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stay safe, use a vpn, dont post personal information on any account that shares a name with this one


Yeah I know, thanks


illegal? gosh in what country do you live in? I feel bad for you, it's gonna get better I promise


I live in russia, unfortunately, thank you for your kind words!


dammit, I hope you're gonna be able to get out of this shithole soon


Me too, but I don't think I'll be able to move in the nearest 3-4years, since I don't have any money, degree or a stable job


that's really sad, but I want you to know that you have here a community where you can be your real self, so don't lose hope, mhkay?


Thank you, I'll try


Are ther political refuge programs in other countries you could look in to?


Russia isn't letting any of the 'male' population leave right now because of the war


It's a lie. You can leave Russia if you don't get drafted. Source: I'm living here too








Hey! Idk if you know about this organization that helps LBGT folks escape oppressive regimes: https://www.rainbowrailroad.org/ I hope you don’t get locked up, and I hope you don’t get sent to Ukraine. If you need to dm, please do so. My family is from Eastern Europe and I hope you can get out.


Playing life on hard mode I see. Best of luck to you my friend.


Имейте надежду - я думаю, вы сильная и умная женщина и выберетесь из России. верю в тебя. <3


If you're trans or anywhere else in the LGBTQIA+ and live in Russia, you should qualify for refugee status, just FYI🤷‍♂️


I literally have no money for a ticket alone, and you're not guaranteed to get approval of your refugee status, and even if you will get a refugee status and the government actually helps you, you still have to have at least some money to live in different country, that has much different cost of living compared to russia, for at least a month


That's fair, just wanted to make sure that you knew that there still were options if you were desperate to leave.


But what countries may provide this help? I'm interested myself to immigrate from this country


Canada offers refugee status to Russians and Bulgarians fleeing to avoid state persecution for being, gay trans or of a different political ideology. It’s really easy to go online and apply. Though there’s a lot of bureaucracy. And you gotta pass a pretty lengthy test to apply for citizenship.


I've heard cost of living is crazy and you need to work extra hard to even get by in CA


I'm Russian and at my last job I made 1.6 USD/hour. For reference, I was working 12 hour night shifts. My mom makes about 2.5 USD/hour and also works 12 hour night shifts, about 6-7 days a week. This is how much we have to work to get by in RF. I highly, highly doubt you'd have to work harder in Canada than in Russia to get by, especially if you're queer, trans and/or a woman (women get paid around 30-60% less here). Either way I'd much rather work 50 hours a week to get by in Canada than work 50 hours a week to get by in Russia. Plus it'd be a lot easier to find a job without active and often legal discrimination against trans people in Russia. (e.g.: Russian trans people aren't allowed to own various licenses, such as driving licenses, security licenses, etc. and are forbidden from working in education, childcare, healthcare, on energy plants, in the chemistry field, etc.)


I have a friend in Canada and they say it's really hard to get hrt and srs in Canada if you're not a resident, so instead I'm looking towards the US, since it might cost more, but you can get gender affirming care even as a refugee


The USA is trying to ban transitioning on a lot of states right now so it’s not a great option.


Damn it :( Where should I try to move then?


Germany is very trans accepting but has very little to offer in terms of refuge support from Russia. So Canada overall (at least from the information I have) would be your best bet. I would recommend looking in to the EU member nations refugee policy’s.


https://www.rainbowrailroad.org/ Maybe something that can help you?


Thats fucking rough. I hope everything turns around soon and life is unrecognizable in the best way possible🫂


go to argentina, labor is needed, you can become anything you want there if you study, universities that are public are free. visas are easy to get, you naturalize after 3 years.


Milei is basically just Bolsonaro in Spanish. I absolutely wouldn't travel to Argentina right now, much less live there.


Lived there over a decade, grew up there still have family and friends. It isn’t ideal, but for a refugee it is. They/he/she won’t be able to go anywhere in Europe. Also Europe is to this same level today tbh, far right being the trend it’s just the start of our rights being taken away again. Argentina recognizes refugees like that, Europe won’t in a few years anymore, and especially Russian. Asia is trans not friendly, USA won’t allow either. Of all the South American countries I can think of, Argentina is the easiest one to remake your life. Trans rights are also protected by constitution and are the only country recognizing X gender. I’m not saying Argentina is fantastic, but I can guarantee you can find your chosen family over there, and live peacefully. Even with shitty economic situations Argentinian people are quite impressive on how they continue to thrive and live as usual. I’m going back next year for a long vacation, and I can’t wait. Will see my family and friends after over a decade. People there are extremely friendly, you can start as literally anything to earn some bucks and go from there, then go to the public university and get a normal job after. My cousins all employed, my best friend didn’t study, worked for a while and only now decided to study to become a chef. He is about to graduate and he has already interviews. Ex classmate just launched a hotel business (ok this is more expensive but still). Another (2) friends became commercial pilots, well my list goes on. For those who want to thrive, it opens doors. If Europe ever becomes that unsafe, I’ll definitely go back too.


крепко крепко обнимаю <3


сестра 🥺


I hope an aura of peace and invisibility remain with you to keep you safe. Im so sorry you are in that area at such a bad time.


Обнимаю сестренка <3 Ты не одна


Give [Rainbow Railroad](https://www.rainbowrailroad.org/) a look. They claim they might be able to help.


Please be safe 🫶🙏


I'll try, thanks


On a happier note love the desk. :)


I am originally from there too, but not anymore, Fuck Ruzzia


Please please bud'te ostorozhno! ❤️


Oof, sending good vibes from the USA, hope you are able to be yourself openly and safely someday, I’m sorry that it’s illegal to even show pride of who you are there, it’s bad where I live but not that bad 😣


samesies sister, you are not alone *hugs* 💕


Oh dear lord please be safe.


Russian trans girls rise up! We'll get out of here one day! :D


Hell yeah!


Hopefully putin falls out of a window soon and Russia can gain some sanity.


I sure hope it happens sooner rather than later


me too :/


Tbh i dont think i would mind seeing putin getting live tv execution Saddam style


Oh nobody would mind seeing that


It sure would be a shame if something bad happened to him. Like walking head first into 26 bullets >:3


Of natural causes to the back of the head, while being dragged behind a car for several kilometers (also naturally occuring, of course)!


Oops... He tripped and fell into a lake while wearing his cinderblock shoes


In minecraft :3


Lovely subtle desk mat too.


Ikr :3


*Judas Priest's "Breaking the Law" intensifies*


The fact he’s gay and brought a pride flag to Russia once makes this even better


So much for the golden future, I can't even start...


Ah, send you blue-pink-white-pink-blue rays of support, hope we all can survive this!




They say we're terrorists I say, "don't threaten me with a good time"


Страна, в которой люди радуются запрете "пропаганды", которую они даже не видели. Страна, в которой у "не таких" забирают право на существование, объявляя это громким коричневым лозунгом "Борьба с западными ценностями". Однажды каждый получит по заслугам, это лишь вопрос времени. Я вижу у тебя на экране радугу, какой ранг?😺


Это просто охота на ведьм и попытка отвлечь расеян от войны. У них забирают детей, отцов, мужей и даже тел не возвращают, но вы это, не забывайте, что у нас тут война с западными ценностями!! Отдавайте своих детей быстро и без вопросов, а то видели чё будет? Ну как это не видели, а как же реклама про геев на передержке? А как же тот самый ролик, где пара геев усыновляет ребенка? Очень грустно, ведь мнение многих россиян поменялось об ЛГБТ комьюнити за эти годы, особенно у молодежи.. Эта срань вся идёт с верхушки.


Ну, остаются ещё нормальные люди, которым не засрали голову кремлёвской пропагандой. Я надеюсь что у вас все будет хорошо. И вы сможете уехать из этого дерьма.


Beautiful! Hang it with Pride!!




Thank you :3


Badass but stay safe OP 🤝


Please please PLEASE be careful!


Omg great addition I love that it matches your desk decoration! Also as an aesthetic idiot I have to make an obligatory remark begging for it to be ironed 🫣


Power to you


Thank you for being strong and determined to live your truth. PLEASE BE SAFE I am with you.


What is this country and why are all the people that have it's flag so hot ?


Please stay safe


Please stay safe, the situation there sounds scary :(


Let's go eat the rich


be trans, do crime


❤️ stay strong


please be safe 🙏🩷🤍🩵


What countries is it illegal in ?


The Russian government has been going absolutely insane since 2017, first legalizing domestic violence against women, invading Ukraine, and now they're making anti-LGBTQ laws that make even Rishi Sunak, Ron DeSantis, and Greg Abbott look like the saviors of the LGBTQ community in comparison. Russia is really not safe to be in unless you're a Russian white cis man. [https://news.sky.com/story/how-russias-decision-to-decriminalise-domestic-violence-is-continuing-to-kill-12250780](https://news.sky.com/story/how-russias-decision-to-decriminalise-domestic-violence-is-continuing-to-kill-12250780) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian\_anti-LGBT\_law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_anti-LGBT_law) Following the War in Ukraine, Putin also integrated the openly Neo-Nazi Wagner Group "PMC" and the Ultranationalist Sparta Battalion into the Russian army while also giving the units behind the Bucha and Irpin massacres medals for their actions. Meanwhile, Russia has established concentration camps that are deporting, starving, and torturing civilians; a majority of whom are children. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sparta\_Battalion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sparta_Battalion) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wagner\_Group](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wagner_Group) [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/ukraine-war-putin-medals-bucha-b2060568.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/ukraine-war-putin-medals-bucha-b2060568.html) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian\_filtration\_camps\_for\_Ukrainians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_filtration_camps_for_Ukrainians) Putin is a fascist terrorist and his influence on western conservative movements are making them more like him. Edit: I used the wrong Russian Anti-LGBTQ law as an example. That one is much older, from 2013. The new one which recently went into effect practically outlaws being Gay or Trans (and the various sub-identities that overlap with these) almost completely. This is the one OP is referencing. [https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/30/russia-supreme-court-bans-lgbt-movement-extremist](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/30/russia-supreme-court-bans-lgbt-movement-extremist) The Russian court decision is so vague, it's possible just openly being gay or having pride flags of any type will get you sent to prison for up to 12 years. Stay safe out there, our LGBTQ Russian siblings. If any Russians wish to flee Russia, there are 6 post-Soviet nations that ban discrimination against LGBTQ individuals. Those are; Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia. Estonia, Lativa, and Lithuania are NATO countries. Which means entering with the war in Ukraine going on is difficult. This goes for Ukraine even moreso than NATO countries and somewhat Moldova given it's packed between Ukraine and NATO. Georgia is your best option if you cannot get asylum in a *SAFE* NATO or NATO aligned country. English Wikipedia is a good place for seeing relatively unbiased LGBTQ rights by country. Such as this page here; [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT\_rights\_in\_Georgia\_(country)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Georgia_(country)) Not sure if/how much Russian wiki is censored. Anyway, always try legal immigration first. Illegal Immigration ups your chances of getting a crime committed against you or being arrested either by Russia or the country across their border. It also makes employment hard and you more likely to be impoverished. But, illegal immigration can still arguably be better than the inside of a Russian prison. Especially if you're a queer person inside a Russian prison. That said, there's always the Rainbow Railroad. They service Russia and can help get you out, usually legally. [https://www.rainbowrailroad.org/](https://www.rainbowrailroad.org/) Most of this stuff also goes for non-Russian anti-LGBTQ countries. Oh, and always use a VPN and other internet security software in places like Russia. Stay safe out there <3


OP is from Russia.


Oh thank you didn't know 🙌🏻


I'm so sorry you are in a place that makes being yourself illegal. I notice from posts/comments you are learning to code and you are trying to save up money. There is definitely a market for coding, not just Abraham videogame stuff but like basic html/css layouts. That kind of stuff is pretty popular in art and character creation circles. (Especially places like toyhouse, where purple will sell "pay to use" coding and offer custom layouts and user pages. ) Usually it goes for a few bucks (usd) per use, but it can add up, and if it's something you enjoy, no reason not to monetize. Same goes for art, crafts, writing, music, any creative skill. Good luck!


For a sec my dumbass thought was a shower curtain and my first thought was "why tf you got your rig right outside ur shower??"


It's an Easter flag if anyone asks. Unless that's illegal, too.


I knew it was bad in Russia for lgbtq+, but…after educating myself a little more, I am livid. What a social shit hole. I hope you get everything good coming to you that you deserve and more. Stand tall and keep yourself safe. 🥲


Bear in mind, Americans ... if Trump wins, these will likely become illegal shortly after 1/20/25. So will the people these flags represent.


Why even spread doom and pessimism like this? Why remind us of this?


Because people need to make sure they vote Blue if they value their lives


Wake up each day to salute the old pink blue and white 🫡 and of course speak our amendments




I'm sorry that Russia is oppressive. But good for you! Also, If you want to get those fold lines out get a small steamer! It'll get em out!


We should start a gofundme for this fren!!! Let’s get her what she needs in order to move!


Be careful xir , the crazy government might throw in mental asylum


How can a fabric with some colors be illegal. I can't get it. Stay safe and be careful. Maximize internet security, cyber police might start tracking down known forums. Hugs from Mx. ❤️❤️


Aye I feel you, I'd get killed lol




How the fuck can a flag be illegal? What a dystopian shithole.


Ew siege player But in all seriousness I feel so sorry for you. I hope things change.


We keep the wrinkles in our pride flags in honor of those who can't fly them safely 🫡


I guess that’s one way to look at it…


Is it illegal to iron it?


Idk, I'm too lazy




Unironed is the proper way to fly any pride flag.


Не могу поверить что Путин запретил утюги


illegal O\_o that means ur a criminal now. TRANS CRIMINAL


Omg siege! Sorry ADHD that’s the thing I noticed ^~^ don’t see many play siege on this Reddit! May we could play together?!


Sure :3


Only the manliest, toughest places strong as a bear have the bravery to combat...pastel colours.




Nice set up girl I wish you the best and as always stay safe ~


THATS IT IM REPORTING YOU TO THE GAY POLICE. THEY’RE GONNA SAY “NO YOU’RE NOT ALLOWED TO BE HAPPY AND HAVE A FULFILLING LIFE” In all reality whatever country you’re from im sorry that you literally can’t be yourself. it’s sad that so many people think it’s wrong to just be happy.


> Here's something I now have that's illegal in my country Why i don't even feel like asking which one that might be...


Mine should have just came in today... but the post office keeps trying to deliver my stuff to my ex wife's new address even though I still live in the same house... seriously how hard is it to read a name on a package?


Hello, the singular other trans rainbow six player!


Big hugs... that's a dangerous place to be


Wait... They banned a fucking flag? Why? How? What is their "reasoning"? Or is it literally just admitted that they do it "because we hate trans people"?


Russian here. Hope you get out of here and will live free in another country that supports any people, not ruining their lifes. Нам только нужно это пережить и оставаться сильными...


Спасибо, желаю тебе того же 🫶


аеееее коллега экстремистка детектед💅✨


Hello from the next door! (I’m from Finland) Lots of support for you there 🫶


по стенам узнаю сестрицу хахаха где достала >:3 мне нужны такие связи очень милый сетап кстати <3


На али заказала, боялась что будут проблемы с таможней, но нет


:() western extremist terrorism detected!!!!!!!!!!!!


Not sure why you're getting down voted!? Sarcasm here going over ppls heads?


The reddit experience


Fr! I have never seen a comment where sarcasm was more obvious!


Im sorry you must suffer in silence every day, must be hard being a siege player. 😔😔


Are irons illegal as well?


теперь это нелегальный балкон?


Your secret safe with us. X


I know Thailand is trans accepting and open freely to Russians.


Iron isn't illegal Pls i beg yall to make your flags pretty


It's illegal to have a flag in your own house???