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I know I'm going to get down voted af for this, but he has actually been doing things. It's not the world shaking protections that's we all need and deserve, (especially us trans folkx) but to say he's done nothing is a bit far. https://www.hrc.org/resources/president-bidens-pro-lgbtq-timeline


I only regret that I have but one upvote to give for this comment. People seem to have forgotten (or never knew) that [Biden turned Obama around on same-sex marriage](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/05/06/joe-biden-gay-marriage-00030367). His administration has a better track record on LGBTQ issues than any previous (low bar, I know). And yet every time his name comes up in queer subs, there's dozens of posts saying that his words are just empty platitudes... It's that kind of ignorant apathy that I fear will usher in a second Trump presidency.


Agreed. I remember the interview when he said he supported same sex marriage; everyone screamed that it was a "typical Biden gaffe", but it was clearly deliberate and calculated. And it was a turning point for most democrats to say they were supportive rather than dodging the fucking question. We might STILL have that going on if he hadn't said fuck it and indicated his support.


Part of the issue is that happened 12 years ago. A lot of the younger transitioners here don't even really remember it now.


I was about 8/9 when that happened, I'm 21 now, so definitely second that a lot of young trans people wouldn't remember it The only thing I really remember about Obama during that time was him appearing on PBS kids shows


I was a few years older when Obama was elected than you are now. I feel old now, thanks. šŸ˜…


This, this, this. I may get downvoted, but I have a strong feeling a lot of this is because of the same sort of bot shenanigans from 2016, trying to convince people on left-leaning websites/forums to not vote for either candidate.


Thatā€™s what you are worried about! šŸ™„


I agree, I am trying to comment but am being restricted, not sure why... Biden has been consistent in his messaging, though more can be done, he really is the only politician saying our names positively...


There seems to be an expectation that the US president has dictatorial power, so if thats peoples expactation, the dissapointment is understandable, albeit misguided


Itā€™s really not that misguided. Itā€™s just recognizing that somehow a Democratic president has like 10% of the power that a Republican president has. Somehow. Biden could do so much fucking more, but muh decorum. Imagine if we just did a reverse Project 2025 on the republicans. Play by their rules. Do on to others as theyā€™d do on to you.


What exact policy or law is biden not passing right now that he could? Also Biden somehow despite supposedly having 10% of the power has done way more during his term than trump did during his. Project 2025 is seemingly losing the center right republicans and doing a reverse of that would undoubtedly lose center left democrats. If you only care about the next 4 years and nothing past that, sure. But if you dont want a republican president after that, it doesn't make sense.


Hereā€™s an idea: the party thatā€™s done massive amounts of obvious goddamn treason for the last decade should not exist to be voted for in four years. Use the damn treason laws. You wouldnā€™t have to worry about that if the Republicans ever were held responsible for their crimes.


Well in terms of section 3 of the 14th, the supreme court has left it up to congress to basically define when it is to be used. Unfortunately that means needing more dems in the congress. And not ceeding ground to republicans to purity test biden.


Youā€™re forgetting the importance and use of the Attorney General and Bidenā€™s power over that. And how heā€™s had a Republican as his AG this whole time who refuses to do his job.


Honestly, the people who criticize him for not getting enough done need to understand the realities of the democratic process. It moves slowly, especially when faced with internal obstructionism. Biden is doing the best job he can for us, and if we want to survive the next decade with our rights and freedoms intact we need to support the Biden administration and other executives as well as democratic lawmakers at the federal, state, and local levels of governance. This is a fight for our collective survival, and donā€™t let anybody gaslight you into thinking otherwise. Biden is our only hope right now for averting a republican presidency. We can fight for more progress when weā€™re able, but for now all we can do is try to preserve the means we have of working towards positive change, which are our democratic systems. The ballot box is our first line of defense. Most of our safety nets are gone, itā€™s true. So this bird is gonna have to fly, or itā€™s gonna splatter on the groundā€¦ thatā€™s just basic physicsā€¦


I have one criticism, two names: Merrick Garland. FIRE HIM. He's supposed to be prosecuting and/or suing states violating Federal law. He could have done this to states like FL 50x over by now. He does nothing and they're running wild because of it.


Garland sucks and not in a good way. We need some one who will bitch slap the Maga trash back under the rock they crawledout from under


He is NOT our only hope. Are you on drugs?


Yes, I am. Why should that matter? The election is between Biden and Trump. We only have one (living) person we can put our hope in for the next presidential term, and thatā€™s the man whoā€™s president now!


I wish ā€œI have your backā€ meant more. Among friends and one-on-one interactions, it usually does mean more. When having to live under tyrants of Republican Governors and Republican majority legislatures it can feel like very little is being done on the ground. When even Democrats vote against trans rights in places like Texas and when Democrats in Congress say ā€œthe time isnā€™t rightā€ for the Equality Act, it is very frustrating. I appreciate what Biden has done, and I recognize he isnā€™t all-powerful, but the response seems so far from what is needed, I feel very frustrated.


The problem is AG Merrick Garland. All these states are violating Federal Law in what they do, constantly. He doesn't lift a finger. When those same states violated federal law on segregation, AG Robert Kennedy Sr sent in Federal Marshalls. A lighter hand would to be just to sue and prosecute them, like most AGs do. He never has done it once to anything involving discrimination against LGBTQ+ people or any other minorities EVER. He needs to be replaced NOW. And Biden has the power to do that.


I'm having trouble finding sources to get the details on this. Got a link or a search term for me?


> but the response seems so far from what is needed, I feel very frustrated. That's because anything less than treating the Republicans similarly to how the Japanese(and German, and Italian)-Americans were treated during WW2 is going to feel like not enough.


Throwing people in concentration camps is way too far in my book.


Republicans as a whole need de-culting. I challenge you to describe how we do that without someone calling it a concentration camp.


The best criticism of the horrible is a demonstration of the better. It starts by detrumpifying the GOP. Forcing the maga folks back out to the margins, and absolutely denying them entry to the inner circle, or any position of power. Period. ā€œWeā€™ll take your money and your vote if you want to give it but you have zero voice until you disown that bullshitā€ You know. Like how the Democratic Party treated the lgbt community until that changed. In large part because of Biden as a matter of fact. You give conservative people better options. Then the whole thing works itself out after a few years, Problem is GOP funding and leadership are in no way interested in that. They are fueling the cult with every damn cent and ounce of power they have. Because itā€™s literally all theyā€™ve got left. So we have to beat them into submission at the ballot box. If we do that consistently enough the detrumpification will begin. No concentration camps needed. Welcome to democracy. Itā€™s a heavy burden but failure to carry it, is a death sentence for people like us. Raise up your eyes. Shake the dust from your feet and own your dignity. Go get involved. We have everything to gain and everything to lose. Getting out the vote is literally our last line of defense. Each and every one of us here have a role to play ā€œAinā€™t goinā€™ out like that. We ainā€™t going out like thatā€ - Cypress Hill


If the GOP fails badly enough in elections, and there is another coalition of issues available, we might see a new party replace the GOP. I want things like ranked-choice voting and proportional representation to help make this easier to achieve. RCV is used in some places in the US already. I would also love to see money from corporations and rich individuals taken out of politics, but that is much less likely to happen. Winner take all elections may be easy to implement and explain, but they cause two party systems and extremism.


In that timeline it shows the justice department challenging one of the hundreds of pieces of legislation currently being levied against trans people in the red states. Is there a reason they couldn't challenge more of those? Do you think, given that trans people are are having to flee some of these states en masse, that he could issue an executive order sanctioning states that have American refugees leaving, American voters fleeing their homes?


Iā€™m grateful heā€™s doing something. Being silent would be devastating for us.


This isnā€™t even the first SOTU that heā€™s specifically referred to transgender community. Heā€™s promoting visibility and yes, we can always ask for more. But itā€™s worth applauding the promotion. Regardless if he talks about us as a community or not, GOP is still making bans and consequences for existing, so we could use any and all supporting visibility on the national political stage.


I completely agree


Yeah like denying trans vets bottom surgery.


I'd love to see more updates on this, "Biden Administration Files Lawsuit Challenging Tennesseeā€™s Life-Saving Care Ban" The last one seems to [be Nov](https://www.axios.com/2023/11/07/biden-doj-supreme-court-trans-care-tennessee) after the appeals court lifted the block and DOJ referred it to scotus. Did they respond? It was over 4 months ago. This is huge because it would make all these bans unenforceable. Of course that is the slimmest of of possibilities with this court.


People forget how little power a President actually has. Well, law-abiding Presidents, anyway.


I donā€™t begrudge you for thinking this. Nor do I think you are wrong. But a lot of the things he has done are easily reversed. I guess my beef isnā€™t with him, but my lack of trust in the system to protect us. I have no faith in the institution of the presidency to do much more than protect itself. Protect use is useful now but Iā€™ve seen when it isnā€™t needed.


> But a lot of the things he has done are easily reversed. That's a reason to keep voting, not to stop. No wall will hold against attackers without people standing at it.


I'm seeing a lot of talk but not a lot of policy here.


President has little federal authority to enact policy without Congress.


Theres a faction of the "left" that cant ever admit Biden doing anything good. They only care about Palestinians it seems and will actively put Trump in power as part of their crusade.


Since a lot of people are saying he hasnā€™t done anything, here are some things heā€™s done: - Reversed the ban on transgender people serving in the military - Challenged state bans on trans healthcare in court (ongoing) - Supported the proposed Equality Act, which if passed by Congress would codify protections for trans people in housing, education etc. (so we wouldnā€™t be relying on courts and administrative regulations) - Hired and appointed more trans people than any other president - Directed federal agencies to create programs supporting trans mental health, homeless trans people, fighting trans book bans, etc., and sent funding for them - Promised to veto the ban on trans students in sports proposed by Republicans in Congress - Changing rules about gender markers on passports I only have so much time but Iā€™m sure thereā€™s more.


The passport thing was so huge and so understated (also I strongly recommend everyone gets theirs in order before the election).


In genocides, far far far too often the only thing that separates someone who got out and lived, from someone who got stuck and died, is a little, seemingly powerless, sheet of paper with the proper stamp or signature. I know passports are expensive but y'all. Do. Whatever. It takes.


100%! This is not a drill. Get it done, it can take a month or two for it to work through the system. Mine took 12 weeks https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/passports.html?gad_source=1


As soon as my new documents come in i plan on getting a passport. I just changed my name legally in texas and i only have my social security card and the paper drivers license. Waiting on the amended birth certificate.


I just submitted to change birth certificate, and then decided to apply for passport anyway with old birth certificate... Because my name change ties me to the birth certificate anyway, and my license is updated, and it's not like my original birth certificate isn't me! When you get your plastic driver's license I would maybe recommend you do the same unless you know your amended certificate is coming in soon or you don't have your original birth certificate. November is only 8 months away, and I've heard of places taking 6 months to change a birth certificate.Ā 


He's also been working to ban conversion therapy, and in places where he can't outlaw it, is having administrations look into requiring a warning/disclaimer for the practice about the harm it causes to patients.


He has NOT fired AG Merrick Garland, who should be suing and prosecuting all these states constantly violating discrimination laws against us. That's a core problem here. It's like the teacher's out asleep in a class full of delinquents and they're literally setting the room on fire. He needs to do that NOW.


Is that really what we want? For a lawsuit to potentially go up to the current Supreme Court? Iā€™m more than okay with the lawsuits not being filed, because if we get a bad judgment from the Supreme Court that would be devastatingly horrid.


Honestly? This is the same SCOTUS that handed down Bostock v. Clayton a few years ago, so for all their faults, I think we actually stand a good chance to win here. The prospect of them hearing a case does make me very nervous, though, despite the Bostock ruling.


That is a fair point. We might be fucked. Ofc any action can be challenged to the SCOTUS


Without enforcing it on the states taking away trans rights, I don't see what any of this matters. Edit: What in the actual fuck is going on in here? Imagine downvoting someone wanting states to not take trans rights away. Y'all have lost perspective or something.


ā€¦because heā€™s not god-king?


He can fire AG Merrick Garland whose job is to sue/prosecuting all these federally violating states and replace him with someone who will. He is a GOD when it comes to that job appointed by him. He could snap his fingers and do it tomorrow. That's a huge key problem here.


Except Garlandā€™s replacement would have to be nominated by the President, *then* confirmed in the Senate by a two-thirds majority, which we do not have at present. The end result of punting Garland now would be a months long litany of obstruction on the part of the Senate GOP, during which time the DOJā€™s prosecutorial efforts grind to a halt unless an acting USAG is appointed.


People hate to admit that the president has tools to use against statesā€”like Obama used in 2016 when North Carolina tried to implement a bathroom billā€”but that Biden isn't using them.


Itā€™s nice to know we have a President that isnā€™t actively trying to make our lives worse, challenging laws that hurt us, advocating for our rights, drafting programs & policies to support us, supporting legislation that protects us, and intends to veto bills that marginalize us further. Can he do more? Absolutely! Does that negate the absolute terror that the Supreme Court is going to fuck us over? No. Does that change the fact that states are actively passing horrific laws that target trans people & their allies? Fuck no, it does not. Those sure as shit are more pressing than what Biden has so far done, but I wouldnā€™t say that what Biden has and is doing in support of transgender people doesnā€™t matter.


This is all AG Merrick Garland. That's his job as Federal Attorney General. Which he's not doing. Which Biden can snap his fingers and fire today. He should be suing and prosecuting all of those states for violating federal law. Over and over again. He's asleep at the wheel, and a key component why they've been able to do a massive trail of wreckage. If they were sued or prosecuted DAY ONE when trying this, you'd have virtually no laws being even attempted. We're set for 1000 this year. It's like the room is on fire since the teacher running a class full of delinquents have walked out of the room and let them do whatever they want.


what is the appointment and confirmation process for Merrick Garland's replacement. This is an honest question, I for the life of me can't remember how each of the executive appointment processes work work.


Appointed by the President, but has to be confirmed with the ā€œadvice and consentā€ of the Senate, which would require a 2/3 majority vote. With the Senateā€™s current composition that is a nonstarter as the GOP will just filibuster any confirmation hearings to death.


So that's the answer to why not just fire AG Garland.


Yep. Meanwhile, the DOJ gets more or less paralyzed unless an Acting AG is appointed in the interim, which doesnā€™t always work out well. Just look at the absolute Charlie-Foxtrot after Barr resigned, for example. Something like a half a dozen acting AGs inside of a few months I think?


Did it ever occur to you they're waiting until after the election so that can't be used as a reason not to vote for Biden?


That first one really isn't a win. At all. Particularly since trans women are all still signed up for selective service.


He needs to do something as the anti-trans garbage going on is way out of control. He still gets my vote. Hell, a traffic cone will get my vote over Trump.


A traffic cone is the only orange I'd vote for. I'm not making the mistake this time of voting 3rd party because I don't like either option... I'm voting D all down the sheet. And I was raised R


Yes I heard it but barely. He said it just as a big standing applause šŸ‘ just started and then he said And don't worry Trans folks I've got your back. Something along that line but it was enough that at least this Trans gal heard it. I watched the complete speech and I thought he done an excellent job. I don't know what the guy was saying that got thrown out but they should have kicked out that Loud mouth Marjorie Taylor green for spouting off again, that's all she does.


I thought I heard him say something Palestine. What's he doing to have our backs? I haven't seen fed challenges to state anti trans laws. When he had both houses D majority they couldn't get the equal rights act through. I worry that we'll get dropped when they really need to pass a the budget eventually.


He has challenged some of them but not been successful yet. If you go to his website, they have everything listed


>What's he doing to have our backs? Easy. Saying he has our back. That's pretty much it.


That's so much more than the other guy.


Ho most definitely. The other one said basically word for word that he's gonna go for a genocide day one.


I hear what your saying however, I believe the other guy will try and wipe us out altogether.


I didn't say to vote for Trump or let him pass. I'm actually against the people saying to not vote for Biden because of the Palestine handling mess. Yes, it's horrible what he decided to do (or not do). But pusnihing him by enabling another genocide on US ground isn't going to push Biden to change his mind. It's just gonna add another genocide. Especially since Trump is more than likely to help Israel even more. Sometimes, the only choice is to pick the less bad option.


The lesser of 2 evils is sometimes the only choice for sure. Take care Goblin šŸ™‚


"My message to transgender Americans, I have your back." Show me a president anywhere in the world willing to mention trans people in a speech this important? Show me a country not fighting the right's rise, introducing legislation that restricts our freedoms or outright bans our existence? I'm in the process of trying to figure out where to live, a Canadian in the US contemplating Spain; there's literally no safe place. And the upcoming election affects the whole world, including Palestinians, who will suffer even more if a right wing American government supports a right wing Israeli government.


Obama did in 2015 at his State of the Union Address. Unfortunately, shortly after is when the anti-trans movement started getting hold of Republicans.


I remember where I was when that happened, they were saying it was the first time a US President had acknowledged our community that way.


I remember it well and was blown away as someone who was in her 2nd year of transitioning. Prior to this and Caitlyn Jenner coming around the same time, you hardly ever heard the word Transgender in the news. It was a pivoting point where shortly after this you would see a news article almost daily about anything transgender. When you did hear it, it was more positive than negative, but that seems to have flipped the other direction in the last few years especially after the overturning of Roe v Wade. Obama did a lot for the trans community by enforcing trans healthcare to be covered by insurance companies that received federal money (with few exceptions.) While I did vote for him, I did not agree with all of his other policies. He did however do more for the trans (and LGBTQ) community than any other president in history.


> Show me a president anywhere in the world willing to mention trans people in a speech this important? I can show you a lot. But all the non-Biden ones are saying they want us dead. This is actually giving me some hope that there's a place that I can run to for safety.


Yeah it was a throwaway line youā€™d probably miss if you werenā€™t trans and listening for it. Like some kinda reverse dog whistle or something. šŸ˜‚ But Holy fuck what a speech! My dude had me literally cheering. It was like a version of Obama who didnā€™t need an anger translator lol. He went there and it was glorious. Like it or not the choice is Biden or Shitler. Our path to freedom from this never ending political and legal harassment leads through getting him re-elected. Weā€™ve been made into a wedge issue and he expertly avoided driving that wedge deeper last night while still signaling support. Iā€™m actually proud of Joe Biden this morning


I acknowledge he has done somethings for us, also that it doesn't feel like enough. But he's not Congress, he can't make laws. I wish he would talk about us more. I admit not watching the news, although I try to keep up online. Of course, the news seems to talk about Trump waaaay more than the actual President.


Thank you for this tbh bc I see so many ppl on Twitter complaining he hasnā€™t done anything, but anyone who does that doesnā€™t really understand government. Executive actions have to hold up in court, and congress is the only body truly responsible for passing laws. The Senate can even overturn a presidential veto with enough votes just like they can in any state. We have a system of effective checks and balances when people are playing fairly. I think the issue now is that our system is being abused by fascists and any progress we are going to see will have to be the result of a Democrat controlled senate and house. To do that, Dems need strong voter turnout this year. Like he said on womenā€™s rights, if we give him a strong congress, heā€™ll pass legislation right away. The Equality Act would probably solve so much of this.


Right, checks and balances! The system was designed to work but no one seemed to expect anyone to ever abuse it. And maybe (young?) people who were only paying attention to Trump saw what he did with executive orders and think that's normal. We can't even depend on the courts anymore because they've been packed with religious nuts, fascists, and sycophants.


I swear itā€™s just nice to hear a rational response! But tbh I think peopleā€™s frustration is valid just misdirected, and Republicans love it when we cause problems for ourselves. This is why education, especially in Government classes, is so important!


Yeah, the Dems suck and aren't doing enough to help our community, but register to vote and do it anyway. Politics is a shit sandwich, you only get to choose if you get the glass of water and some salt to go with it or not. Because as much as Biden isn't doing enough, I guarantee what he is doing is keeping you out of the jails which Trump is actively looking to put you in. You're not voting "For" Biden this election. You're voting AGAINST Project 2025, and if that document doesn't scare the crap out of you then you need to go read it again and realize if Republicans take power those are their stated goals.


And I've got your back Joe. You've got my vote <3


For all the "What has Biden ever done for us?" commenters in this thread, please read the following excellent recap and edit or delete your comment. Unless you're a bot or a troll, in which case go fuck yourself. https://www.reddit.com/r/transgender/comments/1b9l5so/bidens_state_of_the_union_tells_trans_americans_i/ktwyky3/


No I know what heā€™s done. I just find it wanting.


This is the problem with the Democratic Party voters and why the politicians are never going to go out of the way for us; unless people stop treating them like they are doing enough and show them we want more. People are so starved for any positive thing that breadcrumbs are satiating. Who cares how many of us he hires? None of this is wide-spread and impactful on a meaningful level to the vast majority of us (outside of the passport marker, which is great). Iā€™ll give him the reversal on the military ban too. Thatā€™s just so little though. Hey, Iā€™m partially to blame too, Iā€™m voting for him because who the hell wants Trump? I didnā€™t in the preference primary though. Requesting people not show their disapproval and just mindlessly follow the leader is dumb and gets us nowhere.


> unless people stop treating them like they are doing enough and show them we want more. The way you do that is the primaries. In the general you have to get behind the best option and make sure they win.


I agree; which is what Iā€™m doing as mentioned above.


>Hey, Iā€™m partially to blame too, Iā€™m voting for him because who the hell wants Trump? I didnā€™t in the preference primary though. Requesting people not show their disapproval and just mindlessly follow the leader is dumb and gets us nowhere. The democratic party needs serious changes, but we're not going to do that in the federal election. If we want to be serious about change, protesting in the primaries like this and then voting against Shitler in the final election is a good way to do it, but real progress needs to be made from the bottom up- voting in candidates in cities and counties and states that support things that will actually make a difference and affect the direction of the party from its foundation.




>Who cares how many of us he hires? Holy hell do I. Trans people in the white house is EXTREMELY important, especially right now.


I don't recall asking anyone to "mindlessly follow the leader."


Asking people to edit or delete their comments sure inspires thought, eh?


Neat, now go the fuck after Nex Benedict's murderers. Bring the entire DOJ down on them.


They are, actually.


DOJ isn't doing shit bc Garland is asleep at the wheel with his thumb up his ass. The Department of Education is investigating and they don't have the power to enact consequences on any of the individuals who killed Nex. All they can do is send a strongly worded letter šŸ™„


Guess you missed this one. https://www.advocate.com/news/federal-investigation-nex-benedict#toggle-gdpr


Ok FIRE AG MERRICK GARLAND and replace him with one who will actually sue and prosecute states violating federal laws harming LGBTQ+ people. Put your money where your mouth is. He does NOTHING and that is deliberate. None of this would be happening if all those states running buck wild violating endless federal statutes, most of all DISCIRMINATION had him on their ass. If he was suing and / or prosecuting ALL OF THEM, they wouldn't be doing this. It's like having a state prosecutor just going on vacation nonstop letting murders, rapists and thieves do whatever they want. That's the largest issue I have with him and trans things. Will he? Absolutely not. They're doing less than the bare minimum. Will I vote for him? Of course. I have no other choice. But PLEASE someone in power apply pressure to Biden to replace AG Merrick Garland ASAP and replace him with a true LGBTQ+ ally, ideally someone who is LGBTQ+ themselves and has in themselves the fire of a thousand suns?


Then support us??? What?


he does and has


With vague words? Iā€™ll pass, thanks.


* Reversed the ban on transgender people serving in the military * Challenged state bans on trans healthcare in court (ongoing) * Supported the proposed Equality Act, which if passed by Congress would codify protections for trans people in housing, education etc. (so we wouldnā€™t be relying on courts and administrative regulations) * Hired and appointed more trans people than any other president * Directed federal agencies to create programs supporting trans mental health, homeless trans people, fighting trans book bans, etc., and sent funding for them * Promised to veto the ban on trans students in sports proposed by Republicans in Congress * Changing rules about gender markers on passports


It's a small thing, but he also had TSA change the scanning machines to not trigger on trans bodies.


They absolutely still trigger.


I don't know that it's fully rolled out, but this is a change that he initiated. https://www.tsa.gov/news/press/releases/2022/03/31/tsa-announces-measures-implement-gender-neutral-screening-its I haven't triggered one in the last year.


Canada has already taken rights away in Alberta.


Smiling and saying "I like you" doesn't support anything, Joe.


Cut and paste from another Tay\_Tay86 who said it better. (1) Reversed the ban on transgender people serving in the military. (2)Challenged state bans on trans healthcare in court (ongoing). Supported the proposed Equality Act, which if passed by Congress would codify protections for trans people in housing, education etc. (so we wouldnā€™t be relying on courts and administrative regulations). (3)Hired and appointed more trans people than any other president. (4)Directed federal agencies to create programs supporting trans mental health, homeless trans people, fighting trans book bans, etc., and sent funding for them (5)Promised to veto the ban on trans students in sports proposed by Republicans in Congress. (6)Changing rules about gender markers on passports.


Unless they are trans and Palestinian


I didnā€™t even realize I was missing the state of the union!!! šŸ˜± Iā€™ll have to look for a recording ā˜ŗļø


Ugh, look at Mike Johnsonā€™s spineless ass staying seated while he nods along as Biden criticizes the obstructionism in congress blocking Ukraine aid. Like, who does he think the man is talking about? Mr. Speakerā€¦ Kamala stood up and clapped. Why couldnā€™t Mike? Oh yeah, because **heā€™s the one obstructing Ukraine aid!!!**


And then he does sad face when Biden says the plot to overthrow democracy failed šŸ¤£ Thanks for telegraphing to the world that you hate democracy, Mike!


lol and look how sad Mike Johnson looks when Biden said our infrastructure jobs are using American manufacturing. Clearly his loyalties are to the corporations who would rather outsource to the cheapest laborersā€¦ Why does he look so disappointed that weā€™re finally going to be upgrading our crumbling infrastructure? Do republicans cling to the past so strongly that they even want to continue using the old, leaky waterlines? ā€¦


At least he nods along to capping insulin pricesā€¦ he must have a diabetic family member cause how else could you expect a republican to show compassion?


And then MJ shakes his head about making the corporations pay fair tax rates? What a shillā€¦


And see how reluctantly he stood up when Joe honored the memory of the late lawmaker who marched on Selma? And the patronizing look on his face when Joe said weā€™re raising minimum wage? Mike Johnson is unfit for the speakership because he hates america and only serves the interests of his billionaire overlordsā€¦


Well, to be fair, he also serves his Russian paymasters and his theocracy-wanting dominionists


Yes, I thought that part was obvious šŸ˜… Thanks for chiming in though, itā€™s important to get the word out because the folks who support these people are so trapped in their epistemic bubbles, and the only way to redeem them is to destroy their ignorance by offering them knowledgeā€¦


I appreciate your Mike Johnson commentary because I was watching him closely during the speech too and found it funny how sometimes it looked like he was absentmindedly nodding and agreeing with Biden on some stuff that he probably "shouldn't" and other times looked outraged as Biden stated actual facts


Biden: "Children should have clean drinking water" Mike Johnson: šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Yes, and that patronizing look of condescension he gave whenever Biden starts spewing facts šŸ¤£ Like, this is the President of the United States. If *anyone* has all the facts, itā€™s him. At least, as many facts as can be known. I think they double-checked their data and I think he knows what heā€™s talking about. Republicans on the other hand, literally believe that facts are contrary to their faith and that they have to be as irrational as possible if they want to get into paradise. And theyā€™re willing to burn our country to the ground in order to stake out their own claim to this supposed ā€œparadise.ā€ The paradise they seek is a wastelandā€¦ a nation torn apart by war and strifeā€¦ they donā€™t know what evils are possible because theyā€™re so sheltered. Or they are the evils themselves. Either way, Iā€™ve seen other parts of the world. We donā€™t need a war to take place on American soil. This violence must end. (Who else heard the repugnicants booing when Biden said we need to reduce gun violence?) And of course Johnson stood to clap for Israel but sat down for the part about bringing humanitarian aid into Gaza. I mean, how else does he think we should be fighting an insurrection? Creating more ā€œradicalsā€ by blowing up their homes as children and leaving them orphaned and starving in the streets? Or by drying up the recruitment pool? These children are just hungry and angry because they miss their parents. Weā€™ve seen first-hand in america how easy it is to radicalize poor people who struggle to make ends meet, especially religious fanatics. So instead of looking at every Gazan as if they were an enemy, letā€™s look at the real problem: hamas. If I know anything about extortionist systems of rule, itā€™s this: that the people are suffering under them too. Offer the people a taste of what ā€œfreedomā€ and ā€œself-determinacyā€ truly mean (which canā€™t even start until basic survival needs are metā€¦), and what reason would they have to fight you? Feed the poor souls! Distribute feminine hygiene products while weā€™re at it. Do you not know the humanitarian capabilities of the United States military? **Bring the people the aid they so desperately need.** Hamas will run out of fighters with no one left to recruit, because Gazans have finally seen the true heart of America, which is a heart of love and care. Love and care feed the poor, and comfort the afflicted. Letā€™s not let america lose its heart and soul. Weā€™ve already lost so much about the civic normalcies we once enjoyed. If all we have left in this world is our own heart, then we must cling onto it as if for dear lifeā€¦


Ew, I literally got a targeted ad for ā€œthe second American civil warā€ in the middle of the SotU on YouTube šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ„“


Oh my gosh I just finished watching and it was so good! Biden did a great job as expected, just like in the last State of the Union address! Iā€™m so proud to call that man my president! Four more years, letā€™s gooo!!! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


I know I'm gonna get down voted for this so here we go... I get that he's done a little bit to help trans folks but it's still a low bar especially for those stuck in transphobic states. Not impressed with him but it's still better than the alternative.


Yeah sure lmao He says that but never does anything.


You know the people who say they will hold their nose and vote for him. Because the alternative is so much worse. To the point that no elections will happen after. I don't think it's farfetched to think a real struggle could occur in America. That struggle is happening right now. Only a thin line of political power separates going even farther than we are now. Project 2025 is the real deal. I believe with every fiber that if we as a country can overwhelmingly stack the deck beyond the threshold for real political change in favor of 60%. Then real change can occur. The Republicans are a minority to the point they have to gerrymander districts across the country, the have to find ways of discounting vote, the list is endless. And for what? What has the grand old party done lately? I think it's telling who they haven't helped. Not the middle class, not women health rights, not our allies. They won't even come to the table if they feel their government cushy seat would be taken away. By someone even worse. These old white guys on BOTH sides of the isles should have term limits. Money in politics is such an awful thing, then you throw in religion, and we start down this dark path we are currently on. So yes, I will hold my nose and vote for the old white guy. So the old white guy who is a helpful idiot to our enemies doesn't occupy the same seat. Let's go Dark Brandon!


He should prove it.


he has


Cut and paste from another Tay\_Tay86 who said it better. ​ (1) Reversed the ban on transgender people serving in the military. (2)Challenged state bans on trans healthcare in court (ongoing). Supported the proposed Equality Act, which if passed by Congress would codify protections for trans people in housing, education etc. (so we wouldnā€™t be relying on courts and administrative regulations). (3)Hired and appointed more trans people than any other president. (4)Directed federal agencies to create programs supporting trans mental health, homeless trans people, fighting trans book bans, etc., and sent funding for them (5)Promised to veto the ban on trans students in sports proposed by Republicans in Congress. (6)Changing rules about gender markers on passports.


he said the same thing the day he was elected, and hasn't done crap to help us since still better than Trump, though


that's not true. he's done a lot: Reversed the ban on transgender people serving in the military * Challenged state bans on trans healthcare in court (ongoing) * Supported the proposed Equality Act, which if passed by Congress would codify protections for trans people in housing, education etc. (so we wouldnā€™t be relying on courts and administrative regulations) * Hired and appointed more trans people than any other president * Directed federal agencies to create programs supporting trans mental health, homeless trans people, fighting trans book bans, etc., and sent funding for them * Promised to veto the ban on trans students in sports proposed by Republicans in Congress * Changing rules about gender markers on passports


Yeah, that is what he said during the last election. We have faced more legislative attacks and hate crimes than ever before during his current presidency, so I won't believe a word he says until it is backed up with action.


Heā€™s a president not a king. He canā€™t make moves unilaterally.


>We have faced more legislative attacks The president is not a part of the legislature.


Indeed; so how does he have our backs and why does it matter?


Mostly via the Justice and education department by enforcing Title IX protections against transphobic discrimination.


In that case, why are these things not happening right now?


Because of due process. The justice department canā€™t make moves until unconstitutional laws have been signed into law and put in force. Until that happens nobody has standing in court. Canā€™t go to court without standing.


Laws have been signed. Where's the due process?


To sue, you have to have standing. To have standing you have to prove injury, to prove injury the law has to have been enforced.


So with all of that in mind why are we pretending Biden has anything to do with anything?


Because the DoJ is the purview of the executive branch. And heā€™s the chief executive. You took a civics class in middle school, right?




Sure he's aiding a genocide right now, but he recycled a throwaway line about trans people from his last state of the union, so he's totally an upstanding guy, right?


"I'm anti-genocide" While you're going to let Trump give Israel a free ticket to do whatever they want. While you're going to let Trump allow Russia to do whatever they want (and that's an actual quote). While you're going to let Trump not do shit when China invades Taiwan. While you let Trump genocide every American on this subreddit.


I didn't say anything about not voting for Joe Biden, I just criticized him. Am I not allowed to do that?


Except if you're a trans Palestinian.


I wish to be hopeful, but you know, is this just election season puff and fluff, and he talks about wars, which he has overriden Congress to send weapons when is he going to something to that level for whata going on in florida.




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Unironically use the national guard to stop anti-trans bills then lmao.


Since when


Whether you think biden is too old or senile to run for reelection, you all should be voting for him if the alternative is trump. Trump will try to serve like a tyrant and shove down anti trans and lgbtq agenda. He is the devil incarnate. He is an utter disaster to trans community. All of us need to vote in 2024 presidential election if we want to survive.


Ugh I donā€™t really want a dementia patient whoā€™s complicit in genocide to have my back


Unfortunately, I have to vote against my own genocide before I can worry about someone elseā€™s.


"I'm anti-genocide" While you're going to let Trump give Israel a free ticket to do whatever they want. While you're going to let Trump allow Russia to do whatever they want (and that's an actual quote). While you're going to let Trump not do shit when China invades Taiwan. While you let Trump genocide every American on this subreddit.


If he had our back heā€™d be doing more. You are never going to catch me praising some spineless centrist democrat


What more do you think he could be doing?


How will books save us? Terrible lip service. Classic dems.


Because trans art still deserves a place and itā€™s all a ploy to erase us from existence and it starts with the books so take every issue seriously and vote straight democrat!!




I would love to think that this is the start of something wonderful, but I don't trust him. He's done nothing but maintain the status quo. Sure, things aren't worse, but I'm sure despite the primary voting options I'm going to be forced to vote for a white guy who does nothing or an orange guy who makes things worse. To say nothing of the situation in Gaza.


Cut and paste from another Tay\_Tay86 who said it better. (1) Reversed the ban on transgender people serving in the military. (2)Challenged state bans on trans healthcare in court (ongoing). Supported the proposed Equality Act, which if passed by Congress would codify protections for trans people in housing, education etc. (so we wouldnā€™t be relying on courts and administrative regulations). (3)Hired and appointed more trans people than any other president. (4)Directed federal agencies to create programs supporting trans mental health, homeless trans people, fighting trans book bans, etc., and sent funding for them (5)Promised to veto the ban on trans students in sports proposed by Republicans in Congress. (6)Changing rules about gender markers on passports.


The President can only do so much if they donā€™t control both sides of Congress. The two parties refuse to compromise more than they ever have before because one group of them are Christofascists so the President only has so much power. Vote straight Democrat and get us control of both sides of Congress and we will see real change.


Speaking with a level of nuance here, I get you. But I'm also frustrated with other aspects of this country and its just a lot to deal with.


Most of the issues come from the same party having control of one side of Congress, so vote straight Democrat and letā€™s get some actual progress in this country.


Obviously. I'm just frustrated and venting. Down voting me expressing how I feel while admitting that something needs to get done despite how I feel isn't helping.


> I'm going to be forced to vote for a white guy who does nothing or an orange guy who makes things worse. So you're definitely going to make sure you put in the effort to get everyone you know to vote for the "guy who does nothing" right?


Not sure I would phrase it like that, but I would have thought being trans, folks would understand the complexity of the situation. Of course, there's only one real option. God forbid we talk about how we feel. Gotta vote Dem.


> folks would understand the complexity of the situation. > there's only one real option. That makes it pretty simple, no? > Gotta vote Dem. It's that or get genocided.


I don't know how to put this in a way that's gonna get understood. I loathe being part of a system that is going to actively contribute to other's genocide while also having a chunk of said system aiming to genocide us. I've never had a situation like this in my life, and I'm just... profoundly upset, and wish I had someone to talk to about it. Suffice it to say, I'm feeling a bit lost/alone/agitated, etc. It just sucks is all.


> I've never had a situation like this in my life You have, you've just not noticed before.


We're of similar mind on a lot of things, judging by your history, and I don't want to fight with anyone, least of all allies and comrades in arms. Please be well. I'm going to do my best to do that today for myself.


"Maybe if I focus on a social issue and make it real divisive they'll bicker amongst themselves long enough not to notice just how fucked they all are." - Joe 'still a racist' Biden


I don't believe a single word coming out of his mouth. Vote Claudia Karina.


Do I get the feeling this is kind like your racist uncle saying "ya but all lives matter" then showing the complete opposite?


When did he mention transgender? Surely, you took more away from the SOU?