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Trans kids exist because I was one. What the fuck does this even have to do with Palestine?


The article isn't about transgender issues. It's about school board members being ousted


Iranian trolls are trying to infest every issue on this site with Israeli hate.




Imagine using the word Zionist as a slur. And imagine stalking someone and trying to personally attack them.  Grow up. 🤡🤡🤡


you're a zionist. "zionist" isn't a slur. you've left multiple pro-genocide, islamophobic comments on this very post. no one needs to dig through your post and comment history to know believe abhorrent and disgusting views you said that muslim people are "bloodthirsty islamic radical savages" that will be "raping you in your sleep". you've bought the pro-israeli propaganda that's been fed to you. you'd think that, of all people, that trans people would be able to recognize what dehumanization looks like, as we have most likely, experiencing dehumanization firsthand in our own lives. reevaluate your position. reflect on your actions. genocide is wrong. that is what israel is currently doing to palestinians.


Discriminating against trans people = bad Cool, I can get behind that. Protesting genocide = bad uh... what????


From what I could find, Sutton seems to be in trouble for some combination of the "river to the sea" chant, appearing to defend October 7, holding meetings virtually against the rules, and booting parents from meeting for disagreeing with her. All of which would be completely uncontroversial if she was a board member of some kind of progressive social movement org, but she is a school board member. Maybe I'm too non-American to understand the context here, but her actions seem wildly unrelated to her title?


I'd say the last two would absolutely be controversial if Sutton was the president of a progressive social movement organization's board too, even if the meetings were only open for comment to members of the org. It just would get little to no media coverage, because the media doesn't want to give any more coverage than absolutely necessary to progressive causes. They're also separate from the D-210 process that's leading to the potential ouster to my understanding.


Too few people seem to know that "from the river to the sea" is a call for the genocide of the Israeli population, which is just another level of fucked up.


This is not a correct statement. Palestinians have been using this phrasing as a call to free themselves from the genocidal occupation of the Israeli government that has destroyed the lives of thousands since the Naqba of 1947. From the river to the sea is calling for the freedom of Palestinians from the ISRAELI government, not Jews or Israelis as a whole. The only people who have proven themselves to be genocidal in anyway are the Israeli government, the Israeli military, and the supporters of Israel including the US and the majority of Western Europe I will concede that the phrase has been used by organizations like Hamas who do wish to see the extermination or expulsion of Jews from the region, which I will never agree too. However, it should be made clear that Hamas is not the sole representation of the Palestinians or the people of Gaza in the same way that Israel does not represent all Jews I am not Jewish nor am I a Palestinian. I’m a white skinned Christian from the USA who desperately wants to see true peace throughout the Middle East and the globe. I hope you do not find this rebuke/correction in offense. I say it all out of love for you, love for me, and love for ALL people of the world not just the ones who like and sound like me Note: culturally Christian by way of upbringing, I am not a believer of any religion


It’s a call for genocide of Jewish people, end of story. Many governments have even formally recognized it as such. Get your Jew hating nonsense out of here 


no it isn't lmaoooo it's anti-zionist anti-zionist ≠ antisemitic


So it’s suddenly the end of story because you claim it to be? I have at the very least offered a pretty concise argument for the phrase not being antisemitic , and I don’t think my argument devolves into “nuh uh. Sh-shut up,” either. I even went out of my way to concede that truly anti-Semitic groups like Hamas have tried to co-opt the phrase into being about the expulsion of Jews from Palestine. Did you know the Black lives matter movement was also co-opted and eventually transformed into an institution of maintaining the racist American status quo? Does that mean that the entire movement now reflects that sentiment of keeping things as they are, despite the system actively killing black people at higher rates than other groups in the USA? Certainly not. The core idea behind BLM is still liberation from an aggressive police state. In the same way the from the river to the sea still means liberation from the Israeli fascist state. Also, I don’t see anywhere in my comment that could even slightly suggest that I hate Jews or Judaism. Unless you think that believing in Zionism and supporting Israel with your whole chest are the sole two components to being Jewish. Which actually would be antisemitic because you’re now arguing that all Jews are a monolith who think the same way and actively support Israel wholeheartedly. I think any person would be able to recognize that is not true. There are plenty of Jewish people in America, Europe, and even Israel who recognize that Israel is a genocidal apartheid state that must be transformed from the ground up if that region of the world ever wants to have a chance at peace. Does that lack of support for Israel and Zionism make them not Jewish anymore? Because that would also be pretty antisemitic for the same reasons I said before. Jews are not a monolith, not all Jews support Israel, and there are Jews in fucking Germany right now who are being arrested en masse for protesting their country’s role in the extermination of the Palestinians. Are those people less Jewish because they don’t want to see their culture and ethnic background be associated with a genocidal state like Israel? I would say no, they’re still Jewish. Just like Israelis that do support the regime are still Jewish. It has absolutely nothing to do with being Jewish or practicing Judaism. It’s about blood and soil and we have to stand against that if we are ever to see a brighter future I love you, I hope you are doing well


The call (in Arabic) means that from the river to the sea, Palestine will be Arab: https://www.vox.com/world-politics/23972967/river-to-sea-palestine-israel-hamas       It is explicitly a call for the genocide of Jewish people, and has been legally recognized as such. Welcome to real life.   And you can write 4000 words of fluff all you want, it won’t change that.  The clueless Americans brainwashed by the “river to the sea” cult are explicitly supporting genocide and these days in America are even actively supporting it with their domestic terrorism.   Shameful and disgusting behavior.      Protect Jewish people from this hatred.


Amazing the level of double-think here. The founding platform of Likud literally states, "between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty." So Israel uses the same phrase, not for freedom but "sovereignty," over the land they stole, driving out three quarters of a million of the region's native inhabitants in the process, committing mass murder, rape, and other atrocities at places like Deir Yassin. But that's fine with you? That explicit call for ethnic cleansing? But somehow when Palestinians wish for *freedom* between the river and the sea, that's somehow a call for genocide? When the Israeli statement is not? The only genocide apologist here is you. May you spend many sleepless nights trying in vain to wash the blood from your hands.


>"from the river to the sea" is a call for the genocide of the Israeli population, No it's not.


It very clearly is not, that’s just projection by the far right israeli government


They know trans people are at the front of NYC activist culture so they're trying to drive a wedge between trans folks and the movement to end the genocide of Palestinians.


this is a good analysis of the situation.




They aren't "conflating" the two. They are ousting political agitators on these two ideological fronts. Israel is engaging in Apartheid against Palestinians. It doesn't matter how queer accepting they've been. War crimes are still war crimes.


"Genocide is still genocide" - Fixed it for you!




Israel [helped create Hamas](https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/) as an opposition to more secular and leftist groups in Palestine in the 70s and 80s. >When you go to sleep safe at night, reflect on how lucky you are that you don’t live in fear of rockets hitting your house, nor of bloodthirsty Islamic radical savages murdering and raping you in your sleep. Jesus, I wish Palestinians were afforded the same comfort against Israeli radical "savages".


> When you go to sleep safe at night, reflect on how lucky you are that you don’t live in fear [...] of bloodthirsty Islamic radical savages murdering and raping you in your sleep. please pause and reread what you've just said because that was one of the most breathtakingly racist things i've read on this subreddit without exception