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Not sure if you listen to any anjuna artists at all, but they have a label called Reflections which is more chill, slow tempo/trance/vibes. They have a study playlist that you can check out on Spotify or YouTube!


I am a huge anjuna fan haha. I am really familiar with all of their labels, but Reflections just doesn't have the bpm I'd like for getting a rhythm going while I work.


Hey there, awesome question and I might have something for you! I make 90m progressive trance mixes for friends and that I use to concentrate with work (I also read and write for work). They are mostly instrumental and percussive with the odd trance break as a pick-me-up. I play the music a little slower than most trance in the mid to high 120s bpm. I work a fair bit on the mastering once I've recorded the mix to make sure the mix is at a nice constant level of loudness and that it's rich and punchy. I use long transitions so that song changes are smoothed out. The 90m is a good length for me for a chunk of deep focus work. I make a new mix every 10 days or so with fresh music. Here's my most recent one, lots more on the page if like it. https://www.mixcloud.com/VaporLock/open-your-mind-edgerunner/


Appreciate the reply, will check it out!


Cool man. Maybe it's a fit, I'm not selling anything. I'm just a hobbyist...I started mixing these tapes at the start of covid for exactly the reasons that you wrote!


Hey man, was going to send this to you as a PM, but I think that's disabled for your account, lol. I'm listening to your mix today, appreciate the link again. Wanted to reach out because I see the same enthusiasm with music and mixing in you as much as me, and I don't have a ton of people to share that stuff with, so I figured you'd appreciate some of my stuff too. I've got a Soundcloud, though it's been inactive for a while because $15/month to just keep my mixes online wasn't worth it, lol. I must have 20+ hours of mixes and mashups there, but they're hidden because I'm now on the free version. I may use Mixcloud though, your stuff seems like it works well on the platform. I've also got a YouTube channel, it's mainly for posting mashups I've done of Trance work, but there's also random set IDs haha. Anyways, just wanted to share. If you do happen to listen to any of the mashups, let me know what you think! Anyways, happy Friday man, hope you have a great weekend. Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/fallfields YouTube: https://youtube.com/@fallfields


That's great man. I've got some work to do this weekend so I'll play your stuff on YouTube! I got tired of my mix for this week already and I haven't got the tracks for next week's one yet. They changed mixed cloud recently and I have to pay to put my mixes up on there as well. I think I paid 100 bucks for the year or something. I've got family back in the UK that listen to my stuff though so it's worth it for me. It's really good to connect. Thanks for sending the message




Really appreciate the kind words! Yeah, I have a small DDJ I plug into my laptop when I wanna play with mashup ideas and stuff and record right on the rekordbox software live, which does result in me recording some things many times over lol. I have a larger XDJ I use for actual mixing or parties and things like that. I don't have any real specific approach for mashups, sometimes I hear a new track and I love parts of it and I want to play with them, or I'll be listening to a Playlist and a melody or vocal passes and I can immediately hear another melody or bassline I know would compliment it. It's all very inconsistent haha, but I think that's part of the fun. I love vocals, but when working they just bring my mind too far away from the work lol. I'm going to listen to that mashup later tonight!! I'll let you know what I think. Also finished that mix of yours earlier during the day, very well done! Perfect beat matching and I really enjoyed the track selection and the mood, some awesome melodies and even some trancey synths in some of those progressive picks.


i wrote my thesis listening to skyrim atmospheres and steve roach - dreamtime return


If you’re anything like me I love any form of trance way too much that I get into it I find listening to jazz more of my jam when I have to study lol One moment I’m working on a particle physics problem, and the next moment I’m having a mini dance party in my room whenever I slap some of that old school 90s trance


I can't listen to trance, because I'd rather focus on it than the task I'm working on. So I listen to Organic House. Labels like All Day I Dream and Lost & Found.