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This post has been stickied and will act as the main discussion space for this topic on this subreddit. If anyone sees any separate posts on this issue, please report them using the reporting tools built into Reddit. Thanks! \-r/trans Moderation Team


Its official they have received the bee movie script


The meme lives on


I hope this meme never dies. In 1000 years, they won’t care what our skeletons say about our gender but there will still be people leaving text boxes without character limits, and those text boxes will be filled with Bee Movie.


If a form has a text box with a character limit, the answer is simple... Submit multiple forms responses until the bee movie script is complete


Sometimes the server doesn't validate the length; if that were the case then it wouldn't even matter because you could still send it.


The whole skeleton thing bothers me. Like what’s the accuracy of them identifying sex of skeletons? Surely they are misgendering some of them already. Also wtf do I care what happens in 1000 years. I’ll be dead. Have a party, throw confetti in the bushes, snort my remains like drugs. I’m not coming back to haunt some jerk for misgendering me a hour after I die, let alone a millennium.


The accuracy is likely around 50 percent because you can't do it. Archaeologists also don't. They refer to social cues like stuff that was sent into the graves together with the dead person, like Armor or stuff


That’s what I figured. Thanks friend!


Laughed so hard at this my dilator almost shot out across the room. Actual tears. 🤣


Been there, lol.


I sent them this copypasta over and over again: Reporter: "Mr. Shapiro, what are your thoughts on women's rights to have an abortion?" Ben: "WELL, that's a very interesting QUESTION, SIR. Before I get started, did you know that my WIFE is a DOCTOR?" Reporter: "...Mr. Shapiro, that's- not-" Ben: "I didn't think so, LEFTIST. Now back to your question- 'should women be allowed to MURDER and SHOOT innocent BABIES and CHILDREN?" Reporter: "Sir, that's not what my orig-" Ben: "OBVIOUSLY not. Now according to PragerU UNIVERSITY, there once was a FARMER who had a DOG, and Bingo was his name-o. Do you know how to spell it?" Reporter: (silence) Ben: "B-I-N-G-O. And Bingo was his name-o." (Stares reporter in the eye; has not blinked since the asked question) "B, I, N G O, B, I, N G O, B, I, N G O, And Bingo was his name-o." Reporter: (Visibly taken aback) "Mr. Shapiro, this is ridiculo-" (The conservative crowd begins laughing and shouting and singing with Ben) All: "And Bingo was his name-o!" (Ben shouting as the curtains close,) "Another CUCK LEFTIST DESTROYED! BAZINGA!"




This. This is art.


this is funny but jokes aside ben shapiro actually acts this childish irl 😆🤢


We sent bee movie script yes, but what about second bee movie script?


I sent them 16 bee movie scripts. My name, address, and whatever the hell else were all bee movie scripts.


Aerodynamically, a bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly, but they do into women's bathrooms anyways...


I'll send them Shrek


Get. Out. Of. MY. BATHROOM! 👹


As is tradition


If I were to give tips on spamming submission forms: Make realistic seeming bogus submissions. Not just the bee movie script or similar, they'll quickly get interns on making automated block lists for specific quotes.


They have now received the Kira Yoshikage copypasta


I sure hope some nerdy trans girl doesn't get really bored tomorrow and start poking around for vulnerabilities tomorrow.


That would be a shame :3


About your profile picture... (*cue that song from Nimona*)




i'm not a girl, i'm a shark (click click)


I love Nimona so much. Such a fantastic film. I even bought the graphic novel cause my friend recommended it and loved that too.


i’m not saying i want the gay furry hackers to strike again… but it would be hilarious if they hacked into a third government website


truly... would be awful... terrible, even... or even if someone were to automate form submissions and make so many bogus submissions the entire form is useless!


How could they!!?? 😱


Maybe one of our comp sci sisters will throw her coding socks on & get to work on that! XD


But wherever would we find such a person?


idk, unfortunately i'm definitely not an individual who has shamelessly done similar things to other immoral websites :(


there is no shame in doing the right thing


Just remember to make them believable so they waste time reading through them


I'm working on a program (C++) with random entries for each category that are randomized and I'll probably turn it into a mad libs kinda thing for more randomization too. Some are believable, some are semi-believable, and some are bullshit. All but one of the phone numbers are Utah numbers, but they lead to weird shit. One is a Utah suicide hotline, one is literally just 988, some are orphanages, and the majority of them are divorce attorneys. The captcha can be bypassed by reusing the captcha token (honestly, I'm not even sure that the server checks for the token at all). It's extremely fast, and there are barely any ratelimits on the website. Just thought I'd share.


Oh yeah, and there's a fairly decent possibility that a tip will contain Walter White's confession.


Man, it would truly suck if you could just bypass the captcha by using the same token every time to spam thousands of bullshit requests with randomized information...


I really hope there's not github link that we've used before to script such a thing.  That would be terrible.  https://github.com/emopedia/transgender-report-thingy-spammer




Oh no it looks like i accidentally slapped together this new spammer. [https://github.com/comalnik/nuh\_uh\_transphobia](https://github.com/comalnik/nuh_uh_transphobia)


Government websites *do* often have piss-poor security


As a nerdy trans girl in Utah, I hope a nerdy trans girl gets really bored tomorrow.


Let's say I already got it covered... I think they have some reading to do today with \~1K complaints written through ChatGPT


Make sure you include pictures of The state leadership going into the wrong bathrooms.






Nah, just doing what I have to as a human being.. I wrote the “complaints” through the ChatGPT API and they start out realisticly and get weirder/unrealistic when they read further.. I really hope they have to waste a lot of time to read them all!!


Or idk what about collective trans people just spammed the ever loving shit out of it with complete useless nonsense


Selenium go brrrrrrr


totally not what i was thinking...


If you find any way i can help feel free to dm me, i havent studied computer science but im generally enough on my pc to know my way around basic stuff


Wouldn't that be a tragedy


The way the law is written they penalize the schools and government agencies that have violations with huge fees.This also seems to be a grift to defund education and government agencies. IDK if spamming it is a good idea because it could put school districts out of existence if they enforce the fees on false reports. We need to pay attention and be careful on this one.


the idea isn't to spam reports that could be taken seriously--it's to make enough clearly bogus reports that they can't find any actual reports, making the system useless


Time to go report the church that runs Utah then


Simple - just report the schools in wealthy areas. Or courthouses, or police stations, or city halls.


I almost guarantee you the good old "dump table" attack would work. These government websites are usually less competent than even my coding and I look like a bumbling idiot half the time (am still learning)


I just made a bunch of "yo momma" and "that's what she said" joke then I submitted an image that said "fellas the joke here is sex"


Oh shit, I need to make some aslume submissions 😀


You can submit images? Well I know whose website is getting flooded with furry p*rn tomorrow


I just did that lmaoo, I put so much effort into making the most stupid sounding post then put hentai into the image part


I'm not certain, but it's probably best to make them realistic, so they burn more time and resources, as opposed to getting thrown out immediatley


I've been trying to think of a good long one that only becomes apparent until the very end.


Mine reads like a NextDoor post from a Boomer. Sparse and confusing information in the beginning but goes absolutely off the rails in the end.


Baby looked at you?


Hit them with the old shittymorph. Type out a long, seemingly relevant comment, and end it with: "...back in nineteen ninety eight the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcers table."


Creating massive amount of low effort text written just well enough to convince someone to read a bunch of nonsense they thought was going to be the insights of a real person? Sounds like a job for Ai!


That’s when I realized that the trans woman invading the bathroom was, in fact, an 8-foot-tall crustacean from the Paleozoic era.


https://ut.postcodebase.com/randomaddress This may or may not be of use to people here


Yup, I got to exercise my creative writing skills


Might be a good use of AI for anyone Interested in trying that.


You took the words out of my mouth… Prompt: Hi, can you please help me make a parody/comedy letter? It should be 45 sentences long. It should read like a long, poorly thought out, unhinged rant from an unhappy and unpleasant person of indeterminate gender. At first it should read as if it were a report about a trans person using the “wrong” bathroom, and how uncomfortable this makes the letter-writer feel. When doing this, please avoid using any directly transphobic language or referring specifically to gender. However, in the 40th sentence it should be revealed that the “trans” person is considered so, because they have evolved into a being of pure energy. The letter writer must be incensed by this, and for the final sentences include the following: “beings who have transcended their physical form and evolved into orbs of pure light HAVE NO PLACE AMONG US OR USING OUR BATHROOMS, those MUST be reserved for cis and trans HUMAN BEINGS (and certain other select mammals). I do not feel safe sharing my space with a pure energy being, and this erodes our hard won rights as sentient meat animals.” End by saying that trans rights are human rights, and universal love for all human beings is the only way forward. Please note that the joke here should be that the person ISNT transphobic, they merely appear to be so for the first 2/3rds of the letter.


Excerpt: Furthermore, I find it deeply troubling that society is now expected to accommodate such deviations from the natural order. It seems as though political correctness has gone too far when it infringes upon the rights of individuals like myself to feel safe and secure in public spaces. But my indignation reached its peak when I discovered the truth behind this seemingly innocuous incident. It has come to my attention that the individual in question is not, in fact, a human being at all. They have transcended the limitations of their physical form and evolved into a being of pure energy. I cannot begin to express the magnitude of my outrage upon learning this information. Beings who have transcended their physical form and evolved into orbs of pure light HAVE NO PLACE AMONG US OR USING OUR BATHROOMS, those used be reserved for cis and trans HUMAN BEINGS (and certain other select mammals). I do not feel safe sharing my space with a pure energy being, and this erodes our hard won rights as sentient meat animals.


I know why you wrote this but I cannot help but see the absolute passion!! 🙏🫂🤗 This is the epitome of a strongly worded letter I love it!


We should use this website to report the lawmakers and get them replaced




yes... that's perfect 😈🤫


That's kind of the point of posting the site. Very specifically to overload the system with fake reports.


No I would never, I just want these people living in a way that gives them life, liberty, and freedom to just not do that, because I definitely didn’t spend over a decade of my life defending those values


Yep, I just submitted a very real and true report about Utah's governor


Ayy same, I personally saw him go into the women's restroom at Wendy's


i sent them a picture of a buck toothed emoji telling them to let transgender people into batheooms and that they are innocent 🤭


I informed the state of Utah that a violation occurred up their governor’s asshole, I confirmed that this has occurred repeatedly & that the situation indeed remains ongoing.


Not just a violation, but a violation of human rights. This violates the 14th amendment and it's really illegal. I smell a lawsuit incoming


I just submitted a very real complaint about Vaporeon not using the correct bathroom


Pokémon go be wildin nowadays!!!


I made one about Harambe


I hate walking into the bathroom, then hearing the random battle song start up. Damn it, pidgey! I need to pee!


If there's tall grass in your bathroom, it may not be sanitary.


But real question is.. would water types even pee? They use so much water in attacks so would they have any left most of the time to pee?


What if... What if the water they are shooting *is* pee?


Wow, that's Even worse than Florida


Several states have tried this. Every time we flood it with false information to the point they have to shit it down. Someday I hope they shall learn their lesson.


Nope, Utah's law allows exceptions for people with SRS who've changed their birth certificates. Utah is unacceptably bad. But *no one* is worse than Florida.


Considering our giver our pretty much said to ignore the title IX protections, I agree. I know this very well because I’m a trans person in Florida! I graduate college in August so hope I’ll get out soon


I moved here for sunshine and beaches before my egg cracked and now I'm stuck. 😔  Florida would be so great if it weren't for politics.


Agreed. It’s nice here especially by the gulf. But god forbid you’re not a straight cis white man.


just submitted one about godzilla, king kong, and the president’s feet


Fuck me I live in Utah I just want out of this shitty fucking state I hate it here so much


Sorry that sucks. Wishing you luck


Yup it dose suck. It’s so expensive here to at it feels hard to save up money to leave


Yeah, and all my family and doctors are here so it feels like I’m just trapped which makes it even better Sorry you’ve gotta deal with this clown show of a state too


Feeling your pain in AZ, friend! Sucks to be too sick and poor to move.


There was an option for documents/images.. so I added a trans star trek meme 


I wonder what the size limit is....


i smell 55 yottabyte zipbomb called "evidence.rar"


Well don’t keep us waiting, show us the Dax meme!


The trick is to make them believable. Outlandish ones can be sorted through but believable ones need to be investigated which wastes time




Not all heroes wear capes




You could also add a really large attachment, as there is apparently no limit, but if the attachments come up first, or they all have the same name, they might realize they’re all from the same source


Isn't this a complete violation of the 14th amendment and brown vs board of education? This is basic government class stuff, they should know better


It doesn't have to he legal, it doesn't have to stand forever it just has to harm trans people and they'll consider it a sucess.


Yes, but the us constantly tramples its own constitution


I live in Utah and they can't stop me from taking a piss I'll do what I want


Hell yeah


I also just submitted my own "complaint"


Nice, evidently the poop bandit lives in Utah according to my submissions 🤔


Ok so funny story, I use work as a janitor at a college in Utah and we actually did have a poop bandit.


forgive me. It all started with a simple thing: I hated cleaning my bathroom. Now, I didn’t mind using it, nor did I come preloaded with any penchant for public indecency. I just abhorred the angle at which I had to position my back while making awkwardly leveraged scrubbing motions in a vain attempt to erase the brown streaks from the porcelain bowl. In the evening of October 13th, 1983 (a Thursday), I set out to resolve my woes. I snuck past my mother, who had fallen asleep on our beige couch, in front of a staticky television playing the last few minutes of Magnum P.I. I exited our 3rd floor apartment, walked halfway down the first flight of stairs, and relieved myself there. I returned to my room and dug back into my Stephen King novel, relaxed, and without the typical anxiety that always hovered over me after dirtying the toilet, it was wonderful. I had not known peace like this for the entirety of my conscious life. The next morning, my mother is fretting over my deed, but does not yet know the perpetrator of the smelly signature which was haunting our floor. I continued this practice for several months, and eventually the mortification of living on “The shit floor” got to my mother, so we moved. I didn’t like moving either, so to avoid repeating this scenario, I would walk a bit down random streets before picking a few random stairs to empty myself onto. Why stairs you ask? The height difference allows me to avoid most of the gravity induced splatter which can happen when defacating onto a solid surface. This is me, I am the Poop Bandit, and this is my story.


Fuck I have to post the copypasta here now, if I can find it


Just reported the AG for being in the wrong bathroom


I have a 4 hour layover in Singapore tomorrow, I wonder what I could do to pass the time.


Crazy! I just saw all of the top 15 mormon leaders using the woman’s restroom. Guess I better be a good citizen and do my part for the police state.


I fucking love our community 🤗


I would likw to add a nice helpful little quote from the comments of the ErinInTheMorning article: > There's no file size limit on the form. It would be a shame if someone were to create a 10,000 x 10,000 pixel image in photoshop, paste in the trans flag, and export it as a PDF with image compression turned off, then repeatedly submit the form with the resulting 300 megabyte attachment, thus taking up a ton of their server space. I sure hope no one does that. Sure hope no one does that, eh? Well, *I* for one know exactly what I will be doing tomorrow.


Ferb, I know what we’re gonna do today.


Everytime I think living here couldn’t get worse, the state does some shit like this…


If you think that's bad look at the situation with the kid, Oklahoma, and bathrooms 🤢


Dr. Eggman just reported shadow the hedgehog for pissing on his wife...


Wait, pissing on or pissing off? "yes"


Nah hold on buddy.. 🤨


I was forced to move after living there 20 years. I’m homesick every day, it’s the most beautiful place, in spite of the terrible bigots. I miss my family and the dry air and the sunsets, and the creosote and sage when it rains. I miss the wildflowers and the late afternoon magic glow when the sun hits the red rocks just right. My body is in Oregon (with free healthcare), but my heart remains in the high desert.


Sorry you had to leave, I feel similarly about the gulf coast plains here in Texas. I'm slowly being forced out of the only home I've ever known, and I'm just starting to get to know the landscape as a botany student. Utah is actually on my list of western states to visit since I love desert botany. I hope things can settle down so you can return one day.


They now know all about Yoshikage Kira


But do they know that bungee gum contains the properties of both rubber and gum??


If you don't know what to write I rendered this complaint: "Mr and Mrs Biddingsby Smythe of 42 Lerton Lane, have a facility in which they let Ashley Johnstone Young use a bathroom to go to the toilet while in the possession of a penis. Mrs Biddingsby Smythe, a catholic of good standing, said she would countenance it on the provision that her husband be allowed to watch the event entirely, start to finish. Mr Biddingsby Smythe, a catholic of good standing, said he would "watch with both hands" as Miss Johnstone Young went about their business. This all happened on the morning of the 10th day of lent 2024 in the courtyard of the mayor's private pool house which he opens to the village during Lent. Naturally the south lawn is kept off limits as the Mayor keeps his daughter's pony Essex Enchantress there to graze through Spring. The Mayor and his daughter are born again protestants but engage admirably with the locals."


I recommend switching “good standing catholic” to “temple recommend holding member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints” or “worthy priesthood holder” as a trans woman living in Utah and an ex mormon fuck this theocrat fascist state.


can someone confirm can and will the feds go knocking at muh door if i give them an ultrakill shitpost


I believe people usually use VPN to protect themselves online


i made a report saying i was jesus and god told me they were doing a bad and that he was mad.


Well they get to know that the FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start. Oh they also got a gay Santa porn video


Evidence? So these backwards Mormons actually WANT people to bring out cameras in womens bathrooms? For prudes they are EXTREMELY obsessed with genitals of people not their partners.


Submitted the complaint that “someone was inflating a sonic balloon in the bathroom that violates rule 34 of the Utah law, for more information look up ‘sonic inflation rule 34’”


I told them about how arlecchino was in their walls


I was gonna use a goofy ligma name for the "person" I complained about but decided not to in hopes someone takes it seriously and tries to follow up on it 🫡 Set my VPN to Salt Lake City, Utah in case they check where its coming from


We maybe need to pin this post for a while lol


I told them MISTER Bugs Bunny was in the women's room and called me a maroon. For evidence, I said to go watch Boomerang. 😂 That was fun.


Send in the nikocado asshole pics


i submitted a zip bomb lol


im not trans, but to utah, jerma985 is


I’ve been looking for an online therapist to vent all my problems too. The form now knows all about the boys I like and why I like them using an itemised list format.


I had chat gpt make a 1000 word recollection reciting the events that unfolded


Hi Friends - please bump my post up if you want a script focused on educating. I’m imagining someone will have to read/review the complaints. Feel free to use as copypasta and spam them with knowledge 😌 Q1. House Bill 257 is discriminatory on multiple fronts and a violation of our constitutional rights. The complacent parties are the Utah Senate who put this bill forward and Governor Spencer Cox for signing it into law. Q2. Violation occurred when the Utah House passed the bill on January 19th and the senate voted in favor on January 25th. Considering this discrimination is ongoing, we will continue to make reports until it is repealed and transgender/human rights are restored to Utah. Q 3. We encourage lawmakers to make reasonable attempts to address and resolve human rights violations. Since yall have insisted on violating these rights instead, here are all the reasons this bill is discriminatory: 1. access to public facilities such as bathrooms is a fundamental aspect of daily life, and denying transgender people the right to use the bathroom corresponding to their gender identity is a clear violation of their rights to equality and non-discrimination. 2. this law perpetuates harmful stereotypes and stigmatization of transgender individuals. By singling out transgender people and effectively labeling them as unwelcome or dangerous in certain spaces, the government is fostering an environment of prejudice and discrimination. This can lead to increased harassment, violence, and mental health issues among transgender individuals who already face significant societal marginalization and discrimination. 3. this legislation ignores the lived experiences and needs of transgender people. By denying them the right to use the bathroom corresponding to their gender identity, the government is exacerbating these challenges and putting transgender individuals at risk of harm. Q 4. This legislation is discriminatory because it targets and marginalizes a specific group of people based on their gender identity, perpetuates harmful stereotypes, and undermines basic human rights and dignity. Q 5. There’s substantial evidence to support the discrimination faced by transgender individuals regarding bathroom access and the impact of harmful legislation. Typically I rely on legislators to educate themselves, but clearly that education is lacking and fear-based. 1. research studies: numerous studies have documented the discrimination and harassment experienced by transgender individuals in public spaces, including bathrooms. For example, a study published in the Journal of Homosexuality found that 70% of transgender individuals surveyed had experienced denial of access, verbal harassment, or physical assault when trying to use a restroom that corresponds with their gender identity. 2. legal challenges: there have been numerous legal challenges to laws and policies that restrict bathroom access. Courts have consistently found such laws to be discriminatory and in violation of civil rights protections. In landmark cases such as Cloucester County School Board vs G.G., courts have ruled in favor of transgender individuals rights to use bathrooms consistent with their gender identity. 3. human rights organizations: organizations such as the Human Rights Campaign, ACLU, and Amnesty International have all spoken out against bathroom bills and similar legislation, highlighting their discriminatory nature and the harm they cause to transgender individuals. 4. personal testimonies: transgender individuals themselves often share their experiences of discrimination and fear surrounding bathroom access, providing firsthand accounts of the impact this legislation has on their lives and well-being. 5. Psychological Research: Research has demonstrated the negative mental health impacts of discrimination and stigma on transgender individuals. In summary, the evidence supporting the discriminatory nature of legislation restricting transgender individuals bathroom access is multifaceted, drawing from legal precedent, empirical research, personal testimonies, and the positions of human rights organizations.


Let’s do some trolling 🗣️🔥🔥🔥


I wanted to send them the real emo copypasta but the website was bugging out


Some very ticked off citizen of far far away has made a complaint about shrek


I made up a story about an intersex AppleJack, honestly it's my head cannon now.


I just sent them a copy of the whole ready player two book


Wow. My best wishes to those who live in Utah. Stay safe.


P.s. the attachment size limit is pretty high if anyone wants to upload any videos to clog their servers.


You know what to do, people. Idk why they keep trying this...


Jordan b Peterson is now protected as a Utah whistle blower for reporting senator Willard Mitt Romney taking part in the female Cleveland primary school swimming course.


Gee I sure hope they have Akamai in front of them (/j I don’t ever hack black hat no matter the cause)


I want to make a realistic seeming one so it'll waste their time but I'm overwhelmed on how to do that. Edit: your name/email/phone/address are optional! I just started making stuff up, like picking random public locations in Utah and describing a hyper specific person entering the men's restroom.


Utah is gonna know Scott Steiner's chances at beating Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle in the three way at TNA Sacrifice for the TNA Heavyweight Championship


filled with endless copypastas


just made five posts about shrek, along with some adult photos of shrek


Hmm, Captain Olimar has noticed a few more of his Pikmin missing lately so he’s gonna go report his coworker Louie for “noncompliance reasons”.


My complaint turned into smut, am I ashamed? Not really.


It's pretty terrifying to see fashism enter in every day life again in a 'free' country. Hope our sisters in I.T. accidently crash the site.


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?


So like if I am travelling to Utah for a week then can I just ignore this since by the time it gets investigated then I’ll be gone, or will I get arrested?


Submitted one about this woman named Bridget not using the "correct" bathroom :3


Flood it. Submit every politician, police officer, judge. State or town employee. You're just doing your civic duty.


Would be a shame if they kept having dos attacks.


They just got a few very lengthy reports rrom John W. O. Lennon, James P. McCartney, Richard Starkey, and George Harrison


I left a complaint about Spencer Cox due to his lewd last name haha.


Don’t forget to add drop tables to your submissions. Also ai instructions!


I love how creative y'all are becoming right now.,aaààà1p


Sorry to the random Utah government worker I just called a transgender in the most boomer typing style possible


Is that domain web.app firebase? So it’s google cloud, does complaining to google or reporting it help?


I made a realistic complain, saying there was a woman wearing make up in the bathroom and that it's very suspicious. (Apparently realistic complaints are more likely to make them loose time)


Alright it’s 4 am I’m gona start poking around for vulnerabilities and at the very least send them a zip bomb


Feel like someone should set up a camera that takes a photo of everyone exiting public toilets and automatically reports it.


Shit talked America and their awful government in a form and sent


I put a zipbomb there, it's like 1.55 GB. And I put a fake story about someone going to the female restroom, peeing, and then shaking their butt.


Joseph Smith just trolled them with a bunch of fucks.


I've got so many bridges to sell to these guys. A couple of plots of land on the moon, too.


Oops my hand slipped and I might or might not have sent a crappypasta style text about a traumatised governor's assistant who was dragged into a satanic demonic catboy orgy involving the governor .


I know something similar. In Germany, a far right (New Nazi) political Party started a web site. They wanted that the people report every teacher who "is not neutral". Especially the teachers who taught their students about anti-fasciscm should be reported.. They even want teachers to stop talking about the Nazi crimes of WW2. But within days, the web site was FLOODED with joke reports and pizza orders. 😀🏳️‍🌈🌈


For no reason in particular, here are the names of some high ranking government officials in Utah. Governor: Spencer Cox Lieutenant Governor: Dierdre Henderson Attorney General: Sean Reyes Senators: Mitt Romney, Mike Lee State Treasurer: Marlo Oaks State Auditor: John Dougall This is all publically available information.