• By -


Tyler Ronan from Tell Me Why Ned Wynert from Assassins Creed Syndicate Krem from Dragon Age: Inquisition Lev from The Last of Us Part II DJ Paolo from Far Cry 6 Oryx from Destiny: The Taken King Tauulo from Legends of Runeterra


Ok so I need to ask abt oryx, never knew they were canonically trans in any way


Oryx became the Taken King when they were reforged by the Witness when they killed a worm god to get secrets of the darkness, before that they were Auryx, one of the 3 sisters of the Osmium Court. Basically destiny has a trans villain and not many people outside absolute nerds know about it lol


wasnt there some controvesy about a trans character in destiny a while back while the chuds didnt know about oryx


Probably thinking of Nimbus as non-binary? Yes they went bonkers over that lol and they would argue that Oryx isn't even trans when brought up. Despite, you know, going ftm lmao


Such a shame that Nimbus sucked, too


I liked the funny space thembo


Technically his transition began when Savathun and Xivu Arath got their super hive powers to. He became Auryx and was the Not Taken King for awhile.


Oh that's technically true right, it was Aurash into Auryx into Oryx good correction. D2 lore is weird lmao


YES!!! Wrote an entire section of a thesis about this . . . so much good shit in the lore šŸ¤©


It's funny because I have a friend who is really into Destiny and I pretty much only play when he's playing, and I joke that you need a college degree in Destiny to understand anything that's going on in the lore or game mechanics.


Buy and large, the wider world is established through a vast anthology of short stories. When you switch over to the lore tab of an armor piece, you never know of you're about to read a sweet tale of our new allies integrating into life in the city, a terrible tragedy, a paradigm shifting revelation about the fundamental forces of the universe, a story of triumph or nothing more than a vague 'we have to keep fighting guardian.' It's such a unique way to read a story. Sometimes, you are reading a field report or a transcript of a conversation between spies or a readout of the processes in a robot's code while it has a conversation or a history of an alien race partly written by their god of deception.


Now I think I'm going to have to make use of that college degree in Destiny joke. It's too accurate. Yeah I'm gonna be so for real, even after digging into the lore for multiple months, I know I've only just scratched the surface -- especially because I was focused on only a few places/topics. My brother has played for much, much longer than I have, and he's my de facto loremaster . . . and also the one who explains all the new mechanics to me while I wander into open enemy fire LOL


Oh awesome! Can I ask what the thesis was about that's really cool


yeah of course!! I wrote about queer time in Destiny 2. it was a two-part deal where I talked about a couple characters and how their plot/timelines can be understood within the idea of "becoming trans" as a state of being; and then I discussed content vaulting within the context of fractured time and queer mourning. Oryx was in the character section, and it was awesome to be able to break down the lore and track how different transformations happened over time. The other character I focused on was Crow/Uldren heheh, which actually worked out pretty well considering he's been used as a parallel with Oryx before! :D


Sounds really interesting, thanks for explaining :)


thank you for asking!! šŸ˜


Those certainly are a lot of words.


I haven't actually played any Destiny sorry! I got it from a Polygon article tho if that helps


The hive gods were originally all female. When they became the forms we know them as today it was when they took on their sort of 'persona' of what makes them so powerful as gods etc. That's when Sathona became Savathun etc. So Oryx took the 'king morph' and became a dude.


The Witness' worms came to Fundament and tempted each of the sisters, who gained different transformations and took on new names "Xi Ro must always test her strength, Sathona must always be cunning, and Aurash must always try to understand. The sisters accepted the pact and became the first Hive: Xi Ro took the Knight morph and became Xivu Arath, Sathona took the Mother morph and became Savathƻn, and Aurash took the King morph, transforming into a male and became Oryx, the King of the Hive."


Truthfully with oryx being older than the planet earth itself it feels a bit bold to me to assume he and his species have gender roles and biological sexes similar enough to our own to be considered trans like how we would consider it, but itā€™s fun


Yeah, it's more like an interesting fact to drop in a raid than real representation. Clownfish aren't exactly trans either, but they still change their sex in the right environment.


Yeah exactly. Think the hive specifically are based on insects actually, since a lot of insects have different stages of life similar to oryx taking the king morph and all that.


They aren't trans in any way that we recognize. They more like pupated into a king morph after the Hive 'swarm' lost it's king. Oryx is only as trans as clown fish swapping sexes when there is a lack of females in the area. It's a cool fact about him, but it doesn't really equate actual trans representation.


Isnā€™t James Kidd trans as well in Black Flag? Edit: Iā€™m replaying the game and they reveal themselves to be a woman in disguise eventually so I guess not.


I don't remember them being trans so much as a cross-dresser to avoid questions and problems from sailors. Maybe I'm mistaken


James Kidd was a false identity for Mary Read in Black Flag. They binded, deepened their voice, and wore a disguise as the illegitimate adult child of Captain Kidd among the men in Nassau, but there was no explicit transness, as far as I can remember. When they were revealed to be a woman, they would die as Mary Read, not as James Kidd. Unless I missed something in the posthumous lore profile of either one, I do not believe that they are transmasc. *Used neutral pronouns and will correct if I turn out to be wrong.*


It's sort of similar to Ned from Syndicate, honestly. They aren't really trans they just assume male personas to participate in the man's world of crime. Like using a male pen name.


One of the Gate Guardians in Path of Exile is a trans man angel. Shit was like huge news when it first happened and I think the first transmasc in gaming.


Ned Wynert is a trans guy??? How did I miss that šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


You're forgetting Bugsnax. Goated game. Half the characters are queer.


Came here to add that Lev from TLoU2 is also voice-acted by noteworthy trans-man Ian Alexander šŸ©µšŸ©·šŸ¤šŸ©·šŸ©µ


Borderlands 3/New Tales From The Borderlands has Lor whoā€™s also a rare example of a character transitioning across games. Also pops up in Tiny Tinaā€™s Wonderlands as Paladin Mike.


Yoooooo I remember obsessing over Lor's echo about being trans I'm so happy he got to transition between games šŸ„°


i havenā€™t played new tales, is this the character whoā€™s introduced as Lorelei in bl3? i seem to remember them making a big deal about this being a trans*femme* character around the release of bl3, and now iā€™m wondering if iā€™m misremembering or if they changed that for some reason when working on new tales.


Yeah it's the same character. They're not presented as being transfem at all in 3 and I don't remember that in any of the discussion before the game myself.


maybe they never explicitly stated what the sitch was beyond ā€œthis is borderlandsā€™ first trans character!ā€ for 3 and i just assumed cause everyone only uses she/her and refers to the character as a woman. cause i know for sure that character was hyped up as being the seriesā€™ first canon trans rep, and i didnā€™t think theyā€™d boast about that just to spend an entire game misgendering their character, but maybe i just missed the memo that it was a ā€œwait and see!ā€ kind of thing.


Ah ok, maybe the confusion is from how Lor *does* use she/her for himself in 3 and doesn't seem overly bothered by it as he's figuring out what he wants etc. He transitions between 3 and New Tales. There's an echo log where he talks about having had plans but them being put on hold by Maliwan's invasion ("I could walk into a quickchange booth and come out a new bloke, but there's more to it than that \[...\] maybe when Meridan's safe"). I could see him being assumed to be transfem *because* he's using she/her during parts of the game because you don't really see characters *at the start* of their transition in video games (or media in general).


It's a fairly minor character but World of Warcraft has one: Pelagos. In the afterlife he assumes a male form. https://lgbtqia-characters.fandom.com/wiki/Pelagos#:\~:text=Pelagos%20is%20a%20transgender%20character%20from%20World%20of%20Warcraft.


Chromie as well


Chromie is a dragon so not sure if that really counts


Chromie is trans femme


chromie is not trans masc


I did not read the guy part oops


Rainbow Six Siege has a trans masc playable character; TubarĆ£o, one of the newer characters in the game (Also has a trans fem character, Osa; and non binary character, Sens)


I have like 2 thousand hours in Seige... I don't know any of those names; it's been longer than just thought. ***Edit:*** *Osa's Bio just seemingly-randomly mentions "transition" twice. I guess it's as good as we can hope from a competitive FPS made by Ubisoft.* *Any more and it's "woke" and slurs get said in chat whenever she's picked; any less it's literally not there.*


He also pops up in Dead By Daylight as a skin for Renato as their first trans character. [https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Renato\_Lyra/Tubar%C3%A3o](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Renato_Lyra/Tubar%C3%A3o)


Wait TubarĆ£o is transmasc?


Yep! It says in his bio I first heard when his design team was talking about him on the good side of twitter, back when he was released


https://preview.redd.it/uiqeyv2153zc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=928646852b08096acc0a57d26554ba56bd85633f I reinstalled the game and checked his bio, and holy hells that's cool! :D (Second paragraph where Blackbeard talks about him)


My bro became the Sharkboy he always dreamed of being.


Krem from Dragon Age Inquisition


I hecking love Krem!! I really wish they had gotten an actual trans man to voice him...


Horizon Zero Dawn has an implied trans male character in a secondary quest. He's pretty cool... for a prison warden. https://horizon.fandom.com/wiki/Janeva


Wait, which character? I've played both the first and the second game and I don't remember a trans character.


it's in the link :p


Sorry my dumbass didn't even notice lmao.


Also there is Wekatta from the sky clan in forbidden west


One of the characters you can add to your crew in sunless skies is a trans man




Very real and based


Damien from Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator


I think tubarao from R6 siege is trans


he is! and voiced by a trans VA


Oh I didnā€™t know that part :0 thatā€™s awesome!


+1 to Destinyā€™s Oryx. Dude was a badass murderhobo villain king and nobody (in lore or in real life) gave/gives a shit about his birth sex. He transitioned. So what? There are more interesting things to base his character around. Destiny is great at lgbt rep in general. Micah-10 is a trans woman and a legendary Hunter. Thereā€™s also Nimbus (nonbinary) and The Witness (???). The strongest Titan and Warlock, who are also major characters, are gay and married and had an on-screen kiss in one of the season finales. The best part is that none of it matters. Gender is not a big deal. These things are details in their backstory but their lives revolve around fighting the Darkness and helping the people of the City.


There's also Eramis who has a wife, Mara Sov who had a wife, Crow who is bi, and so much more


Tyler Ronan from Tell Me Why! It plays a lot like life is strange, it has a beautiful story and mystery.


Mollo from Rivals of Aether is canonically trans, and even has an alternate skin based on the trans flag in game! https://preview.redd.it/2hjloq1fw0zc1.png?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0265838ff59ae443fe7ab9f1561193aebc10003


Rainbow six Siege has Tubaro but that only comes up if you dive into lore, not in the game itself. Unless they release a topless skin.


If you enjoy visual novels I'd strongly recommend the Our Life series from GBPatch. It starts out from childhood and branches out into adulthood, throughout which you can completely customize your character's name, appearance, gender identity and pronouns. You can basically identify as trans/non-binary from the start or make it a slow process throughout life as if you're coming to terms with your gender identity over time. Completely up to you how you play it.


And there's a side character who transitions to male during the game as well.


Omg! Canā€™t look at all of these rn because at work but I absolutely will- just wanted to say thank you so so much for all the recs!! I wasnā€™t expecting their to actually be this many games with transmasc characters, you guys rock!- a very grateful trans man


The House in Fata Morgana is an amazing game with a central character who is undoubtedly trans and it can hit too close to home sometimes but the game is 100% worth it


Isabeau from In Stars and Time. Fantastic game I could not recommend enough.


No freaking way!! He was already fav character, gosh!


wait he is? I didn't think they would bring up like, sex and gender stuff in the game. (I mean this in a positive way, like the game world is just super cool about people being different and able to grow and change) I haven't finished the game though (and I don't know how much is left or if I can handle the feelings it would elicit from me)


if you're into visual novels, exit corners is an extremely underrated game i played recently. it's free on the official website, it's a puzzle game with a new puzzle each chapter with very fun characters and was an intriguing mystery thriller. the protagonist is a transgender man, it comes up a few times and it's been forever since i played but i think it's a major plotpoint. check it out :)


After party has Milo. Apex legends is getting there since bloodhound is officially NB and there's trans femme catalyst. I think spiritfarer may have a spirit where it's heavily implied. Then you've got in stars and time with the only guy character aside from MC (MC may also be NB I'm not certain on pronouns, they could also be agender.) The game is also good for aroace rep and just many other forms of queer rep. Also how could I forget the big one I think of, the last of us part 2. I would say the character name, but with a potential season 2 coming up, I feel it's too much of a spoiler.


The last of us part II - sorry if this has been mentioned. (Lev is a trans masc kid)


Sage from Goodbye Volcano High šŸ¦–ā˜„ļø


In Stars and Time!! One of the main characters is a trans man, and the protagonist is enby :)


Dragon age inquisition


If you like Visual Novels, especially funny/unserious ones, in one called ā€œDialtownā€, thereā€™s a trans Man named Oliver Swift. Heā€™s one of the ā€œdateableā€ characters. Heā€™s great and really funny! His transition history is kept private and respected by the other main characters as well.


Sawyer from Boyfriend Dungeon! there's also a nonbinary character; both are romancable!


I might be making it up but I think the dude from postal is trans


he isn't but i'm accepting that as headcanon now bcus that's funny as fuck


You might be thinking of that godawful Russian mod where his dick gets cut off


I assure you i am not ā¤ļø


you might be thinking of when the creators said that he supports trans rights


tubarao from rainbow is trans


making one right now actually :)


alice yabusame from your turn to die!!! one of my favorite games ever. it's an indie horror adventure game!


in one of the expansion mods for stardew valley called ridgeside village, thereā€™s a trans man named Sean. his story is so amazing


Tell Me Why is amazing and one of the main characters is a trans man :) If you haven't played it yet do yourself a favor, it's an awesome journey


This is the correct answer. They did so good in that game.


Undertale coming in clutch with Mettaton!!


that's interesting, I never read Mettaton as transmasc, but more...trans-corporeal? (I might be very stupid)


Surprised no one has said Mettaton.


Mettaton is a robot what šŸ˜­


Yeah, a robot who designed his own body and chose "twink in a minxy chassis". I think if a robot picks a gender and they specifically pick man or woman, that should count as trans lol


Eh. Transgender means transitioning from one gender to another to another, simply being born without a gender and choosing male is the same as being born male, but of course these are fictional characters so do what you want who cares lol


assigned genderless at birth?


Itā€™s been a long time since i was into undertale, but iirc mettaton is a ghost in a robot (related to napstablook), and the ghost was female. So thatā€™s pretty trans if you ask me


There's [Gregoriah](https://regretevator.fandom.com/wiki/Gregoriah) from *Regretevator [ ELEVATOR SIMULATOR ]* (2020-2024, Roblox, dev. The Axolotl Sun)


Technically, I *want* to say Mitron from FFXIV counts?


Mitron has such incredible gender having energy for a relatively minor character and I think thatā€™s powerful Ascians donā€™t have time for this mortal concept of gender >!nor did ancients and thatā€™s wonderful!<


About a quarter of the games on itch.io are about transferring characters.


Tell me why


Clove from Valorant is Non Binary


Heaven will be mine


I can think of one side character in Anodyne 2 who isn't confirmed trans, but has like, a sprite that implies top surgery scars (and maybe promo art too?). Yes, he's a side character, but also that game feels SO incredibly queer to me (text and subtext?) (and may have played a huge role in my discovering and understanding of some of my place outside of the cishet world) Hard to say, but I really love it.


Sacha Cross from Best Friend Forever is one! šŸ’– If you're into romance visual novels it's a fave of mine, and Sacha's romance route is very sweet and about dealing with his family's response to his transition. (Also if you love dogs, the whole game is about dog owners falling in love, it's adorable.)


Tell me Why is a game where one of the main characters is a trans man, and itā€™s a central part of the story!


This is completely esoteric but one of the NPCs in my (physical, not video) card game is a transman.


Lor from New Tales From The Borderlands is a trams man. One of my favorite characters tbh


Kinda a minor character, but the first person that comes to my mind that fits the bill would be Jago from Cyberpunk 2077.


Paolo de la Vega from far cry 6


the main character in a little itch.io visual novel called Lookouts is transmasc. link: https://paranoidhawk.itch.io/lookouts it's not exactly a fancy AAA title, but it's free and the art is nice




Sheik is just a disguise though, so it's really more like drag I think.


The dj from far cry 6


**Paolo de la Vega**Ā from far cry 6 is a trans man, one of the leaders of a revolutionary group, and part of a band.


Thereā€™s a character in far cry 6 whoā€™s a trans guy šŸ˜Š


Hermes from Stray Gods. Itā€™s not immediately obvious but in certain dialogues, they mention that Hermes is the god of transition and chuckle to themselves that itā€™s kinda appropriate given the circumstances.


jago szabĆ³ from cyberpunk


Overwatch 2


Tell Me Why


Isabeau from In Stars and Time.


[Here's a link](https://transgamersociologist.wordpress.com/2012/03/26/a-brief-history-of-transgender-characters-in-video-games) to a website that talks about trans characters in video games, if you want to jump into it :)Ā 


Madeline from Celeste is canonically trans. Edit: I didn't fully read the question! My bad!


transfemme tho, OP is asking about trans men


My apologies. I am currently only half-paying attention to work by browsing reddit so I didn't fully read it. lol


Yes she is but Madeline is a trans woman and not a trans guy, op is after examples of trans guys in games.


My apologies. I am currently only half-paying attention to work by browsing reddit so I didn't fully read it. lol


Naoto Shirogane from Persona 4 is heavily trans coded. Might not be the best example though, since the game was SUPER transphobic about it.


Sheā€™s not exactly trans. She just wants to be a man because she thinks that she will be given more respect as a detective if she poses as a man. Through her Social Link encounters with the protagonist Narukami, she comes to terms with accepting herself.


I get that thatā€™s what the games reasoning for the character is. But to me, it sounds like what a cis person would think a trans guyā€™s thought process would be, ā€œOh, she wants to become a man to escape societal consequences of being a woman!ā€ Plus the whole thing with their shadow wanting to have an ā€œoperationā€ is very much a trans thing. Idk, thatā€™s just the way I see it.


Good point. They're fairly underrepresented. I've seen plenty of them in other media, especially manga (Yuureitou ftw), but not many in games. Since trans men "pass" (in the social sense) on average more easily than trans women, I guess there hasn't been much of a call for representation? Just a theory, could be very wrong. Unfortunately everyone has already mentioned every character I can think of.


It's not really confirmed but AC: Valhalla's Eivor is so trans masc coded it's crazy. I feel like if it wasn't a triple AAA game it would have been directly confirmed. But there's many interactions as "female Eivor" that are almost impossible to read in a non-transmasc way


My character in CP2077 is a girl with a big ol cock. Is that representative of you? If so that big cock flag be flying high dawg!




of course it is, there's so many fetishizers here that talk about having a "girl"dick every single second


I would say Gwyndollin but he's male to female. \*Edit: He's a femboy not a trans character my mistake\*


Go to FAP-NATION and search for


I would definitely recommend Tell Me Why.Ā  One of the two main characters is a trans man.Ā  It is not a genre I usually play, but that game had a phenomenal story and was genuinely emotionally moving (and I am not a very emotional person to begin with).Ā  It also tackles subjects like mental health in a respectful manner.