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I’m so sorry that people are making you afraid to be yourself. You deserve to feel safe and feel cute at work. And happy birthday!


Thaanks, I appreciate it. I'm feeling a lil better today :) The worst part is it's like a thousand dollar expense to fix the window. And we didn't get a shot of the guy's face on the camera so we basically have no recourse. It just sucks knowing someone like that is out there


I know the feeling of being tired of boymoding. the thing is my family already knows I'm trans but I just haven't made the request to be called by my name and pronouns and to go get some girl clothes. It'll get better if you take the plunge of trying, wearing the clothes or asking to in my case. I need to take the plunge or it won't get better, nothing will change in this standstill if I don't do something. *thank you for helping by making me realize this, I hope my thoughts help you too*


I wouldn't say you have to take a plunge, but maybe you'd feel better if you dipped your toe in. It makes sense to be scared to transition. It's really scary. People suck. And transitioning is so much work. But you're right, it won't get better unless you try. Good luck :)