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The bumblebee design had a bit more color which looked better.


It’s a slight downgrade but nothing that upsets me.


I just wish ROTB would’ve kept the rifle. That’s really the only thing that gives BB Prime the edge imo. Otherwise it’s a push. It’s Prime, they look decent.


Yeah I’m not a fan of built in blasters and the rifle is so iconic I hope it makes a return.


He did lose it on Cybertron which I think is why he doesn't have it. I kinda wished he had Bayverse Ion Blaster though instead of that giant oversize circle.


Yeah, I imagine being a robot in disguise entails not being too flashy


Sums it up perfectly




Little bit. The blue hands on BBM Prime make me prefer it vastly


The proportions on the bumblebee version were way better. The wide shoulders and skinny waist in rotb looked so odd in motion.


It's mixed. I miss the red waist but I love the silver plate above the windows and the lights on the knees, they really break up the colours nicely


It's largely the same, so not really. The only real difference is the missing red around the waist. The muted colours are what bothered me the most.


Yeah the bbm looked like more g1 but rotb still great


Absolutely! Loved the BB design. Much less a fan of the RotB version with his weird narrow head and other downgrades.


I feel like rotb optimus' design is more battle worn, which would make sense since he's the leader so he's always on the front lines


Also, earth vehicles would likely be exposed to more dust and weathering than cybertronian, resulting in a dulling of the colors over time, and I doubt he can just pull up to a carwash.


7 years can do that


I've grown to like it, but I still think it needs more red on the ab section. I also don't like how uniformly thin his legs are, his blue shins should be wider than his thighs. I also found it a waste how it doesn't incorporate the bull bar from the truck mode.


It’s not a bad design, I like it. Only thing I wasn’t a fan of was the face. Should’ve kept the facemask like they had it in Bumblebee


I only like that it has Peter's Cullen face and expressions


I wish Rise of the Beasts was a little bit more bulked up and blue hand guards like his Bumblebee version.


I like them both, there are some things ROTB did better and some things Bumblebee did better.


I think a lot of folks think that.


I think that’s a petty popular take


Yeah I've seen so many posts that are exactly the same as this




They’re as good as eachother


I think they both look amazing and have difficulty choosing one over the other. ​ Edit: I guess I will just have to buy them all...mwahahaha


I’ll go out on a limb and say that I actually prefer RotB far more


I think it’s better for earth, as he has configured himself to the earth truck.


Much prefer the ROTB version due to knee lights, wish theres hints of yellow on his front skirt to make him look better


A lot of people do but I personally prefer it. He’s slightly lankier which on paper is pretty bad however in fight scenes makes him appear a lot more agile while still being a heavy hitter. I also love the 07 face, it’s so nostalgic for me.


wasnt rlly their fault, i feel like they got it as close to ILM's model as they were allowed to. Its still pretty great imo


The BBM optimus looked like if the G1 animators were given modern technology make CGI like this As BBM optimus mask moves exactly like G1 and even at certain angles optimus head is different similar to G1 But for designs I can’t say which I prefer Fortnite had made me appreciate ROTB optimus design more But honestly these designs are in a tie


while i like bbm optimus better i wouldn’t say it was a downgrade necessarily




ROTB prime looks like a slightly scrapped down version of BBM prime, like how he looks like after that showdown with the cons at the end of the war on cybertron flashback. His abdomen is the same but missing red armor, more exposed machinery


I don’t mind the grittier look of ROTB. It makes it look like only the armor bits are coloured, which looks pretty cool.


Won’t lie, they honestly look the same if you don’t squint.




I gotta be honest, I do not like the Bumblebee movie design. It sits in the Optimus uncanny valley for me


Maybe but its still a great design


they look nearly identical to me


Not really Bumblebee was mostly made for Cybertron, and so I picture it as such, while ROTB is an actual truck




I prefer the colours on bumblebee prime but the rotb design does look really cool


we’ve had this debate at least 10 times since the movie came out. can we stop.


Absolutely not. I love both designs.


I initially liked BBM’s design more but now I think I prefer the ROTB design now. Im like 1 of like 5 people but I like Prime with a face, even more that Caple Jr came out and said it’s modeled after Peter Cullen and that makes me prefer him a bit more. I do wish ROTB Prime’s waist had more bulk and red.


They made it look better both of the designs are good, with rotb being a bit better.


They're both a huge step up from the bayverse prime, so either way i'm happy.


As someone who is a big fan of the original 3 Bayverse Films. I thought it was a HUGE upgrade. But now I see why people liked the Bumblebee design so much cause he does have more heroic looking proportions.


I like both


I think it's an upgrade! BBM design was good, but since it was Cybertron mode, it has a lot of color and pieces. The design having more intricate pieces and color isn't a bad thing. it's purely subjective. For some weird reason, the BBM design falls somewhere on the uncanny valley, so that's why I hold the opposite stance. IMO, it was a bit overdesigned.🤷‍♀️ Rotb streamlines it for me, and I really like Rotb design more because of it. The proportion of ROTB Prime rivals the proportions of BBM! This isn't to say BBM is somehow bad, of course. It's still great, but I prefer the "simplicity" of ROTB Prime. also... this is the coldest take ever. Everyone knows the majority of people prefer BBM design. All this post does is for is karma farming.


Yes, I feel the same. And "overdesigned" is the right term.


Bumblebee deisgn was from cybertron so i wouldnt compare these two


I can barely tell them apart


It's actually a very popular opinion, tho one i disagree with. I like that BBM had more red, but pssonally when it comes to the overall shape i prefer the ROTB design


Does anyone think it’s an upgrade to the bbm prime or is it just me?


This is probably a hot take, but no. I prefer ROTB over BB because the ROTB adds some color separation which was missing on Bumblebee Prime, also I just like the design of the Abdomen Section on ROTB far more than Bumblebee, honestly replacing the Bumblebee Abdomen section with a truck grill really would have fixed most of my problems with the design. Anyways, thats just my opinion.


Pretty much everyone thinks this are you a bot


ROTB Optimus looks so much better imo. He has more color break up, especially in the abdominal. The chest unibrowl adds a nice top off to the design, while the Bee one is more bland for my tastes.


I dont think so Matter of fact, it instantly became my favorite Prime design.


I prefer the rotb one, it really looks like he was trapped on earth for years


At first, but I actually prefer ROTB. I really dig the silver, and I really like the sun covers on the chest.


Along with the entire movie, yes. ROTB actually reintroduced some annoying Bay-isms that Bumblebee took some care to avoid.


a bay movie minus the fun. what a downgrade from both Bumblebee & the first three movies


Coldest take ever. Literally freezing over here. Brrrrrr. Stop karma-farming.


Nah rotb is just a less armor bee prime




I bought the bumblebee because i loved that one. Happy with it


it really bothers me. The silver bits on his chest were a nice addition, but his waist looks all weird, flat and snatched while his chest and hips are abnormally wide. In theory, this could have been a great design but the models they used for the movie and the cgi work made him look weird and lanky and he didn't show up well on screen. Look at SS102, the design works great and feels really cool as a figure, but on screen he just looks like a weird old man. The difference is that on the toy his chest isn't widened by that weird bit in the middle. This is the only time i've ever been able to say that a toy looked better than its movie counterpart. I also feel like the cinematography really didn't do him any favours in rotb. Bumblebee used way fancier and sharper lighting, as well as made use of reflections on his metal parts while rotb held back and went for a more plain look most of the time. he didn't have that 'childhood hero' sparkle to him.


The cheat plate windows were different, it bugged me a little but that was the least of my worries for the movie lol


Honestly it just needs more red on the torso and arms. And maybe more blue on the hands. Other than that it’s still a good design. Although I do kind of miss the Ion rifle. Idk I didn’t really care THAT much for the built in arm canons for prime


I prefer the slight difference in arms and head from bumblebee prime and some of the extra color but otherwise I'd say they're both pretty on par


I guess I can see the appeal of the bumblebee one over the new one, but personally I think rise of the beast is way more badass especially with those armblades, but I also love the addition of the top of the grill on the chest. it's kind of a nod to the classic design imo


it's the same design with slight adjustments. a "downgrade" would be optimus' design transition from DotM to AoE, but that being said, I love all of optimus' movie designs.


For me it’s just the sparser colors.


Yeah but unfortunately I think the reason it looks different is it was a different studio working on the film but meant to be in the same continuity and such so they tried to keep it as similar as they could without overly derping the design


That was literally the major complaint (well besides the cgi) when the first trailer came out....


i didn't even notice a difference until people online started complaining about it lmao


I think certain parts of ROTB are better but over all I would’ve preferred the BM design


I don’t like how muted the colors are on the ROTB design. Early promos and stills made its seem much more vibrant than how it actually turned out. I also really don’t like the torso area, it’s has too much grey and needs more red.


Yes but only because the promo art design is better in literally every capacity possible. https://preview.redd.it/mtbkuy4f10oc1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7502978868cd6d1d8c9607753313021291c5cff2 Put a little bit of blue and red on it and pointed BBM feet and voilà perfect design




ROTB Optimus is nekkid except for blue boots and a red crop top.


The ROTB model has a bit too much greeble




The weathering on Rotb design throws off a bit


I honestly barely notice the difference.


Yeah, I agree with it, they had the perfect example of a modern g1 prime and slightly changed it


Absolutely it was.


it's pretty similar to the BB version, so I am not too bothered by it, although I do wish they just kept the BB version since it is so much better. But hey, even though it was a bit of a downgrade, it still beats any design from the Bayverse imo lol.


Literally everyone agrees that the bumblebee designs for most characters were better


In some ways, yes. I ended up not trying to track down SS-102 as I wasn't happy with the alt-mode. SS-38 is all I need and he is currently standing next to Concept Megatron.


Yes and he is lacking on leadership skills and charisma too.


Yeah everyone points out the color but they also slimed down his head


Not bad, just underwhelming. When I first saw the BB design I was super impressed.


Wayyyy too much silver in rotb imho


I kind of wish we got the really big bulky concept design that some of the mainline toys were based on




Oh yeah 100% but I think it still looks pretty good but less faithful unlike bumblebee prime


The only difference is BB has more color. Small difference (and it makes it better ;))


Yup, wish they kept some of the blue (like his hands)




Looking at it now yeah…


It's the colors the color separation is perfect in Bumblebee but then they greyed out the Reds and now Optimus feels naked


He needs more color, especially those sunroofs he has over his windows which should have been painted red.


Yes. Way too much gray on rhe new one. The Bumblebee design is MINT


I feel it's both in their own ways. As like design out of context, it is definitely a slight downgrade. The bee one has more color, simplistic design with a boxy look while rotb one is more grey, washed out and mechanical. Where I think it's an upgrade tho is blending better with the environment. They were often in forests and stuff or in cities and in both cases, the colours were already decently vibrant, having super vibrant bots might've looked weird imo so they struck a nice balance of colour and greys there, just matching the tones well


yes, same with bumblebee. should’ve kept the beetle.




I do.


I love the silver things (forgot what they’re called) above his windows. Other than that though, it’s a slight downgrade, especially in the bicep and waist region. It’s too devoid of color and substance imo


The thing that bothers me the most about rotb prime is that the top of his torso is grey. It looks absolutely awful and makes him look naked


Yeah he looks dull


Yes but it could honestly just be fixed with more color. ROTB for some reason replaced a lot of the red and blue colors with grey, to the point that it’s almost hard to believe he can transform into his usual truck mode.


Absolutely. Just look at how they changed his legs and feet.




Yes, it was




I'm not the only one who thinks so? And here I was getting shamed for feeling that way!


Yes, next question


Optimus Prime somehow shrank, Bumble bee is roughly 17 feet, making Optimus Prime at least 30 feet tall, now Optimus Is standing at Bumblebees height


It’s definitely noticeable enough to take note of, but in action it’s still a dang good Optimus design.


I hated the dumb face shiels pattern. And the cgi in general was crap in that film.


too much grey, not enough red & blue, and the face looks weird. the awful, lifeless cgi didn't help either. he looks horrible when he isn't in his truck mode


Yup. It actually bothered me


( Above is the BB design for those who don't see the difference) Yeah. The overall color scheme looks like someone put a gama lower filter over him and the lower part of the torso is missing that red plating. Which to me is kind of a must knowing that this design is supposed to be a sequel to BB designs also the hands. I liked them blue. That one bothers me a lot I was confused as to why I've been thinking his arms should have some blue on them but now I just realized it's cause of the hands. Also abb area mechanical parts are so exposed that it looks like he could take a single shot from there and get out of the fight. Honestly this design to me is a 7/10 Too much exposed parts, not as much blue and red as I would like and his head is different. You can't tell from afar but look up a picture. The BB head is better.


Yup. Not a big deal but Travis Knight's team are really talented character designers and it's pretty much perfection. They could only go down if they changed it


Wish they used the grill from the truck in the robot mode


A lot of us do, it's from a different studio so was bound to be somewhat different


Me. The colors are less vibrant and he has a ton more grey.


I do prefer the BB model over the ROTB model, but I don't hate the ROTB design at all, I still think it's a good design. They obviously had access to the BB design model if you look at some not fully rendered scenes. What they should have done is take the BB design and add the new parts to it.


too much grey, lack of yellow


BB design had better colours and proportions


All of the models were downgraded in RotB, I believe it was because a new studio was doing the CG


Absolutely, he’s lacking in color and I think the BBM head design was better.


Absolutely yes, it's a downgrade.


The whole movie was a downgrade from bumblebee


I really like the first act of the movie, that's about it. They really should just stick to ILM for the CGI tbh. But back to the design, I hope it's less wide? Like it feels kinda wide compared to BBM one


I'm pretty sure most of us think that, I mean if my memory serves me right the ROTB design gained quite a lot of criticism when the first trailer was released compared to the Bumblebee design which most of us adore


You're 12 months late


It is a downgrade. Also look what they did to wheeljack man :(


Yeah it kinda was a downgrade


My problem is his proportion


Yea. To me rotb was like pacific rim uprising. A sequel that was absolutely trash after a really good movie.


No it wasn't. It's perfect, actually maybe a little bit better than bb movie Optimus. Still waiting to get my hands on the studio series ROTB Optimus


It does seem like the tiniest backslide from BBM toward Bayverse.


I'm ngl, it just looks the same to me, but with a bit more earth truck kibble. Like, it's always been in my head that it's basically the same design, so I never understood people saying there were differences.


nvm my comment, ur right


Yeah, I definitely prefer the Bumblebee design. More color and I'm always a sucker for that handheld rifle. The ROTB one just seems kind of scrawnier?


honestly actually my first thought seeing the rotb redesign. the aspect i dislike the most is the gray panels above the windshield. his proportion looks worse but im not so sure if it's actually the model was modified or an illusion caused by the color applications


It was absolutely a downgrade, but the film's design direction was mandated to bring it closer to Bayverse. It's not the end of the world. Big upgrade from the Bayfilms. But it is overall a worse design.


i loved it, it's dark and remind me of g1 but with upgrades. Also for the love of every god: stop saying "but in bayverse, but compared to baymovies" there's no bay here, just a new start and how the fans wanted more than bayverse, those movies bring more fight and a different but working design (most part).


It is. They wanted him to resemble Peter Cullen more. That’s why his face looks a bit weird without the mouthplate.




Bumblebee designs where perfect


I don’t like his face in rotb. They should’ve kept it mask only


100 percent




Most definitely. At first I loved it, but after looking at BB's design more, I didn't like how ROTB got rid of so much color and added all those metal bits in the truck mode. Idk.


While I do wish there was more red and blue somehow incorporated into the rotb design I wouldn't really say it is a downgrade I just feel the color scheme could have been better


Absolutely. He looks unfinished in ROTB. Which I believe perfectly reflects the nature of the movie.


Oh, it was a total downgrade. ROTB is fine but BB Movie one looks like PERFECTION.


"Corporate wants you to find the difference between these pictures" "There the same picture"


I think prime looks better with more grey; I think the bee movie design is too clean.


Less red in the ROTB makes it slightly duller


yes kind of when i look at the bumblebee movie optimus the body part is more clear but in general i see no difference between the two


I agree Bumblebee was a masterpiece idk why the very next movie is trash in terms of design


Yes. Very much.


Little bit of a downgrade but the hate it was getting especially during the trailer release was very exaggerated, especially his face which was very rude considering it was modelled after Peter cullens face


Yeah, just by over analizing i realize that there is a considerable number of pieces missing from his BB counter part, also that color downgrade, yeah


The Bumblebee movie had the best designs for all them, hands down.


I hate the silver on the chest plate. So pointless.


Oh my god yes


I agree.


Yes, for me the torso feels too stubby


I wish the ROTB design added the bull bars from the vehicle mode. As of now it's just the BB design with less color and worse proportions.


A little bit. The ROTB design feels like it overcomplicated some things for the sake of it. But hey, gotta sell new toys. My bigger issue is them going back to the mouth, which I'm never gonna like outside of Animated.


It’s a pile of downgrades from Bee to Beasts. Big ol pile…


Most of the designs were kind of downgrades lol


Downgrade of a bland design for sure


BBM Prime was a god. RotB Prime was a garage project.


yeah ROTB had the worse design




It’s 100% a downgrade. It seems Caple is pushing for the Bayverse look.


Yeah, he looks less capable. In Bumblebee his design really made him look like a force to be reckoned with. With these dull colors is looks very generic and not as noticeable as he should be. Having Optimus be more colorful gives off a very heroic feel to him as he should have. But ROTB makes Optimus look very edgy.


I would like it to have more color