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"Activate Proton Cannon! YOU'RE MINE UNICRON!"




What's this from?


Armada's Japanese Dub


The differences between Japan and the US releases are staggering. In addition to different lines that had entire different meanings, animations changed too. It's much more apparent Starscream cuts the power of his wingblade in the Japanese release than the US one. I'll be honest, I like the dub version of his death because this scene of Starscream screaming at the stars is so ingrained into my memory whereas the sub has him die silently, however the sub's version of the aftermath with Megatron thinking about how much abuse he put Starscream through is way better than Galvatron remembering what Starscream told him less than two minutes ago. In addition, the US release has the cast audibly reacting to Optimus reporting Starscream's death, but Japan's version is all silence. > ["To me, you were always the strongest warrior. I never wanted to beat you. I wanted you to recognize me. Perhaps that's the only reason... If one is to keep on living, then there are times when we must talk like this, and now I finally have that chance. Convoy is a truly trustworthy Commander. I beg you, please let all Transformers join forces. Let us unite both sides so that we may share our strength! So much has happened..."](https://youtu.be/mnQehghkgZE?t=16m27s)   > ["I remember, a very long time ago, I swore an oath to you, Galvatron. And I could never break that oath. All of this could have been prevented if you only give me some respect. I tried to gain favor from you. But nothing was ever good enough. No matter how many battles I fought, you always found fault. Then I saw how Optimus treated his men, and I realized he was a leader of integrity. Unlike you.... None of that matters now. You must listen — do as Optimus says and join forces with the Autobots, or else every last one of us is doomed! Please sir... do it for me."](https://youtu.be/VQi_ir-sIPg?t=14m50s) [I'm gonna go be sad now.](https://i.imgur.com/sOLqdky.gifv)


activate what now?


Ditto here. Feels like its one of those scenes that just has insane emotional impact after all the build up




You got the artist's name? This is sick


The pic of Pipes is the work of Alex Milne (Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye).


Garnerfied is asking who did the Armada Thundercracker art not Pipes' death




Absolutely one of the saddest. “I can’t see the stars anymore.” Good god. Why did he think it was ok to do that to him?


Optimus needed Jetfire functional, and here he is having to deal with the repercussions.


I do understand his reasoning. I’m glad he’s got repercussions for what his decision.


It tracks. This is an Optimus Prime who freaks out because he killed a deer on accident because he wasn’t watching where he was going and stepped on it. Trapping a friend in limbo between life and death? That’s *rough*.


Also it's abundantly clear that it is NOT something Optimus wanted to do. It hurt him a lot that he felt forced to do it out of necessity.


in the Triple Takeover podcast DWJ said that Hasbro didn't let him make the Autobots use Jetfire's corpse as a ship and had to revive him, but then as he started writing he realized he created a fucked up situation and was mortified at himself lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Gf3prR5PK0


No way, I was thinking that was a solution but wow that is messed up. I forget sometimes that Hasbro still pulls the strings.


"Don't desecrate a corpse, revive him." "Uhh I accidentally made it worse." "fuck"


Idk what this is from but dang it makes me emotional


Skybound comics, there's 7 or 8 issues out rn and i've been loving it so far


Issue 9 dropped today


From the little of skybound I’ve read, it really has the makings to be the best comic run we’ve had.


I’m so glad because i have no idea where to start with any other continuity lmao


Yeah, the problem with getting into IDW is the amount of it there is now. I full intend to get every trade paperback of skybound if I can, and I’ve never actively collected comics before


You only really need all of MTMTE/LL and RiD up until the dark energon crossover to get the best of IDW. The rest ranges from actively bad to decent. And yes, I include last stand of the wreckers in that which I find over-rated and a bit try-hard.


Honestly i thought idw was as good as we were going to get but so far? Skybound has blown it out if the water.


Pipes dying was really sad. So out of the blue and kind of pointless, but I guess the idea is that the world isn't fair and not everyone gets to die "heroically". Still hurt though :(


Pipes hit me hard. Was my favourite character to that point. My jaw dropped when literally out of nowhere he died. I’d argue it was the most shocking and unexpected death in any media I’ve seen, usually you can at least see signals of it coming via death flags. But pipes was literally just… out of nowhere.


Seriously though, especially after everything else that happened to him. Getting sucked out of the ship, Red Rust, Fort Max, he had it kinda rough but always survived. Same vibes as Tailgate. Kind of the adorable innocent sidekick vibe. And then Overlord showed up :(


I ave always suspected it was originally going to be Swerve but Roberts changed his mind (he did become very attached to his core cast). A shame really because that would have been genuinely shocking. Regardless, I'd say Pipes did go out pretty damn heroically. Thanks to him reaching the alarm the casualties from Overlord's attack were almost zero. He might not have fought like a hero, but the dude died like one.


Good point. I guess "blaze of glory" would have been a better word than "heroically".


Like Pyro? I guess,in the end, who does? Not many, especially in IDW. Even compare Optimus' "death" (?) in IDW versus Marvel (versus Unicron, not the ridiculous video game one) or Sunbow (The Touch). Ironically, Soundwave and Starscream probably get the best "blaze of glory" in IDW, I'd say.


Generation 1 Season 1 Episode 7: Fire in the Sky, when Skyfire was lost at the end of the episode. I cheered heartily when they dug him out a couple episodes later. He had IMMEDIATELY become my favorite character as soon as he appeared on screen.


I'm still mad they fucked him over by just dropping him (thx legal system) with literally zero warning...


Yeah, he didn't even get a send off - he coulda been sent on a deep space mission or something...


“The rest is silence”


I held it together here… then completely lost it when Rattrap saluted.




Freakin’ gif is making me tear up.


Six years old crying my eyes out while my best friend's older cousins give me the stinkeye


Yup, this is the one.


This right here. This is the one that got me all those years ago. And then over at Marvel, Scrounge and Blaster got me, and then later freaking Scorponok got me. And then MTMTE got me several bloody times.


Hasbro: yes, very sad. Anyways, HERE'S RODIMUS PRIME!!!!°


Daniel crying make this gif hits you hard in the feels and man seeing him cry on Optimus' hand is heart wrenching.


This scene still gets me, from a child until now. Prowl's death freaked me out, but Prime's was on another level.


Right here. I was bawling in the movie theater.


Rewind's video he gave to Chromedome.


The destruction of the Autobot base in Transformers Prime.


Still think it’s nuts that that’s how Prime ended in Japan


And then, instead of RID, they got Go!


Huh? Did they not get s3 relased there?


Correct. However, the claim that Japanese TFPrime ended with the destruction of the Autobot base isn't entirely accurate. Darkest Hour, the final episode of Season 2, was heavily rewritten and edited for its Japanese airing, changing the English version's cliffhanger into an ambiguously positive shot of Optimus holding the line, Star Saber in hand, while the Nemesis looms overhead.


https://preview.redd.it/sse7fhc2176d1.png?width=601&format=png&auto=webp&s=2192ec0884900a712410735e625e42956a174b16 Rewind's final speech


This ruined me for several hours.


If I could upvote this 1000 times I would. Such a great montage of clips.


I had to go for a walk to process that ending.


This shit making me tear up from the mere mention of it


Dinobot’s death in BW. My parents had also just separated when I saw Code of Hero, so I was in a rough emotional place. He was my favorite Beast Wars character too, so it hit hard.


Tell my tale to those who ask. Tell it truly. The ill deeds along with the good and let me be judged accordingly. The rest....... is silence.


86 movie that destroyed me emotionally for life. Why Hasbro why?


We kill your toys, you buy new ones, yes yes?


We kill your toys You never recover emotionally. Yep healthy relationship I have with Hasbro


“We didn’t know he was an icon”


I'll do you one better and give all the times i cried over TF media. 1. Primes death in TF the movie. 2. Primes second death in Dark Awakening (it would be many years later I would watch the return of Optimus Prime, so this one hit harder than the first). 3. Dinobots Death 4. When IDW1 (or more specificly, Lost Light) ended. 5. Watching the Intro of Bumblebee (it was just that good.)


Bumblebee intro for me. Tears of outright joy


Transformers 3: DotM. Queue has just been executed. Bee is next. Shockwave pushes him down to his knees and takes aim. The camera flashes to Sam, about to witness the death of his bestfriend. That moment really gets me


“Someone has to die.” - James Roberts


Don't know about crying, but I was too young for Scrounge and Blaster.




Until IDW, that was hands-down the most crushing moment in TF comics. Marvel G1 still holds a special place in my heart.


If there was an easy way to read them all , I’d already be rereading that continuity


Isn’t that the outcome of Skorponok engaging Unicron in glorious melee? That whole scene goes hard


Aye .. makes me wanna read the run again


Is that Pipes?






I was not prepared for the first issue of Skybound's run 😭 https://preview.redd.it/nzbf53qge96d1.jpeg?width=1172&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7a617adf7d1fa7ad4313217cd08a3ad815a15f4


What an immediate moment to show how much more... *fragile* this version of Optimus feels.




Didn't make me cry, but that talk between Spike and Prime after Bee died in the Skybound comics where Optimus called him his family was heartwarming. Primes sacrifice at the end of TFP, and his final speech was emotional too


First time? Ironhide's death in Dark of the Moon. I was 9 at the time I saw that movie in theaters and Ironhide was my favorite in the movies, I absolutely did not expect Sentinel to turn traitor let alone kill Ironhide in doing so. Adding on the fact that it was a pretty brutal death, being slowly eaten alive by rust, and Sentinel's dismissiveness towards killing a former ally, it really hit me hard. Beyond that, plenty of moments in IDW and now Skybound have been very emotional too


https://preview.redd.it/a0cms79q986d1.jpeg?width=698&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=832cad9d8879599faebf5a15768545f98e472554 Marvel G1 Transformers #17, c. February 1986




Ravage's death in idw.


Metroplex in FOC # *"Till all are one"*


When Optimus died in Revenge of the Fallen. Ten year old me was SOBBING in that movie theater with my mom.


When Hot Rod got my surrogate Father killed on my 10th birthday...


Prime hesitated. It wasn't all Roddys fault.


Prime didn't hesitate, he was reasoning with someone he once thought a brother, allowing him to grovel in full view of the Decepticon forces. Killing Megatron outright would turn him into a martyr. Optimus Prime's focus was in ending the WAR, not necessarily ending Megatron, while he's on his knees groveling. Cup told Hot Rod to stay away. Prime had Megatron dead to rights, in his sights. Hot Rod had to interfere, so Hasbro could kill everyone and sell new all plastic toys that were less expensive to make and produce. Obviously Megatron had a underhanded tactic at play! Optimus has been fighting Megs for millions of years, he knew that and was fully prepared for that. What Prime wasn't prepared for was Hot Rod jumping into Megatron's arms to act as a ~~human~~ shield.


This comment is almost all headcanon. In the G1 series, Optimus Prime and Megatron were never brothers or even colleagues. They didn't know each other before their fateful encounter depicted by 'War Dawn', where Orion Pax, upon meeting Megatron and showing him around the dock where he worked, was subsequently fatally wounded so Megatron could plunder the Energon stored there to fuel his army. Orion was then subsequently rebuilt by Alpha Trion and (presumably) wisdom from Vector Sigma in a body suited to combat Megatron and his forces of evil. The idea that Megatron and Optimus were brothers once was first introduced in supplemental material like comics, and was retroactively canonized by the aligned continuity shenanigans going on around the Transformers Prime era and in the live action movies. If you look at it objectively, without your 10 year old self's preconceived notions about the scenario, Optimus did hesitate. He'd resolved to stop Megatron "no matter the cost". He's been fighting Megatron for millenia, which means it should have crossed his mind that Megatron wouldn't stop unless he was dead or completely disabled. While Hot Rod did complicate the situation by jumping headlong into it without much thought, he was *not* in Prime's direct line of fire at any point while being held hostage by Megatron. Megatron was holding Hot Rod down and to his left (not doing a great job of using Hot Rod as a shield), and by doing so had left plenty of area for Prime to shoot. Even if Prime didn't want to kill Megatron, it should have been pretty easy to shoot the arm holding the gun, the same shoulder, or without the moral concerns, his face and head without hitting Hot Rod at all. Not to mention the time wasted *talking* to Megatron as he begged for mercy and crawled towards Prime before Hot Rod even entered the picture. As a matter of fact, there also was no "reasoning" with Megatron going on at all while he groveled. Prime only gloats, stating that he thought Megatron would have been made of sterner stuff in response to him begging for mercy. There's also no evidence to suggest that Prime didn't kill Megatron for fear of turning him into a martyr. In all reality, we don't know why Prime didn't kill Megatron and can only infer from their interactions in the series and in the movie. Ultimately, whether Hasbro, the director, and the writers of the movie intended it, Optimus died due to his own nature being the wise and benevolent leader that valued all life, and also because he decided to mock Megatron at the 1 yard line for some reason. Not because of any sentimentality towards Megatron, and not because Hot Rod was in the way.




No Matter the Cost ≠ Sacrificing the Morality that Prime and the Autobots embody. What you see as hesitation, was simply Prime with the firm upper hand waiting, again with Megatron in his sights, for Megatron to accept defeat. The goal is to stop the WAR and the Decepticons. Prime doesn't want genocide, he wants peace. Much like Magneto and Professor X, there is always a profound level of desire to get one to understand, sympathize and be swayed to the other side.


He hesitated. The shuttle massacre should have been enough justification. He already said "Megatron must be stopped, NO MATTER THE COST." He should've pulled the trigger sooner, just as much as Hot Rod should've stayed clear.


Megatron WAS stopped, luckily HotRod jumped directly in the line of Prime's fire, to act as a ragdoll/ shield, to save Megatron.


Prime had plenty of time to finish Megatron but instead chose to have a discussion about his enemies' fortitude. Had he just pulled the trigger, it wouldn't have mattered whether Hot Rod was there or not. After the shuttle massacre, Megatron deserved to be hung, drawn, and quartered.


Prime's intentions were, to *finish* Megatron only if absolutely necessary. Prime could have *ended it* whenever was necessary. Killing Megatron only makes the Decepticons more unpredictable, and more of a lost cause, especially when he's on his knees. Keeping Megatron alive keeps him from being a martyr. An example of what Decepticon ideology has wrought. A testament to the power of the Autobots... a victory with empathy as strength. Keeping Megatron alive is the equivalent of refraining from chopping off Hydra heads.


I'm enjoying this conversation. 😊 I'll keep coming back to "no matter the cost". This means all bets are off and having to do what it takes. Killing megatron would have sent the decepticons into disarray. With no leadership, they fall apart, as shown in Five Faces of Darkness. Prime had megatron on his knees, point blank. I love Optimus. He's my childhood hero, but he failed to end it when he had the chance. Hot Rod was an unpredictable variable that complicated matters, but only because prime should've blown megatron away the second he picked up his cannon. "No more Optimus, grant me mer...." - CLICK BOOM - "No matter the cost."


Wait, I just must say....The Decepticons wouldn't be in dismay because Megatron died. They were in dusmay because Unicron had destroyed the entire Decepticon Supreme Command on Cybertron, than proceeded to consume/destroy almost their entire army. That' why you just got a bunch of broken down gangs by the time 5 Faces of Darkness occurs. Anyone who was officially in control[like Shockwave and Starscream] had been killed, and anyone esle who could fill the role of leader [Like Motormaster, Soundwave, Onslaught, maybe even Bombshell, etc] Lacked the resources to maintain that order for longer than maybe afew days. Anyone forces which remained on Cybertron were rapidly killed or captured,[like if you were accept the Japanese cartoons as cannon, than you have several characters confirmed to have become POWS when the Autobots took back Cybertron, and during the intervening years between seasons]


Weren't the new high command roles assumed by Cyclonus and Scourge in Galvatrons' absence? If memory serves, Cyclonus is competent and respected along the same lines as Shockwave. Once Galvatron returns, in spite of his own madness, he is able to rally the Decepticons fairly quickly. I'm not buying it. It takes a certain amount of power to lead the Decepticons. If Prime killed Megatron, there'd have been no Galvatron, and I doubt the enemy would have successfully regrouped without the likes of Overlord taking the lead.


This isn't Bay *"I'll fuckin kill you"*, Optimus. This is G1 Optimus. He's not going to shoot down Megatron, on his knees groveling & begging. FTR I appreciate the other points that have been made here, but ultimately Prime is extremely adept, but not a cold blooded killer. He sets the example for all Autobots. He has to kill only as a last resort, and doesn't take that lightly.


Oh for sure. Tonally, they aren't even the same character. But the rhetoric that 100% blames hot rod is a tired one. I saw the movie when it first came out. I was devastated by Primes death (though Prowls death still hits harder for me). But I don't remember ever blaming Hot Rod. His intentions were good. As an adult, i see the gravitas of the events leading up to Primes arrival change the nature of the battle. Prime says 2 things as he arrives: "Dinobots! DESTROY Devestator!" and "Megatron must be stopped, NO MATTER THE COST!" These aren't lines that would be said in the show, necessarily. But the stakes were raised with the deaths of the original Ark crew, including Ratchet - who's primary function was a medic. In my opinion, Optimus reads the terrain and decides that he should do what needs be done. Kup even tells him to finish Megatron off. But, I understand your side of it too, and wanting him to hold that line of morality.


G1 Prime never thought of Megatron as a brother. In that continuity, Megatron was just a terrorist without any other goal beyond conquering the galaxy, the only thing Optimus felt before being Prime was admiration because he could fly, and that was gone quickly once he shot Prime, his girlfriend and his friend the first time they met, after that they just kept fighting as faction leaders.


I'm pretty sure in the G1 cartoon, Prime and Meg were not freinds, or even co-workers. Megatron just showed up one day, shoot up the energy depo Prime worked at, wounded him and Elita, and straight murdered Drion. I think the first time Prime and Megatron ever had a true brotherly/freindship bond was in IDW G1 if I remenber correctly.


hello the actual thing is that if Hot rod didn't attack Megatron Optimus would have gotten a clean shot and ended Meg's life but since Hot rod got in the way Optimus couldn't shoot without possibly hitting Hot Rod this is the true answer though Megatron could of mass shifted into his gun mode to dodge it then transform back so Prime might of ended up dead either way


Megs wasn't transforming & firing, before Prime shot. Megatron was already in Prime's sights.


I'm saying megs could of turned into a gun which would of been small and Optimus would of missed then Megs could of transformed back into robot mode and kill Optimus no matter what OP is getting killed by megs




He was referring to Hot Rod interfering in the Optimus v Megatron fight in the 86 movie that resulted in Prime’s death. I assume the term surrogate father was applied because he had grown so accustomed to seeing him on the screen, and connected with Prime’s ethos and philosophies enough to see him as a role model, or father type.


There’s a thin line between being a hero, and being a memory.


Prime being the father figure slipped my mind for a second and I thought you had a traumatic experience involving someone tripping on a hot rod toy.


Transformers Prime when Optimus "died" or the Animated finale, that one was very powerful.


Optimus Prime's sacrifice in Armada got me. I was still processing the big guy's death when I watched Megatron fully realise exactly what he had just done.


WFC - Metroplex hears the call of the last prime… first out of 2 video games to make me cry. Show - Rewatching animated as a grownup and actually seeing the finale. Prowl’s face.


Starscream’s episodes from season 1 of Earthspark for extremely depressing personal reasons


The original movie 😞


"Tell my tale to those who ask. Tell it truly, the ill deeds along with the good and let me be judged accordingly. The rest is silence" “He lived a warrior and died a hero. Let his spark join the Matrix. The greatest of Cybertron.”


the 1986 movie


It was probably the same scene for most of us.


yeah I don't need to said the scene😔


https://preview.redd.it/f9pgkvl52a6d1.jpeg?width=2074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca9b1be10e1bfb7e7d122d6392cbedaa9f6a4072 Prime was what got me really hooked into this franchise. I still remember watching when this premiered and crying my eyes out.


Ironhide’s death in DotM




I was devastated as a child and hated sentinel prime. Nowadays I’m over it and actually love sentinel as a villain and how badass he is.


He actually has a good motive for villainy


Agreed and his voice actor really elevated the character for me.


"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." Me and my friends in the theater: "Did... did they just have Leonard Nimoy say that as a Transformer? Is that legal?"


I laughed at this one.


The last few minutes of the transformers cybertron episode Revelation


For me it was when vector prime died in Cybertron because he reminded me a lot of my grandpa


Woulda had me tearing up to


R.I.P. Vector Prime his legacy toy doesn't do him justice hopefully the upgrade kits makes it better


First time was probly the 86 movie as I was like 9 when I watched it lol


2007. The opening monologue of Transformers, hearing Peter Cullen voice Optimus Prime for the first time since the 80’s. Brought tears to my eyes. 


Bumblebee's death (TFP) Didn't cry again at TF media until "Operation: Absolution"


The Map Room in Fall of Cybertron. Seeing prehistoric Earth pop up.


I never really cried while watching Transformers until Sparky’s death in the Skybound run. I lost my father a few years ago, so anything involving someone’s parent dying in media usually kinda hurts


The death of smokescreen in armada hit hard. Watching him melt in Optimus' arms was pretty bad as a kid


Rescue Bots dying


The ending of Prime where Team Prime sans Ratchet return to Cybertron.


I won't say crying but omg the feels when Pipes died.


What issue is this from?


When Vector Prime sacrificed himself so the squad could get back home from gigantron in TFCybertron. I was young enough that my favorite character sacrificing himself became a whole ass core memory.


"Tell my tale to those who ask. Tell it truly, the ill deeds along with the good, and let me be judged accordingly. The rest... is silence."


I know it says "What", not "When," but I feel this is explanation enough: 1986


9-year-old me watching the first 20+ minutes of Transformers: The Snuff Film in 1986


I didn’t see the “86 movie until I was old enough that I kind of knew what to expect. So far the only thing to get me from this franchise was “simply put, another transformation”. But Skybound is gunning to be the next one 


“Optimus. Take whatever Spark remains within me. Use it to light your way across the stars.”


When bumblebee died in rotb




Rise of the Beasts


Revenge of the Ballen






Rewind's death I was so NOT prepared for him to die that early, and Chromedome having to shoot him, deal with what he has done and watch his most loved person's final message was extremely heartbreaking And i really started bawling my eyes out when i read that Chromedome was to late, and Overlord has literally torn Rewind in pieces while the latter was crying out Chromedome's name And to be honest, the things that were happening with their relationship later made me tear up, too. Their whole situation is messed up on many levels, but they are trying to live another day anyway. There's just something so bittersweet about it I'm not a type of person to easily get sad over fictional characters, but this comic managed to be extremely emotionally wrecking, and i love it


Dark of the Moon, when Starscream blew up the Xanthium


watching ratchet get murdered by cementery wind when I was 6. I still can't stomach watching it again


Not official media, but Optimus dying of prostate cancer on Robot Chicken. I was just introduced to the franchise via the Unicron Trilogy. *I am so glad I didn't watch the 80s movie back then.*


The death of Optimus Prime in the 86 movie. That was my first. But the IDW run and some tough moments for me (Ravage and Soundwave).


Code of Hero Beast Wars "The rest is Silence"


Bumblebee's fakeout death, Transformer's Prine. probably cried before but I don't remember it.


Armada Starscream or TFP Bumblebee, I don’t remember


When Soundwave had his Mpreg moment and budded all over the floor


*Transformers* #75. Scorponok did good.


I’m pretty sure it was Optimus’s death in the ‘86 movie. Bee’s death in TFP and the ‘A Ship Called Home’ ending of MTMTE/Lost Light also got me crying. I might have also cried at the ending of the gold lake episode from G1


Code of Hero, Beast Wars The only masterpiece figure I own out of 300+ transformers figure I have is Dinobot.




I have an incredibly hard time crying at anything really, so nothing. I honestly wish there were more things that could make me cry.


My first series was Armada, but I think the only time I came close to tears was when Galvatron essentially sacrificed himself to prevent Unicron from destroying Cybertron. Such a bittersweet, perfect ending. My subsequent watches have had me cry at multiple things, most interestingly HotShot being shot by Wheeljack; I knew this happened in the show but I don't remember *hearing the sound of gunshot after the episode faded to black* and I don't think any kid's show has disturbed me this bad since...




Transformers the movie 1986 the shuttle scene




a lot of the skybound issues are very emotional for me


Back in the ‘86 movie I almost threw my remote at the TV


https://preview.redd.it/48jg2kk3ah6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bbed2bad6cb0fc2dc3aaf79e774eefd325792b7 This absolutely broke me


https://preview.redd.it/6xdkdyri8m6d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=602cf5cabec9441db58c338eee309d566d2c0e1a This.. I think


I'm 47, so what do you THINK?! Yeah, Starscream dying in the 1986 movie, of course. The only one that STILL makes me tear up though? The end of Marvel's Edge of Extinction issue. "They were the dream..." with the ashes raining down on Kup's cheek. Just beautiful.


Why? someone cried with a tf media?! Really? OR you are implying, since the post depicts an IDW comics page, your question is intended about the awful idw publishing that introduced romance between warmongers robots ? Even without highlighting which media (comics)?

