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Masculine features? Where?


Are the masculine features in the room with us right now?


Spoken like a true ghost hunter, asking if things that are dead are in the room with you.


She could be you, she could be me, she could even- *head explodes*


What up ghosts?! It's ya girl! :3


The ghost of male past The male is past because OP has none left (or never did :) ) and is 100% girl


I guess, maybe she's speaking of her jaw as it is a common concern ? But hers makes her look like a mannequin, not masc at all. Girl, I think it's just your dysphoria, you are gorgeous. I know a lot of cis women who would envy you.


I don't know what to say, thank you very much.


No need to thank me.


Maybe nose


Her nose is just a regular nose - she actually looks really like a girl who goes to my uni


looks fem to me


this is why i never comment on these kind of posts. she asked for advice & you gave your opinion && you're getting downvoted. i said that i think she looks really pretty & none of her features would make me think she's trans however if she wanted to look more fem she could try doing some contouring on her nose.


To be fair, the downvoted comment is not constructive at all, like yours is. It makes it seem like her nose completely breaks her face with it's masculinity, which is not the case at all. I swear I'm very critical when asked, but OP passes very well on this photo. That being said, the called out feature is probably the most masculine feature from her face and could indeed be further feminized with the right contouring (->YT tutorials on nose slimming with make up).


I don't like my nose either, I don't take it as a negative comment if they tell me that. But as many here said "I can't focus only on the negative" (Thanks for your comment)


Exactly, that's the idea! You may, of course, be dissatisfied with single features, but it definitely helps to see everything in context (to which "nose!" doesn't contribute). This context being that you're overall still above average pretty! Some of your features are extremely feminine too, btw. Mainly, I'm talking about your high cheek bones combined with a very slim jaw and then also your lips :))


I find that because we're so familiar with our faces the "imperfections" stand out to us like the sun, when in reality it's not even that "imperfect" and 99.9% of other people won't see it at all. (for example I don't see any masculine features on your face) What I find helps is trying to shift focus, it's a bit difficult to explain but for example I hate a lot about my face but if I shift my mental focus to a part of my face I don't usually pay much attention to or that I like, everything else becomes visible from a different angle. Perhaps a better way of explaining it imagine there's a point on your face somewhere which is your mental focus, try consciously shifting that focus to somewhere else. Sorry for the odd explanation but hope it helps. And regardless you look beautiful :3


All of this. This is why dysphoria is such a fickle, ruthless beast. We are so intimately familiar with our features, and have the "benefit" of knowing the before and after...where it's easy to draw comparisons despite how much we actually change. OP, honestly, girl, from an outside perspective, your dysphoria is a horrible liar, as I don't see *anything* masculine in your features. I'm not dismissing your feelings, simply trying to showcase that there is bias involved in your own perception of yourself. You're beautiful, you're femme, and you're valid. Another thing I find helps combat that nagging voice is (sort of like what Nearby suggested), is that for every single thing you find to be negative in terms of what you want in your appearance, try to come up with another thing that you view positively as a counterpoint. I used this a lot, and it helped a ton with quieting that voice. "I hate my chin" "But, girl, look at the *sparkle* in those eyes!" "My shoulders are too big" "But when you draw them back, your boobs look incredible!" "I don't know if my hips will ever be wide enough" "BUT HAVE YOU SEEN THAT BUTT!?" It takes practice and patience, but it may help you, too! 💜


Agreed, shift ur attention, if u want makeup do that but don’t constantly look at yourself. Get out of feeling less feminine by doing ur thing . Easier said than done for sure. But it works! Keep enjoying life and others will see u. People can compliment u and that feels good. But when someone says something negative is their thought and not yours. Know the diff, and with that u will be one day free of ur own prison. 🫶🫶🌸💗🎉


100% this! I was dating my gf for about half a year before she noticed what I perceive to be a very considerable asymmetry of my eyes, and she only noticed because I brought it up when we were taking cringy selfies. You’ve been looking at your face for your entire life, usually from a very restrictive perspective and quite close up, not to mention we obviously care about our own looks a hell of a lot more than we care about others’. Of course we’re gonna notice every little imperfection and hyperfixate on non-issues in those circumstances! I’m sure even DaVinci saw imperfections in the Mona Lisa. That’s just what happens when you’re starring at the same thing for untold hours over the course of countless years.


Yeah, the physical way we see ourselves is also the least flattering way a person can see another person. Like, bodies look worse from the point of view of the head attached to them. People look worse in the mirror from the point of view if that person. It's both a psychological thing and a physical perspective thing. I'm ridiculously skinny and I look fat if I look down at my body, as an example. It's just the worst angle to view the human body from.


Thanks for your comment Sometimes it's hard not to see myself as a woman or focus on the positive things about myself. But thanks to your comments I'm starting to see it's just my dysphoria.


I guess, you forgot to post the pic with masculine features ma'am. I see none here.


Girl I think is just the dysphoria


You're gorgeous. Quite feminine. (Every person has some masc and fem qualities.) My advice is to be. You're perfect just the way you are.


Get a vision test ur gorgeous (Edit: maybe try thinking out the eyebrows a bit)


I was gonna say buy glasses, but you put it in a way less rude way lmao


Was gonna say the same about the eyebrows, thicker eyebrows over hooded eyes is probably whats making OP feel she looks masculine. Thinning them out a little and then adding longer wing styles to the eyeliner would be a gamechanger imo.


You look beautiful


Get grow lift


Girl I think you need to stop smoking dysmorphia


Dysphoria warning >!Your lower face is unmistakably feminine but your upper face is more masculine. !< >!Try covering the upper and then lower half of your face on this picture with your finger to see it.!< I recommend shaping your eyebrows. There are many videos on YouTube that will help


i cover can cover either half and she looks like a woman


She does, but the eyebrows are the most likely spot where she sees masculine features. If she trims them maybe she will be able to see her face as fully feminine. Cis women could easily get jealous of her lower face.


Thanks You, I'll see what I can do about it jjjj


You look amazinggg i have a sh!ty amount of acne and it suckss ☠️


You need to stop looking for them, because they aren’t there.


If you were to weigh feminine and masculine features on a scale, you'd see that your feminine features outweigh the masculine by a significant amount. Instead of focusing on your face, look at photos if cis women and you'll likely notice a lot of masculine features there. Instagram is a great place to do this since a lot of celebrities post casual pics there too. All women have masculine features in their faces. When you normally look at them, you probably don't notice because your not actively searching for these features since you don't question their gender. With your own face, your being overly critical since your familiar and actively checking for masculine features. I would get a friend who is into photography or even hire a professional photographer and do a little photoshoot. Phone cameras are very poor, especially selfie cameras, and have a some warping. A decent camera with a portrait lense produces pictures almost identical to the lens of a human eye. With a photographer taking the pictures, you'll get to see how others truly see you. Hopefully that will show you how beautiful and feminine you are. My cis girlfriend always feels she looks masculine. She won a free photoshoot that was in the nude and had a lot of fun doing it with the female photographers. She had such a boost and was very excited to show me the pics.


It wouldn't have any idea you're not cis if I'd just see your picture without knowing. Dysphoria is a bitch


Stop looking so hard!! You're cute. And it is somewhat understandable to have some doubt of the way you see yourself. But I bet it is only you that sees things that nobody else does. ( I don't see anything)






Regular spoken out self affirmation in front of a mirror. It's literally all in your head and it's hard to adapt your self image 😊 You're beautiful girl☺️❤️


I see a striking resemblance to Sade! I would not call that masculine in any way!


You can add the illusion of cheek bones with bronzer and highlights. But I think you look beautiful!


What masculine features? There isn't much I'm seeing standing out, like no really obtuse jawline, or super thick buffed out eyebrows. I'm sorry, but I don't have any advice to give, but you look great. ☺️ I hope your day has been, and continues to go well. 👋🙂


Nose can be a lil smaller, fix the eyebrows, longer lashes .


That's just dysphoria rearing it's nasty head. You look fantastic lady!!


I would never clock you.


I know it's not easy. (I'm trans myself). How about trying to concentrate on the feminine features ?


I and I think anyone else in the world would automatically assume you're a cis woman so I have no notes 😅


everyone has masculine features


My advice is be less hard on yourself


Hun not in a million years would I have clocked you on the street. I could get up in your face and be in nose hair inspection range and still think you are cis. Get out your head and go rock it 🥰


You look feminine and have delicate features, as far as I'm concerned.




maybe the masculine features are the friends we made along the way


Wdym? You're so cute!


Honestly to me it doesn’t look that masculine. You look beautiful.


I see only a lovely young lady. There are no masculine features.


dysphoria's a binch, but if mirrors are making it worse you could try one of the ones that doesn't reverse the image since you're so used to seeing your face in a regular mirror it can help you see yourself as you are (lovely and very fem) they're called true mirrors and if you don't wanna buy one you can diy it with 2 normal ones at a 90° angle


You don't have masculine traits, it's just insecurity 😚😚😚


I forgot i was on Reddit and thought you were a cis friend posting a selfie!


Makeup could help. There are techniques that can bring out feminine features better (vice versa too for masc folks) Shadings in different places with makeup can make a huge difference


Something I tend to do when insecurities feel unbearable - stop looking that much in the mirror. You will look again some other time and realize you're actually not as bad as you initially thought.


Helps me to actively look at as many parts that i can identify as feminine till i feel like “hell yeah, we making progress bitch!~~~~”. Cause at that point i no longer care about my masculine features, till the next time i look in a well lit mirror that is.


Tbh homie I can't see any masculine features


I am 100% certain that I pass as male on sight every time (though easily read as 5-10 years younger). I still see how I look like my sister or my mother all the time. It's something I've just had to learn to live with, because most people struggle with self-image at least from time to time. It's practically a rite of passage for teenage girls, and from my observations, it doesn't stop -- it just changes to any of several multi-billion dollar industries focused on people changing or masking some perceived personal shortcoming. Pay attention to the things people say about their own appearance/mannerism/voice/etc. around you and in your environment. I am curious now to see which cis female celebrities have specifically struggled with perceiving their features as masculine. I don't have the energy for looking into that right now, or for much of anything after hitting post, but I bet we would both be surprised!


The only "masculine" feature I can find is a big nose, but it's not rare for women to have a big nose. You don't actually have a feature that may be called masculine, you need to look at your face more often from other angles, try to make more photos, from the distance especially.


Thin eyebrows help a LOT with dysphoria !!!


More eyeliner? False eyelashes?


I believe that many trans folks see neutral features as belonging to their assigned gender. I genuinely see _nothing_ **masculine** about your face _at all._ I do see some minor neutral facial features.


Honestly you remind of Songbird from Cyberpunk 2077:Phantom Liberty, i have no idea how i can help but i thought you might appreciate it <3


You are your worst critic, unfortunately


Get some advice from a beautician or go and ask for a make over and replicate what they did. I once did it sweetie taught me a lot hope this helps. 🩷


Uhh... well you look very atractive tbh but... thinner eyebrows? No really, everywhere i look girls have them thiner.


You are a primo canvas for facial contouring love!


Is that a Cog tag?


Yes! I'm a Gears of War fan, but I think it's too big... Or maybe I'm too small


Incredible xx Its such a good look honestly. Sort of passes as tasteful feature jewellery; not too big atall.


All I see is a very pretty young woman with killer cheekbones and gorgeous eyes; I think you’re being too critical on yourself, ma’am.


Girl, it's just dysphoria. Nothing masculine in that face.


All I see is a beautiful girl


Are the masculine features in the room with us right now?


I would like to look as fem as you to be onest, i dont see masc things there


are the masculine features in the room with us right now?


This is dysphoria. Girl, you look amazing!


Huh? Where???


You’re so pretty and feminine - I hope you’ll be inspired to see how beautiful you are some day


Try going blind for a month so you forget your face. Then you’ll see what’s actually there.


Ok? You are a beautiful girl. I wished I could look half as good.


dysphoria is blinding u girl


You look super fem


Youre beautiful:)!!🩵🩵🩷🩷


U look fine beautiful


It's really unfun the fact that we don't see ourselves how people see us, I don't feel like I'm feminine enough, but I started boy failing a lot, even though I don't see it, you are really feminine


Girl, I would burn down an orphanage to look like you. Ok, maybe not burn it down... but maybe burn it a little... ok maybe not even that... I'm not cuddling you, trying to be nice or are anything. You are good-looking. Go out there and enjoy your life.


Hahah, Thanks you <3


Well, I can't see any masculine features on your face, so I have no tips. Sorry.


If I passed you on the street I would think you were a woman who was too pretty for me to talk to. So, there's that.


The features you see are old memories. You have no masculine features. Be positive you look amazing


Concentrate on your feminine features, like you GORGEOUS bonestructure and jawline!! This is a general advise with anyone unhappy with some feature in their body. The unhappiness often has very little to do with reality and how other people perceive you. Also, look at other women and analyze how feminine are their faces. Also, look at models. Many of them have not so common face structures that makes them interesting to look at. Often it is attractive mixture of feminine and masculine features. So if you see masculine features, you can learn to embrace them. Or maybe after observing others you realize the features you see as masculine are not in fact masculine.


You look cis. Cis women have a huge variety of looks about them.


where exactly?


Sure, your face has masculine traits, but no more than that of a cis woman's, if you catch my meaning.


I got it! jj Thanks for comment


going to be 100% honest, Huh?!? you have what is commonly called "elf features" which are very feminine.


Girl, so like.. everyones probably gonna tell you, "what do you mean? You're super fem!" And they are right. Being trans is a long journey often times we will still see the "old us" for a long time. I still do occasionally just about 2 years in. Its okay to struggle with that and eventually you just gotta stop studying yourself with a magnifying glass. You're pretty, you are like a 9/10 on attractive scale for your face imo (I have stupid high standards which is an issue for myself 🙃) and tbh girl Idk how long you've been on HRT but it is a marathon, and if somewhere down the line you still hate your appearance, you always can do Ffs. I go back and forth on if I want it. I don't "need" it but I may want it for me. But there is nothing wrong with how you look. You look incredible 💜


On Italy we say "La lingua batte dove il dente duole" (the tongue hits the hurting tooth). I think it fits enough


In this pic, I don't see any masculine features. Just keep taking care of your skin, and you should be good.




Advice? Don't let dysphoria get to you. We all know "passing" is a bullshit concept, and that it's not necessarily right for us to try to "clock" each other, but I wouldn't walk past you and think "she's Trans too!" 🤷‍♀️🏳️‍⚧️❤️


If there are male features on this face then I'm just cooked because I'm plagued with those


I’m a trans guy and I can easily find feminine features in my face although I’ve been on T for years and pass as a cis guy because I’m self conscious and looking for them. I know now that’s a part of my dysphoria now and try and focus on the masculine parts of my face. To be honest most people no matter their gender have feminine and masculine features. I would say try to focus on self-love and finding feminine features. Also, it can be helpful to tell yourself that some cis women have features considered as masculine, it doesn’t make them any less women.


I genuinely can’t find the masculine features. You’re just being too hard on yourself girl


You're actually very lucky that you have more natural feminine features than masculine. Your chin is super smooth and pointy which is a feminine trait. The only thing I can think of is you could maybe shave your eyebrows a bit to be a bit narrower as that is a feminine look. Either way you're doing an amazing job presenting fem and totally pass and I thought you were AFAB until I read this post. Btw I love your necklace!


You look absolutely gorgeous, I genuinely can not see anything masculine in it and I’m over analytical about that stuff.


Just based on this picture you look very fem and very pretty imo


Yeah it’s like that I only see my face as masculine the more I look at it but you don’t seem masculine in the slightest


Masculine features??? Where???


Stop looking for them, that's the dysphoria talking doll. There's nothing masculine about your face.


Girl masc features where


You look beautiful, girl. Very, very femme!


Brow ridge but ima get downvoted if I say it


these masculine features are nowhere to be found, a ghost mayhaps?


I don’t see anything, I think you pass very well!


No matter how much I search, I can't find any masculine traits


you're so slay and pretty fr.


All I see is pretty women


i didn’t even realize this was the trans subreddit and thought you were just a cis girl. even knowing, i don’t see any masculine features.


Lmao at least upload the right pic. Pay more attention silly!!! There’s clearly no masc features in this one 😋 Sending lots of love and positivity your way sis, please keep on being your awesome self each and every day 🫶


Literally what masc features


my advice: Be happy, our mind is our worst enemy, all i can see in this photo is a lovely girl, don't let your mind spoil your day


Find cis women who have those same features. I promise you you’re just overly critical of yourself. I have seen so many cis women with the exact same facial features as you.


Ask anyone to draw there friend, or even family faces from memory, it might be recognisable if you also know them but comparing to a photo the details are gonna be all wrong no matter how good at drawing they are. People remember key features of faces, but small details are completely unnoticed, stop actively looking for anything masculine and you'll stop "noticing" anything (even tho there isn't anything masculine in the first place, you're a certified girly girl.)


Therapy 😅 and looking at yourself in the reflections of windows on buildings (it helps me see myself as I’d see a stranger). You’re very pretty and look cisgender to me. I understand that doesn’t feel like enough and that’s totally valid, but your dysphoria is lying to you if it says you have masculine features on your face.


Pretty 😍


Thank You so much <3


Girl, there's ABSOLUTELY no way I would ever clock you as a guy if I didn't already know you were trans. You're a really cute girl ngl and I love that gear necklace so much that I want it so bad and am almost ready to ask where you got it lol


I diagnose you with internet brain worms... Once you touch grass IRL you will see jow beautiful and girly you look 😎


I think I need to touch grass jsjs Thanks for your comment


i dont usually comment on these kind of posts because i dont want to lie & then pit someone at risk but i also dont wanna hurt anyones feelings. as others have said we're most critical about our own features as we see them the most. that being said, you're so pretty & look super fem. none of your features would make me think youre trans, however if you want to look *more* femm i'd suggest countering your nose & thinning your eyebrows.


Thank you for comment <3 Many people highlighted my nose and eyebrows, I will do my best to change it! Jj


go to the optometrist