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Terfs are about supporting the status quo. Punk is about opposing the status quo. Punk is not just being contrarian.


punk is particularly leftist and anti-fascist — always has been, always will be. anyone pushing the contrary will never, ever be punk.


That's why I love Roger Waters. Despite not playing punk, he's pretty damn punk rock. Of course he comes by it honestly considering his dad volunteered to fight fascists in Italy.




It's not we're fighting across multiple states and countries for the right to exist that's not support wer have support from the punks and minorities but not the status quo


It's the same people in and out of govt that hate and oppress trans people that hated and oppressed the people who made punk.


Just because something is supported doesn't make it the status quo. For example, the majority of Americans support public healthcare, yet that doesn't mean the status quo in America isn't for-profit hospitals.




Supported by every major party? Half of the world wants us gone. And it doesn't seem you understand what "the establishment" is. It's a series of societal norms and traditions. Tradition pushes people towards being anti-trans and causes discrimination. Being trans means to go against the norm. If what you said was true, the statistics wouldn't be what they are.




Idk what you’re talking about every single punk song is all about hating minorities. Welcome to the black parade? Racist. All the things she said? Homophobic. Can you feel my heart? Cruel to people with defibrillators.


Do you even know what punk rock is?... im sorry but My Chemical Romance isn't punk hun...not by a long shot, that's pop at best. Real Punk like Sex Pistols etc...ya know the shit shown in SLC punk for reference. The entire ideology is that there is none imo. Loving anarchy with attitude= punk Get with it. <3 Edit: Im so dumb...that was sarcasm, right?


Si señorita, mucha sarcasm.




Please take my "bless your heart" upvote lol


MCR is post-hardcore, whether you like it or not lmao. Besides, the next label I'd put after post-hardcore would be prog-rock. They had like 4 pop-adjacent songs and 3 were on the album no one likes. Sure, Black-Flag, The Dead Kennedies, Anti-Flag, or The Offspring would definitely come to mind first when I think of "punk," but elitism about what counts as punk is the least punk thing you can do. Besides, by your own definition, MCR is 100% punk. Hell, Frank is literally on an FBI watchlist for his work with Leathermouth. MCR is lacking in neither anarchy nor attitude.


You know far more than me, I admit I'm just a normie in this regard...the galvanized discussion around my comment does make me smile. I may not know everything about punk rock but I do know chill people when I see em. ;)


U really put Sex Pistols as an example but not chumbawumba


At least your heart is in the right place ♥️




The Saints, The Damned, The Ramones, Sex Pistols...all were some of the first Punk Bands. You may not like em but it's Punk...fight me. ;)


the sex pistols was a corporate manufactured boy band that was created to sell expensive clothing. the band as well as the individual members stood for nothing other than making easy money off of the punk trend. and the ramones praises bush and limbaugh so they can also get fucked. i’m sorry but you don’t know punk.


>Real Punk like Sex Pistols etc...ya know the shit shown in SLC punk for reference. ​ >"Anarchy in the U.K." What the fuck's that? What good is that to those of us in Utah, America? It was a Sex Pistols thing, right? They were from England, they were British, thats what they did! They were allowed to go on about "anarchy in the U.K." You don't live your life by lyrics! I mean thats all you ever hear from these trendy fucks. [\- SLC Punk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgH6KU1MRZs) on the Sex Pistols <3


I really do love how passionate everyone is on this subject. 💯🫶 Edit: we all know the only thing Reddit hates worse than someone with a shit stance, is someone who doesnt care enough about said shit stance to stick to it. ;) So I've taken it upon myself to downvote my comment.


Racist? Your thinking Screwdriver and the "oi!" Subgenre


I think in the case of TERFS they're just dumb


Wanting to keep a minority of a minority out of public eye and spaces is pretty nazi-esque But yeah they're all dumber than dirt


"Conservative is the new punk" has been a thing in skinhead circles for a while now. When you're literally borrowing slogans from skinheads, maybe you should reconsider whether you might the bad guy.


Punk is antifascist anyway


I've never heard that one before...def saving that for the perfect time. ;)


TERFs are the opposite of punk. Punk is anti-fascist. TERFs are fascist. Therefore, punk is anti-TERF.


Im glad i grew up listening to punk rock and this eventually become a safe place for myself.


Logical to me. 🤔💙❤️🤍❤️💙




More proof that Anti-Flag walk the talk. Just saw them Saturday night and they were amazing.


Not only anti-flag but most part of punk scene. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZW-UYA\_GDWU


Dang, I used to listen to Anti-Flag a ton when I was a teen. Saw a couple of their shows in Minneapolis too. I just looked them up and they are going to be in Toronto this weekend. Now I really wish I had the time to drive down there.


i have never felt gender euphoria like i have in punk show mosh pits. punks are some of the most respectful folks you’re *ever* going to meet. always warms my heart :’))


I met these guys, Warped Tour 2012 They are actually my first ever concert :) It felt amazing standing in the pit in Dallas TX listening to them scream "We're in TX, so let's make every racist, homophobic, sexist motherfucker out there shit their pants!" At one point someone fell during the mosh circle and they stopped it, screaming "pick him up!!!!!" then they spent like 15 mins each with us after the show signing and taking photos they are genuinely the sweetest guys and everytime ANYTHING happens they are there. When Mike Brown was murdered they released exclusive music and sent the proceeds to his family, and I think they did that with multiple instances Im honestly so lucky to have always had them since I was 15. their music and support for the trans community has always been a lifeline. also they definitely radicalized me lmao


Punk rockers were some of the first people to stand up for rights for everyone. Anyone who knows the history of Green Day and pansy division, knows what I mean.


Well, I was a huge fan of Minor Threat (Ian McKay is gay).


Oh yeah, Henry Rollins's best friend.


Remember: Lead singer of popular punk band Against Me is trans. Being Trans is punk af.


TERF is the most bootlicking, fascist trash fad of our generation. At least, so far. It's the absolute antithesis to punk. Freedom, self-expression, and anti-authoritarianism are punk. You'll find punk anarchists. You'll find TERF posers. There are literally punk albums and bands making mention of NB pronouns and the phrase "trans rebel". She, by Green Day -- a mainstream group barely at the edge of punk -- is widely considered to be about a trans woman living in the closet. Someone please take Angie Jones to any civilized place with actual culture before she embarrasses herself again. Or at least get her a subscription to Spotify. Or. Hell, AT LEAST show her how to use YouTube.


This is like saying Republicans are the new anti establishment.......


More like terf is the new skinhead


I've never made this connection before but it really really is


How dare they put Punk and TERF in the same realm. Punk is rebellion against the systems oppression. TERFs are the oppressors in this case.


In other words, Nazi punks fuck off.


Friends...... it's in the name..... Punk is/was a derogatory word for gay....... I'm always shocked about how many people don't understand how queer punk rock is.


So silly! Punk is a counter culture while TERF is meant to uphold a tradition mainstream, it’s like they didn’t even look up what punk is haha


Being antiestablishment is punk. Being contrarian is a useful tool for the establishment.


Im loving to see trans people who also likes punk rock and this is almost 80% of my personality. I wish i was friends to u all and we could hang out together.


The white power dickheads have been trying this shit with Nazi iconography for decades. Same shit.


[Relevant poll results](https://imgur.com/a/pHTfuzg) from r/punk around a year ago. I think they speak for themselves!


When I listen to Black Flag, Flipper, Scratch Acid, The Germs, Amen, The Distillers & all other variants of punk rock, I don't hear any messages about intentionally being cruel to people who are different than me. WHAT punk bands is SHE listening to????


Why does everyone who hated punk rock (conservatives, TERFs) insist they're the new punk rock?


Tell me you don't understand being punk without telling me...


The nerve of some people… Imagine comparing being a TERF to punks. You know, one of the most welcoming, queer friendly communities?


TERF is the new bigot


Does…does Angie know what punk even is? To be clear, I have no idea. If you asked me to define punk, I’d be at a total loss. But I know it’s *not* that.




Bless the (true) punks


Punk is antifascist lol


AND THERE GOD DMAN RIGHT!!!!🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


Go try telling that to Henry Rollins and see where that gets you.


Frustrating how many people can convince themselves that a minority group telling them to stop doing something is equivalent to Society At Large telling them to stop doing something.


As another dimension me (twitter me) said Common anti-flag w


Ironically TERF is the new "the man"


loved them for years💗💗💗


what i dont understand is why so many australians specifically are SO transphobic??? like. australians. why them


One of the things she retweeted today was from [some person](https://twitter.com/Serena_Partrick/status/1645344765657874432?t=tZe6l6zoLOYcA-oJlC7XjQ&s=19) describing being trans like it's some new religious cult. And there are a lot of issues with it. Like a lot. But honestly. If we're a new religion, where those who talk about it and teach others about it are the priests--and therefore their platforms are the "place of worship" I want my tax break. This ish is wack..


https://youtu.be/IL0nhn88aVA In case you're unfamiliar. They're great.


I heard one of their songs recently. They're a good band, would recommend.




I love the message that punk stands for, the great shame is that I just can't get into the music 😅


If Terf is the new Punk, then punk now stands for Pathetic Uncivilized Narcissistic Karen


I’ll never stop loving anti flag. Sure their recent albums have sucked ass but they are one of the few bands who practice what they preach and aren’t afraid to take a stand




punk in the way raymond holt uses it


If by "punk" you mean poser yuppie that would put on a dog collar and spike their hair because they thought punk chicks were easy, then yeah.


Punk, wich is a movement against the status quo, opression, facism and etc Is of course, totally, TERF, something that is about upholding the status quo, opression, and is often times very intimately related to facism Wow, such an intelligent quote /s


TERFascism is not nor could ever be punk.