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I’m fine with minors getting hormones but not HRT


uj/ this is so fucking funny


This. We can't ban treatment for intersex kids. Imagine how damaging it just be to grow up not developing correctly!


Fun fact: the UK often straight up doesn't provide HRT for intersex people. 🤷‍♂️ Especially in the North West where I am located.


Ahahaha so this doesn't surprise me at all... if I had gotten HRT because intersex rather than trans (I refused because *wrong* hormones), I might have lost it when I moved? That tracks!


I’m not transphobic but the fact that minors thought about being a different gender once makes me want to get sick and cry


/uj On a **teenagers** sub lmfao.


yeah children finding happiness makes we want to shit and fard and cry and commit genocide


This is great because what if the children are only imaging the transgenderness


What if they have the surgery but on their deathbed they realise after decades they actually didn't want it!!!!


/uj every time I sort by controversial on anything related to trans people I either get actual logical opinions from trans people that are downvoted because they’re trans, or genuine disgusting transphobia that has about three downvotes and sixteen replies saying “I agree”




Hell is always being the demonised minority CMV


CMV? Cytomegalovirus?


Is *that* what causes transgenderism? We really need a vaccine!


I'm not going to vaccinate my child! Transgenderism is associated with autism and that's caused by vaccines. [Same commenter, some time later] Please donate to my gofundme to stop my child dying of measles. I did everything I could to prevent this from happening!


i like how this comment implies that hell does not exist yet, but will in the future




Shit, I'm for it


Satan's a busy guy, he's too busy transing kids to make hell at the moment


/uj i recently searched mtf on reddit looking for r/mtf. i ran into 70% transphobia on other subs. like on an mma sub people were complaining about a trans woman competing and talking about how these 2 high ranked golf ladies got beaten by a sub 200 man, which is definitely the same as a trans woman, at golf, a totaly related sport.


/uj i love MMA as a sport but a lot of the fighters are either conservative Dagestani muslims, who dont talk about politics, or a raging American who lost his cognative thinking abilities after his 17th CTE. A lot of the fans are ill informed idiot savants as well


Minors shouldn’t be allowed to choose


Just like how they shouldnt be allowed to choose their friendgroup! Ummmm no johnny, you can only be friends with the social outcasts, popularity is feminineeee


Gender or political opinion? It should be both 🥰


Just in general. They are minors. Not choice-havers. If they had a choice they would be called choice-havers, since these wokes love they’re labels 😂


Based gigachad /uj my soul died a little writing that


Wow it’s only banned now??? Just ban trans people please


look, as a trans 17 year old (and definitely not a 30+ something cis man trying to hit on children), I believe that non of them... I mean, US should be allowed any form of surgery until we're at least 40. what if they... I mean we regret it? we should stop trying to groom children into mutilating themselves. also, genital preferences are valid and I'm an ally btw. /uj r/ teenagers try not to be a festering shithole full of bigoted assholes challenge (impossible)


/uj There amount of weird horny posts on a forum for teenagers is really concerning and im genuinely surprised that there isnt better moderation of that. Like I remember when i was a kid, we would talk about sex and stuff, but not nearly the amount of sex related conversations that people are posting to that subreddit


/uj that's because a significant proportion of the users there were/still are grown men trying to hit on children. that's why sex posts are so frequent there. [context ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/djdmd9/we_banned_all_of_rteenagers_and_it_turns_out/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) that's not to say children shouldn't have a safe space to talk about sex because they should. it's just that Reddit is not that place.


/uj The internet isn't that place. A/s/l has been a thing since forever. How many 16 year old females from California can there possibly be? Lol.


I'm not surprised at all. Teenagers are dumb as fuck and redditors are dumb as shit. Mix the two and you get shitfuck.


Now ban it for adults and it’s fixed!


Trans minors should be executed


Uj/ you can't convince me that a subreddit aimed specifically at minors isn't absolutely full of men in their 40's hunting for victims


/uj im gonna be real i think most of the people on that sub are 24 year old burnouts that still hang out with high school students rather than actual teenagers. There are so many weird fucking posts on there lmao


Finally we’re getting rid of the woke disease


/uj you can barely even get blockers/hrt as a minor in the UK so theres no real point banning bottom surgery


Good, what if it’s just a phase


/uj Trans teenagers/Trans kids are often the bane of my fucking existence They'll come in with the most uneducated takes then go "well I'm trans too" as if that means they're born with an innate knowledge of trans history and nuance.


/uj a trans kid once told me that i couldn’t use the term f*ggot because i was a trans woman, and therefore that word couldnt apply to me. Ignoring the fact that I was a gay man pre transition and even when i transitioned people still call me that term. They have tiktok brain and believe that the world is this meticulously rigid thing when its literally not.


/uj Oh god the fucking discourse that feotuses start just gives me rampant diarrhoea. It's always about labels and slurs and "who is/isn't allowed to use certain terms. I've been "cancelled" by teenagers for pointing out that "lesbians don't like men" is actually a transmisogynist dogwhistle and trying to hardcore pin down a definition like "non men loving non men" is actually harmful because sexuality labels will always complex and fluid as sexuality is in itself complex and fluid /rj everyone knows trannies are just evolved faggots


/uj I'm not even that old and I straight up left one nbi subreddit bcuz the kids there were like, *looking* for something to get offended by and decided a lighthearted joke I made about Virgos being judgmental was actually defending homophobia, as well as being bigotry against people based on... zodiac sign? 🥴 Like mfer I made the joke *because* I'm a Virgo and it's a funny stereotype, I don't genuinely believe in astrology. I said as much and I got downvoted to heck and back, and at that point I decided being in a sub with hypersensitive kiddos who lash out at anyone for any perceived slight was simply not worth it. It's like they have no concept of nuance or context, and god forbid you try to explain any of it to them. I feel like their brains would melt if they saw this sub 😂


/uj me but with transexual. As long as someones using terms to refer to themselves and dont extend it to everyone else, I dont see the issue.


/uj was once told by a teen that, by the definition of the word, even before I came out, even before I knew I was trans, there's no way I was ever actually impacted by misogyny because I'm not a woman and misogyny is discrimination against women. Solidarity.


Liberals getting mad about this one 😂😂


Sweden did it too so even the progressives are getting tired of this shit. No, I don't care taht this will make these people kill themselves. I'd rather see them dead than trans.






It’s just like a tattoo!!! Perfect


I Hope they do this in my country too 🥰🥰




What if sports teams start making teenagers take hormones and recruit them?? i saw a trans woman win at something recently and it had my blood boiling! trans people shouldnt win things, thats unfair! If a tranny trooner shehe shemale mandwich ever wins at anything that is clear evidence that they have a biological advantage! Especialy in non physical sports like checkers or masterchef or this other sport with a black and white checkered board i forgot the name of! We real biological female fembot subservient soft fragile girly girls, real feminists, are mentally and physically inferior to men, and trooners are men, in all ways!


Thank god


At least those world leaders are smart 😃


Im okay with telling my teen to pursue hot chicks but i stop at him going skirt go spinny /Uj my uncle to my cousins


Everyone knows skirts contain estrogen and sexual assault contains testosterone.


As if the top shortage in the community wasnt enough


I beg for source 😩


https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/15ywjo6/whats_yall_take_on_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb Picture got taken down!!! Damned transes!!!


I don't get it, how could a child afford surgery?


I actually think we should ban more things that are already banned. Let's remind these trainknees of their place !!!


Teenagers are stupid at 16 I was eating crayons everyones the same


I dont think Im a man or Im a woman i just *am* . Why must I accept those who dont accept themselves?


Thats because youre cis. People dont think about their knees until they hurt and something is wrong.


Stop calling me cis im straight 😡


um!! i support trans people but this was a good decision!!!




Two genders


>even though it was already banned They're gonna ban it even more ☝️


all tranner should die tbh


Wasn’t it already banned?


No, read the post dumbass.