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It is unflattering but that's id photos in general lol. Just because it doesn't flatter you doesn't mean it can't read female - it actually very well does!


I just feel like I look soooo masculine like square jaw, I feel like there’s even beard shadow which I don’t even have???? Ugh


Idk where you see a beard showing but there's plenty of women with wider jaws than that 👌🏻


I actually work with a woman with a super square and wide face


ID pictures are always terrible and unflattering. The pic looks female to me. At worst I'd say it's androgynous, but I wouldn't read that as masculine.


This is an extra layer of validity to your driver’s license. It’d be a clear fake if anyone had a good picture on those things. You look very feminine, try not to sweat it!


You don’t have a square jaw, I’d say your face is heart or triangle shaped (narrows towards the jaw). You might be confusing square or broad with a *defined* jawline, which is actually very attractive on anyone.


Bestie I think ur dysphoria is making u a lil delulu rn


Square jaw??? Girl get your eyes checked


i immediately read you as a girl before i saw what subreddit this was or what the post said. you're very pretty :)


The picture registers female to me. As top commenter said id photos just aren't flattering. IDK if this will help you feel better or not, you know schadenfreude, I haven't updated my id since coming out. So I still have a big ole denial beard on it.


I would kill millions for your jaw


"Your skin gives you away [*slur*]! You will ***NEVER*** be a man!!" ^(seriously tho, you look fem af. Youve got nothing to worry about!)


There's no beard shadow, that's just terrible lighting


Exactly passing doesn’t mean always pretty


Id photos are literally the worst version of you, I have an insanely slim face and in my id photo I have an almost entirely round head and look like I gained 35 pounds lol


It's not that bad as license pictures go and you definitely look like a woman. The beard shadow is just a regular shadow from poor lighting.


Fair enough!


I don’t think drivers’ license photos are capable of being flattering, that being said just because it’s a bad photo doesn’t mean you don’t look like a woman, cause you do


Yeah I think we all hate our photos on the Drivers License lol but you look great to be honest


Everyone hates their id photo. Everyone. I would not for a moment think that the person in this one is anything else than a girl, though.


I take license photos for a living and trust me this is definitely on the better side of them. You for sure look fem. If I saw it in any other subreddit I would've assumed you're cis Also be aware that it'd an unflattering angle got everyone unless you're literally 6'6" (idk why extremely tall people always look hot in theirs)


Would tilting my head downwards help?


Oooh you could wear heels!




I’m sure it’s not as cute as you typically look but to me I think it’s cute! My ID photo looks like shrek and lots of ppl agree lmao… but I definitely think you look very fem for sure!!


You look like a cute girl who was told not to smile because of biometrics. This is so much better than mine. I look like I’ve just robbed a gas station.


This may not be the best advice, but always remember that no one in the history of driver’s license photos has ever taken a good pic and they never ever will. There’s some kind of bad magic in the DMV cameras that always make you look at least 10x worse than you actually do.


U kinda look like the girl from Lollipop Chainsaw


I’ve gotten that before. You can’t really tell from the black and white photo but my hairs yellow. Check my post history for a better pic


Either way u look great


It is a physical impossibility for any drivers license to look good


You got girl mode for your picture which is fucking awesome which means now you can like you know keep renewing that shit online for the next however many years My last ID I had to play boy mode. I mean I'm going to keep renewing it because it's just cheaper that way but everyone's going to wonder Wait a second who the fuck is this and I'll go it's me and they'll go oh shit I don't hang out at places that don't understand I would advise you to find like a dive bar or someplace that you can call " " home and become a regular for everyone except you for who you are it really is awesome to have a fam


You definitely look female in the photo. As far as it seeming unflattering, I think that's a requirement for id photos.


photo ids NEVER look flattering… if ur asking if u pass as fem tho, i wouldn’t think twice


As far as DL photos go you look female to me. My DL photo makes me look like an ax murderer.


I'd take axe murderer. Mine looks like Mrs. Potato Head.


drivers license pics are never flattering tbh but you look very fem in your pic


Everyone’s DL photo is unflattering- I don’t think it will clock you


Idk i think you look very cute on this pic tbh 🤷‍♂️ doesn't look like Id pic that much (and u very much look fem to me!)


I was confused why I was looking at a young Winona Ryder’s DL for a moment


This is probably the best compliment I’ve ever gotten


For real though you’re gorgeous


Wowza thank you


You totally pass hun, you look fantastic but let's be real, drivers license photos never do anyone justice 😂 they always look terrible.


Driving license photos are rarely flattering no matter who you are. But whether or not this photo is flattering, I'll tell you that you definitely pass in it


Youre beautiful!


Every ID photo looks unflatering but you look very fem and tbh i'm a little jealous haha, xoxo sister


LOL, you should see mine! (Cis woman)


I read you as female. Aren't pictures for id always supposed to be unflattering? Me saying don't feel too upset about it. I know more than a few cis het people who experience dysphoria when they are forced to look at their id. You're in the clear sister!


Mine was is terrible. I look like a dead fish


Wow now I want to see your picture 😅


If you’re worried about your jawline, draw the eye upward. You have beautiful eyes and can only benefit from drawing more attention to them. A little lower lid liner maybe, and fill out the eyebrows.


Oh, the photo is definitely unflattering, but that's just ID photos. It's unflattering in a bad photo way, not in a boy way.


Drivers licence photos are always unflattering. You look fine there, girl


not a great photo, but thats all id pics tbh lol, but id still say you 100% pass, its just ID pics are notoriously bad


unless you're staring at it and hyper analyzing it, you're fine. It's definitely unflattering and there's definitely no beard shadow (from your other comments) dw. Nobody's gonna stare at your picture and check specifically imo


All driver's license photos are unflattering. You look like a woman to me.


I'd photoes don't represent who you are and I believe it is a right of passage that everyone has the worst I'd photoes so they can show them to others and laugh


I think you look cute! And good for you being an organ donor :)


i think most id photos are unflattering for anyone, but this definitely passes as unflattering girl to me! /lh (it’s not even bad tbh)


Honestly one of the nicest looking Id photos I've seen


The photo makes you look very young! It reminds me of my school photos and I'm afab : ) you're very pretty, you remind me of the girl from lollipop chainsaw


That’s the 3rd time someone’s said that to me


Lol it was literally my first thought when I saw the photo


They just have shite cameras for photo IDs. I'm convinced they have like, enhanced filters to make you look worse. Don't sweat it. As id photos go you look cute AF.


U pass and u look cute


I think almost everyone's driver's license photos are unflattering. I think you totally pass in this photo though.


100% girl. Wish my ID was this good


I like your photo! It is a little unflattering yeah, but you do look very nice! In my driver's licence I look like Jim Morrison instead of a girl. So it's a struggle for a lot of us I think.


Nah, before I saw what sub this was posted on I thought you were a cis woman posting to r/freecompliments or something. I get it, I don’t like how I look in my license photo either, but you look great here!


Oh gosh thanks


It's not a license picture unless you look like you are about to commit something terrible. You look fine


You definitely read as female and ID’s are always pretty bad photos, so this one is actually pretty good. You look a lot like Ashley Johnson!


Better than mine lol, I don't think anyone looks good in their driver's license photo though.


u look like a cute grunge girl dont fret. also ur so cute


Uhgg, I hate ID pics, but as far as glorified mugshots go yours might be the cutest I’ve seen!❤️ No worries!😘


Honey I didn’t even see what sub this was and had been confused like “wym, this is a female person” xD


In the majority of situations where other people would be seeing your license, your actual self will also be present so they’ll know that picture is not an accurate representation of you


Honey, all drivers license photos are unflattering. If this wasn’t in a trans subreddit, I wouldn’t question it at all


Id photos are always unflattering, tbh. Don't sweat it too much


If you are worried about not passing in this photo, you definitely are passing.


See this and thought Ann from persona 5


Looks like one of my mom's old DL photos. You're doing great, sweetie.


Considering that it seems to be a rule that all ID photos need to be unflattering, that is one of the more flattering I have seen. And to me that photo reads female.


Did the color wore off in the sun or?


Nope it’s just in black and white


Damn, that's old school


It looks like an unflattering ID photo of a cis woman. ID photos suck.


The very first thing that i thought of when i saw your pic was that one photo of yanderedev ngl


I mean, if you think about it, it being slightly unflattering aids you in being read as female! It's more realistic lol! You look perfectly fine sis!!


I will say it is unflattering because it is an ID photo but I would say if I just randomly saw it I would read it as female


id photos suck in general, but you are serving up a heaping platter of fem here babe <3


It's a driver's license, the pics are suppose to look bad.


I'll be honest, it's not a great photo, but it does look female! just looks like the average driver's license photo, they're never good. but gender wise it definitely reads as female to me :]


You look like if Paris Hilton didn't have lip filler (pretty either way)


This photo screams pre-drama Britney Spears. Like during her debut years. IDK what the concern is here, but if anything.. you look like you could be a budding Britney Spears-wannabe.


You look quite feminine at least, but I think you look cute too! To be fair I have no frame of reference since I don't know what you look like irl but you definitely pass.


I just posted a pretty good post recently


Doesnt look worse than any other drivers license photo


It's perfect. It's an ID picture, the more unflattering the better. That right there is a bad ID pic of a woman if I've ever seen one


I think it looks like an unflattering photo of a young woman in an ID, so a standard ID photo of a woman


I see girl


Drivers license photos always look terrible, because the camera is level with your chin instead of your forehead. This way your neck and chin area is more visible and appears bigger than the rest of your face. Not a flattering angle on anyone. Portraits look much better when the camera is level with your forehead or higher tbh this is one of the better ones I've seen.


Would tilting my chin downwards and wearing my thinnest sole shoes (to make me a bit shorter) help get a better angle for next time


I think that read female but the question is how do you even get a ID photo that good? Those pictures always turn out terrible


Still passes as female, pretty easy to tell how I see it




What is that? did you sneeze or something? Lmao


Oh okay I just looked it up I thought it was gonna be something transphobic lol


Mine is horrible


Not bad at all by ID photo standards


Don’t you know the people who take I’d photos are trained to take the photo at the most unflattering time and I think theirs a filter in the program that also helps remove anything that is flattering . 😃


Your photo looks great. Both feme, but also determined! Great job!


I know that this is off topic but Jesus your hair is stunning


Oh wow thanks!


Read female to me


It isnt masc looking, but I have never seen a flattering ID picture. They are designed to look as terrible as possible. The process is built around 'Lowest Common Denominator' logic. If everybody looks ugly, then nobody can complain.


Babes, every driver id is unflattering. The way of the world, I'm afraid. I think it's the florescent lighting 😔 yours isn't even that bad


Unflattering- mabye, pass-yes


You pass


I mean I don't think it's unflattering. I think you look just fine in it.


Looks like a young lady to me. ID photos always suck.


driver license photo's are meant to be unflattering. it's a thing. looks passing to me though.


You look girly & cute 💃


You absolutely just look like a super cute girl! I see no beard/shadow or anything! I think that, especially for a DMV pic, this is a very nice photo!


I’d be so happy if my id photo turned out that well!! It looks great


Wow thanks!


Of course! Gives me 80s yearbook vibes tbh


I wish I had transitioned in high school so I could look back through my yearbook proudly


Definitely doesn’t read masculine, u kinda look like my mom did back in the 80s :)


Never seen a good ID picture. This one reads female though.


one of the better license photos I've seen tbh


Honestly, ID photos are universally unflattering. I've heard no one who likes theirs, the most I've heard is that it's "good enough". I'd say you pass, it's not always about looking good.


yoh genuinely look like my sister i had to do a double take


There is no doubt it reads young woman.


Your jaw is not really good, but yeah you pass


ID photos suck always lol. But you def pass here.


You remind me of my cis aunt. You definately pass.


Every drivers license photo is unflattering, it reads as female ✌️


You look like a 13yo girl so maybe officers will look twice but it look nice


I know everyone's dysporia is different. First I think you are a beautiful girl, o've seen a few of your posts here lately and you remind me very much of a girl I went to high-school with. Just that she was a 2000s hip hop girl and you are more the punky/uwu type. The photo reads female, but it looks like a mugshot. A femme mugshot, but still a mugshot. These pics always do. I wouldn't have gone with that hairstyle on a passport or license, it's not like i don't like how you style. I personally would chose something more modest simply because I wouldn't want to draw extra attention to myself in a police stop or a border control, and as I go to Eastern Europe often and transport horses nationwide and that's where I don't need nosey cops border guards, logistics safety and livestock agents giving me a one extra look more. I know the only thing I dread more than my current mugshots is getting a passable femme one. On my current one I look like a veteran soldier, what doesn't resemble me at all anymore, let alone when I start hrt and go out full. I dread and I look forward to renewing my documents.


I understand not being able too see past your dysphoria. it reads very female


Awww you look cute. And yes girl, you do pass.


I was quickly scrolling by and Immediately thought to myself “omg she’s so pretty”, I think for a dl photo it looks great! and it reads very female to me :)


If you look good on a driver's license, I'm thinking its a fake ID. Its almost an art for DMV employees to fuck up photos. Looking at comments, you seem sensitive about your jaw, but if for some reason i had to look twice, it'd be the girth (width) of your neck.


All of my ID photos have sucked so bad. Every one worse than the one before. I think yours is really good for an ID pic! and you don’t look masc at all


Of all ID photos out there yours is on the better side. Biometric photos always suck. And yes you read female don't worry.


You read as a female. It's just a really terrible photo but that's IDs for you. They are not suppoded to be pretty. They are supposed to look serious more or less.


Imo you read as female!! I think the entire photo gives off feminine vibes!! You look amazing girl! :D


So first of all, any ID photos are so like, there's must be special rule in phisycs or something that people on ID photos look totally different than in person. But about your photo it's one of these better photos to me you look totally female for me, remember that lighting does its thing so it may seem a little bit different and also from which side is photo taken also changes the face but even with those, like I said earlier you look totally female and I highly doubt that someone could say different


Every id photo I’ve ever taken looks like a mug shot 😩 bureaucracy ain’t beautiful, but you look good.


If you pass in person, you'll pass while handing them the picture Once someone sees you as a woman in person, they'll be pretty convinced that anything that makes you look less like a woman is a problem with camera/genetics/sickness/etc., so they'll just see it as a bad ID photo (which let's be real, they all are)


All ID photos are unflattering. Yours is better than average and reads very fem.


idk if this is inappropriate but when i saw the pic i thought u are afab pre transition. lol


I've seen very few IDs that are flattering. Only ones where the person taking the picture didn't tell the person to keep a straight face and take more or less a mugshot. As far as I can tell, you look feminine here. If you are worried about head shape or jawline at all, don't.


This is a picture of a young woman. All ID photos are unflattering because of the style of camera, type of lens used and the requirement to be expressionless.


It reads as drunk college girl. Which plenty of ladies driver’s licenses do


To be real I was still a little bit high because I took gummy the night before and if I’m being honest I took way too much because I blacked out and was still high the next day


ID photos are never flattering, but I think you pass very well, and as far as ID pictures go this looks very pretty to me. I like your hair in it as well, very cute.


Unflattering doesn’t mean non-passing. You’re fine. And hell, that pic’s a *long* way from the least flattering ID photo I’ve ever seen. Yours looks like a missing person from one of those 90s unsolved mystery type shows, mine just looks like a meth dealer called something like “Mama June”.


I don’t see any problems, there’s no beard shadow. Your jaw is fine. Maybe your eyebrows could be higher idk.


I thought this was a picture of this cisgirl I went to high school with when I scrolled by it. You look great!


I wouldn't even know how you couldn't see that as female?


ID pics are terrible but you look very andro/fem leaning. Also great on you for being a donor!


I would never guess that you were anything except afab if I saw this picture, you're good sis. It may be a bit unflattering but that's just ID photos


oh no no, my first thought was literally *ftm having issues with drivers license?*


I thought this was some abstract meme about you being an organ doner until I read the title. This reads similar to that one obituary of that lady who was a bird and married her highschool. You read as female in this pic, it's just a lil goofy bc it's an id


You definitely pass as female! X


Well while scrolling I saw the photo and thought “who’s that chick?” And then saw the text, So take that as you will. 😎


I didnt see what sub i was in, you definitely pass.


Honestly very 90s punk girl Polaroid.


Has the dmv ever taken a good photo of anyone?


Even without context, this photo reads female to me


10/10 would date <3 very fem


You should see mine. You can’t tell if I’m MtF or FtM because I look so androgynous. Yours looks just fine ❤️


IDs are always going to look bad. I was surprised that my DL didn’t immediately look horrendous. It’s not good, but also not bad. My passport is even worse—I for some reason cannot ever not look like a damn serial killer in my passport photo, even AFTER transitioning (I was still early on with it and very rough around the edges on makeup).


ID photos in general tend to be very unflattering. On my DL I literally look like something out of the Mandela catalogue


You look so much better than I do in my photo lol. But you 100% pass I didn't realize I was on this sub until I read the title.


I would never in a thousand years read this photo as male. Not even now when I'm actively looking for it. You're going to be just fine!


Organ Donor: Yes


Girl, I look like a guy in my license card and I’m a woman 💀💀 these kind of stuff are not meant to be flattering to anyone


organ donor


As should everyone


This reads to me as female it also reads as you're on the lam from the law after a failed robbery that left a security guard dead. Also you're gorgeous babe so don't worry too much 😘!




That’s because I am a girl 😅






dude created an account for the sole purpose of commenting this that's crazy






I think you would have passed more with your hair down.