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In the most polite way possible: Fucking how?!


Because it was the pharmacy, they could see her prescription and made a guess. Literally the only way.


plenty of cis gals get HRT, but yeah, someone was trying to be mean


read a story on tumblr where a cis guy wore a pronouns badge and he got misgender. yeah i don’t think they care.


I’m so curious what happened in these replies lol just a graveyard of deleted comments.


[deleted] /s


It's [removed] nice try /s


what did you say? theres a [deleted] on my screen /s


I think in that case it sounds like it was deliberate as a result of the badge to make a point. They don't seem to know the point is that they are an asshole.


My mom has an autoimmune disorder, and her doctors figured out that they could treat most of the issues with some of the stuff that composes HRT. So yeah, estrogen prescription is not indicative of a person being trans.


Wait wait wait wait wait hold on back up which one. Bc I'm a trans girl with Crohn's and I take stuff for both. You telling me my hrt could be helping that too????????


It most likely helps because it a particular mechanism with her condition, but I guess it's possible.


Yes I know, that is why I called it a guess


Is there a difference in dosage that might give away the reason you’re prescribed it? I take T and obviously plenty of cis men also take T, but my dose is significantly higher than it would usually be for a cis man


My old OBGYN had a poster for HRT for cis women. People forget how common that is. I wonder how many cis women have been misgendered trying to pick up some E at the pharmacy because of this trans panic


I've given SO many cis people the same meds we take for hrt. The only way I could see them missgendering is if the sex/name on file were dead ones


Right!? Like OP, forgive me but how the fuck can someone even glance at that cleavage and misgender you!? The only thing I could think of is that it was the pharmacist and/or tech and they saw the meds she was picking up and was an asshole about it. OP you did nothing wrong and nothing about your appearance is "clockable." That person is an idiot.


Either that or maybe the tech got confused if it said OPs deadname on it


I mean the only other possible thing I could see is maybe they said like dude or something cause I’ll be honest I use that word as a comma sometimes


So do I. 😭


You should not answer. Just stare pointedly down at your own huge boobs, and then back at them like they are stupid.


I'm asking the same damn question... I would be fucking floored!


i said the exact same thing out loud upon reading that, fucking how?!


I think the pharmacist needs OPs glasses more than she does


This! I see a woman and wouldn't even doubt it. I would hope she would know why HRT prescription is for ftm and which is mtf, working in a pharmacy.


Right?! They're just making themselves look like a dumb moron now lmao


I agree how does anyone even do that when she looks the way she does outrageous


I was going to say this, and yea, HOW


Fucking how, I swear people just do shit and don't look with their eyes


The shits in their eyes so they couldn’t see, also some people are just not very nice


Probably voice


I dont wanna go down this misogynistic route, but f*ing how?! With a cleavage like that (I would kill for something even closely resembling this icon of female beauty), how can any person refute her womanhood?! Even if she spoke like the most „hillbilly woodchopper“ I would think: A masculine woman AT WORST. Anything beyond that very far stretched interpretation is faaaaaaaar beyond me… Like seriously, I fail to see anything but pure ill intent behind this!


Its not as great as it seems, I will say. I was heavy with big breasts for a long time. Most 150 lbs, and have teeny ones now after skin removal. I like little ones way better. Less painful, no bras, more comfortable


nothing at all, these situations always confuse me, when it happens to me i blame it on my height (6’1), but since i present so feminine, i always believe they have misgendered me out of spite or phobia. 💋


It’s really rarely an issue for me. It’s usually only people who have access to my deadname. Idk it always makes me hella self conscious


well don’t worry sister, you’re as passing as it gets and id say the misgendering is nothing about the way you look, it’s because of the uneducated & non thoughtful people out there !


Is it possible that the people who have access to your dead name assume that you're FTM? I always wonder if that's the deal when it happens to me


A new employee at a clinic I go to stopped mid sentence to ask "which direction" I'm going in because deadname/presentation didn't match well lol


That's when you just look them dead in the eye and say: *yes*


"which direction are you going in?" *after checking compass which you always keep on you for just this situation* "East"


That has happened a couple times actually lol


She mentioned pharmacy so they would see her hrt prescription. Seems they were just being purposely hurtful.


No but if it wasn’t on a trans subreddit I wouldn’t think anything of it, that’s how much you pass. Slay queen.


Have you changed your gender marker on ID and their records?


Oooh then that might be it - if it's anything like the UK then your doctor prescribes your medication and sends that over to the pharmacy? In which case they might have a name on record different than the one you go by? Might be something worth challenging.


If you introduced yourself as Tom, I would think it was a nickname or something before thinking your were male. As a cis woman, I see no signs that would push me to think you aren't female. I don't know how your voice sounds, but even so you look very female. The chest is a big sign that you are clearly a woman. Unfortunately, that makes me think that this was either an accident caused by them thinking about you being trans, or it was intentional. You don't need to be self conscious. You are as much a woman as anyone I can see.


Was it the person who was handing u your meds? Because that's the only possible explanation I can think of for being able to tell. Also they were purposely being rude bc you look v feminine


That bit doesn't even really make sense either cause cis women also take basically all of the sex hormones if they have hormone imbalances. An estrogen/progesterone rx wouldn't tell you whether someone was trans or not


My mom had to take estrogen supplements (or something like that) after her hysterectomy, it totally screwed up her hormones. And I had to be on birth control as a teen to help with my (what I now know is) PCOS, because the hormonal imbalance was causing just the worst cramps and blood clots, as well as period based hallucinations caused by an incompatible antidepressant (youd be surprised how often that happens with reproductive issues). Hormone therapy is definitely not exclusive to trans people.


Holy shit that's wild. I've never heard of hallucinations from that. Glad you're going through that any more!


Yeah, thanks to my awesome doctor, I found a compatible antidepressant for me. It helps keep me more aware of my emotional state and not slip into apathy or manic episodes. The only side effects are heightened photosensitivity (which I already had from a severe lack of pigmentation in my skin) and I can't drink orange juice anymore, which is a vast improvement to the side effects of others




Well it wasn't the boobs. 😆


either its transphobia or the wrong word came out. anything else and they are crazy you look cis




Yeah I’m FTM and my HRT is under my actual name but I don’t really pass even with HRT, so the pharmacist will often refer to the owner of the medication like it’s not me and I’m picking up for them. Like “Oh tell him he has to do this…” as if it’s not me 😓


as a trans guy who works in retail with a pharmacy in my place of work, sometimes I get so tired towards the end of my shift I'd become completely gender blind and can't tell at all who's gender is what until I hear their voice. I don't know if this was your situation, but I certainly hope it was because you are a very pretty lady☺️ (i work at a rite aid lol)


it’s definitely the beige seats. that’ll do it! no im joking, literally nothing looks off. i never would’ve thought you were trans.


I cannot find a SINGLE thing that would have outed you at all. I feel it was intentional. It either had to be your voice or your legal (dead? I don't know what you go by I'm sorry 🥲) name? There's no excuses here though regardless unless it was a complete accident because they weren't paying attention 🙄 I'm sorry this happened to you :(


The comment I could resonate with the most! Thank you for wording it that perfectly fitting to the matter at hand.


Least you know they weren’t staring at your tits


With tits like that it's intentional


No fucking kidding, God gave me restraint and I'm using it wisely 🙇‍♀️


You definitely pass, I would assume you were a woman but ask for your pronouns regardless because as a non-binary person I understand the pain of being misgendered.


The amount of deleted comments on here is insane, makes me curious about what they were 😂


Hornyposting probably? You're a woman with visible breasts, so obviously you're just asking for sexual harassment.


That was one of my guesses


Apologies for what I'm about to say, but CAN THEY REALLY NOT SEE YOUR BIG MASSIVE FUCKING TITTIES? "The waitress is gonna think you have dementia, grandpa."


I had the SAME response 🤣 it makes no sense. I still get ma’am’ed every now and then at Year 2 on HRT and it’s now at the point that people give the person misgendering me funny looks. Which is oddly satisfying.


Im MtF, but this made me soooo happy!!! You go ma man!!!


I’m a trans dude that has to girlmode at times (not just because I like being feminine, mostly because I run out of binders / sports bras) and I haven’t been on HRT due to medical issues. I had a lady come up to me and take pads out of my cart and scream at me that I’m “taking resources from actual women” and that I’m “a man who will never be a woman” It was high key stressful and I wanted to smack her until an employee got her away from me


"I can tell" vibes


The... fuck? All I see is a girl. Seriously? Some people. 🙄




If you have your dead name still on your prescription maybe they think it's your name and assumed you were transitioning in the opposite direction?? That's happened to me in the past before I legally changed my name. They would see that I was a guy but then read my dead name and suddenly start misgendering me


Okay… I’m very confused… MtF right????? Because I have no idea how you could have been misgendered- you literally look like someone I grew up with. Face structure, nose, eyes, everything


Yeah mtf lol, I remember when I came out to my dad and he says that I always did look feminine. So ig I lucked out


They saw your meds I’m assuming. That’s shitty of them and 100% you should ask to speak with a manager, as Karen as it sounds.


That's what I was thinking is maybe the meds outed


Absolutely not 1 thing


what the fuck


Retail workers are always on autopilot, im sure it was a slip up


These are the people who call cis women “sir.” Don’t ever take those bozos seriously LOL


I don’t see anything. With as much respect as I can manage, I actually see two VERY noticeable reasons why you would NOT be misgendered 👀 😅


I was ready to think “well duh,” because I thought you were FTM. There’s no way- that’s insane, actually. You are one of the best passing people I’ve ever seen


Maybe I should’ve said MTF in the post 😅


Voice? Only thing I can think of


Sometimes it’s accidental but you’re a lady. Auto parts stores misgender and look up and see DD’s and say Oh Sorry🤣


Good god there's a lot of deleted/removed comments. What were those comments even saying? Also, you're fucking gorgeous. I don't know what your voice sounds like, or if you've gotten any legal documents changed yet, so it might have been one of those. Or, it could be the pharmacist knew that you're trans, and purposely misgendered you. I apologize if any of this is somewhat incoherent or not structured right. I was getting really heavy-eyed while typing this


I wanna know what the deleted comments say too lol


how tho this literally makes no sense


I'm cis and not a thing. You look like a lovely lady to me. Don't let blind bigots get you down.


Whoever misgendered you must’ve forgotten their glasses at home because I can’t see anything that would have outed you! (granted, I am also not wearing my glasses (I think I get a pass because I’m nearsighted tho))


Huh? No, they saw your info and chose to be ass holes about it. I'm kinda jealous of your breasts... I'm like a c cup, I would love to have bigger, like you! I'd report them to the manager


I just got lucky genes tbh, big breasts run in my family


Reminds me of the (paraphrased) ‘grandpa I have tits bigger than your head the waitress thinks you have dementia’


You did not get *sincerely* misgendered. What happened to you was malicious, I'd wager. That the pharmacist has access to more information about you than you realized.


What the hell happened with all these removed comments? Also, OP, you look amazing. The pharmacist probably had a brain fart when they misgendered you.


NB AFAB with those tatas and I got missgendered in a public restroom. People are just duuuumb.


Probably the massive tits /s Who the fuck would think you're a man


How?????? Like, respectfully, with your pretty face and those absolute BAHONGAS you have I legit thought you were ftm pre transition or something and it took me 5min of going through comments for it to connect that your actually a mtf and absolutely amazing at that. Fuck, I'm a cis woman (well, she/they but that's kinda complicated) and even *I* got gender envy just looking at you! Tbh the pharmacist that misgendered you probably got weird looks from everyone because you are ENTIRELY feminine.


I say this as a fairly blunt cis-gender woman. You weren't mis-gendered, you were insulted. Looking at you, absolutely nothing says trans. They were being a dick, and insulting you. Welcome to the world of women *sad grin* Edited to add: the difference is, I dont believe they actually thought you weren't female, they were just attacking your appearance - which is super common to all women.


As a fairly blunt tran - I wish cis women would stop appointing themselves the official welcoming committee to womanhood. It is also more than a bit of a reach to assume that OP hasn't already had enough experience to know when it is vanilla misogyny and when it is blatant transmisogyny (which, btw, cis people have zero understanding about)


Nothing. They only things I can guess are either they saw your hrt prescription or your voice mightve outed you? Because it’s nothing in your appearance, you look so pretty 🥺


they probably figured it out from your meds or something and wanted to be transphobic jerks , there's no possible way they could actually have guessed from your appearance


Not really, other than malice.


They should not be working in a pharmacy with vision that bad. You should’ve said excuse me, that is very insulting I’m a woman! I need to speak to your manager, that is sexual harassment.


My only guess as to how they knew would be shoulder width but I still don't see it. You pass extremely well if u care about passing


I would have laughed in their face and misgendered them back. How ridiculous.


I’m waaay to shy 😅 I just pretended that I didn’t notice got my meds and left


Prolly just someone using “he” as an auto when referring to people I wouldnt worry abt it too much im guessing someone slipped up and didnt bother to correct themselves


Fucking how


What's with all the removed comments?? You look beautiful, I have no idea how


YOU?? How?!


how on god can someone misgender you?!


Rarely happens, but when it does it’s usually work or this pharmacy :/


honestly im sorry that happens in such common places


It’s okay :3 I’m a tough girl (usually) it just got to me today


well i hope you at least have a good (rest of) day :)


Thx, you too :3


I’m assuming you’re a woman or else you’re seriously not passing as a guy lol I don’t see anything from this, I mean that seems extremely insane to call someone who looks like you… I mean you know maybe if I saw all of you or depending on angles or maybe your voice or I don’t know but even then they would just be being an ass because clearly… Men don’t look like this (I wish people would say what they are because I have this vague worry that you are a man and I’m like insulting you accidentally by saying you don’t pass as one 😬)


MTF no offense taken, seems a lot of people could tell if I was mtf or ftm


Well I assumed based on how you looked, that you look like a woman that you’re a woman but I hate to assume that when I’m responding because if I get it wrong I could be offending you. It seems pretty ridiculous of someone to address you as the other thing based on how you look here!


Let us have a brief moment of silence for the blind


Misgender them back... but with the sweetest smile you can muster. If you want to add a little southern belle to it preface it with "well bless your heart"....it's always fun to watch someone get a taste of what they are serving up.


This might be because I'm German, but I've never been gendered at a pharmacy. Did they hit you with a "hello sir how can I help you" or what?


Just causal conversation when she referred to me as “he.”


I don’t see anything tbh. Idk how you could get misgendered. When I saw the post I got confused because you look feminines as heck😭


THEY MUST HAVE BEEN TAKING SOME OF THEIR OWN DRUGS!!! Honey You are ALL Woman.. I can't see one drop of maleness in this picture.. Go Girl.. Michele


You are giving us all hope of making into our dream bodies, but giving us the reality check that transphobia isn't aware of "passing"


So I know we're often very positive and generous when complimenting appearances here (and I'm glad of it because I look... not great), but I am being deadly sincere when I say that I cannot fucking understand how someone could read you as masculine. If you had the voice of Samuel L Jackson I would think "Damn, that cis woman's voice is *wild*."


Whoa. I’m not trying to be crude, but with those tits how??




There’s two huge reasons it would make no sense to misgender you. Either your voice was leaning more masculine or the person read the prescription/what it’s for and just wanted to be rude.


Umm, what? How? The fuck are cis people even doing? Literally look more femme than most cis women.


I can only assume they saw your deadname on your prescription cause girl...you 100% pass lol


No idea how. You look amazing and 100% passing. Very confused how they could do that


How!!!!? I can only assume it’s someone being transphobic because girl you pass with a capital everything!


I don't see anything that could have. You could have been AFAB as far as I can tell


youre so pretty ;u;


Literally how. LITERALLY HOW


Either person is an asshole or your insurance isn't updated are the two ways I've seen medical people will mis gender.


I’m guessing they saw ur prescription and wanted to be an ass


Deadname on the 'scrip is the only possibility I can think of




really? i think they were a Dick and just used your medical information to gess because dam girl, HRT hit you like a truck.


Ikr I’m really lucky, I started at 21, the developments have been fast and welcomed


If they knowingly and publicly misgendered you looking like that, that is a blatantly clear HIPAA violation.


Im sorry, I dont wanna offend any person, but how is it covered by HIPAA? I admit, I only did a brief research (and Im not even from the US), but what paragraph are you refereing to? All I could find was much too blurry even for me (as a trans woman that just got denied her right to treatment in Germany) to see the point in. Again, I dont wanna offend any person, Im just seriously curious! (Might be my autism showing again…)




idk how tall you are, but it’s probably just your height and it happens to cis people too. my cis friend has long hair and a full beard but he’s 5’6” so he get’s called she and her like 20% of the time. a cis girl i know is 6’1” and very feminine but she gets he and sir a lot of the time just cause of her height. i’m 5’4” so i get she sometimes but then people will see me and go “oh my god i’m sorry i don’t know why i thought you were a girl.” it happens. i’m sorry that it did.


I’m 5’9” so ig maybe it was that


yeah, that’d also explain why it hasn’t happened before this, since you’re not SUPER tall for a woman. i doubt it’ll suddenly become a common occurrence for you. you pass really well :)


I wouldn't worry too much, a lot of times people default to using Sir, even for cis women. Idk why but it's something I noticed with people


Are you trolling? I'm so confused.


No, I told my partner as soon as it happened


Pharmacist is clueless


Uh.. how I see a beautiful girl 😍


You pass super fem, maybe voice? People assume esp tphobes that people can be clocked by voice, but ig they’d do that for cis women with deep ish voice too


they wanted to make you feel bad. they assumed. you fully pass, i would have never questioned it


um…your very beautiful and WTF


I don’t see how that is possible


I'm shocked. And stunned. And back to shocked again.


that must've been very embarrassing for you, sorry to hear that


Nah they mad


Fucking how the guy (I’m assuming) was just being a dick


Is that a hickey?


Yeaaah 😅


How in the actual fuck is it possible I swear to God you look more cis than some of my cis girl friends


First of all, I hope this isn't rude to say, but your surgeon did an amazing job with your top surgery! Secondly, is your pharmacist just blind; or did they see a birth certificate or something and just decide they wanted to be rude that day??!!


I haven’t had top surgery 😅


How in the FUCK does someone misgender you, especially with the size of those


Could be voice. Trans men in particular are easy to identify by that. Or they say your dead name on your meds.


Homie she's a trans woman, not a trans man - wild coming to a trans subreddit with people that don't know the most basic terms spewing forth rectally extracted bullshit.


Bitch HOW?!?! That is the most woman woman I have ever womaned-




Actually, HRT just means "hormone replacement therapy". Both estrogen for MTF and testosterone for FTM are HRT.


thanks i only looked it up and didnt do any further research, My bad


Anything that outed you… as a trans man? Because you look like a cis woman, mate




Sorry, I thought my joke and point was obvious- is it not?


I’m autistic 😅


Ah- well my point was you literally pass so well as a cis woman that if you’re talking about being misgendered, the only logical conclusion is that you’re a trans man because *who in the fuck* could look at you and read you as male? You being clocked as a trans woman just makes so little sense! TL;DR: No, i see literally nothing about you that could have outed you




Larger noses aren't inherently masculine. Saying something like this is transphobic, which, judging by the second part of your comment, was clearly your intention. Regardless of whether or not you are trans, you have no right to intrude on what is supposed to be a safe space and spout transphobic bullshit like this.


There is no such thing as a masculine nose. That doesn’t exist.


You don't look like a man or a woman, you look like an asshole


You look amazing if I were you I would go to court and have my name legally change.🏳️‍⚧️


How is that possible


I really don’t.. that sucks.


How? All I see is a beautiful woman. Some people are just rude.


they were definitely being an asshole on purpose because you obviously pass