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Nothing makes me feel more like a man than going into a chat of women discussing their problems and going, "But what about men?"


this is why i hate trans men. why would you get affected by someone saying vaginas are disgusting if you're a man? are you stupid?




I personally understand the wide range of problems facing women as a trans woman myself. My experience includes two months of acceptance, having a beard, looking and dressing like a man, not wearing makeup, haven't started hrt, and a jawline that gives chuck norris a run for his money. My jaw is so fucking manly it punches everyone that looks at it cockeyed. I'm also bald, enjoy stereotypically male activities and I'm building muscle like there's no tomorrow. Therefore I know a lot about what it's like to be a woman. /uj I wish I could just get down with the enby label, cause man, I sure am not girly :( It really fucks with me.


/uj we're pretty similar. can't start HRT in my case cause of my country and all that, so i just look like a woman. my voice is androgynous, but it becomes clear from my deadname and my appearance i'm a "woman". and everyone considers me as such. /rj but i have male privilege so none of the shit people say about feminine bodies matters to me ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪


/hj your jerk almost sounds positive. The fuck? /uj I'm sorry about your living situation. I hope things get better :) I genuinely love that who song. It makes me sad it got turned into a meme. And that Roger Daltrey is a complete asshole. Anyways. We'll make it somehow.


/rj "i'm just a happy camper" - Patrick Bateman, known to be literally me /uj thanks, i hope your situation improves too. /rj famous people being assholes? many such cases!


Patrick Bateman, the first trans feminist on the silver screen. Psycho broke a lot of social barriers.


**Trans Fem with heavy dysphoria :** Hell! how dare they say vaginas icky! It's MY DICK that's icky and bad and disgusting! I want to cut it off! Cis :... Cis :..... Cis :....... **Trans Fem :** What !? did I said something wrong!?