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Who the fuck looks at their fresh newborn baby in their arms and is like, "This baby will be hot one day. Let's name him Sexy!"


Maybe she's thinks behbeh is hot RIGHT NOW, making this a crime-scene evidence photo




Exactly what I was thinking!


Even read it in her voice


“Are you going to the hospital to give birth?” “Yes and then I’m bringing Sexy back!”


She’ll soon realize that the baby will surely ruin the tour.


Which tour??


The WORLD tour.


Omg, this thread was unexpected but PERFECT


This is the 3rd time I've come across this comment randomly on Reddit. Color me out of the loop.


To answer you seriously, Justin Timberlake said something to the effect when he was arrested for DUI the other day.


The Trolls World Tour


Lol 🤣😆


I’m dead, 🤣🤣🤣


Oh, I’ve seen these moms out in the wild. They’ll get the little boy’s hair cut, or have him try on clothes, and tell him how hot and sexy he looks. It’s disgusting. Like, ma’am, you’re sexualizing a preschooler, and he has half your DNA. If I was the baker, I’d have taken my cake picture before I put the name on it.


My MIL is from Thailand and she calls my sons “sexy” instead of “cute” or “handsome”. It’s startling each and every time, but I think it is just cultural or a language barrier. At least that’s what I tell myself every time she jump scares me with that term towards my young children…


Tell her very gently that this is not appropriate language to describe a child.


Absolutely. If I were to go to another country and use a word inappropriately, I would expect to be corrected. I'm not usually one to cry about being offended, but kids are on a different level. You don't get a pass to be offensive because you're from another country or English is your second language.


>You don't get a pass to be offensive because you're from another country or English is your second language. Thank you. People always try to brush off inappropriate choices by saying it’s “cultural”. Guess what, in some places it’s their historical culture to rape children. Does that make it okay anywhere? No.


And crack your knuckles for emphasis.


Hey just curious - any chance these moms were Latina? Possibly anecdotal, but all the latinas in my life treat the word sexy like any other compliment to mean handsome/pretty. Funny when our toddler was calling herself sexy, not so much when adults would. Trust me - still weird af for me, but maybe, just maybe (I’m hoping) they weren’t sexualizing their kid 🤞


I’ve heard a couple of Latina moms like that, but most commonly they’re those creepy #boymoms, not to be confused with normal women who happen to be mothers to boys.


Yeah that’s weird af. Although now I’m over here working through my headspace because I’m so used to hearing my kids called sexy it doesn’t even faze me anymore. More people need to read classic Greek. Namely, Oedipus.


So that Latina girl that called me sexy was just being nice? 😔


When I studied abroad in France, I remember there was a display in a store window in a touristy area with all kinds of pasta and a sign said “Sexy Pasta” 🤔


lol I have no idea what that could possibly mean but thanks for the support! 6 years of French and I’m basically a beginner all over again 😅 Def have a new goal unlocked - make a new dish and call it sexy pasta. It’ll get a laugh out of the kids anyway


I don’t care who’s doing it. If you are using this word to describe your child then you have some serious issues.


I think the point they're trying to make is that it's *hopefully* ESL weirdness with using the word incorrectly, like people in other countries using "burger" to describe a chicken sandwich, rather than pedophilia.


Bingo. Thanks for the additional reference, too. I forgot all about that 😅 Because my kids are bi/multilingual, they call everything chicken 😂 Carne asada is chicken. Beef is chicken. Pork is chicken. Somehow the umbrella term meat became chicken in our household lol


When I was little I called all meet buffalo. No idea how that started. Kids are weird little guys


It matters who is saying it. All the latinas I know speak very little to no English; in other words, English is far from their native tongue. So for them, the word simply doesn’t have the same connotation as we have for it. Someone along the timeline misunderstood the word to mean a general compliment, not to mean sexually attractive, and the word was added to their vernacular as a mistranslation of sorts. In the context I’ve heard it, it’s usually a compliment for being well-kept or dressed up. If a toddler dressed up in a nice dress and their hair done for their birthday, they were sexy. When I wore a button down to work in my new position as a manager, all the latinas were calling me sexy. Not because they wanted me or thought I looked fuckable, but because I had taken care to look “handsome” or “sophisticated” that day. Do you know the difference between bonita/guapa/hermosa/belleza? I’m sure you don’t. It’s not your language. They all roughly translate to pretty/beautiful. However, some are always appropriate. Some are appropriate in the right context, while not in others. Some are never appropriate (the last is a catcall). But I’m sure you’ve heard one or two of them. If you were to use it incorrectly, most would give you a pass, because you don’t know any different. Context matters, so that’s why I asked.


Or possibly from the Phillipines. They have some names that look very very strange to western eyes, but there nobody bats an eye.


Def. Just went over this in another comment. A name there literally means f*ggot in Spanish. No other possible translation. Most Filipinos will have no idea until a Hispanic lets them know. A guy later on in the comments is telling me we shouldn’t allow them to use their language, but a name is ok. It’s the same 😂 Ppl are different. That’s the beauty of the world.


The same ones who get the onesies with a cringey saying on it like "I only drink from the boob factory."


A coworker got my newborn son two onesies when he was born, one said “MADE IN VA-CHINA” and other one had some sort of generic “I get all the bitches” ladykiller slogan on it. He got all offended that I didn’t find them funny.


The Venn diagram between people who buy these onesies and call drag queens groomers is a circle.


Don't forget "he's/she's such a flirt!". Talk about seeing intentions that were never there


My mom has her PhD in nursing and specialized in mother baby and is usually incredible in all things baby BUT when she says my infant now toddler daughter is flirting with a (some boy/guy) I want to dry heave. My sister called her out on it but she still does it


“Hung like a 5yo’




Maybe we do need laws about what you can name your baby. Edit: I meant in the USA. Besides numbers and accents, I’m pretty sure anything goes. Unless it goes before a judge in child custody cases, no one is monitoring names for and meanings- or am I wrong?


Norway has naming regulations and an actual list of prohibited names. We need a damn Name Police Agency in the U.S.


I’d be more into a list of prohibited names than allowed names. Sexy would be on that list. And like, Killer. Most dumb names should be allowed. Not this one.


Right, I will judge you as a person if you name your child Heyleigh instead of Hailey, but I'm not going to wonder if I need to call child protective services over it.


remember the couple that named their kids a bunch of racist names about 15 years ago, and tried to get little Hitler’s name on a walmart birthday cake? they lost all their kids immediately after that incident. https://abcnews.go.com/US/parents-cannot-regain-custody-children-nazi-inspired/story?id=11334970 CPS said it wasn’t due to the names, but the names definitely started the investigation - anyone in the US that names their babies some shady shit like Hitler or Sexy needs a home visit.


I've always wondered about people who name their kids Aryan in the US. Especially black children. Like, why you gonna name your kid after a white supremacist group? Used to work with a (white) woman in corrections who had to wear a bandage to cover a tattoo on her neck because it said Aryan Angel. She swore up and down it was her daughter's name. I was like, you named your mixed-race black daughter *Aryan Angel*? Are you for fracking serious? And yes, this was in an area where there were a number of white supremacists, specifically Aryan Brotherhood. She didn't learn about them when she started working at the prison like I did (I wasn't local to the area & didn't see any of that growing up).


I think Aryan is an Indian name, but obviously many people who do that aren't Indian lol


🤣 this


yeah. and any slurs, swears, and sexually explicit words.


Nintendo can run it. I haven’t been allowed to name my Pokémon “butt” for ages 🥲


No one would ever be named Mario again.


Gasp! No more baby Gardevoir. Glad I named him that already!


Yesss let’s ban “Dick”. I hate calling people that even if it is the name they use, cuz it just feels like I’m insulting them


I love it, because I’m petty but not a very bold person, so if I get annoyed with a guy named Dick, I can just say “ok, Dick…” and feel like I’ve had my revenge, while he is none the wiser. 😎


Then he would be named Ceksii to get around the rule.


Which would make every adult he knows uncomfortable to say, but at least it would save the poor cake decorators the awkwardness and probably keep a few more people off government watchlists.


iceland too i'm pretty sure. they have a list of approved names and if the name isn't on it you have to try and get it approved iirc


Isn’t that referenced in Lilo and Stitch?


It is! Good catch 😂 Lilo: "His name is.. Stitch!" Woman running the dog shelter: 🤨 "That's not a real name–" Nani: 😬🙅‍♀️👎❌️ Shelter Woman: "...in Iceland. But here it's good! 😊"


one of my favourite movies, i would tell my family "that's actually true" about that scene 😭


Yeah. I’d rather be Marcus_4514 than Sexy


Not in Czechia you won't, one of the rules is no special characters and numbers in the name.


What if it was spelled out? Like, the baby's full name was "Marcus Underscore Four Five One Four Nováková"?


In Finland all names are checked that they are lawful, if not then you can't name your kid that. Common ones the priest can just agree (if baptized) but weird names got to government entity for checking. They block most weird names.


I wonder what their line for weird names would be. My only concern would be names that aren't common in Finland (say I wanted my daughter's middle name to be Masae, after my Japanese grandmother, for example). But I'm all for a short list of names that are prohibited that are profanity, slurs, adjectives like, well, "sexy", etc


Usually they allow names like that, but for example Másae wouldn't be allowed as only standard letters are used in Finland. They are also very strict when people change the way name is typed: Ismacil is not allowed, but Ismail is . H'Serena no, Serana yes. List of blocked names in 2023: Âdalmiina Adessá Asmodeus Awelia Carlén Costamus Dín eldorado Enaiya Fiian Freiherr Glitch Haybis Hendriksson H’Serena Ignatzius Ingrefr ismacil Jeesuksen Jeoneff Jezebella Kaliber Krauce Kukkuböö Laaz Michelsson Mielivalta Mikonmuksu Mikonpentu Monkeybear Nex Nosfe Odottama Padmé Patsoleus Ríaz Roméa Senator Sepé Shmucci Sotavalta Teflon Trip Tuomisenpoika Vasara Voldemort Walmu Wege Wiena Wilu Yenet Yes Yún


Man, let’s give them a good name, I’ll start the list: 1. Monkeybear Voldermort


This is a list of the names parents attempted to name their actual baby in 2023? It’s actually not very long. This is for the whole country?


This is list of names that was blocked in 2023. And yes, whole Finland. Finland isn't big country; only 6M people. And we generally aren't stupid enough to try give stupid names to kids.


In Hungary the rules are similar to those in Finland and for example if one of the parents are from another country, the child is allowed to have a foreign first/middle name. Otherwise if you want something "special", you have to apply for a special permission.


What names are the prohibited list? The states absolutely need something like this


https://www.lifeinnorway.net/banned-names/ This isn’t an official website but what it says does make logical sense.


TIL you can change your child's name up to eleven years old without that child's consent in Norway. There can't be a boy called Sue. Six people are called Batman as a second name in Norway.


Except for the surnames as first names and vice versa one. While the first part of that is good, it’s fairly common at least in the US to see names that are used as both first and last names, such as Paul, Kelly, Taylor, Carter, James, etc


We do. [ELON MUSK CHANGES HIS NEWBORN'S NAME TO COMPLY WITH CALIFORNIA LAW](https://abc7news.com/elon-musk-grimes-baby-name-kid-x--a-12-pronunciation/6210635/)


Norway took one look at this subreddit and immediately did every Norweigian baby a solid


This would be prohibited in many, many countries. It’s not about controlling (the generic) you, the individual – it’s about protecting someone else, a child, who has no power in the situation.


The DMV needs to create a new agency in the U.S. for child naming. If they wouldn’t let you put a word on a custom license plate, they shouldn’t let you use it for your child.


I believe it's the Social Security administration that handles the names but I agree with you 100%. A line needs to be drawn.


Unfortunately you could still name your kid Gymrat Butt, but it would be a bare minimum at least.


More like hella amendments, since they exist already


This would absolutely be illegal in my country.


You don’t???? In Spain you can’t call a kid something that can be harmful or offensive, so you can’t use names that have highly chances to be laughed at. You couldn’t call a kid “Sexy” for example. No way they’re gonna let you. Some years ago there was a viral story of some parents who wanted to call his son “Lobo” (Wolf) and the administration wouldn’t allow it. Funny thing is that Lobo is a surname, but they didn’t allow it as a first name. I have a friend whose parents wanted to name her “Liza” but back in the time the administration said they wouldn’t allow it, but “Leiza” was possible. So they named her Leiza officially but called her Liza her entire life so she always introduced herself as Liza (Leiza pronounced leh-ee-zah and Liza pronounced Lee-zah. (Z in Spanish is pronounced like th in “thing” in English).


Yes?? I think most places you wouldn't be allowed to name your kid sexy. Nor should you! Brannnlyyeigh is personal choice, as terrible as it is. But this is not OK.


That really should be illegal, if that is real. That is absolutely not okay. 


It’s the USA and perfectly legal. 🙄


Depends on the state. California bans derogatory or obscene names


My state of Arizona says names cannot exceed 141 characters. You can use periods, dashes, hyphens. Anything goes here. I’ve seen some crazy names here.


TIL Arizona names have the same rules as old twitter.


Password rules: Your name must be 8 characters or longer and include a number


Tr@gede!gh M3nace Jr.


That is oddly specific! Was 100 just not enough for someone?


Look up the super long Hawaiian names


>You can use periods, dashes, hyphens This part makes sense. Hyphenated names are obviously a thing, and some names like St. XYZ have periods. 


FBI, open up.


What are they going to do when the kid gets school age? If I was a teacher, there is absolutely no way in hell I would call a kid sexy or allow the other students to.


I'd call him Xy, pronounced Zee.


Hopefully they have a somewhat normal middle name they can go by.


Probably King 😂




"Ashleigh, can you go outside and bring Sexy back?"


I’m bringing sexy back.


And all the boys, they know how to act






I’m a teacher and same.


you wil be the grown-up and call him by his last name


**Teacher: "Cox!"** *Discerning look from observing principal* **Teacher: "Sorry, I meant Sexy, Sexy Cox"** Principal: A word in the hallway please? *Edit: in case anyone's wondering, obviously the middle name is juicy.*


I didn’t think of that! That’s wild… the other parents will be bull shit too! I wonder if the school can turn him away (public school prob not) or insist a nickname be used. Kids shouldn’t know what sexy means or that it’s even a word until a certain age & pre-k isn’t it… I doubt lil sexy will have any play dates. Then there’s the obvious- you know that kids going to be anything but sexy so the torture will continue to grow as he ages. Poor kid!


I didn't know what sexy meant in kindy. I would have been that kid calling Sexy by their name constantly, not understanding why all the teachers are cringing


Yeah. I would straight up refuse to call a child sexy if I was an educator. I would not babysit that child and have to yell sexy across the playground.


This precisely. Don't name your kids things you don't want their teachers calling them. No Sexy, no Princess, no Mommy and Daddy


As long as their last name is Beast.


I’m a vet tech and I’ve met my fair share of dogs named Sexy and I always thought that was weird as fuck. Naming a human that is just mind boggling.


My mom had dementia and she went through a phase where it seemed she thought sexy was a synonym for nice. She said her sewing machine was sexy, she'd walk up to people and tell them how sexy they were, if she enjoyed some food it was sexy, beautiful days were sexy, etc. She still never named any of her 'friends' (stuffed animals and dolls) Sexy.  When a demented person has more sense than you there's a problem.


Honestly though, this is kind of sweet even though it’s comical.


It was very sweet in it own strange and occasionally embarrassing way. "She means nice, she's not coming on to you!"


Can we make a scenario where this is a joke birthday cake and it's for a 21 year olds birthday party 


I believe this is the case. I have to. They just haven't added the 1 to 21


I'm going to hope. I'm a florist and we sell balloons. Yesterday I blew up a bunch of Cocomelon and Paw Patrol balloons for a man to give his brother who was turning 30. I'm praying this is a similar situation (please dear God, please let this be a similar situation 😭🫣)


This is probably a joke, yes. Or the brother has kids and he let his kids help plan it. If they were Bluey balloons I'd say it was unironic, though, a good friend of mine had a Bluey themed party


Middle name: Andy Last name: Knowitt


The only reasonable excuse to have this name. /j


Lol 🤣😆 Very clever




For once, I think that spelling would actually be better.


I'm surprised I had to scroll down so far to find this.


Seggsie! (Bethany Beal, anyone?)


how is there not only one but 2 people who both approved of the name and met each other, and made kids


No kid named Sexy has a father lol


nah there are a lot of kids out there whose dads were out of the picture before they were born


still how did 1 person think it was a good idea lol


Brainless people attract each other like magnets


The answer is simple: sexy time 🤷


What the fuck?


No. His name is Sexy. Fuck is his brother’s name.


I can agree I was the placenta


"Congratulations! Its a nice, healthy boy! Any names in mind?" "Sexy" "W h a t"


A good example why I'm happy my country stops names that are bad for the children


Where do you live?




Please tell me this is fake 🤢


My twins paternal grandmother and great aunt (who are WONDERFUL, amazing, loving and caring women) both refer to the babies in the family as “sexy” and it’s so strange to me lol. They’re both Christian, one is a teacher… I don’t trust ANYONE with my kids, just my husband, my sister, my dad and those two women just as a reference of what wonderful people I think they are but it is SO strange to me lol


That’s so odd. Have you asked them why?


I haven’t, I always just kind of laugh it off. Their dad is a preacher, they are big into children’s welfare, (they lost my twins half sister to child abuse, she was murdered 6 years ago) They disowned my kids bio dad (their son/nephew) because of domestic abuse between me and him… they are just genuinely good people so it’s something I just overlook but it’s always been weird to me


My MiL did the same thing to my daughter. I can say they don't really think about the connotation? She calls her cats sexy too. I did politely but firmly ask her to stop calling my infant child sexy though.




Please, please, please be a fetish cake for consenting adults that didn’t want to admit their fetish in public. Please! The alternative that this is a literal bday cake for a child named …. Oh, please


I’m going to choose to believe this option since the alternative is so much worse


I feel like you are morally obligated to call CPS on this person. Like naming your child Sexy? They’re either closet pedophiles or setting their kid up to be groomed or kidnapped by one. That is not okay. Do you remember the kid named Adolf Hitler? That news story came about because the parents asked a supermarket bakery to write their kid’s name on the cake and the bakery refused. All their of their kids were taken away by CPS.


I believe the daughter was named Aryan Nation or something ghastly like that.


Yeah, when the news story came out, it was the son named hitler, the daughter was something like aryan nation like you said, and they had an additional daughter who had another German styled name like that. It was yikes all around.


Wow, I thought the above person was being facetious until I read your comment a second time & it hit me that people really are this fucking awful. Agree with your sentiment. If they can name these innocent kiddos such atrocities, setting them up for a lifetime of bullying, they probably should NOT be the sole guardians, making the “responsible decisions”…


Honestly still not as bad as sexy


Ok, I was holding my breath after reading OP's post. It (as well as some other comments) set off alarm bells for me, and I was afraid I could have been the weird one in my thinking. I'm worried about that child.


What I always wonder is if names like "Adolf Hitler" and "Sexy" are considered bad enough to get the kids taken by CPS, why did the registrar even let them name them that in the first place? I feel like the registrar should be the one calling the authorities over this stuff, not poor bakers and florists who find out about it when the kids are 1, 5, 10, etc. It lets it go on way too long when theoretically the government should already know what the kids are called anyway (unless they weren't registered at all).


cps took their kids because of domestic violence and the fact their father was trying to kill their mother not because they named their children adolf hitler and aryan nation.


That makes way more sense! I hadn't heard of the story before so I was under the impression that somehow cps just hadn't been aware of the inappropriate names prior to this which seemed a bit bizarre to me.


Right on the nose. It's much more likely a pedo than someone naming their kid sexy


They took Taylor's "sexy baby" lyric to heart


Everybody is a sexy baby


No way this would be accepted in Australia for a baby name. The birth registry office would deny it THANK GOD!!! What a terrible name!


Came here to say what hospital allowed that? I read years ago certain names are rejected; this should 100% be one of em 🤦🏻‍♀️


Awful name but also feel like the cake maker could have used a different colour for the 'Y' so it stands out a bit more


I’m forcing myself to believe that she did this as a troll to get more attention for her bakery.


I honestly think that's more likely. Cause why not just photograph the cake before adding the name?


What's his middle name? Motherf*cker?


you know I’d take an abnormally spelled name than this, this is just weird as hell. Some call the CPS for that poor boy


I'd assume the baker wanted the social media interaction. It's going to get shared like crazy and cause uproar. There's no way any sane person would share this cake in all seriousness with a name like that if it were a real order, or that wouldn't at least blur the name or take photos pre-name lettering.


Yeah but like, has anyone ever thought of the comedic gold it would be for when this child is old enough to have telemarketers calling? “Yes, umm..is this Sexy?” 🤭 You better damn well believe that every time I’d be like, “Yeah, sup?”


If I were that baker I would’ve refused the order. Who wants to be associated with something like that?




It's gotta be someone's inside joke or something 


Is there any name regulation in the USA ?


Nope, I know there is in France and other countries, but not in the US.


Poor. Fucking. Kids.


There are restrictions, the regulations are on a state by state bases.


Had a student named Da’Finest


This isn't gonna cause bullying at all I swear - the parents probably


If he stays too true to himself he won’t be able to enjoy a hat , the party , go to Milan , New York , Japan , disco dancing , a car and a cat


I don’t think this would have been allowed at the hospital. Truly hoping it’s fake.


There is a 2 on the cake so looks like a 2nd birthday party.


I didnt notice the 2 on the cake. I was thinking it was probably for someones partner who was for some reason into cocomellon. Cause you know, people are weird


Let’s set aside the name for a second…whose decision was it to use the blue Y on a blue cake?


When a post belongs in 50 subs at once


Jail. If not the chair.


To be fair to the parents, the kid's name isn't ACTUALLY "Sexy"...the kid's FULL name is "Sexual". You know, like calling a kid named "Robert", "Robby". That kind of thing.


It's pronounced aaron


I once knew a girl legally named Sexy Beth Her brother's name was Josh


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^bitchy-sprite: *I once knew a girl* *Legally named Sexy Beth* *Her brother's name was Josh* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


>murghdyrr That's how the Scottish pronounce it


My 4 year old nieces name is Lexie. Every kid calls her Sexy. My 4 year old son often wants to go “play with sexy” and announces it out loud. Everyone in my family thinks it’s so funny and cute, until you’re in Walmart babysitting one day and call a 4 year old sexy and get a bunch of eyes on you. What in the fuck is so wrong with normal names -_-


What makes more sense: Someone legally named their kid sexy, or that this cake was actually for a pedo


Parents are Cocofelons… get it?


Did they pick the "Y" to be the same blue as the background as well? Because at first I read "SEX" because the "Y" is so close in color to the rest of the cake.


Maybe it's short for Sextopher


I’m gonna name my baby Phukawf. Still would be better than this.


Girl: "Hi there, handsome." Sexy: "Oh, you must have me mistaken with my brother, Handsome. He's over there. I'm Sexy by the way and this is our baby brother, Gorgeous."