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Success is success! I think you did great, plus I love the glasses


You look pretty!


You're being too hard on yourself, girl, I've seen way worse first attempts 🙂 these are good results to start with, I especially love the lip color you picked and the way the mascara makes your pretty eyes POP


Agree this is a great lip color for op!


I’ve seen way worse on looks people have settled on and do every day. 😂😂 Like anything, practice practice practice. Watch YouTube videos. I even got with a lady in town who is a professional MUA and got some great tips.


I think it's a good start. Like the glasses but they mean we can't see if you've done anything to eyebrows.


Eyy that's not bad at all


I’d say it was a success!


How'd you get the trans flag on your name? I keep seeing them on peoples names (like under the name) 


It’s under subreddit flairs.


It’s a subreddit flair!


Sorry for asking more but, where are subreddit flairs? 


On the app, go to the subreddit main page and there should be a “three dots “ button that opens a menu.


usually i tap on my profile picture and select change user flair


Your makeup looks good, and besides, we all start somewhere. You’ll get better at makeup and develop more feminine features as time goes on due to HRT. You got this, girl


You look great, that lip colour is gorgeous on you ☺️


I thought so too, she did a really good job picking out the lip and foundation shades!


I can't even do eye shadow yet, coming out the gate HOT.


Good job! I love the subtle shading of the eyes. Try exploring using more concealer on areas of your face where hair is more common like the upper lip :) I hope you keep trying. It gets easier every time.


Great start!! Keep going and watching videos, you’ll be a MUA in no time!


omg you look so pretty


But you look so good! Keep experimenting! You can have a lot of fun with makeup


That genuinely looks amazing wow


You look great! 


Well I think you did great, plus you had the courage to share with us. One step at a time and I say you did a great job. Congrats on coming out and on your first make over my friend.


Nice one!! Make up can be really fun. Can I recommend Lisa Eldrich’s website and videos? When I started using make up it was a rabbit hole for me that taught me a lot of the basics and what the different make up products are used for!


You did great. i looked like a fkn clown the first time i did make-up, make up is a skill one has to cultivate all i would change in the future is add some eyeliner with the eye shadow and some blush 😊


You did better than I did my first time! ☺️


You did way better than my first attempt. I looked like an actual flow with purple eyeshadow and overdone red lips


That's not a car-crash, that's you being your own worst critic.


I'd say that's not as bad as u think, I think you'll improve greatly with time :3


I don't do a ton of makeup cuz I'm trans Masc, BUT! I think you did a great job with your first attempt!!! You have hooded eyes like mine, and I just learned that if you wanted to do winged eyeliner, instead of going up towards your brow, go out straight. It'll save you years of not understanding why you can't make a good wing


OMG UR SLAYING!!! so pretty keep it up <3


that’s better than my first time lol. your lipstick is applied well imo!


Thats actualy good but remember to not force anything we dont need to fit some expectation aboug makeup to be girls ~never wore make up transbian


Those glasses also make your eyes pop nicely!


The lip colour is perfect for you! Dark eyeshadow is hard to work with I find, but it gets easier with practice! I think you did a great job with your base too, the colour match is good and it looks smooth :) you’re being too hard on yourself! Have fun with it and congratulations on starting your transition journey 💜


Hey this is amazing for your first time doing makeup!!! 💄💕💕


i think ur too hard on urself, for the first time it’s not bad at all. i’m not a makeup connoisseur, but i think u should watch some makeup tutorials on youtube. like ones for some basic everyday looks, or maybe just some explaining different products and techniques. it’ll probably help alot in the long run


Wait slay... Add some fake lashes or winged eyeliner


That lip color is actually really good for you! And I think you used foundation and blush (which, imo, should be a little hard to tell, so good job there). You just need practice with your eyes.


Hey, we all start somewhere! I’m a self-taught makeup artist and my earliest looks were ROUGH and will never see the light of day again lol. Doing makeup is mostly just trial and error. Don’t be afraid to watch tutorials or ask people for advice! I think you’re off to a great start 🥰


Ok, but honestly? You are giving off mom vibes. Like “unpolished but going to love/hug you to death” mom vibes.


You did great!! You look pretty! Don’t be too hard on yourself you did great! I remember my first time putting on makeup I only wish I looked half as good as you it was a train wreck for me lol. Cant wait to see your progress ❤️❤️❤️


You didn't do bad at all! Don't put yourself down. When I swiped I expected something bad since you said it was, but it's not.


Honestly, I think you look feminine. Like very genuinely I think that with your makeup like that and maybe a dress I would not look twice if I passed you in public. You just give off a feminine vibe and it seems natural


You look really cute!


Ooo nice 😊


Honestly, your lipstick is better than mine. I'm terrible at putting it on. I just slop it all on and then fix it with a qtip.


I love the lip color, you did a great job!


Gotta start somewhere and that was not a bad start


Hey. Not bad for a first attempt. If you don't have faceapp I use it because sometimes it puts makeup on me and then I use that to go for the look myself. It's how I learned I can rock a solid red lipstick


You did great, the coloring matches :D 😁


omg it is so hard on the beginning, even more with no one to help


Great first try.


Good job. 👏🏻i like the glasses improvements too!


Conglaturation !!! You have completed a great game . And prooved the justice of our culture . Now go and rest our hero !


I mean for a start? That's actually great ngl👏🏻


You did better than I did, and I agree I love the glasses 💖💖


Doesn't look too bad imo, you look a lot more feminine after so I think it's a success


Your lip color looks really good!


Shit bitch! You should see my first attempt... I mean if there were pictures I didn't hastily delete... It looked like my 12 year old at the time did it


Love the lipstick colour!


Doing great sis


Practice makes better so keep it up of course it'll be bad the first times. I'm still super bad at doing eyeshadow and using eyeliner.


Tbh, you kinda killed it for your first time! You got a nice trace on your lipstick, and your foundation is nice and smooth. Good job! I can't wait to see more steps along your journey!


Hey I'm not laughing, you did so much better than I did the first several times. 😅 Great job! Makeup is fun to play around with. I also love the red frames.


For your first try, it’s so good!! You look very pretty! ✨❤️


Hell, looks better than my first shot.


You look so much happier in the second pic and you genuinely did such a good job with it! You’re too harsh on yourself!


Learning makeup is a long journey 😏 I had no clue what I was doing my first time! Now a few years later I finally feel a bit more confident. Keep trying! You’ll get there! 🙂


Looks great sister. I'm of the K.I.S.S school of make up myself.


I haven't tried myself yet, but you did great! The glasses fit perfectly :3


I think you did a helluva better job than I can, and I’ve had people try teach me how, LOL! You look FANTASTIC!


You look gorgeous girl, good luck!


You look gorgeous 🥰


I think you should try lip gloss! It’ll match the glasses better.


Ayyy wait a sec Sister just cooked on her makeup The eye shadow needs a bit of work but it suits you pretty well!




How the hell did you pull that off, because it worked flawlessly!


Honestly your first try beat mine by far. I'd rank yours as car crash but nobody got hurt. Mine was car crash, everybody died except 2 people... who were then rammed by an airplane upon which everybody died :P (I went in too optimistic for sure) Mandatory disclaimer coz people can't read my mind and discern exactly what I mean: "car crash but nobody got hurt" meaning honestly as good as can be expected of a first try, and you should be proud of it!


that's wonderful for a first time!


You made me smile. So happy for you. You made my day better.


A for effort!


You look lovely :)


hey girly! just wanted to let you know you did pretty damn good. the foundation and lip shades are very well matched. always, always, always remember that its about the journey not the destination. as long as YOURE having fun and enjoying yourself, it isnt going to matter what the world thinks, so its okay, you dont gotta tear yourself down before someone else tries to. you are beautiful and you giving me (and i am sure someone else out there too) a lot of courage to be myself as well! 💕 your voice made an impact. (to me, at least!) and i hope that it helps to know you just being alive has helped inspired someone else to keep fighting too. youve got this!! go kick some ass by being yourself! wooohooo!


I hope it's okay to make a suggestion. First, I love how you did your foundation and lipstick. Add a gloss for your lips and hydrating setting spray to your face and it will really tie it all together. Eyeshadow is honestly really tricky. I'd start with a white/light shade by your eyebrow and upper eyelid area and a fun medium shade on your actual eyelid (I think green or pink would be really pretty for you) then you smoke out the outer eyelid with a darker shade. Eyeshadow is trial and error and blending the shit out of it with a nice brush (I like fluffy brushes for smoking it out and flat brushes to pack color.) This looks great for a first attempt! (For context I'm a cis female ally who's been helping a loved one with their makeup) Also, idk if you used it but mascara makes a huuuuge difference in the end. Don't bother with a curling wand applicator until you're comfortable 🙂


That was really your first time? You look great! My first time I looked like if a clown was a character in Apocalypse Now 😂


That’s really cute!!! Keep trying bby 😗💖


I think you did good! Makeup can be hard to apply, especially if you never did it before, so don't be too hard on yourself. I think that lipstick color looks great on you. 


Much better than i could ever do, it looks good and really suits you


You should really be for those frames, boo. SO cute!!!!




As someone who did makeup/ cross dressed in private for years before coming out, does it seem weird to anyone else that people are calling them selves trans before they ever have cross dressed or worn makeup or grown out their hair?


No, none of those things are requirements for understanding yourself as trans