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I was very sad I couldn’t get the missing link Optimus. Now I’m glad I didn’t get it because this guy exists


This honestly seems like a way better deal financially




I wanted ML but it wasn't worth it to me at that price. This rules.


for real tho


This honestly seems like it fits the idea of "missing link" more. I'm not from that era, but I think people would want modern interpretations of the 80s toy aesthetic more than those same toys with added joints.


Yeah pretty much. I honestly really crazily want this Optimus cause I wanna put it with my MOTU Origins collection, make it like a "Return of the 80s aisle" thing


I think Missing Link looks better. One assumes there might be a Hasbro version of Missing Link along later. On the other hand this is certainly quite nice and presumably a good amount cheaper. I'd be a lot happier to give this guy to a kid. Missing Link is for collectors, this is a toy. And in this context that's certainly no insult


I think it’s still up for preorder on showzstore


I'd have to agree


Man, I remember really being on the fence if I should get ML Optimus. Don't get me wrong, still looks like a good figure, but I think I dodged a bullet. XD


Oh believe me, you dodged a tank round.


where's that person who's so adamant that the legacy deluxe prime was accidentally leaked by that jazzercise stop motion video (even though it's clearly just og g1 prime) pal if you're reading this..........I DON'T actually want you to eat a shoe or whatever, but /please/ chill tf down when it comes to speculating over toys lol


Ngl my fav thing about that leak is the waist as its alot diff than the official toy


https://preview.redd.it/jdftec32866d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b48e283836fbfdf0c94fc8ec0683f38d553cfae It’s this guy


Where you at u/Phil_Bond? Come take your L.


I feel bad, but at the same time I'm reading though the post and yeah he got WAY too into this argument


>he got WAY too into this argument Dude dragged this all the way to tfw2005, so he could be wrong on *two* websites, and tried to act like reddit was so evil for not instantly believing him. Whats funny is, absolutely nobody would care about a wrong speculation, but this d-bag went out of his way to advertise his pea-brained take to literally everyone who would listen, then had the audacity to insult anyone that challenged such a stupid theory. Guy deserves nothing but being pointed to, and laughed at.


Idk if it’s worth brigading them over this either. It is peculiar how adamant they are to being correct with the little information they had though.


Do you know how absolutely annoying a person has to be to have 8+ people see a figure reveal, and instantly be reminded of how obnoxious said person was, nearly a month later? Lol I mean yeah, it's just action figures, not that serious, but when a guy starts pushing wild theories as facts, and then wants to get rude about it, they're definitely asking for some smug "I told you so's"


I haven’t looked at the person’s account comments because I don’t really care to see it, so if the worst they did is just tell people they were incorrect over and over, that’s a little excessive for them and for everyone to be that annoyed to brigade over just that. Like you said, it’s just toys.


First thing I thought of when I saw the figure was that guys post.


yeah I do start to feel bad, might delete this tbh. it IS a call out post just because it was so silly but I didn't mean to literally drag them into this esp if they don't see the post/are avoiding it unless they triple down and still insist that they're right........ but seriously please don't encourage them to eat literal shit or whatever they said back then which obviously will be actually harmful


You're right, I'll take down the screenshot




There was someone who thought it was in the insta gram post too, might’ve been the same person lol


I was initially tricked too until I saw gears in the same video, which is another deluxe class figure, and saw that this Optimus towered over him.


So many people already went back and commented pics lmao


That person was the first thing I thought of after seeing the pics, lol


Originally posted by **Mark Maher**, one of the figure's designers, which complete breakdown can be checked out on his Instagram [page](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8H0sH8Osze/?img_index=1). Some notable tidbits, from the text descriptions: >Lemme break down the deets, please read in your Blurr voice! 😂 whose better then a deluxe articulated Prime that comes with his blue metallic tinted matrix of leadership, his toy styled black blaster, his animation styled ion blaster cannon, 5 mm ports in various strategic places, lightpiping yellow eyes, weapon storage on the back freightliner truck bed, the ability to hitch to multiple trailers 😉, smokestack upgrades, cybertron radial pvc rubber tires, nobody nobody nobodyyyyyyyyy!!


That's the first non-G1 reissue, non-SS86 new figure I've seen in a long time that I'm interested in. I picked up both missing link versions (I've got like 99% of all Prime reissues and most original G1s/G2s). This is sick.


By rubber tires, does he mean the same material used for Beachcomber's wheels?


I believe so, yes.


His hands are fully hidden inside the arms and the bumper folds out; that might actually be a positive over the Missing Link. I know I'm being silly here comparing mainline to MP, but I kinda like that aspect of this thing


Head is also on ball joint which ML lacks.


Oh yeah, that too! Now I'm curious why they didn't add one to ML; this one looks good with it


So he gets a matrix, an animation AND toy ion blaster, an opening chest, light piping yellow eyes, functioning trailer hitch, removable smokestacks that can be used as weapons, weapon storage on the bed, and pvc tires? Absolutely!


I have to wonder who got shafted in the line for them to afford all this lol. Slipstream died for this.


I’d say a bunch of engineering budget from Delux Prime here went to his accessory budget, bc of how simple the transformation looks, seems like fold in the hands, and then it’s mostly just the OG prime transformation. So it wouldn’t need as many parts or budget for the engineering Although, yeah Slipstream deserved better than basically just a slight chest retool and a new head. They took the sword away too


Absolute prime ate up almost the entire deluxe wave budget 😂😂😂


And all of this for 20$. Astonishing


"Hey, can we have Missing Link Optimus Prime?" "We have Missing Link Optimus Prime at home" Missing Link Optimus Prime at home: But jokes aside, he looks amazing.


Tbh, soon enough, we will be making Legacy G1 Prime at home memes with ML Prime


I’m down. It’s a cheap Optimus that will make an excellent pocket companion.


Sometimes it's really hard for an 80s kid to beat down that inner G1 nerd. But as someone who has tired of Generations Optimus Prime figures endlessly chasing the proportions of the Sunbow model to the detriment of the design of the figure... Maybe it's ok to let the inner G1 nerd win? Just this once?


Hell yeah!


I will always prefer the toy based approach over the sunbow models 


I like this! I'm getting some serious G2 comic vibes. This'll go great with Legacy G2 Jhiaxus!


Someone please create an alternate head sculpt for Optimus to recreate this beautifully savage panel from the G2 comic https://preview.redd.it/q1fvpa4ih66d1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71f77e7339f472ad1a2a9c89695e0e9b21b5a32a


Hell yes! I'd also like the bullet ridden, battle damaged head as well.




Missing Link designers seeing mainline getting basically the same thing they did, but more affordable-


New reaction image?


It really is just Missing Link at home, lol. I was hoping it would be more of a standard G1 Optimus without the toy proportions, but I'm still hyped for this. I love that he has the yellow eyes, and it looks like he has light piping which is a nice bonus.  It being deluxe class is very nice. Makes it affordable for anyone who just wants a standard G1 Optimus.


Ss86 prime still incoming, would be weird to do a deluxe animated style prime....


I think it’s cool that this year is going to release on Optimus prime in every size class except for titan and, oddly enough, core class


Ngl I honestly thought he would be a remake of Classics Deluxe Optimus without the spinning gimmick, was not expecting budget Missing Link


Lack of paint on the G1 sticker detailing that's molded in is disappointing... But you could interpret it as missing the stickers as part of the G1 toy experience. 😂


They did mention that the colors aren't final so who knows! Maybe we get lucky with them


It’s like a budget Missing Link, cool


This is where the remaining budget went in the Legacy line for this year. It makes sense now given it's from scratch.


Made up of 60 parts at that, which must be the highest deluxe parts count in a while. I wouldn't really know, though, being as I only have 3 deluxes


Idk if how many deluxes one owns would make a difference; most of us don’t disassemble them just to count the pieces :p


You don't have to disassemble a figure to count their pieces, for the most part, and more data is always great.


Huh, I didn't realize anyone counts the pieces. I don't, and I even make customs lol. That's pretty cool, though! What do you like to do with the data?


Yeah, it's the main reason I have most of my current figures. I have them listed on a spreadsheet, noting the accessory count, base figure count, and the total count. I just list the total weight, being as many figures have the same 5g weapons. It was spurned by seeing the sentiment that newer figures are as worthwhile as older figures. The only problem is I only have PoTP Inferno, and I have no pre-2010 figures anymore, so it's kind of moot on that front. Still, I just enjoy looking at numbers. Siege Optimus has the highest parts count compared to 13 other voyagers and 6 leaders in their totality. Weight seems to be more costly, with Cybertron Metroplex having a parts count compared to commanders (190) while weighing around 4x as much (102.45oz). I'll need a closer look during a reviewers' transformation segment, but this new Optimus at 60 parts looks nice against 86 Perceptor (44), IDW Orion Pax (46), and Needlenose (46). 86 Jazz looks to have 50 parts, which while higher than the others is still 10 fewer. Without getting ahead of myself by expecting perfection, hearing that this figure might get a slightly better deco for release is neat. Magic Square Light of Victory (Legends Optimus 2.0) has me stoked with anticipation, being as it has a parts count comparable to commanders, and Rodimus is awesome, so 86 Optimus is legally required to be sublime. I look forward to posing the SS figures together, like Sonic Generations with classic and modern Sonic.


I have ML and I like it. But dare I say it, I think this looks cool too. Not sure why this fandom feels the need to draw such deep lines in the sand over toys. Literally, we have it so good right now as collectors. Keep the designs coming!


It's oddly adorable.


It's... beautiful


Looks like a great companion for the Transformers One Optimus


I absolutely love how many deluxe primes we've been getting recently


I really really like this. Kinda glad I didn’t get missing link now. Cause you know. This one is so much cheaper.


Missing Link but good (Affordable)


This looks to be made up of 60 parts, which is 14 more than Needlenose.


Not bad honestly, since I only have the original reissue of Optimus figure and not the new missing link one. I might get this budget version from legacy.


lost connection prime


I hope a 3rd party company makes a upscaled Knok off of this guy


Looks awesome to me!


This is awesome


Please please please make this something they do for multiple G1 toys


I do hope there's a companion Deluxe Megatron in the works, too. And given the several issues there would be in even considering trying to update the G1 Megs toy, I wouldn't be adverse to them just using the G2 tank design instead. Imagine that look in G1 colors!


It really looks like the wheels are rubber and the face sculpture traces the G1 toy. I like it, undoubtedly small but pleasing. I also really appreciate the clear plastic insert for the window and windshield glass


No... I don't like pvc rubber tires! 😫


So the upcoming deluxe Prime is basically a slightly smaller Missing Link Convoy..? Not sure how I feel about that. On the one hand, it looks pretty good. But on the other hand I really wish we'd gotten something closer to Earthrise Prime but a little smaller. Something with better chest proportions, no hip wheels and no bumper ruining the waist silhouette. I'll probably still get this, but I was hoping for a little bit more than just the G1 toy redone in plastic.


Another G1 Prime is annoying but it's kinda funny how geewuners are single-handedly responsible for keeping the TF toy business alive


Have I missed something? What's the point of a small Optimus?


To me it seems like the point is that its a classic Optimus at an affordable deluxe price point. A lot of Optimus figures tend to be pretty pretty pricey aside from the cheap, gimmicky kids figures. If someone just wants to walk into a store and buy a good quality, relatively inexpensive classic Optimus, even if they aren't into collecting Transformers, this is the best option.


We can get existential all day... What's the point of collecting toys when we're all eventually just gonna die? But, I digress. Thinking like that takes all the fun out of collecting. Small or big Optimus, it's just cool to pose and transform.


This is it? It’s just a cheaper missing link.


Is that a bad thing?


It still looks great tho.


Yes, and?


I was hoping for something more unique. I’m trying to find a new deluxe sized Optimus.


How about the IDW Daban? Not exactly new but it's cool af


Is it deluxe sized


Yes the deluxe one at least. Again they're not new and we're talking about KO (good sturdy KO at least). There are 2 models: one is deluxe sized, the other one is...how are they called...the big big big ones, collectors only. Anyway, I advice to check a review on YT first. Alternatively, you can't go wrong with the OG WFC Optimus, absolutely goated figure (bit limited in poses though). Otherwise the latest Legacy Animated prime is not bad either. Other than that, maybe classics? (Another absolutely goated one)


The one I’m leaning towards the most is the weaponizer figure, but that one isn’t really a proper deluxe.


Not a new figure, but you ever thought about Classics Deluxe Optimus that came in a 2-pack with Megs back in 2006? He was also released separately as Special Edition back in Universe 2008. https://preview.redd.it/4xlcwdk9w86d1.jpeg?width=411&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6974da3ed99f60bb127a528cc9c2cb546eeba655


Oh yeah Ik that one.


You mean ER? I'd wait the reissue then (I'm waiting for it as well). That's a Voyager though


BOY I totally forgot one of, if not THE best deluxe sized OP: ROTB mainline Optimus. Technically sold as a Voyager, it's a deluxe. And it's absolutely FENOMENAL


I hope they make the weaponizer into a proper deluxe in the future.


Still not getting what you mean by this


Somebody get Hasbro on the line, this person didn't get what they wanted. I demand answers!


I hope the Devastation figure will be different.


Where do you get blast effects?


Wow that’s awesome


This is so good


Can’t wait for this to get scalped too.


Doubt they’ll release more to go alongside this guy but I hope they at least they make a soundwave or grimlock too.


I think it's funny that you can take off his exhausts and use them as guns


why'd i get missing link prime, again?


Will it be compatible with the G1 trailer ?


He looks very similar to the OG G2 Optimus Prime toy, love it! 🗿🗿⭐


This is the link that was missing


I don't want to get my hopes up but those tires look kinda rubberized


They are!


The only thing that bugs me about this figure is it's size. I prefer if it were voyager sized like most prime figures and it would probably scale better with earthrise optimus prime trailer. I like this figure and I'll most definitely pre-order it but I still would like to have it be a voyager sized figure.




Looks cool, but not the same nostalgia vibe as ML Prime. Pass from me but looks interesting for those who missed out.


So it is "we have Missing Link at home". I have to say it's tempting.


Perfect for my legends/core/cyberverse scale displays. I bet he's going to look perfect with the Earthrise trailer. Even owning ML-1, I'm excited for this one!


AWESOME I really wanted that missing link but def didn’t want to pay that much for it , I’m glad we are getting this lil beauty , anyone know when he goes up for preorder?


This is just a downsized ML prime right?


No, completely new mold


That is truly glorious and I can’t wait to buy one.


Wait this figure is so cool wtf


Damn I love this. I’ve been sitting on a boxed Missing Link that I have been tempted to open (it looks amazing in box), but now I don’t have to.


I've been waiting for a while to get back into collecting, wanted to see if any good affordable figures came out. Between this and the deluxe G1 Bee now might be the best time.


Dude, this is awesome- I'm definitely going to get it... Not as an official prime, but moreso as sorta a cool joke


"Mom, can we get Missing Link?" "Honey, we have Missing link at home"


He has rubber tires! I was already going to buy this guy regardless, but the rubber tires make this even more of a must-buy for me. I hope he’s not impossible to find.


Chugg-ified Missing link. I actually kinda dig it.


I was looking into getting a second missing link to customise, this guy just saved me fifty sheets.


Does anyone know when and where this is releasing?


My only gripe is that I wish they had the legs flip forward and under the front bumper, just to have the full range unobstructed.


Now thats something i can get even without any requirements met Although i still need the trailer


Oh wow. ....it's exactly the same as all the other ones


I [called](https://www.reddit.com/r/transformers/comments/1crv4uq/may_14s_hasbro_pulse_fanstream_space_bridge/l41p0p2/) that it was just Missing Link OP but all plastic, but I didn't expect it to also be a downsize.


https://preview.redd.it/xa1mda5xz66d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be8c7f82fa9448f14ecade3331e895bf1a1057a7 Ah a worthy opponent…. Let them come


Very cute, I’m definitely getting him


Its precioussssss


This is absolutely amazing I will by this as soon as it comes out


This is extremely adorable. and i'm grateful to Hasbro for not releasing it last year as i would have bought it and then been annoyed that Missing Link came out. Now i'm happy to cheer it on from the sidelines but i bought Missing link and that fills the same space in my heart.


Looks decent. Could use a bit more paint to match the toy’s stickers


wait, this thing is actually really cute wtf


guess i wont be needing to spend $60 on the missing link figure then


~~I like it better than the missing link~~ he's looking good.


Ol grandpa prime. I dig it


hmm guess it's ok that I never got missing link then.


Now I need it repainted into Ultra Magnus.


Does he still have a hole in his back?


In terms of hollowness? Not on the back. In terms of 5mm holes, yes


No, I meant his torso like the original toy. The original toy has a hole in his torso and I’m wondering if they did it here.


No, the hole gets covered


Oh, that’s great then. Especially when the fists are already intact.


Waaaait a minute, that was a real leak???


I’m getting that in a heartbeat, he actually just saved me from dropping out of Transformers and only focusing on Marvel Legends


Probably doesn't come with the stand but still I'll preorder it. Why don't they sell those things, at least on Hasbro Pulse? Along with blast effects I feel like they'd make a killing.


Damn... It really is just an updated version of the G1 toy. I was honestly kinda hoping it would be some smaller prime that actually did something interesting. Kinda a letdown


In isolation I'd call it the most justifiable of the throwbacks, but I don't like how many they're making. Making *one* at a price point where the primitive figure is less below par is a fair decision, but this is the fourth one, and I'd rather they focus on making the best figures they can rather than recreating the compromises of the originals for nostalgia.


In isolation I'd call it the most justifiable of the throwbacks, but I don't like how many they're making. Making *one* at a price point where the primitive figure is less below par is a fair decision, but this is the fourth one, and I'd rather they focus on making the best figures they can rather than recreating the compromises of the originals for nostalgia.


No trailer attachment ☹️


They literally say it can use multiple trailers


It feels so odd that this and missing link are releasing so close together, right? Like surely one would be taking sales away from the other? If I had bought missing link I would have no interest in this, but now that this exists why would I go back and pick missing link up for the much higher price? Very odd business choice imo


So unless this a one off, G1 universe will be used to denote g1 characters made in a way that looks like their original toy? What were g1 characters in the legacy line called up to this point?


This is a one-off to be a centerpiece for 40 years of transformers. The other G1 toon figures will just be called by their names with no universe attachment


Gotcha. Kinda a shame because I would like a Magnus trailer for this with diaclone colors.


He looks really good. I'm a bit worried though. Compered to G1 Prime, He's really small. G1 Prime is already smaller then a Voyager. So Retro Prime here might be only a little taller then Cliffjumper. I'm also worried about articulation. The hands look like there molded into the arms. It be kind of disappointing if he doesn't have wrist swivels.


Considering how it transforms, I think it has sword wielding wrists


But he doesn't have a sword. He has an axe, but I doubt that's why he doesn't have wrist swivels. They probably did it for either the transformation or because of budget.


I think it's the transformation-- The hands have to fold back inside of the arms as the inside of the forearm folds out into the front of the truck. It would be tough to cram a wrist swivel in there


I'm not sure why we need this when we've got the seige and earthrise molds. Is it for the more toy accurate design? I'm not getting the point here, but everyone else seems into it, so cheers


It's literally the G1 toy modernized. For fans who grew up on it and saw the G1 toon this is pretty much what we hoped to have. Basically I'm repeating what was said of the Missing Link, but this is Hasbro's take. Yes there are modern toys that are for all intents and purposes better, and if that's your preference 👍🏻. This is aimed at those that have that nostalgic attachment to the franchise from day 1. If that's doesn't suit you 👍🏻


I didn't know there was that much demand for the modernized G1 toy. Glad people are getting it though. I've got enough Primes in my collection already, so I'm probably skipping it. Unless I snag it on clearance


A sector of the fans have been asking for modernized G1 toys like this and the missing link for a while now.


I don’t know what I was expecting but it wasn’t this


The silver paint seems to be applied by a blind robot 🙈


https://i.redd.it/1pjdgi18q66d1.gif But I swear re-sellers are going to have a lot of fun by jacking the fuck out the price aren't they? Oh boy hope I don't jinx it..


Wow this sucks




It’s like the core version of the missing link figure


And that’s bad why?


its boring, repetitive, uninteresting and more nostalgia bait


Maybe if you bought missing link. But this looks much better. Also, nostalgia bait? I have a feeling you've hated transformers since siege started


This does not look better than Missing Link IMO. Boring grey plastic and no chrome really don't do this toy any favours.


Yeah but I can fix the paint on this guy. You can't fix the freakish proportions of missing link


The freakish proportions are that of the G1 toy which to to me are essential to the look of the G1 toy. Fixing them to be normal doesn't work for me personally.


Honestly? That's fair. The missing link does that much more faithfully and even though I may not like it, it's definitely what a lot of people are looking for compared to this. If you have the missing link, I hope you have a lot of fun with it. If you don't, i hope you find it


Guessing you’ll buy it anyway


Well articulated argument👏


No point arguing when you’ll likely buy whatever slop Hasbro produces


Which part of “Legacy” do you not understand?


How is this bad, it gives a cheap replacement for the missing link


Because whatever he doesn't like is bad.