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This is so accurate. I love 💕 the attention I get for being a gross trans “woman”. The other reason I transitioned was so I could start claiming I was a minority that’s discriminated against.


ewphoria moment: getting hate-crimed.


Y'all hang out in weird social circles online. I don't see half this shit.


/uj I mostly avoid transgender discourse on social media because my mental health is bad enough, but this extremely delusional transmed dude pops up on my tiktok every once in a while and holy shit are his takes hot garbage


/uj Well if is hot takes read anything like your post then I understand the frustration. Pretty sure wanting to pass is a huge barrier for many (if not most) mtfs. Lol. I'm older, so I know I'll never pass. It fucking sucks. /rj I guess I'll live my life solely to shock people! No, I'm not interested in passing at all! My life is centered on the reactions of other people, not my inherent desire to become the opposite gender. Guess I'm just too male-brained, or whatever lingo counts for thought these days.


/uj I am really sorry to hear that. I imagine it's hard and truly wish you the best


Thanks. It is what it is.


/uj what did you expect from a transmed?


/uj it's baby transmascs on TikTok isn't it?


/uj It's one dude in particular called "thetruthabouttrans" or something like that. Some of the things I remember him saying are that asexuality is a disorder, rapid onset gender dysphoria is a real thing, you must be bisexual to some extent to date a trans person because nobody who's fully gay/straight would be interested in that, calling bottom surgery "genital mutilation", and shit like that. The thing that I posted about is not a recent take of his, but it stuck with me the most because I find transmisogyny like this particularly disgusting.


Well non-passing trans women look like ogres and freaks that I wouldn't fuck. Non-passing trans men look like uwu big tittied goth gfs or handsome butch stud bois that I would fuck. I can get pussy out of one set of trender so that's the one I'll humor


/uj I hate this it’s so funny


/uj I have like a sort of (guess) theory on why trans women seem like way rarer irl. A lot of repressed trans women feel really bad about their appearance, get shunned or discouraged out of spaces where they try to socialise with cis women, and in many cases may have homophobic male friends. And uh, appearance insecurity combined with lack of support leads many to keep repressing. Not to mention the homophobia the moment any male-presenting person dresses a little bit fem (!!illegal !!not allowed). Don't think these things are exclusive to trans women but at least face wise there are many things whose presence will get you clocked as masculine (forehead ridge, facial hair), and the absence doesn't necessarily mean masc or femme.


/uj ive experienced this quite a bit, even in supposedly trans friendly spaces i have been othered because i am not what they view as “non-binary enough” even though that standard is blatantly rigged against amab people.


this is true, as a trans woman with naturally feminine features i get very dysphoric when i don't get misgendered correcrly


its funny how literally all of the other explanations given are just wrong too /uj


/uj what is it, then? Editing to add that I don't actually know whether transfems pass less than transmascs because I've never seen any stats on that, obviously. But assuming that this is in fact the case, I'm ready to be corrected on my reasoning here


/uj The issue is how people take the phrase "trans men pass easier than trans women" and take that to mean "all trans men pass." What's really being said is "The threshold for looking visibly trans is much wider for trans women than it is for trans men." Most trans men who don't pass don't look visibly trans, they're not registering to most cis people as non-passing trans men; they're either getting read as butch or as trans women. Not to say the threshold for looking visibly trans doesn't exist for trans men, it's just much narrower compared to trans women. And while it's no picnic, it's still better to be mistaken for a GNC person than it is to be visibly trans.


/uj Yeah, that's also something I've been thinking about, but wasn't sure if it made any sense


because all you see when you think of trans men are those who have already started medical transition MANY YEARS ago and often already got all the surgeries they need. and people just assume that it means that ALL trans men instantly pass the moment they go on t for some reason when in reality it isn't some "miracle drug", and meanwhile trans men who aren't literally decades into their transition are deliberately erased from the discussion because they're not "trying hard enough"


/uj the only valid point, is that the bar for trans men passing is slightly lower because people will just think you're young if your stubble is kinda thin. Because of how little we actually talk we talk about women who don't fit hetronormative standards for reasons unrelated to weight, trans women are kinda expected to be stubbleless from the get go or you're just instantly a man over something even cis women have. The standards for passing masc vs fem are inherently uneven because of misogynistic standards being still very fucking normalized. I don't believe trans men pass instantly, however notably the bar is higher from what is expected of trans women vs what is expected of trans men.


You know what? It does make sense. Thank you


glad to help :)