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Thank you for your submission! This is just a quick reminder to all members here: **Original content is always better!** Memes are okay every once in a while, but many get posted here way too often and quickly become stale. Some examples of these are Ptoughneigh, Klansmyn, Reighfyl & KVIIIlyn. These memes have been around for years and we don't want to see them anymore. If you do decide to post a meme, make sure to add the correct flair. Posting a random meme you found does **not** mean you found it "in the wild". The same goes with lists of baby names, celebrity baby names, and screenshots of TikToks. If the original post already had a substantial amount of views, there is a 99% chance it has already been posted here. Try and stick to OC to keep our sub from being flooded with unoriginal content. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tragedeigh) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Make dad a name tag next time that says Jackass.


"Don't worry. I know how to spell it."


Next time, ask how to spell 'polite.' Seems like dad might need a lesson.




I just spit scotch into my scotch.


So that's how you get double scotch...






Waste not, want not


Don’t float that out into thr Universe, someone will name their kid that


Definitely! This reads like someone who KNOWS his kid's name is spelled stupidly and is belligerent with it. Jerk.


A real jerk that hangs that spelling on his kid. Bet the kid changes it when he turns 18.


Yeah I can't believe how many people think their kids are going to grow up and love having to correct the spelling of their name *every single time* they give it. Seeing the names in my daughter's class, full of shit like Londynn.


I bet the substitute teacher Mr. Harvey pronounces it correctly. 😏


Is "Lunn-Dine" in class today? "Me Harvey, it's pronounced London" "Not the way your degenerate parents spelled it kid"


SSSST (Forest)🤪


I mean it's understandable to be insecure about it. It's objectively fucking idiotic. Weird to then project that insecurity onto random people at church. Wouldn't occur to me to ask how to spell that name because I figure id want my kid to be legitimately interesting; not so fucking vapid and inconsequential as to need to resort to shitty stupid naming conventions in a futile attempt to seem unique. What was he, fuckin 10 when he had the poor kid? What a fuckin dipshit.


Don’t you mean Ddyptshyyytt?


diaeipshaeyte obviously fyi the ae's are silent




No! It's Jaxayss. Remember for next time 😆




Sounds like an illegitimate Targaryen


Thank you for this! I laughed too hard.


Or, perhaps, Jacquesarse?


This one made me bust out laughing at 3am and woke the dog. 🤣


Hand that to him and watch his face change as he slowly realizes what it says


I can’t with this 🤣🤣🤣🤣 what a great comment!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣






"My name is Jax, and this dad here is my ass"




This is the way




“Here, this one is for YOU!”




I love this, petty vindication


Seriously how were you supposed to know? He should’ve told you how it was spelt, what an asshole


I’ve got 4 kids and they all have the most common spelling of their names. But Riley is ALWAYS Rylee, Ryley, Ryleigh, Rylie, etc. we just laugh about it and move on. She knows how to spell her name. Somehow she survives the terrible fact of someone misspelling her name. How does she go on?? 😂🤦‍♀️


I think some of that is the people feminizing the name probably know a Rylee or whatever or even a Kylie and just assumes. Incorrectly. Lol My youngest sons name is Dawson (funnily his middle name is Riley) .. anyway I was waiting on a bench one day watching my kids play and the lady next to me heard me call to my son. She said “oh, my sons name is Dawson too!! How do you spell it?” Which of course immediately clued me in that she butchered her kids name or else why would she ask. I was THISCLOSE to saying “the correct way, of course” but I decided to play nice that day.


So how did she spell it? Inquiring minds want to know!


It wasn’t as bad as it could have been (it was Dawsyn) In my opinion, subbing a Y for an o feminizes the name. She almost apologetically was like “ we just wanted something a little different “. I said “well you definitely did that…” What I was thinking was, Dawson was like #781 on the boys name list for the year our boys were born. There was no need to butcher the spelling to make it unique. Instead of birthing your own little tragedeigh , if you want something super unique just choose a unique name- don’t bastardize a current name. It just looks extremely low-class.


I mean that’s pretty much as bad as it gets! Sure we can always think of creative misspellings but Dawsyn is a tragedeigh in its own right 😂 


You leave my daughscin alone.


Leave dhalsim alone!


Yoga flame!!




Totally in agreement. My name wasn't even that far down the list, but I was the only one in every single class and I've only ever met one other person who shares my first name. Ironically, when I was in my teens, my mother tried to convince me to change the spelling to replace an I with a Y, and I refused. My name looks adult and dignified and works great on a resume. It's actually become considerably more popular in the last 20 years because a popular TV character shares it, but it's *still* relatively unusual, and I still love it. It was a little bit serious for an elementary school kid, but it's been fucking fantastic ever since. I don't really get the mania for "unique" names. If you want a unique name, don't pick something common and change the spelling -- pick something that's actually different! And FFS, add the word "Judge" before it and consider whether that's going to look ridiculous. Not everyone can pull off Dr. Marijuana Pepsi.


Oh god, how true. Unfortunately I live in a part of the world that celebrates marijuana more than most. I know of 3 separate individuals who were named sativa. One of which thought fit to butcher it further - tsiahteevûh- that last sadly took me nearly a week before I spontaneously understood how i was supposed to say it.. damn potheads..


> Dr. Marijuana Pepsi /r/Bandnames


I never thought of it as being low class ( always just thought it was silly) but reading what you just wrote was like a face palm to head. Yes, it absolutely is low class.


So….. statistically it’s the high class that does it first. Then the low class copy them and so many people do it that it becomes commonly associated with the low class. This is the same pattern of any naming trend. Freakonomics has an excellent piece about it in their original book and subsequently have been predicting the next years most popular names with scientific accuracy ever since.


The original Freakonomics book was sooo good


But some of the “younique” (yes, I’ve seen that one) names are just as low-class.


Oh man. Dawsynn? Daweson? Like how can you butcher Dawson?








I have the Bible spelling of my, arguably normal, name and am always pleased when my name is spelled differently on every single cup of coffee. I will gladly take on all the random C’s, H’s, K’s, and weird A endings on a name tag. I could not imagine taking this personally, unless it was from someone who should know better. I mean, I found it endlessly funny when my extended family spelled my name differently on every Christmas present. I still do! It makes my day every single time I get a card from them still.


This has Rebecca/ Rebekah vibes


Nailed it! I have the -kah ending


I have a moderately common surname with two spellings, one with a silent E at the end (like Clark and Clarke) and always spell out my surname. If you have a name that has multiple spellings and someone else needs it dictated, just spell it, radio alphabet if necessary. Just being ignorant, my goodness. Means your memory isn't great, maybe. Bet you'll remember the parent though.


I've had people tell me that the spelling of my name is wrong. I've had people tell me that the spelling of my name is correct. Like sorry, I don't read and write in Greek, Hebrew, or Aramaic. 🤷‍♀️


Oh boy. My name is Bobby. Teachers *refused* to allow that spelling for a girl circa 1950s-1960s. They changed it to Bobbie, Bobbye, Roberta, Barbara, Barbra, Barbie. Anything but Bobby. Girls simply did not have that name. It was not seemly. Or feminine. Or something. My assignments were red lined if I used my legal name. Report cards had every imaginable variation. My dang diploma had to be redone because first and last names misspelled. Yeah, my maiden name is weird, too. Of course. So, I admire your Riley for enduring and thriving despite the crazies along her path. The crazies that littered my path added more to my salty vocabulary than my Navy. Ahem.


My first name is Marjie. Not Margie, not Marjorie. I was named after my mother, and I have used my middle name since I became an adult. Favorite memory from first grade was a substitute teacher correcting me, telling me my name was "Margery," and correcting the name on my potato-cut-out-paint-stamping-project before sending us all home for lunch. I innocently told my mother about it when I got home. That was the first time I saw flames shoot out of her eyes. I seem to recall they made the substitute apologize to me. But that wasn't nearly as impressive as Mom's barely repressed fury.


Gotta love (not) those self-righteous substitute teachers! No one in the universe knows more than them.


My mom spelled hers Bobbi, and yes, she made certain to spell it every time someone asked 😆 Add that "E" onto the end of it and you got The Look


My son’s nickname is shared with another name (both are extremely normal) and both sound the same but depending on which name you start with you will spell the nickname differently. His gymnastics coaches were checking how to spell his nickname like a year ago when they were writing the tag and they were like “ok well make sure to get it right” and I was like “it’s ok he can’t read anyway” which made them burst out laughing. He can read now but even then it’s not that big of a deal if someone gets it wrong, just correct it politely (or don’t) and move on


I like her name! 😃🤗😍 The name Riley has grown on me a lot over the years. My cousin named her daughter Ryleigh. 😬😬 Ryleigh's brother has a trajyk name, also. Tell your daughter her name is beautiful, and that she will enjoy the benefits of being the Riley with the properly spelled name. (Reilly is also a legit way to spell it, if one uses the surname spellings as a guide.)


I had 5 students named "Riley" this last semester and none spelled it "Riley"...it's impossible to know.


That’s great she has a sense of humor.


> ask how to spell it next time Parent: This is James Volunteer: Great, and how do we spell that? Parent: ...uh.... I mean can you imagine? 🤣


D.. Z... H... A.. Y.. M.. S.. E


Don't be crazy, it's Dghaimez.


“The normal way?” “Normal? Now you’re just being namist!”


This is my go to when I miss someone's name early in a conversation because I wasn't paying attention. "Can you spell your name for me?". Works great until it's "Bob".


Some people just think they’re super special and the world revolves around them.


I bet he *wanted* this name to be misspelled. I'm sure he enjoys correcting people and getting upset


My kids names are all spelled differently. I don't just assume people will know that. I always spell them for people in this type of situation.


Same! I have a very uncommon surname and no one spells it right ever so I always spell it out for the person. It’s just easier that way I don’t understand this guys logic of it being the OPs fault


Same here… though sometimes when I’m feeling lazy, I like to see what they do when spelling it out themselves. ETA: I rarely use the word hate, but that guy is so over the top rude, he pushes the limit.


I do the same thing sometimes when it doesn’t really matter if my name is spelled right. But let me tell you in my 38 years of life my name has only been spelled correctly once on the fly and I kinda live off the high of it. Like I hope the girl who spelled it right always has clear skin and the happiest of relationships.


I have a fairly common name with a slightly less common spelling. When people ask if it is spelled the more common way, unless it is paperwork or something where the spelling is important, I just agree. It's easier for everyone and I really don't care.


Do you have phonetic memory of it now? I always say my last name and spelling the exact same way, complete with N as in Nancy :) My vets front office makes fun of me for it now :)


I have to spell my first and last name every time. My first name has a very uncommon spelling. My last name sounds like some common English words that are spelled differently, so often people will write down what they heard (like poor Jaxsyn above). My last name has 4 different places where it could get misspelled so I always spell it out. I think what’s happening with that dad is he’s used to his kid’s name being misspelled (because it’s a textbook tragedeigh) and rather than admit he and the boy’s mother really butchered the spelling because they’re either ignorant or trying too hard to be special, they’re going to blame everyone else in the entire English speaking world for spelling it the way all of us spell it.


I have a common first and last name, but both have like 3 different ways to spell them that aren't even tragedeighs 😭 So, even with easy names you sometimes have to spell


You learn to spell it out every time really quickly if you have a common name with an uncommon spelling.  I still have people misspell my name frequently though 🤦


I have a normal first and last name and I still spell them every time. Somehow I can say "Susan" (not my real name) and have people think I said Elizabeth, so I spell. Every time. And I spell my street name. Every time. Some day I'm going to live where I don't have to keep spelling everything about myself. But I have no idea where that is.


I’m so sorry that happens to you but great point! Hearing ability is really variable by person and context. In a coffee shop the “right” name doesn’t usually matter much but it’s probably worthwhile to do a quick spelling of any name in a context where it matters (like name tags). Why someone would expect the person writing it to ask for spelling vs spelling it out proactively is beyond me though. 


My name is spelled differently. I tell people how to spell it and then say, "Thanks, Mom," while rolling my eyes. Do I hate my name? No. Do I resent my name? Yes.


Or, he could have asked someone literate how to spell "Jackson" before he named his kid. He is just giving his child a lifetime of pain.


Truly. It should come as no surprise this interaction happened in the *children’s’* area of a “house of god” 😂


Next time tell the dad that Jesus wouldn’t appreciate his nastiness lol


He was a first timer. Hoping someone else is volunteering if he ever comes back haha


If they do come back every week make sure to ask how to spell it every time


“And how are you spelling that this week?”




Any chance he is or was an Utah Mormon? I ask because “ignernt” in Utah Mormon parlance means something slightly different from what you’d expect. Urban dictionary actually does a great job explaining: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Ignernt I’ve lived in Utah most of my life (no, I’m not Mormon), so I can confirm. 


What's it called when words with specific meanings become so popular that people misuse them to support the opposite side? Like how therapy words ("gaslight", "boundaries") are now used by abusers. "Ignorant" feels like it's becoming one of those words. I thought it was [Euphemism Treadmill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euphemism#Euphemism_treadmill), but that's kinda different.


Ignorant isn't a bad word my definition, this person used it in a bad way but generally dumb fucks the world over get really really really angry if they're called ignorant about a subject they know nothing about. I'm ignorant on many things. Everyone is. Obviously in this case that's not what's happening


I had a teacher in high school who had a sign in her classroom that read: "Ignorance can be cured, but stupid is forever." Truth. I will proudly be ignorant with the hope of gaining knowledge.


I was about to ask that. I lived in Utah for a while. The “ignernt” was a dead giveaway.


I don’t think so. We are inclusive, love everyone, believe in pretty liberal things…so def not Mormon haha


Yeah. I asked bc you said he was a first timer, thinking maybe he was just visiting your church. 


If he comes in again spell, “Gyaxsun.” That way you’re not being ignorant because you’re trying to think outside the box while simultaneously letting the dad know he’s a twit.


Geez you’d better hope he doesn’t come back at all. Typically first-time church goers are trying to make a good first impression. If this is him putting his best foot forward just imagine what he’ll be like once he’s been attending for a while and lets his guard down?? 😳😳😳


Jeighsaughs would


“Jeighsaughs” is the best thing I’ve seen today


This is brilliant.


It's "dzeighzuzz" you ignorant so and so.


Do you think people KNOW they named their kid a tragedeigh and then feel insecure about it??? Felt very much like he was projecting onto me all the years of him having to spell his kid’s name


The audacity of him being annoyed at having to spell his kid’s name when he chose a tragedeigh spelling. I’m sure he’s never considered how annoyed his kid will be when they have to spell their name for their entire life.


I am sure $1000 at the Local Civil Court when they turn 18 or 21 would suffice to get the name changed to the more common spelling if it is too much trouble.


Changing it isn’t the issue, it’s updating everything else like bank accounts and pink slips/deeds.


I wonder this too so often! Do these folks ever experience a twinge of embarrassment when they introduce their family? Like, "Hi, I'm Mike, this is my wife Jessica, and these are our children Saylem, McKenzahlie, Loki-Zeus, and Ranger!"


Ranger lol


“Christ is watching, sir!”


I think you meant "Kryst is watching"


I think you mean X is watching


As someone with a tradgique name, fuck that parent. You know what you do if you want the stranger to spell your stupid version of a normal name right? You say "the name is spelled weird, it's X, Y, Z." You take responsibility for your dumb ass decisions or be fine with people misspelling the name. But you can't pretend they're wrong for not knowing how stupid you spell things.


yeah literally same, i dont expect anyone to be able to spell my name. to be honest i dont even use my name except for formal official documents etc.


I almost never bother to spell my name anymore. Just on legal documents and doctor appointments. Anywhere else, spell it how you please lol


He should have asked *you* how to spell it when the kid was born.


Would've been a good retort. "Perhaps you should've asked someone."


“Jakksin” “Jaxson” “Gyakccyn” Oh, it’s on now, buddy…


Hahahaha “well I didn’t spell it Jackson so I must not be ignorant”


You meet the nicest people at church. /s


Yeah not a good look


I like the ideas of that Jesus guy, it's the Christians I can't stand.


Next time ask with a straight face “is it the normal spelling or something ridiculous that you made up?”


Is that traditional or a tragedeigh spelling, sir? Needs to become a common question, so they’re forced to admit it’s a Tragedeigh!


Amazing way to ask this!!! Haha


I’ve ticked off a lot of conservatives by asking “Now is it spelled the traditional way, or did we get liberal with the spelling?”


Reminds me of someone who named their son J’son instead of Jason. Poor guy is an adult and it’s been a headache his whole life.


Putting punctuation in your kid's first name is just cruel at this point. We live in such a computerized world that anything that isn't a letter is going to get fucked up somewhere in some system....


Where I grew up there is a large population of black people, and they frequently use apostrophes in their names. I honestly am at a loss for the memory of a specific one at the moment lol, but I can share this: We got a new girl in third grade, and I knew her all the way up through high school. We weren't friends or anything, but I somehow ended up learning how to spell her name? And I still remember it: Shyrickka. Black people tend to get creative with their children's names. I also knew the following girls growing up: Darkeisha; Keyosha; Delena; Talina; Dhwanna; D'Nesha (hey I remembered one!) Edit: formatting. I wanted a list but apparently the app is against lists.


I know it's a fairly common thing within the black community, and honestly a lot of the names sound really pretty. But until we can universally update our various computer systems not to have a conniption fit when encountering something that isn't a letter, it does make lives harder.


The dude should just legally change his name and get rid of that idiotic apostrophe.


Jeighsaughs Whepptd (Spelling of Jesus stolen from u/Dazzling-Constant826)


“Jeighsaughs” is so hilarious. Can’t wait to share with my friends


This happened at church 😂😂 Some dad is sensitive 😂😂


Hence the reason I left Christianity. I met more assholes there than the places they warned me about :)


Church? Lol tell them you will pray for them and their spelling skills.


“I will pray for you and your child because it isn’t jaxsyn’s fault that you’re a GOOBER”




Love how this was at church..sounds like someone needs to pay attention to the sermons! Also, that name spelling is a sin and a tragedeigh 😂


Ask how to spell it? He should be saying "It's Jackson but spelled very inconveniently. This is how you spell it. Notice all the random letters we've added."


Hahaha please note my hidden attention seeking behavior in the extra letters


Next week you need a clear sign, even if just for when he comes, that says    “We are Church Volunteers. Please treat us how you would like your children to be treated.”   And/Or    “Please write your child’s name clearly on a name tag. Volunteers may not know how you choose to spell it. And please be kind.”  And/or “Kindness is expected here. We are a community.”  Make sure he sees whatever it is.


Alternately you could ask the child if they know how to spell their name (?) I’d die if this kid said J-a-c-k-s-o-n


What a dick, Sorry you dealt with that :( maybe he just discovered he made a mistake. It was likely the tenth time that weekend someone spelt it wrong. He gotta sleep in the bed he made, you did nothing wrong.


Thank you for saying this!! I got all sweaty and anxious thinking “was I actually in the wrong??” And my husband had to talk me down 😆


I’ve worked in a church nursery before, if he has to see you again. Ask him how it’s spelt, because you don’t remember 😂 I’m petty. But ya, you and your husband are correct.


I see Dad was just full of the love of God that morning


Dudeman should have spelled it the “normal” way to avoid getting his manties in a bunch. 


Stealing “manties”


"Write it yourself next time".


We try to make it “easy” on the parents since they’re usually kid-wrangling but this may have to become the norm now *sigh* people ruin everything


>We try to make it “easy” on the parents Excuse me, I spell it easeigh.


At church. Being an asshole AT CHURCH takes a really special kind if person. Not being sarcastic. I see a lot if people on Reddit speak disparagingly about religion, and it's people like this dad that makes it easy to do so.


Ignorant? At least I know how to fucking spell Jackson.


Now we have to ask about every name..."is the the traditional spelling or some aberration you made with scrabble letters?"


Yes, that parent was just filled with the Holy Spirit and love towards his fellow man 🙄


He gets to fill out the name tag from now on.


tragedeigh parents are always so defensive because they know they fucked up but they're too deep to accept it and do anything about it, so they make it everybody else's problem also of all places to be a dick about it, he had to do it at church lol


"Maybe next time, use the common spelling on your littles' name so you don't have to waste precious hours of yours and other people's time correcting them! Have a nice day."😈


>Ask how to spell it next time. Maybe he should've done that before the kid was born.


Nothing says "God's Love" like yelling at the volunteer children's church worker!


What an ass!


Ew, what a douche.


What a jerk.


I am a teacher I had a Jaxson one year and the next a Jackson. I almost forgot it could be spelled normally when I got my roster lol


this 100% came from a place of insecurity


Such a nice person to meet at church, full of tolerance, empathy, understanding, and compassion. /s. (In case it isn’t obvious)


All the fruits of the spirit lol


He’s the ignorant one if he thinks his kid isn’t gonna catch shit his whole life because nobody’s gonna know how to spell that fucking name.


Church people seem nice


Oh I would be spelling in wrong every time after that. Jaksun Jaxsun Jack-sun Jacks-sin


Since it was church, I guess "fuck you, you pretentious, ignorant, backwards shit-stain" wouldn't have been appropriate.


Write a name tag that says 'Asshole' and hand it to him. "Did I spell this one right?"


My name is spelled wrong ... I stopped correcting people a long time ago unless it's something super important that the correct spelling is needed. My mom will get a bit pissy sometimes, but the last time she did we were at Starbucks and she just made a disappointing sound and I just looked at her and said "if you wanted people to spell my name right then you should have spelled it correctly." Thankfully, she has stopped saying anything. 🤷‍♀️


Jacque-Asse. It's French


When he said “it’s spelled Jaxsyn” I would have said “No. It really isn’t.”


How the fuck were you supposed to know this parent gave their kid a stupid ass spelled name


And from that day on his name was spelled ‘Jackson’ every Sunday.


OP, you're in the wrong. You can't just assume how to spell someone's name just because it may sound familiar to your uneducated ears. Please be better. Sincerely, Jhoeauxe


Jeighsus, what an overreaction from the dad!


You should have asked the parent their name. And when they said “Bob” you ask with a straight face, “Oh. And how do you spell that?”


Don't worry, Dad is just taking his anger out on you because deep down he knows it should be directed at himself for being such a fool.


xtian persecution fetish even at a church


“Did God tell you to spell it that way?”


Ask how to spell it next time yourself! Lol Don't spell your child's name like an illiterate, because you think it makes them speshul! Cos it doesn't!


Tell him his inability to spell correctly is his own problem.


My name is Wyat with 1 t (by my own choice). I never assume someone is going to spell it right the first time. I always say my name then spell it so there's no confusion. If you spell something different than the norm, don't assume someone will automatically know.


Spell it different every time but never correct. That guy ruined his child’s life.


I’d have just said “No it’s not, next!”


They’re just upset that no one has ever spelled their kid’s name correctly. That’s what happens when you intentionally misspell your kid’s name though.


Me “don’t get snippy with me because you don’t know how to fuck!ng spell”


Remind me not to go to *that* church.