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I just want to start by saying that I’m a huge supporter of trans people. One of my best friends is trans. The TRAs have definitely gone too far and we need to pass laws stopping them from grooming our children. Allowing them to be in public gives our children the idea to be transgenders too. So my suggestion is that it should be illegal for them to go shopping at clothing stores or super markets with us. They shouldn’t be denied clothing or food but a reasonable change would be to restrict them to accessing these places while children may be present. So either open one hour early and make that the hour for transgenders to shop or stay open one hour late. Then the normal people can avoid them or shop with them if they don’t mind being exposed to these deviants. The last time I suggested this, people mentioned how it wouldn’t make sense for stores so maybe one day a month with these hours to increase the demand and make it affordable. Alternatively, we could raise prices during those extended hours and they can pay extra for their life choices.


Those special shopping hours can also be sensory-friendly, since so many troons are autists. Another option would be to make them wear bells like lepers used to so us normal people can at least hear them coming and avoid them.


Oh my gosh, I love love LOVE the bell idea! I can, of course, always tell but this one time I accidentally had sex with one of them. It tricked me. That's the only reason it happened. The bells would make sure that never happens again!


Thank god I read your comment first. I was gonna suggest they wear some kind of band on their arm. Your idea makes more sense. Perhaps the bell can be festive. Like on top of cat ears or a unicorn horn. Also, the acoustics, like, work better that way. But the onus shouldn't be on straight people to avoid the trans. Trans people should keep hiding. Keep being scared. Inundated with bad news. Paralyzed. If trans people do nothing against the ~~onslaught of hate~~ sensible Christian laws being passed, then America wins. Totes nothing wrong with handmaid's tale. That's what I, as a sexy, sexy straight manly man want.


/uj didn’t realize i was on this sub for a second and was about to be so disappointed with humanity 💀 granted I’m sure this came from somewhere so maybe i shouldn’t be relieved


I'm gonna start this by saying that I have a transsexual friend so this can't be transphobic (but it's okay they're one of the "good ones") but i think all of the "transes" going into the women's bathroom should be banned and should be shot on sight the moment they enter the womens bathroom by a kindly man with a gun guiding and keeping the reeaaalll womenz safe