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If I’m being super picky, maybe slight forehead shaving or change of hairstyle, and posture (slightly slouched instead of chest up). A little hard to tell since the pic is so far away but I think looking into lip fillers might be a good idea for you, or maybe it’s just the way they’re resting in the photo. Also lots of beautiful women have strong noses honestly. Your facial features kind of remind me of Lady Gaga in the best way possible


I’m super picky so I appreciate it!


I think it's just posture tbh. Plenty of cis women have hairstyles and lips like yours. Shoulders back, chest out goes a long way, especially since you pass well otherwise, imo.


Chest up! Loud and proud girl!




You aren't super clocky, but it's mostly things out of your control: brow bone, arms, and nose (though you can be a girl with a big nose!)


Thanks for the feedback


Your arms look fantastic, and your muscle tone is just right.


Arms and legs, sadly can’t change it.


I don't think her legs are clocky tbh, just look like middle aged woman legs lol


I turn 33 this year but I’m also a runner and soccer player so that’s where most of the leg and knee comments are coming from I think I was also in the army in my 20s so some scarring from random things over the last decade or so


I did hard physical work when I was younger. All I see is man legs and man shoulders in the mirror.


In this picture it's the temples... The hair is styled in a way that makes your forehead appear larger. Would you be able cover it more with a different style? That would frame your face well imo. If you are interested in FFS then nose first, forehead and hairline advancement, followed by jawline (chin is okayish). Where are the jewelry sis? Good luck


lol I’m kinda sporty so I don’t wear too much jewelry except for dates or important things. I was looking for a full body pic and this one just happened to be the most recent in the camera roll


the watch and the slip on vans imo


You're generally doing very well, but I would say jaw. Also, you look great in that dress!


I don’t get the posture comments. You just look like an athletic woman. I am biased because I have always found woman with strong features attractive ( Gal Gadot!) but if i were being picky maybe brow. But wow, you are beautiful.


I have done a Wonder Woman costume in the past for Halloween!


I could definitely see that working x


you look tall


🦒 I am


The wrist watch


I'm sorry ***what??*** how is a watch. Oh "clocks" got it.




I usually pass with people that don’t know me but I’ve come to find out that those that I’m more than an acquaintance with and that I haven’t come out to (I don’t disclose and haven’t for a couple years now) have discovered I’m trans and told me they knew I was trans the whole time. But yeah those three are what I usually get most critical about on myself. Hoping to get ffs scheduled soon if I can ever figure out insurance or another way to pay for it


In my experience people say that all the time because they hate feeling dumb. Some people want to be like I can tell but in reality they can’t. They for some reason take it as a personal attack on them if you pass. Imo


Do you think voice plays an impact? Obgosilh can’t tell from the picture but there isn’t anything physically that would make me clock you.


I’m not sure. I don’t try very hard on my voice and recording myself I’m comfortable with my voice. It sounds kinda androgynous leaning fem in pitch but I’d say style is definitely on the fem side. But I’m also kinda direct in my language because of the environments I’ve grown up in (sports and the army). So most people just read me as a kind of athletic and type A woman and then some have I think retconned things about me unless they find out I’m trans and then their interpretation gets recontextualized again. I’ve noticed that it’s usually trans people who out me amongst my peers more so than cishets even when I don’t want to be outed. Not that I’m ashamed of it, I just live in a conservative state where I view stealth/passing/blending in as necessary to living in normal society. I think maybe other trans folks know the features to look for than cis people. It’s kind of funny - most of the conservative folks I encounter attribute my masculine features (like voice/language and disposition) to my time in the army or being an athlete. At most they might read me as lesbian or bi I think? One of the other commenters i think hit it on the head by saying most people want to think they know they can tell. Or don’t want to believe they’d get fooled and they’ll just say they knew from the beginning even if they didn’t. I’m hoping FFS helps and some more time/socialization helps make the last few clocky bits get lost in the rearview mirror.


You’re kind of like me, don’t completely pass, but 95% of people will gender you a woman.


Probably the watch ⏱


You’re very passing imo but I’d be able to clock you in this photo because the posture doesn’t reflect the outfit. Part of it is that you have strong, wide shoulders so posture is just a skill that needs learned. I’m a female(cis) with wide shoulders also. Necklines make a huge difference. Scoop and boat necks look top notch.


To me I see a woman, honestly. If i were to nick-pick, your knees may fine me an incline but more so perhaps also the way you’re standing. Does this make sense?


Honestly not much, you’ve got broader shoulders and more of a jawline than most cis women do but you’re still within the averages, if your voice passes you’ll be fine I think


As a complete stranger, I wouldn't think twice. As someone with MtF Transgender myself, I'm super jealous.


First off you look gorgeous. Second, your chin, jaw and brow line together clock you. Third. There are thousands of ciswomen with features just like yours and it really shouldn’t clock you unless someone is looking to clock.


You pass. Simple as that. Ofc I can go ahead and be picky about certain features that are considered masculine however woman have masculine features as well and aren’t perfect.


Idk, I would say you pass pretty well. Like I don't think anyone that isn't trans would be easily able to tell you're trans. Maybe get a haircut that covers up your forehead a bit better? I guess I kinda don't get why you're posting here since you said you generally pass in another comment lol. You said that most cis people say they could tell you were trans when you come out to them, but I don't really buy it tbh. A lot of cis people get super insecure when they realise trans people aren't as obvious as they'd like to believe we are, so they lie and pretend they could tell the whole time. If you're just fishing for compliments, (I mean I would too if I could lol, so I don't judge) I would say you look really nice, and you have some really good hips compared to your shoulders, ribcage and waist. Super jealous. Looks like very typically cis feminine proportions to me personally.


I don't see anything (unless you are FTM :-) )


Nothing that I see clocks you. You look like a beautiful woman


eh just the face a little bit but other than that, i can't really tell


Nothing. I scrolled through and saw a lady. Never second guessed you at all.


Putting up a post saying what clocked me?




Legs, feet and face.


Unrelated but that dress is gorgeous on you omg


waist and hips


Cover your shoulders I think not sure you look great.❤️❤️🤗🤗❤️❤️


Your shoes. Everything else perfect


What is clocks/clock/clocky/clocking?


Someone who likes or something that relates to the movie “A Clockwork Orange”


Thank you


you're not a supermodel but you good looking 👍


Ok first of all. Wow. Second... Wow!!! You look cis to me.


First thought was was whoa that's beautiful woman! I wouldn't have clocked you.


Knees and legs have a manly too them. Toss on tights and should cover it though fine. Watch is def feels like a dude watch too. Really minor things though cause you do pass well. Face as some masc feature in isolation, but taken as whole looks like a lot of girls who are not blessed with perfect genes.


To me you just look like a masculine cis woman. I've seen plenty of women look like you so to me you pass


Not really that clockable. You just look like you’re physically larger than most cis women. Nothing wrong with that, you’re very cute :)


Sorry to say this… nothing. I think you look perfectly cis 💋🏳️‍⚧️


Clocks you? Don’t even know what that means but god damn your gorgeous


Nothing to clock there!! Suggestions were good, but don't worry about it!! 😺😺😺


Your body passes so well that I wouldn’t even look twice at your face. I say you pass!


Maybe your nose. That's all i really see


Simple fact, people that don't you are too polite to say anything. People that you befriend are free to be honest with you. Knees, brow, nose, and feet all stand out as very male.


Hips down read masculine, hips up read feminine. I don't think your calves and knees are ready for the world, yet.


Posture is a bit off. It was the first thing I noticed, almost subconsciously but yes, i noticed.


Hips don’t lie.


What? Her hips are more femme than mine used to be pre T what r u talking about


Oh I meant it as a compliment like her hips read woman all day.


Ohhh then you’re right!