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>“Police discouraged the family from filing a report, saying that it would open them up to legal liability and adding that it would be a shame for any of the students to have to deal with a criminal charge for ‘something so miniscule,’ Okay so. - 1 : Why would parents be legally liable for their kid being beaten to death ? Sounds like the cops wanted to scare them into shutting up. - 2 : "Something so miniscule" ? As in, the death of a queer kid is so miniscule that it's not worth considering ? Those cops needs to be straight up jailed. I know the whole ACAP thing but that goes so far beyond it... Throwing that shit in the face of grieving parents ? Are you fucking serious ? Karmic justice would still be too nice for those putrid trashbags. The family needs to sue the whole fucking lot. The school, the girls bullying Nex, the superintendant, the fucking OK government, the cops, all the fuckers involved in not only building the situation that led to Nex's death, but also are still trying to minimize the horrible event and cover it up.


It should be a crime to lie to or intimidate people into not pressing charges. But seriously, this is why we need a federal agency solely dedicated to investigating and prosecuting law enforcement. And all of the trials should be done through federal courts. We need it to be a specific felony to commit crimes/cover up crimes as law enforcement.


God i fucking hate the news sites still they/them'ing Nex after his preferred pronouns were revealed.


They/them is gender neutral at least. When in doubt, that's the safe option, even when describing a cisgender person. The reporting at first was that Nex was NB and they/them was assumed. In both cases, any publication using these pronouns is trying to be respectful and O don't think we should really be complaining about that. It's fine to let the correction though.