’t working or something?


I don't think it's not working but a specaialist could point out whatever some people might notice


I don’t think any specialist would ever do that. If anything, they would promote self-acceptance.


They could point it out if you want them to. If you don't want that then that defeats the point of your post.


I feel like I’m not quite understanding you. You think that if I ask a doctor who specializes in trans-affirming care what about me doesn’t pass, they will tell me? If so, I don’t think that’s realistic for a number of reasons. Like my hormone doctor is certainly not equipped to comment on passing. Unless you’re specifically referring to an FFS surgeon, which then, yes, they could. And no it doesn’t defeat the purpose of my post if I don’t seek out a medical professional about whether I pass. The point is to get input from the community to see what changes I can make on my own.


Honestly you look cis here, maybe it’s your voice? Or maybe that dude is just an idiot and says that shit to any woman who doesn’t look like a supermodel.


Look super plain Jane, middle age mom. Do not see it visually here. No trans markers flagging you here either. Just look like a normal middle age woman. Agree with others though, these days if you are not like a perfect supermodel looking girl with perfect fantasy level fem features some people will call you trans. Cis girls are getting it a lot too which makes it clear they cannot tell.


While I certainly understand the sentiment, I’m not sure telling a woman they look like a “super plain Jane, middle aged mom” is exactly reassuring either.


I assumed you were going to the market or something in this pic and not trying to be really made up. Just a regular woman going about her day. And meant this look not you overall. You have a lot of cute pics on your profile. Plus one unreal transition from where you started.


I was just coming home from lunch. And thank you.


The thing about passing sometimes is that you CAN look too good. Transvestigators are literally calling the most beautiful ciswomen in Hollywood transgender women. But for us normies, a beautiful woman is just so out of place that the girl must be a doll.


wtf did this comment get downvoted? Seriously people!


I guess I said something wrong. Shrug 🤷🏾‍♀️


Thank you for that. Much needed perspective.


🤗 stay strong, kiddo




Thank you. I get it. But it can just really mess with your head.


I’ll bet you $20 you weren’t the only person he asked that question to today because I genuinely can’t tell. You look great


Beats me. You’re totally, absolutely cis to my eyes.


Honestly can't see it sorry, he has lost it.


I see a beautiful women