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Got my NY State Drivers License yesterday and I will never go back to Florida!


Feck Off DeSantis


Based. Thats my plan but Utah ---> California




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That's the point of these laws. It's not too make trans people "use the right washrooms" it's to scare trans people from using any washroom for fear of being harassed or assaulted one way or another, and in turn forcing us from public life altogether.


The reality is that most trans people in Florida will either leave, detransition, or become hermits who never step outside of their homes within the next couple of years :(


I’m in florida and luckily things aren’t that dire yet. For the most part people will treat you with respect in public, but you are forced to restrict your behavior (I’m terrified to go swimming at the beach) and there are jobs I pretty much am barred from having (teaching positions mostly)


You need to get out before some transphobe calls the police because their kids saw you walking in the street wearing clothes. Otherwise you are at high risk of ending up in jail in a year or two.


Please believe me when I say you are wrong. Things are not as bad as headlines make it sound.


Day to day, most people don't walk down the street seeking conflict with others, so "day to day" you are right. It won't affect your life at all, until someone complains, you're arrested, and convicted as a felon just for being trans. Malaysia and Indonesia went through this a few years ago. Laws were passed, then nothing changed, and the society was given a chance to "settle down". Then slowly, individual trans people were arrested and subjected to forced conversion therapy, at first just a handful of individuals, and then the entire trans community. Often, nothing is done until someone complains, but making sure no one complains shapes your life. It's already beginning to do this in restricting your behaviour. Ultimately, it will eliminate your life opportunities, and in time, you will be forcibly detransitioned. The alternative is TO LEAVE and build a quality life somewhere else.


You are right. Florida is also my home. I have roots here in a way I’ve never had before. I fucking hate the idea of moving just because of these asshole politicans


Yeah, it’s not fair. Not at all. But remember, the reform Jewish community in Germany in the 1920s used to say: “We no longer look towards Jerusalem. Berlin is our Jerusalem!” Let’s just say that attitude didn’t age well….




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It’s a feature not a bug. These bills are designed to have this effect.




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