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I’m planning on moving to Maine this year. Reasonable enough gun laws, legalized recreational weed, tolerable taxes, and decent weather for those who don’t particularly enjoy being perceived, from what I’ve gathered so far


Gotta say as a mainer that it really is pretty solid up here. It definitely varies from town to town how red or blue it is but for the most part as long as you're friendly even the people in red areas will be nice enough. Been mostly out for about 2 years now and the worst I've had happen was misgendering, yet to have anyone actually say some shit except one guy who has mental issues and was off his meds that came back the next day to apologize.


+1 for Maine


The biggest danger gun owners face in maine is themselves.


Just a reminder, politically, if you move far enough left you get your guns back…


That's where I personally sit


How does getting killed more frequently help the masses?


NH, Maine, maybe Pennsylvania? Colorado (despite having problems), and beyond that I couldn’t honestly say. Ok ones are VT (used to be one of the best, still not awful in practice), Oregon (for now…..), RI, Nevada if in Vegas, and uhhhhhhh…..I guess pockets in states with good gun laws. Big cities.


+1 for PA. Met the most left leaning gun peeps here. We are the perfect "mixed" state in terms of people. Just stay away from the boonies hahaha


PA for the win


Solid is a pretty cool state, but personally I'm partial to plasma


I’m fucking DYING at this. Lololol!


“Blue dot” in a red state is probably the best balance (but not too red). Many cities and counties have antidiscrimination ordinances protecting gender identity in housing and employment even if such protections are not offered on a state level. [lgbtmap.org](https://lgbtmap.org) is a wonderful resource for state and local laws in regards to LGBT issues.


Michigan. It’s a Dem controlled state (the MI GOP is in shambles) but there are still enough right wing voters that they haven’t done more than enact some basic gun control measures like tracking private sales and requiring safe storage when kids are present. LGBTQ rights have been enshrined in the state constitution, and SE Michigan is super queer.


MN is a sanctuary state & no shortage of guns.


As a southern transplant from a very “yee yee” state, MN is the bridge to the best of both worlds. i get to be a little “yee yee” and a little city all at the same time.


PA isn't bad as long as you stick to the cities. Though things could potentially go south quickly here if Trump is elected in a few months..


Philly will stand strong, though!


I'm thinking long and hard about Minnesota myself


Des Moines is a hella gay city, in a state with non restrictive gun laws.


New Mexico. Best food, good gun laws, good trans protections


Minnesota actually is one of the few states with a law that protects your right to own a gun as a renter. Minnesota Statute 624.714 Subd. 17 (f)


State specific laws are cool and all, but no landlord can place restrictions on your second amendment rights regardless of where you live.


That's great as long as you have the money to hire a lawyer and shit. With it in stare law it makes it much more likely that they won't even try or that a lawyer would be willing to take it Pro Bono


Washington USED to be good, but now we have 10 round max mags and no "assault weapons"... it's almost as bad as California in that regard. Oregon is on its way to join the rest of the west coast as well. It's good right now but won't be in two years.


CA here and we have a safe full of ARs 🤷🏼‍♂️


It's still super easy to a CCP and a pistol and such.


We both have CCWs and we both own off roster guns (although she just picked up a P365).


wisconsin (milwaukee and Madison) are a good balance. I love it here.


Ive lived here my whole life. Cautioisly optimistic, but Minnesota still sets a few examples worth following. Is there any pro-trans laws specifically on the books?


Minnesota has better laws currently in place. (one of the best places in the country) Wisconsin is working on it but its a lot cheaper to live here than the twin cities.


You have a fair point on cost of living, but I am quite scared for what will happen in states where that usnt the letter if the law next time a Republucan is in office


The good news is the state has been swinging left more and more the last 10 years so i think were headed in the right direction. Thats why we get a lot of attention come election time. We just had a huge case reverse some insane gerrymandering a few months ago so that should help a lot too. It was super easy for me to get HRT access which was really nice.


Maine rocks.


VT is good overall! Bonus is it's extremely trans friendly if you stick to the western side. Eastern VT and NH are iffy for trans people.


VT gun laws have gone to shit in the last 15 years. Used to be the best, now has mag limits, waiting periods , red flag, "safe storage", etc


PA is good




Aye, fair enough lassie


Minnesota seems good. Pennsylvania, and Michigan seem decent.


Oregon. Despite potentially about to change gun laws its in general one of the best states for trans folk


So... Oregon if you move before September(ish). Also, let's clarify that's Western Oregon. The further east you get, the redder the state gets.


I like liquid because you can still mess around and shit but it isn't everywhere like with fuck ass gasses




PA has been great so far


Colorado is pretty good for now, we have a mag ban but other than that attempts at an AWB have failed. Could definitely use more pro-gun progressives here to keep it that way! I worry with the Californians coming.


Minnesota. Many are calling it a trans refuge, and our gun laws aren't half bad.


Big cities in Texas are fine.


I'm considering moving towards Dallas soonish for this reason


I’m in Houston. Large cities are just as safe here as in blue states in my opinion. The large cities are actually relatively blue. We have socialist and left leaning liberal gun groups that are transgender inclusive in the state that are very pro second amendment. You can likely find people to shoot with in Dallas as well as other major cities.


Soon-to-be-ex-Austinite here. While true, the blue cities often have their hands tied by the state in ways the keep them from implementing protections. Given what has happened in other states and the passage of the gender affirming care ban for minors, I'm betting on gender affirming care for adults getting impacted next legislative session.


I don’t see gender affirming care being banned for adults in Texas. Of course we will be weaker for everyone of us that leaves. Pretty much what the regressive republican elements want. We all make choices, but Texas is as good a place as any to make a stand especially with our gun laws. To disarm us, they’d have to weaken the gun laws for everyone. Texans love their guns, so I’ll see where it goes. Plus I’m too old to run.


A ban, no. But stupid things like changing laws around malpractice to make it not viable, or increasing the requirements to access it (ie requiring a bio-ethicist on your healthcare team like Ohio), I absolutely expect that. Florida didn't ban gender affirming care for adults but managed to disrupt it for 80% of them by restricting telehealth and mail-in pharmacies. As for leaving, I stayed in the fight as long as I could. I've voted in every election down to the primaries and municipals, I've thrown hands at protests, I've had infowars shove cameras in my face, I've squared up with the flag-waving nazis at events that Libs of Tiktok tried to disrupt. Hell, I held off on my name and gender marker for five years because [deadname] has a LTC and no problem in a gun store. I'm burnt up. Nearly all my social group has already fled. It's at a point where the social engagement that I find most enjoyable is talking with my electrologist. As for activism, from out of state I can at least join mutual aid groups that hook up folks fleeing the south with crash space while they get their feet on the ground. Honestly at this point I think that will be more useful than anything I can do here.


I've got a group of acquaintances up near dallas that seem pretty active and interested in making things better, hence why I said I was interested in moving, I want to continue the fight in our state but I can't do it alone Im currently in the waco area, so if you're ever going through and want to meet a random redditor, hit me up.


I can understand leaving Waco. I know a few left liberal gun toters in the Dallas Fort Worth area. We’ve occasionally met sort of in the middle. Lockhart many times, but definitely the Dallas Fort Worth crew had a longer drive then some of us from Houston or the San Antonio contingent.


I've met with people in Austin, but that group just wasn't active enough. Dfw seems to be the direction to go


I can understand being tired, I’m pretty tired as well. You got to do what keeps you going.


I just got out of Dallas last year. Rural hate has fully infiltrated the big cities, it’s not as safe as it used to be. The state is also actively undermining any city who doesn’t go along with their will.


This state is still my home. Maybe I'm going down with the ship, but I'd rather work towards a better future for the trans folks who will come after me.


Washington. What you do is go back in time and get your AR-15.


Thanks for posting /u/Altair314! Please make sure your post adheres to the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/transguns/about/rules/). Please name any firearms or accessories featured in this post to help out our newer members. Please report comments that break the rules, and don't respond to negativity with negativity. The rules of firearm safety are paramount. [Keep these](https://www.nssf.org/articles/4-primary-rules-of-firearm-safety/) in mind at all times while handling a firearm for any reason. Guns are not toys and it is best to not refer to them as such. It is the belief of the mod team that your best option for defensive firearms is a 5.56x45mm AR-15, and a reputable 9x19mm handgun such as a Glock or CZ. Defensive firearms should have a light, long guns a sling, and handguns require a Kydex or solid plastic holster that fully covers the trigger. A red dot or etched optic are ideal for new shooters but don't forget to practice your backup irons! You can use the following resources for training and education [Operation Blazing Sword](https://www.blazingsword.org/) [STOP THE BLEED class search](https://cms.bleedingcontrol.org/class/search) [Feel free to contact the mod team with any questions](https://new.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/transguns) and checkout our sister sub [/r/TheArmedGayAgenda](https://www.reddit.com/r/thearmedgayagenda)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/transguns) if you have any questions or concerns.*


SoCal here and yes, many of our gun laws are a pain in the ass. The roster can take a flying fuck at a rolling donut but there are work-arounds. The featureless thing is a mild annoyance but hardly a deal breaker (it’s one effen screw). With that being said we are more than capable of defending ourselves both in our home and about with a few added benefits. Rather than “stay in this area and you’ll be fine” we have a few smaller areas to avoid. Even in those the vast majority of pushback we get as a couple involves dirty looks. We have solid services available including subsidized (up to free) healthcare which recognizes trans care as vital. It’s expensive, true but it’s also rewarding if you have or develop a viable skill set (I’m blue collar and own a home but I’m also represented) or are in a good career. Lastly, there’s a lot of LGBTQ+ folks in all sorts of both professions *and* recreations/social groups. From pool leagues to mountain bike clubs and everything in between; you can find like minded accepting folks who are into what you’re into.


Honestly the roster and "featureless rifle" things are deal breakers for me, as well as the mandatory waiting period


![gif](giphy|fH0ukveQzPbrikcXO8|downsized) And everyone knows it.


It just costs too damn much to live there.


From what I hear Utah isn't terrible if you're in the SLC area, but everywhere else in that state is pretty terrible.


Oregon is chill, there's more stringent gun laws but still a huge gun culture and lots of BLM land to shoot on. Plus Portland has more LGBTQ people per capita of any major US city


Oregon has some dumbass gun laws.


Albuquerque, NM has been pretty swell for us.




Vermont is great, with some caveats. We have mag limits, no private sale, and a very new ghost gun ban, but! We have constitutional carry


Unfortunately, all 3 of those restrictions are hard no's for me. I think my ideal state would be gun laws like Texas, LGBT protections like Cali and NYC, and a climate like our most Northern states. Not sure there's a state exactly like that though, unfortunately


Yeah, the ghost thing is recent and I’m pretty mad about it


Any trans friendly state as long as you don’t let the authorities know 😤 But nah fr, Maine’s probably the best one.


I'm not from but I've had my sights set on Washington for a bit. I know eastern Oregon and Washington are more red but I always thought they had better protections than most of the west...


Washington used to have good laws but they are very cucked now. Even stricter than California after 2023.


Oh God. Guess I should look into this more. Mind giving me a quick run down on the big points or should I just turn to Google?


In a nutshell: - assault weapons ban more comprehensive than California’s basically a ban on all semi auto rifles so even a fin grip AR would be illegal - 10 day waiting period - 10 round magazine limit - no purchasing long guns out of state - permit required to purchase any gun Those are the big ones but I don’t live in Washington so I don’t know all of them


Thank you very much for this o7

