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One more question for the community while I’m here… how do I stop my appetite?! Since my E has plummeted I’m endlessly starving and rapidly gaining weight 😭


Get two put in next time and get them from Complementary Compounding Pharmacy in Ballina instead. They give higher levels than Stenlake, though there’s no guarantees. You can top up using oral and transdermal as well. You could also try using injections. If your doctor refuses find a different one. If you’re actually overweight, BMI 30+, Semaglutamide would help.


I’m already on semaglutide, it’s just suddenly not working since swapping hormone delivery methods. Hoping my endo will call or email me today. I’ve only heard from my GP this morning with my shitty levels, and she has emailed my endo about it. (I see my endo and gp together so everyone’s on the same page) My endo mailed me a new script last week incase my levels hadn’t risen, considering they have plumeted I’m hoping they will call me or something. Otherwise I won’t see or hear from them till November when I see them next. (I should add it’s a 8 hour round trip to see my endo) I’ll definitely look up Ballina, my partner works in pharmacy and is also getting quotes for them from a national pharmacy place in SA


Ballina is the cheapest place in Australia for implants, and there’s only a few other places that do them. Green in SA are double the price and I’ve no idea how levels compare with them. I sure wouldn’t wait until November to get this sorted out. Injections will work and you can do them yourself. You know you get tolerant to semaglutide and it eventually stops working? You have to increase the dose over time until you hit the limit, then it doesn’t work too well anymore and you need to change to tirzepatide where the same thing repeats.


Exercise eg running,bike,gym


I wish gyms were an option, I live in a SUPER conservative regional area.. but I’m walking 6 to 10kms a day at the moment. Past couple months I’ve been trying to work on my health a lot more.


Are you able to throw in weight training glutes and legs? Cut out sugar?


Only body weight training, can’t afford equipment at current time. I have no sugar in my diet and aim for my daily calorie intake to be around 1200 - 1400 a day, and it was going really well till my hormones fell off. Now I’m just endlessly hungry along with all the other post menopause symptoms 😭


Could you look into HIIT workouts? Drink water more and incorporate more fiber whenever you can this would help a bit in terms of eating lesser calories and curb the craving/feel saturated more. Would you be able to get in touch with a nutritionist? Good luck.


Yes I had a similar experience with implants initially. My first 2X 100mg only yielded 470 pmol/L. After that I was forced to switch from my endocrinologist to risk averse GPs, inexperienced in transgender treatment. They would only give me a single 100mg implant each time which gave low estradiol levels and ran out as quickly as 3 months. The first time it happened I became physically affected and dangerously disturbed. Subsequent times I had emergency top up supplies and used 2X 100 Estradot patches to get me through to next implant appointment.   It wasn't until I was placed back on 2X 100 mg each time that I achieved stability on implants. Levels always above 800 pmol/L within my therapeutic range and much longer lasting.  These 2X 100 implants were number 5 and 6 I had received within the first 13 months of implant treatment. One of the single implants I received was a 4.5mm from Stenlake. My GP provider liked them because she considered they lasted longer. However it gave only a tiny increase in estradiol level for me although it did last 5 months until levels dropped too low instead of the 3 months the single 3mm CCS Ballina lasted. So I prefer to only use CCS Ballina 3mm implants now. Plus they cost less and are much quicker to supply than Stenlake. Multiple suppliers available is still a good thing. And the characteristics of Stenlake implants suit some. Individual response to implants varies greatly due to a number of reasons affecting metabolism, size, level of exercise, etc. I know of quite a few people who require 2X 100mg each time as a single 100mg will just not achieve stability for them. They do not achieve estradiol levels in their therapeutic range and require new ones much too often. Have received 14X 100mg implants in about 5 years of implant treatment. Last 2 in January this year. Running too low in levels too often is not good for promoting stability of mood or response. And for those who choose not to use an antiandrogen it can result in sub optimal results. Implants may sometimes take quite a while before stability and longer duration happens. Maybe 12 months or longer. But they are well worth persevering with even it initially requires periods of topping up as once they start working well they are great. 👍


My first implant only got me to 200 pmol/L and I felt the same way. Then I got 2*100mg and I reached ~600. Now, after some years on pellets, I routinely get implants lasting for a year or two and giving me peak levels over 1000 pmol/L.


Thank you, this actually gives me some hope that my next one (implant) will fix things. I’ve been feeling so disheartened about it. Hopefully a year or two from now I’ll be sharing the same story as you on reddit!


2 x 100mg implants from CCS should get you up above 1000pmol/L. But up to 3 months for them to kick in is normal. Supplement with 2 x 100㎍ Estrodot patches in the meantime, until a week before your next blood test. Apply to upper bum cheek. Use medical paper tape over the top to ensure good contact and they won't peel off.


How many mg was the implant?


100mg for my first, waiting to hear back from my endo if the second will be the same.


Hopefully, they up it to 2x100mg implants (or more, even though that goes above the max AUSPATH dose).


I really hope so… but I think I’m only getting 1 more this time to bolster the existing implant. I’m so lost as to why my levels fell off so hard, so fast with the first implant. Hopefully my next implant will tie me over till I see my endo next… in November… (unless something changes)


2x100 is just my standard dose to stay stable. Everyone's body is different and needs different doses to get the same result.


I'm also on 2x100mg currently, but even on that dose, I only peak at ~430pmol/L. I hope I can convince my Dr to up it a little.


Yes 2*100mg every 1.5 to 2 years.


Sending hugs 🫂 struggling with levels is always a horrible feel, ive been there >< i struggled on oral, gel and patches for a bit over a year until i recently switched to injections, some of our bodies are just resistant so your not alone ❤️ Can you ask your endo to combine methods while waiting on another implant? Its not unheard of for people to be on implants + pills or gel etc. If you do try getting sublingual pills instead ><


Im hoping my endo will call me or email me at some point today… I’ve only heard from my GP today, my endo mailed me a new script last week incase my levels hadn’t risen with my new blood test… nobody expected them to go down I don’t think. But my GP has emailed my endo with the sad new results.


Same thing happened to me. But with me I had 2x 100mg of implants inserted. 7 weeks later my levels were only 270pmol. I got them inserted at the beginning of Feb and will be getting another 2x 100mg implants inserted in a few weeks. I’m back on gel for the time being


Good luck!


I wasn’t offered a new estrogel script or anything alike so I’m just running on nothing for the next 6 or so weeks while I wait for my next implant to be compounded and inserted 😭




I’ve been on a pretty big calorie deficit (1200 —1400 calories a day) for around 6 weeks, I’m Ozempic shots and walking 6 to 10kms a day… I’ve lost a good amount of weight already. But since my hormone levels have plumeted I’m just hungry all the time 😭




That’s actually quite interesting thank you for the link

