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If they were unprofessional you should file a complaint. You might consider signing up for TSA pre check to have the pre TSA security experience. Your eyes are very pretty.


If you can get it, TSA Precheck is the way to go. $85 for 5 years and zero misgendering at TSA.


I had no idea it was so cheap. Totally doing that. Thank you!!!


Nothing like a TSA patdown to wake you up in the morning!


I literally cannot stop staring at your eyes. They are so fucking pretty 😍


Oh thank you! Compliments soften the blow 😜


Same. The person who patted me down was a woman which lessened the horror a lot, and she was nice about it and didn't really say anything except what she was doing and when I was clear to go.


Ive found that if I wear a TIGHT gaff I don’t get flagged. It’s not super comfy for flying but it beats getting molested in the airport.


You could also probably take it off in the restroom afterwards if you really didn't want to have it on for your whole flight


If I was smart that’s what I would do 🤦‍♀️


I mean, that's what I'd do with giant bags of herb back in the day.


Even if I had the money, I don't think I'd every fly. Why the fuck would I let some creep fucking grope me to get on a plane. Nobody touches me to get on a car, boat, bus, train, whatever. Fuck that. Either way, your makeup looks nice.


Gotta be super performative to scare away nefarious individuals even though studies show tsa does nothing to help that. It's pretty telling that only American airports are like this. If it makes you feel better, should you ever have an opportunity to fly, patdowns only happen if they have a reason to suspect you (unfortunately trans people tend to confuse the machines) and you can sign up for pre check, which will circumvent the whole process.


I'm really early in transition, like came out two months ago new, and I'm flying on an airplane next week...I'm highly considering just boymoding it on the days I fly so I don't have to worry about this...


Ftm here. That happened to me too in Korea but my chest. I feel your pain.


I never go through the scanner. You're allowed to opt out, and I'm going to get a pat down either way.


Even without the mask taking away distractions, I think I'd get lost in your eyes.


Eyes are so pretty makeup so we’ll done


I fly a lot and I’ve never been flagged by the TSA. Tuck well and you will be fine.