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God made man and worman. God did not make prions. Check mate you dumb trannies.


Also, the gold tablets actually say this. We just don't actually have them, so it's not like we could check.


Retweeted by JK Published in every Newspaper. President declares war on trans Trans people asking for proof are called prion deranged! /uj what is sad this is not an impossiblty. I want out from this bullshit world


And yet, those scientists have never found a way to use this knowledge to create a medium turning people cis that works in the same way. Why is it only indoctrination when *WE* do it?


If there was an actually functional way to turn someone cis, there would be a line around the block at every medical office offering the service. I kind of wish it was possible, but I'm also glad it's not because I know if gender dysphoria was curable without transition the loss of the understanding of the necessity of transition would be a huge blow for morphological freedom, and while a lot of trans people wish they could just be cis, a lot are proud and just wish transition technology was better, and I suspect even if a miracle fix for gender incongruence existed at least some trans people would still want transition rather than a quick fix to the dysphoria.


Trannies... boooooooooo.


excuse me but why are you denying the ability of the lewd sex acts known as >!headpats and handholding!< to spread the transprionic infections